Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (61) A+
Entertainment (58) A+
Food and Drink (214) A+
Fitness (48) B
Groceries (76) A+
Parks (411) A+
Shops (338) A+
See more St. Paul amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 9.0% take public transportation in St. Paul.
Public Transit Stops (1788)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more St. Paul commute data

cost of living B-

The cost of living in St. Paul is 102/100 - which is 3% higher than Minnesota.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more St. Paul cost of living data

crime F

St. Paul crime rates are 3,714 per 100k, which is 89% higher than Minnesota
Property Crime
3,090 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
624 crimes per 100k
See more St. Paul crime data

employment B

The median income in St. Paul is $59,717 - which is 6% lower than Minnesota.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more St. Paul employment data

health A+

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (99)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more St. Paul health & safety data

housing A+

St. Paul home prices are $217,100 - which is 13% higher than Minnesota
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3.6x (home price to income ratio)
See more St. Paul housing data

schools C

The St. Paul graduation rate is 83% - which is 7% lower than Minnesota
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (138) C-
High Schools (68) A+
See more St. Paul education data

ratings C

St. Paul has an overall rating of 63% from 14 reviews.
User Reviews (3)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (11)
From AreaVibes
See more St. Paul user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of St. Paul, MN
( 14 Ratings )

Living in St. Paul, MN

St. Paul Area Facts

  • St. Paul has a Livability Score of 81/100, which is considered exceptional
  • St. Paul crime rates are 89% higher than the Minnesota average
  • Cost of living in St. Paul is 3% higher than the Minnesota average
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St. Paul Reviews

Write a review about St. Paul Tell people what you like or don't like about St. Paul…
Avoid living here if you can 1 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 14, 2021) As a professional transplanted here, I can tell you unless you are of European ethnicity, "preferably" Scandinavian of some type *and* your were born and raised somewhere in this state, *you will not be accepted here*. Despite the verbiage of citizens who will gladly, and profuse ...Read More ly, tell you how wonderfully "open minded" they are, this place is, in fact, one of the snobbiest, most openly racist, places I have ever lived in. The East Side of the city is home to a number of white supremacist motorcycle gangs, who seem to be encouraged and appear who also appear to have a fair number of law enforcement friends. Nepotism is the rule in government here, and some shady , shady, dealings go on unabated. There is very little to see, or safely do, in St. Paul. Most residents leave the city to outer ring burbs for dining, shopping, and entertainment. The light rail is completely chaotic as there is zero law enforcement to curtail the petty crimes that have evolved into aggressive violent ones. Native Americans, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics are marginalized here. Women are still expected to do all the cooking, cleaning, pop out babies, while additionally bringing home a paycheck. Minnesota is an "at will" employment state meaning you will have *no* job security unless you work at a huge firm or in a union job ( which are scarce). Yes, the lakes are beautiful here. When it isn't 106 humid, mosquito filled degrees, or -27 F with a windchill far below that. Yes, I am looking to leave as soon as I am able. This truly is "fly over" country. Read Less
St. Paul MN - A Pleasantly Surprising Weekend Getaway 3.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 25, 2011) I travelled to St. Paul MN in September 2011 with my husband for a friend's wedding. We stayed at the St. Paul Hotel, which is also where the wedding took place. This was a beautifully restored historic hotel with a great location and delicious on-site restaurants. The hotel rate ...Read More s are a bit on the high end, but worth it for the excellent service received.

Having never been to St. Paul before, we were surprised by the number of things to do. We decided to stay a couple of days after the wedding, and make a long weekend getaway out of it. The Cathedral of St. Paul is breathtaking, a must see when visiting the area, and the church is just as beautiful as some I've visited in Europe. Free guided tours are offered and photography is allowed inside. Other worthwhile attractions to visit are the Minnesota State Capitol, Wabasha Street Caves and Summit Avenue. We also visited the nearby Mall of America, which is a destination within itself, so would be much better appreciated if you had a whole day to spend there at the very least.

The best part about St. Paul is their downtown area, lots of nearby attractions and restaurants all within walking distance and we always felt safe. We ate at the Great Waters Brewing Company one afternoon and the food here is decent and reasonably priced. The best part is their selection of microbrews and we had a fun time sampling their beers. The weather in late September could get a bit chilly in the evenings, but was perfect for walking around and seeing the sites. Overall, St. Paul was a delightful place to spend the weekend, and recommended for both couples and families. Read Less
St. Paul - One of the Fraternal Twin Cities 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 30, 2010) In the four years that I have lived in the Twin Cities, I have come to appreciate just how different St. Paul is. In a state dominated by, in some ways, a monoculture, St. Paul is a true melting pot. Tied together by Catholic identity, it is home to a number of different cultures ...Read More .

The capital city of Minnesota, St. Paul houses one of the country's most beautiful buildings, the Minnesota State Capital. Designed by St. Paul native and architect of the US Supreme Court, Cass Gilbert. It is home to a number of museums, beautiful riverfronts, attractions and amazing restaurants. It holds a number of distinct ethnic neighborhoods with Jewish delis, Italian markets, and Mexican bakeries just short distances away. More than anything else, St. Paul has a feel akin to many East Coast cities where it is a conglomeration of a number of different districts, haphazardly glued together. St. Paul may lack the glitz of Minneapolis, but it has a unique feel that is all its own. Read Less
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St. Paul - One of the Fraternal Twin Cities 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 30, 2010) In the four years that I have lived in the Twin Cities, I have come to appreciate just how different St. Paul is. In a state dominated by, in some ways, a monoculture, St. Paul is a true melting pot. Tied together by Catholic identity, it is home to a number of different cultures ...Read More .

The capital city of Minnesota, St. Paul houses one of the country's most beautiful buildings, the Minnesota State Capital. Designed by St. Paul native and architect of the US Supreme Court, Cass Gilbert. It is home to a number of museums, beautiful riverfronts, attractions and amazing restaurants. It holds a number of distinct ethnic neighborhoods with Jewish delis, Italian markets, and Mexican bakeries just short distances away. More than anything else, St. Paul has a feel akin to many East Coast cities where it is a conglomeration of a number of different districts, haphazardly glued together. St. Paul may lack the glitz of Minneapolis, but it has a unique feel that is all its own. Read Less

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Compare St. Paul, MN Livability


      St. Paul, MN

      Known as the state capital of Minnesota, St. Paul is often referred to as the most livable city in America. With it being one half of the "Twin Cities", St. Paul is home to just over 300,000 people located in the Southeastern portion of the state of Minnesota. With just the right combination of city and suburb, this small-big city is a great option for young professionals. With a beautiful cathedral and a top medical school (University of Minnesota) miles away, St. Paul is a progressive Midwest town for families and individuals alike.

      With the cost of living being relatively low when compared to other large cities, St. Paul also offers various types of public transportation, such as a bus and a light-rail system. St. Paul is booming with opportunities for families, with its location being in a great public education district and a relatively safe community as far as large cities go. Just miles outside of the hub known as downtown St. Paul are safe suburbs to raise families and purchase a home, while still offering a short commute to work in the city. Jobs are decently available in this town, and booming businesses located here are known to employ many in the Twin Cities area. With St. Paul offering many city squares and parks as well as Eastern architecture, many refer to this town as the last city of the East, despite its location in the Midwest. This town built along the Mississippi River is a great hub for businesses and has many midwest company headquarters located here.

      Despite its cold winters, St. Paul offers many opportunities to commute by foot and is a very walking-friendly city. One thing that draws many to the area is its big-city attractions with a small-town feel. With the Mall of America being a short drive away, this city offers shopping and fun opportunities for locals and tourists alike. Whether visiting St. Paul for a work trip or vacation, it has something to offer everyone. In addition to this, St. Paul is a little under a six hour drive to its nearest large neighboring city, Chicago. Flights from nearby Minneapolis St. Paul Airport go to all locations, and have quite a few destinations as a direct-flight option.

      St. Paul is a great capital city for Minnesota, with its location being in the near center of the state, which allows many small surrounding cities to access it easily. St. Paul is a great place to go for young twenty-somethings or college-age students to explore living in a larger city while still in a comfortable and reasonably safe environment. Younger families with parents working in the city will also find St. Paul suitable to both advance their career through many opportunities, as well as being a safe area to raise children.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in St. Paul? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Summit Park
      Cathedral Hill Park
      Capitol Lawn
      Hamm Plaza
      Rice Park
      Western Park
      Pedro Park
      Boyd Park


      Minnesota History Center
      History Theatre
      Xcel Energy Center
      Fitzgerald Theater
      Minnesota Children's Museum
      Palace Theatre
      Minnesota Children's Museum
      Roy Wilkins Auditorium

      Food & Drink

      Mickey's Diner
      The Liffey
      Patrick McGovern's
      Lee's Express
      Afro Deli
      Bruegger's Bagels

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in St. Paul? Of all people who commute, 9.0% take public transportation in St. Paul.
      Drive to Work

      12% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      4% higher than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% higher than the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is St. Paul a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare
      St. Joseph's Hospital
      United Hospital
      Regions Hospital
      United Hospital
      Bethesda Hospital
      Children's Minnesota - St. Paul Clinic


      Como Healthpartners
      CVS Pharmacy
      Triad Isotopes
      Lloyd's Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy


      Parkway Family Physicians
      Heriatage Health Care