Statistic Wilbraham Massachusetts National
Population 3,251 6,949,503 328,239,523
Population density (sq mi) 581 894 91
Median age 50.1 39.4 37.7
Male/Female ratio 0.9:1 0.9:1 1.0:1
Married (15yrs & older) 63% 53% 55%
Families w/ Kids under 18 46% 43% 43%
Speak English 91% 77% 79%
Speak Spanish 1% 9% 13%

Overview of Wilbraham Demographics

The population in Wilbraham is 3,251, while the population density is 581 people per square mile, contrasting with the national average of 91. The median age stands at 50.1, with 63% of individuals aged 15 or older being married and 46% having children under 18. In terms of household income equality in Wilbraham, 30% of households report a median income below $25,000, while 40% report an income exceeding $150,000. The Wilbraham demographics data can provide invaluable insight into the composition, dynamics and needs of urban and rural areas, enabling planners, developers and policymakers to strategize effectively for the promotion of prosperity, equity and well-being for all residents in the area.

Wilbraham Racial Demographics & Ethnicity

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Wilbraham are 95.2% White, 1.5% Black or African American, 2.2% Asian, 0% American Indian and 0% Native Hawaiian, with 2.4% of the population identifying as Hispanic or Latino. Of note, 90.9% of households reported speaking English only, while 1.3% reported speaking Spanish only. Additionally, 3.1% of residents were classified as foreign-born. The Wilbraham racial demographics and ethnicity breakdown are essential for comprehending and addressing systemic inequities, advancing social justice and inclusion and cultivating resilient communities.

Wilbraham Population Density

Towns, villages or even small cities with below-average population density, like Wilbraham, offer the expectation of a more laid-back lifestyle, deeper immersion in nature, strong community bonds, improved affordability and enhanced safety, drawing individuals seeking respite from the hustle and bustle of urban living. These regions often feature a more affordable cost of living, with housing prices typically more reasonable and residents may enjoy reduced taxes, living expenses and insurance rates. Low population density areas generally boast lower crime rates than densely populated urban areas, fostering a greater sense of safety and security for residents and their families. Wilbraham has a population density of 581 people per square mile, which falls below 50% of cities nationwide, positioning it to leverage these outstanding benefits.

Why are Demographics Important?

Policy Planning: Demographic data and statistics serve as valuable tools for guiding policy and decision-making processes across government entities, organizations, and businesses. Through the analysis and interpretation of Wilbraham demographics, policymakers, government officials and organizational leaders can identify areas requiring attention, allocate resources strategically and develop policies and initiatives that cater to the unique needs and preferences of various demographic groups. Wilbraham demographic statistics can play a critical role in policy planning by informing resource allocation, enabling evidence-based decision-making, identifying priority areas, forecasting future trends, monitoring policy outcomes and fostering equity and inclusivity. By harnessing this data effectively, policymakers can craft policies that are targeted, efficient and equitable, thereby addressing the diverse needs of communities.

Education Allocation: Utilizing census data like Wilbraham demographics can be useful in guiding education planning, as it helps identify student demographics, school enrollment trends and educational needs. This data assists schools and policymakers in allocating resources and devising effective educational programs. It serves as a vital tool for recognizing disparities in educational access and outcomes among various demographic groups, including racial and ethnic minorities, socio-economic status and students with disabilities. By disaggregating data based on demographic factors, education planners can pinpoint areas of inequity and implement targeted interventions to enhance access, support and outcomes for marginalized students. In essence, Wilbraham demographic statistics can play an indispensable role in education by promoting equity, bolstering student success and cultivating inclusive learning environments tailored to meet the needs of all students.

Urban Development: Urban planners could use Wilbraham demographic data to design and create areas that accommodate the needs of residents, including housing, transportation and public services, while promoting sustainability and quality of life. Demographic shifts can contribute to gentrification and neighborhood change in urban or rural areas. As neighborhoods attract new residents with different income levels and lifestyle preferences, property values may rise, leading to displacement of long-time residents and changes in the character and identity of the neighborhood. Understanding population density, age distribution, household size and income levels helps inform decisions related to zoning, transportation infrastructure, housing development and public amenities. Lastly, using Wilbraham demographics for planning and development of affordable housing can help prevent displacement.

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Demographics Quick Facts

  • The population density in Wilbraham is 35% lower than Massachusetts
  • The median age in Wilbraham is 27% higher than Massachusetts
  • In Wilbraham 95.17% of the population is White
  • In Wilbraham 1.51% of the population is Black
  • In Wilbraham 2.15% of the population is Asian

Compare Wilbraham, MA Demographics


      Wilbraham racial demographics

      Race Wilbraham Massachusetts National
      White 95.17% 79.26% 73.35%
      Black 1.51% 7.26% 12.63%
      Asian 2.15% 6.11% 5.22%
      American Indian 0.00% 0.21% 0.82%
      Native Hawaiian 0.00% 0.03% 0.18%
      Mixed race 0.62% 3.01% 3.06%
      Other race 0.55% 4.13% 4.75%
      In Wilbraham, 2.4% of people are of Hispanic or Latino origin.
      Please note: Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in any/all of the applicable race categories above.

      Household income distribution

      Place of birth by citizenship

      Wilbraham age breakdown

      Marital status

      Age of children in married couples

      Source: The Wilbraham, MA demographics data displayed above is derived from the United States Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS).