Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities F

There are not many amenities close to this location.
Coffee (0) F
Entertainment (1) F
Adventure Coast Fun Park
Theme Park
Beacon Brooksville
Food and Drink (18) F
Evelyn's Cakes and More
Candoons Candy Store
Dunkin' Donuts
Fast Food
Taco Bell
Fast Food
Taste Good Chinese
Fast Food
Fast Food
Fast Food
Dunkin' Donuts
Fast Food
Fast Food
Taco Bell
Fast Food
Fast Food
Fast Food
Fast Food
Fast Food
Burger King
Fast Food
Fitness (0) F
Groceries (7) F
Grocery Store
Grocery Store
Walmart Neighborhood Market
Grocery Store
Grocery Store
Grocery Store
Grocery Store
Grocery Store
Walmart Supercenter
Grocery Store
Parks (8) F
Amity Trails Park
Veterans Memorial Park
Veterans Memorial Park
Delta Woods Park
Delta Woods Park
Anderson Snow Park
Weeki Wachee Springs State Park
Shops (9) F
Convenience Store
Convenience Store
Department Store
Department Store
Convenience Store
Circle K
Convenience Store
Convenience Store
Home Improvement
Circle K
Convenience Store
See more Spring Hill amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 0.4% take public transportation in Spring Hill.
Public Transit Stops (1)
Stops & Stations
route 20
Bus Stop
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Spring Hill commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Spring Hill is 96/100 - which is 2% lower than Florida.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Spring Hill cost of living data

crime D+

Spring Hill crime rates are 2,204 per 100k, which is 22% higher than Florida
Property Crime
1,850 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
354 crimes per 100k
See more Spring Hill crime data

employment D+

The median income in Spring Hill is $52,532 - which is 7% higher than Florida.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Spring Hill employment data

health C-

There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Health & Safety (15)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
CVS Pharmacy
Spring Hill Rescue District
Fire Station
Bayfront Health Spring Hill
Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute
Hernando County Fire Rescue
Fire Station
CVS Pharmacy
Cortez Drugs
Heinecke Family Dentistry
CVS Pharmacy
Hernando County Fire Department Station 11
Fire Station
Hernando County Sheriff's Office District 2
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Spring Hill health & safety data

housing A+

Spring Hill home prices are $162,400 - which is 3% lower than Florida
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3.1x (home price to income ratio)
See more Spring Hill housing data

schools C+

The Spring Hill graduation rate is 81% - which is 2% lower than Florida
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (25) F
Wider Horizons School
Spring Hill Christian Academy
Frank W. Springstead High/Adul
Gulf Coast Middle School
Gulf Coast Academy Of Science And Technology
Pace Center For Girls
John D. Floyd Elementary School
Explorer K-8
Golden Branch Academy
Challenger K-8 School Of Science And Math
Spring Hill Elementary School
Powell Middle School
Suncoast Elementary School
Fox Chapel Middle School
Faith Christian Academy
Deltona Elementary School
High Schools (10) D-
Wider Horizons School
Spring Hill Christian Academy
Frank W. Springstead High School
Golden Branch Academy
Faith Christian Academy
See more Spring Hill education data

ratings D-

Spring Hill has an overall rating of 52% from 26 reviews.
User Reviews (6)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (20)
From AreaVibes
See more Spring Hill user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Spring Hill, FL
( 26 Ratings )

Living in Spring Hill, FL

Spring Hill Area Facts

  • Spring Hill has a Livability Score of 63/100, which is considered average
  • Spring Hill crime rates are 22% higher than the Florida average
  • Cost of living in Spring Hill is 2% lower than the Florida average
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Spring Hill Reviews

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Good place to live 3 rating By Alvpackman ( May 25, 2018) After reading the previous reviews I knew I needed to give mine. I am a 68 year old semi retired active man who just moved to Spring Hill from Green Bay Wisconsin. I moved here because of the climate #1.I wanted to be in a warmer tropical climate.Yes it does get hot and humid h ...Read More ere but it is close to the Gulf and we get the breeze from it. And you learn to adjust your lifestyle to deal with the hot weather.And the mornings and evenings are wonderful.Where I bought my house it is a very nice neighborhood where my neighbors look out for each other. And I would say I got a very good deal in this current “seller’s market”. My house has a screened in ground pool which I love. I am not rich and pretty much would say I am lower middle class. Blue collar!My location is almost perfect. I do not drive far at all to do my shopping. The neighborhood is largely single family homes with no duplex’s or apartment buildings in this relatively large area. Coming from the Midwest one thing I see is that food prices are a bit higher here most likely because of transportation costs. But am looking forward to the farmers markets for fresh fruits and veggies.When I did my research I knew the school system here was about middle of the road. I would recommend sending to private school or home schooling. I would also advise getting your children involved in healthy social groups whether in school, church or the community. Drugs and kids without involved parents go hand in hand across America folks! Your kids need you in their lives! It is the fellow kids your kids hang with that influences getting involved in crime.I am a former school Head Custodian and also a parent. Do not allow your child to have bad friends!On the spiritual side this is Baptist country folks!There are choices though. I prefer non-denominational evangelical fellow believers in Christ where they are active in outreach in the community.You will find if you look.Unless you prefer being a couch potatoe there is plenty to do. With the climate there is no reason not to get outside and be active. Golf, fishing, bicycling, walking, sporting events, bowling, movie theater’s, water sports, volleyball, baseball, tennis are to name just a few. It is up to you to check out what the community has to offer. To get involved use the internet and reach out.Jobs are every where. Just depends on what your interests are of course. Like any where else the highest paying jobs belong to those who are in management or in a position in a trade or having worked there the longest. I would recommend working in a trade as demand is always high and income accordingly.There seems to be a good mixture in Spring Hill of age groups. I do see many young families as well as single adults. Being Florida the elderly make up a greater number here without question. But that also means a continual change in home ownership as they die or move into nursing homes too.Entertainment?Weeki Wachee is here! Very famous water show. Disney World, Busch Gardens, Sea World, Universal Studios and countless others to go see, do and spend your money! I was approached the other day by a stranger who noticed my Wisconsin license plate. He was from “back home” and as we talked he told me a little of the night life in town. There are bars/taverns where you can do karaoke, dance, socialize. And not every one is a drinker as water has become a healthy choice even in a bar!As a home owner there are the usual Home Depot and Lowe’s as well as hardware stores to shop in. Also Rural King for home supply shopping. Another thing I have found here is the city recycling center. You can take your yard waste, unneeded waste oil, chemicals, old paint cans, glass, plastics to get rid of for free as long as you live there. This is in addition to the frequent pickups at your driveway.I have found this to be a friendly city with people who will give you good advice and help. In dealing with people it is important to always treat others as you would want to be treated. Respect, courtesy go a long way in living in a community.Just do not behave like an ass! Read Less
Spring Hill, Florida 5 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 19, 2014) All my life, I have lived in Spring Hil FL and I am not willing to move. Infact, I have traveled to many cities, within Florida, on the North-East corridor, I-75-85-95 all the way to NY. I have also spent some in Gulf cities within the region and across into the Pacific coast. Wh ...Read More ile my stays in these places, have been very short and only for business, it is Spring Hill, FL that I have always wanted to come to and here is why.

A beautiful community oriented city, part of Hernando county,Spring Hill is a very contemporary city. Established in the late 1960's as a planned community, it has grown to a almost 100K, yet it maintains the beauty, the quietness of a small-town. Of course the community is right within driving range of three major cities, Tampa, Orlando and Gainesville, further North.

There is nothing that adds so much value to property and vista, than good access to a beautiful beach. Its proximity to the beach makes it for residents living on the western part of the city.

The reason why its an ideal place for both shopping and attractions. It is simple, to the west of our city, all the places within Orlando, FL from sea-world, disney, magic-world, universal..they are so many. Then off course, you have Tampa, FL to the south, think of the Tampa Zoo, Marine Aquarium, Tampa Bay, the beaches, it is a lie, if we to exhaust a list of things to do within these two areas.

It is true, that Spring Hill, is quiet, and a good place for rest, but the surrounding areas, provide unbeatable shopping, travel, attractions and definitely solid nightlife. Finally, the acess to community shopping malls, pharmacy's and gift shops within Spring Hill is great, but the area also offers access to the larger malls and shopping outlets within the Tampa, Orlando areas. Read Less
What It's Like Here 0.5 rating By midwestsouth ( Jul 14, 2014) I've lived in Spring Hill for over a decade. Here are my thoughts on the area. I am a fairly young parent of two school-aged children. I also work in one of Hernando County's schools.

Cost of Living - It's not expensive to live here at all. Housing is very cheap right now. You
...Read More can get a lot of house for under $150,000. You can rent a decent place for $1000 per month or under. Plenty of government assisted housing too.

Restaurants - Spring Hill has most of the chain restaurants. You'll find Chili's, Applebees, TGIFridays, etc. here. You may also find a couple of locally owned places, but most go out of business - they just can't compete with the bigger chains, and most Spring Hill residents are not good about supporting local businesses. They want cheap, familiar meals. I knew a couple of different people in the catering business here and both say the same thing ... you have to offer cheap meals or you'll go under in Spring Hill. Fancy restaurants don't survive here for long.

People - Most of the people are nice. Most are transplants from New York or the Midwest. Many are low income folks on some form of assistance or are working class people.

Schools - Loads of problems are in the schools here. Behavioral problems are in the schools. The middle schools are especially bad. The teachers try, but they just can't teach when several students are unruly. Drugs are all over the place. Kids lack ambition. They just want to graduate high school and work at some dead-end job. Many end up on government assistance. Those with money here send their kids down to private schools in Tampa.

Shopping - The area has 3 Wal-Marts and a Sam's Club. It has a JCPenney. It has Target and Kohls and some other stores. For good shopping, you'll need to drive in to Tampa, but you can get all your basics in Spring Hill. The cheaper clothing stores tend to do well.

Stuff to Do - Bowling, Movies, and nature - that's about it. There are very few activities for children. Lots of activities for retirees, though. Clubs and such. There is a YMCA, but it caters mostly to the elderly population.

Medical Care - It stinks in Spring Hill. The hospitals are terrible. Many of the doctors are foreign. They don't know much to help children, so go elsewhere for your pediatric care.

Crime - It used to be pretty quiet here, but recently it's gotten really bad here in Spring Hill, mostly because of drug use and gangbangers. Go to the Hernando County Sherriff's Department website and do a search to see what I mean.

Overall, if you need a place to live cheaply and you are a retiree, Spring Hill would be an OK place for you. I'd recommend a gated retirement community to keep the riffraff out. If you are any other type of person, you should probably look somewhere else. Read Less
Perfect for retirees, but not much else. 0.5 rating By Rissa1482 ( Jun 23, 2014) I have lived here for eleven years and I have to say that the rudest people I've ever met are from here. There's nothing to do, no where to go. It's soul crushingly hot and humid most of the time, the bugs are insane. It's starting to get a little more built up so shopping is imp ...Read More roving and they are converting one of the movie theaters to have IMAX which is cool. THe school system here is a joke though.
Drugs are a bit of a problem here as well. There is good and bad in every place, but I've been super unhappy here since I got here and cannot wait to leave. Read Less
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What It's Like Here 0.5 rating By midwestsouth ( Jul 14, 2014) I've lived in Spring Hill for over a decade. Here are my thoughts on the area. I am a fairly young parent of two school-aged children. I also work in one of Hernando County's schools.

Cost of Living - It's not expensive to live here at all. Housing is very cheap right now. You
...Read More can get a lot of house for under $150,000. You can rent a decent place for $1000 per month or under. Plenty of government assisted housing too.

Restaurants - Spring Hill has most of the chain restaurants. You'll find Chili's, Applebees, TGIFridays, etc. here. You may also find a couple of locally owned places, but most go out of business - they just can't compete with the bigger chains, and most Spring Hill residents are not good about supporting local businesses. They want cheap, familiar meals. I knew a couple of different people in the catering business here and both say the same thing ... you have to offer cheap meals or you'll go under in Spring Hill. Fancy restaurants don't survive here for long.

People - Most of the people are nice. Most are transplants from New York or the Midwest. Many are low income folks on some form of assistance or are working class people.

Schools - Loads of problems are in the schools here. Behavioral problems are in the schools. The middle schools are especially bad. The teachers try, but they just can't teach when several students are unruly. Drugs are all over the place. Kids lack ambition. They just want to graduate high school and work at some dead-end job. Many end up on government assistance. Those with money here send their kids down to private schools in Tampa.

Shopping - The area has 3 Wal-Marts and a Sam's Club. It has a JCPenney. It has Target and Kohls and some other stores. For good shopping, you'll need to drive in to Tampa, but you can get all your basics in Spring Hill. The cheaper clothing stores tend to do well.

Stuff to Do - Bowling, Movies, and nature - that's about it. There are very few activities for children. Lots of activities for retirees, though. Clubs and such. There is a YMCA, but it caters mostly to the elderly population.

Medical Care - It stinks in Spring Hill. The hospitals are terrible. Many of the doctors are foreign. They don't know much to help children, so go elsewhere for your pediatric care.

Crime - It used to be pretty quiet here, but recently it's gotten really bad here in Spring Hill, mostly because of drug use and gangbangers. Go to the Hernando County Sherriff's Department website and do a search to see what I mean.

Overall, if you need a place to live cheaply and you are a retiree, Spring Hill would be an OK place for you. I'd recommend a gated retirement community to keep the riffraff out. If you are any other type of person, you should probably look somewhere else. Read Less
Perfect for retirees, but not much else. 0.5 rating By Rissa1482 ( Jun 23, 2014) I have lived here for eleven years and I have to say that the rudest people I've ever met are from here. There's nothing to do, no where to go. It's soul crushingly hot and humid most of the time, the bugs are insane. It's starting to get a little more built up so shopping is imp ...Read More roving and they are converting one of the movie theaters to have IMAX which is cool. THe school system here is a joke though.
Drugs are a bit of a problem here as well. There is good and bad in every place, but I've been super unhappy here since I got here and cannot wait to leave. Read Less
Spring Hill has a Low Crime Rate and Little Traffic 4 rating By Mainer ( Jun 24, 2011) Spring Hill is a laid back area with reasonable shopping. Has a number of the national chain restaurants and several excellent local restaurants, including one great fine dining location. If you are into city life, this is not the place for you. However, Tampa/St. Pete/Clearwa ...Read More ter are only about a 40 minute drive away and there you will find all the city life you want along with lots more traffic.

