Stockton, California, is a city known for its agricultural roots, diverse population, and rich cultural history. Located in the Central Valley, Stockton offers a variety of neighborhoods that cater to different lifestyles, from vibrant urban areas to quiet suburban communities. The city's blend of cultural attractions, historical significance, and community spirit makes it a unique place to live.

  • Good
  • Average
  • Poor

A neighborhood map of Stockton is essential for exploring the city's diverse areas. The map highlights neighborhoods such as Brookside, Lincoln Village, and Weston Ranch, each offering its own unique character and amenities. Whether you are drawn to the family-friendly atmosphere of Brookside, the established charm of Lincoln Village, or the newer developments in Weston Ranch, a Stockton neighborhood map can help you find the perfect place to call home. This resource is particularly valuable for those looking to settle in Stockton.

Best neighborhoods in Stockton

# Hood Population Area (km 2) Livability Score 
1 Spanos Park 7,546 3.97 60
2 Civic Center 14,864 6.21 59
3 Weston Ranch 20,123 6.84 58
4 Brookside 7,098 6.13 56
5 Pacific 44,600 17.14 56

The best Stockton neighborhoods are often determined by factors such as access to amenities, crime rates, cost of living, and school quality. These neighborhoods are known for their high quality of life, offering proximity to parks, shopping, dining, and cultural institutions. The best Stockton neighborhoods attract a diverse population, including families, professionals, and retirees, all drawn by the city's strong community ties and accessibility.

Worst neighborhoods in Stockton

# Hood Population Area (km 2) Livability Score 
1 Park 26,331 26.27 32
2 Seaport 32,392 30.19 37
3 Bear Creek 16,747 8.86 45
4 Country Club 5,705 4.99 46
5 Sherwood Manor 17,435 5.03 47

Some neighborhoods in Stockton may not score as highly on livability scales due to factors like higher crime rates, fewer amenities, or limited access to quality schools. While these areas might be considered some of the worst Stockton neighborhoods, they can still offer unique qualities that may appeal to specific residents. It is important to carefully evaluate these neighborhoods based on your personal needs and lifestyle, as they may still provide advantages depending on your situation.

Largest neighborhoods in Stockton

# Hood Population Area (km 2) Livability Score 
1 Pacific 44,600 17.14 56
2 Valley Oak 36,077 13.53 52
3 Lakeview 32,545 13.22 53
4 Seaport 32,392 30.19 37
5 Park 26,331 26.27 32
6 Weston Ranch 20,123 6.84 58
7 Sherwood Manor 17,435 5.03 47
8 Bear Creek 16,747 8.86 45
9 Civic Center 14,864 6.21 59
10 Lincoln Village West 9,631 3.37 49

Popular Stockton, CA Neighborhoods

California is one of the most popular states to live in. It boasts some of the most beautiful weather year round. Many people associate San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego with California. However, there are many more popular and exciting cities to live in within the great state of California. One popular city, with a population of almost 300,000, is Stockton. Stockton is the county seat of San Joaquin County and is located on the eastern edges of the San Francisco Bay area. The city offers residents many exciting things to see and do. The housing market is fairly stable and there is a large range of options to choose from. Some of the more popular neighborhoods in the city are Brookside, Pacific, and Lakeview.


The Brookside neighborhood is a fairly popular, yet small, neighborhood of around 9,000 people. It is located under three miles from the downtown area of Stockton. This neighborhood offers residents lower crime rates, more employment options, decent schools, and a slightly higher than average housing market. The Brookside Golf and Country Club is one of the main draws to the neighborhood. Nelson Park and Buckley Cove Park are two other popular destinations in the area. There are many different options available for shopping, dining, and entertainment throughout the neighborhood too. Dave Wong's Restaurants, The Habit Burger Grill, and Revo Demin Studio are just a few of the unique spots located in the area.


One of the closest to downtown Stockton neighborhoods is Pacific. This neighborhood is great for lower income individuals and families. There are a ton of housing options and things to do in the Pacific neighborhood. This neighborhood is especially designed for households with residents in school. The University of Pacific is located in the neighborhood, along with a variety of elementary and secondary schools. Oak Park, Hidden Park, Rose Garden, and Caldwell Park offer residents a variety of destinations for various outdoor activities. There are also several fitness centers, stores, and restaurants in the area of Pacific. Unique entertainment options include theatres, galleries, and The Serpentarium. The Pacific neighborhood is one of the largest neighborhoods in Stockton, California with approximately 44,000 residents.


Another largely popular, and thus populated, neighborhood is located two miles from downtown Stockton. This neighborhood is Lakeview and has around 32,000 residents. School choice is one of the top selling points to the Lakeview neighborhood. There are several schools in the area including; Lincoln Elementary, John Adams Elementary, Middle College High School, Stockton Unified School District, and Pacific School. Shopping and dining options are also in abundance in the Lakeview neighborhood. There are a lot of small shops to choose from. There are also larger corporations, such as Baskin Robbins and Hobby Lobby, located in the neighborhood too. Residents have a large variety of options for entertainment and recreational needs in Lakeview. The Delta Casino is located in the neighborhood and one of the most popular destinations. The Emil Seifert Recreational Center, Sherwood Forest Park, and Atherton Park are also popular destinations for various recreational activities.