Largest cities in Vermont

Vermont, known for its picturesque landscapes and strong sense of community, is a state that offers a high quality of life and abundant natural beauty. With a population of approximately 630,000, it ranks as the 49th most populated state in the U.S. Vermont has experienced stable population growth, reflecting its appealing living conditions and economic opportunities. Bordered by Canada to the north, New Hampshire to the east, Massachusetts to the south, and New York to the west, Vermont offers a variety of living environments across its roughly 255 cities and towns.

Living in Vermont provides residents with numerous benefits, including a low cost of living, excellent schools, and abundant natural beauty. The state's low population density allows for spacious living and a slower pace of life, with ample opportunities for outdoor activities and community engagement. Vermont's economy is diverse, with strengths in agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing. The state's stable population growth supports a balanced and sustainable development path. The AreaVibes list of the largest cities in Vermont, is compiled using data from the United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey, highlights Vermont cities by population, showcasing the state's most significant urban centers.

Burlington Population: 42,645 Livability Score: 74
Area Size: 27 KM2 Density (sq mi): 4,139 Med. Household Income: $55,461
South Burlington Population: 19,359 Livability Score: 83
Area Size: 43 KM2 Density (sq mi): 1,178 Med. Household Income: $76,227
Rutland Population: 15,207 Livability Score: 79
Area Size: 20 KM2 Density (sq mi): 2,013 Med. Household Income: $48,182
Essex Junction Population: 10,761 Livability Score: 90
Area Size: 12 KM2 Density (sq mi): 2,355 Med. Household Income: $76,845
Barre Population: 8,590 Livability Score: 59
Area Size: 10 KM2 Density (sq mi): 2,154 Med. Household Income: $42,958
Bennington Population: 8,539 Livability Score: 61
Area Size: 13 KM2 Density (sq mi): 1,769 Med. Household Income: $46,460
Montpelier Population: 7,434 Livability Score: 83
Area Size: 26 KM2 Density (sq mi): 739 Med. Household Income: $65,668
Winooski Population: 7,320 Livability Score: 80
Area Size: 4 KM2 Density (sq mi): 5,301 Med. Household Income: $56,236
Middlebury Population: 6,929 Livability Score: 81
Area Size: 36 KM2 Density (sq mi): 489 Med. Household Income: $61,765
St. Albans Population: 6,796 Livability Score: 68
Area Size: 5 KM2 Density (sq mi): 3,476 Med. Household Income: $51,431

Full list of the largest cities in Vermont

Rank Location Population Area KM2 Median Income Livability Score 
1 Burlington 42,645 27 $55,461 74
2 South Burlington 19,359 43 $76,227 83
3 Rutland 15,207 20 $48,182 79
4 Essex Junction 10,761 12 $76,845 90
5 Barre 8,590 10 $42,958 59
6 Bennington 8,539 13 $46,460 61
7 Montpelier 7,434 26 $65,668 83
8 Winooski 7,320 4 $56,236 80
9 Middlebury 6,929 36 $61,765 81
10 St. Albans 6,796 5 $51,431 68
11 Brattleboro 6,429 11 $36,090 66
12 Shelburne 6,008 2 $85,216 76
13 St. Johnsbury 5,815 33 $40,744 65


To compile the list of the largest cities in Vermont, AreaVibes used census data from the United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS). The American Community Survey releases updated estimates annually, offering a valuable resource for understanding the evolving dynamics within communities. These estimates are crucial for officials, community leaders, businesses, and local residents as they provide insights into demographic, economic, and social changes. By analyzing ACS data, stakeholders can make informed decisions, plan for future developments, and address the needs of their communities effectively. The detailed population information from the ACS helps track trends, allocate resources, and implement policies that enhance the quality of life for all residents.

Map of the population Density by State

  • Well Below nat. avg.
  • Below nat. avg.
  • Similar to nat. avg.
  • Above nat. avg.
  • Well above nat. avg.

The map above serves as an excellent tool for discovering the most and least densely populated states across the United States. By highlighting both the states with the highest and lowest population density, it offers a comprehensive view of the nation's demographic landscape. This visual representation allows users to easily compare different regions, making it a valuable resource for anyone considering relocation or investment opportunities. Living in high density states could give you access to the following benefits: additional economic opportunities, enhanced amenities, improved health care, better infrastructure and technological advancement. Less densely poupulated states on the other hand, often have a lower cost of living, reduced traffic, closer-knit communities, abundant natural spaces and lower crime rates.