Spring Hill is located on the Nature Coast of Florida and is much more casual and scenic then the east coast. Lots of great diving, snokeling, and boating is available all along the coast with easy and inexpensive access. There are also many beautiful bicycle trails within a short drive. Wonderful place for sea kayaking. Many of the national stores are here including Kohls, JCP, etc. Read Less
Spring Hill, FL: Not a Great Place to Live 1.5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 04, 2010) As someone who recently visited Spring Hill, FL to visit a relative, I have to admit that this is not a great place to live. As an honest evaluation, the city was very rural to the point of being uncivilized. I found the suburbs to be poorly designed and have poor landscaping. Th ...Read More ere seemed to be no stores in any close proximity to neighborhoods, which made me have to spend hundreds of dollars in gas just to get anywhere. I am truly stunned by how much money I simply spent traveling in Spring Hill. It was not what I was expecting for a visit to a relative.

I would also have to say that buying property in the city of Spring Hill is a terrible investment. I do not ever anticipate corporations flocking to Spring Hill to build up the area. Instead, I got a very unsafe vibe in Spring Hill. I always had the feeling that I needed to watch my back in case someone tried to rob me or break into my car. As you can see, I did not have a pleasant experience residing in Spring Hill. It was not a great visit, and I do not recommend this city for anyone that values their life and basic necessities. Read Less

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Compare Spring Hill, FL Livability


      Spring Hill, FL

      Although Spring Hill in Hernando County, Florida, is a census-designated place (CDP) and an unincorporated area, it is a planned community founded in 1968 and appeared on Florida maps as early as 1856. It is a popular destination for those residents who seek a quiet and friendly suburban life, peaceful surroundings with low noise levels, more affordable property values, and yet have the benefit of a large number of business chains. Its proximity to and considered part of the Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater metro area approximately 35 miles to the south makes those bigger city amenities, entertainment, and attractions readily available. Spring Hill is the largest town in population north of Tampa.

      Being in Florida's Nature Coast means that Spring Hill is in an area of close to a million acres where you can discover the "real Florida" of dense forests, prairies, and blackwater rivers and enjoy fishing, kayaking, bird watching, trail hiking, bicycling, and various other activities.

      The original development's main entrance is marked by the Spring Hill waterfall on Spring Hill Drive and US Route 19 (Commercial Way). The community is pedestrian-friendly as many homeowners live within walking distance of one of about 40 supermarkets and a small selection of restaurants and coffee shops.

      There is a total area of 62.2 square miles, which is 59.8 square miles of land and 2.4 square miles of water. The housing is composed mostly of single detached two-bedroom and three-bedroom homes and townhouses. Owners occupy about three-quarters of them and renters occupy the remainder. The median year of construction was 1992.

      The 100,000-square-foot Spring Hill Campus of Pasco–Hernando State College was the fourth campus constructed of the five now existing. There are three accredited hospitals in the area and many nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities.

      The Stage West Community Playhouse has four musicals and four comedy and drama plays each year featuring great local actors, outstanding presentations in live theater at its best, wonderful entertainment, and volunteer workers.

      Weeki Wachee Springs, named "Weeki Wachee" by Seminole Indians, is located an hour north of Tampa so is nearby. The name means "Winding River" and "Little Spring" in their language. That is the home of the famous live mermaid show and Buccaneer Bay, the only spring-fed water park in Florida. Created on October 13, 1947, by stunt swimmer and promoter Newt Perry, it uses underwater air hose breathing techniques. In 1959, the spring was purchased by the American Broadcasting Co. (ABC), which built the current 500-seat theater in the side of the spring 16 feet below the surface where the mermaids perform synchronized ballet underwater while breathing through those air hoses that are hidden in the scenery.

      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Spring Hill? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.


      Amity Trails Park
      Veterans Memorial Park
      Veterans Memorial Park
      Delta Woods Park
      Delta Woods Park
      Anderson Snow Park
      Weeki Wachee Springs State Park


      Adventure Coast Fun Park
      Beacon Brooksville

      Food & Drink

      Evelyn's Cakes and More
      Candoons Candy Store
      Dunkin' Donuts
      Taco Bell
      Taste Good Chinese

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Spring Hill? Of all people who commute, 0.4% take public transportation in Spring Hill.
      Drive to Work

      1% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      5% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      2% lower than the US average

      C- Health & Safety

      Is Spring Hill a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Springbrook Hospital
      Bayfront Health Spring Hill


      Cortez Drugs
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy


      Cordano Eye Care