10 km
5 mi

Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.
There are not many amenities close to this location.
Smiley Riley's Ice Cream Lounge
Coffee Shop
Hallstrom House
Fast Food
Fast Food
Fast Food
Fast Food
Grocery Store
Round Island Park
Avalon State Park
Avalon State Park
Osprey Acres Stormwater Park & Nature Preserve
Convenience Store
Family Dollar
Discount Store
Kaleidoscope Consignments, Inc
Interior Decoration
Convenience Store
Food Mart
Convenience Store
Dollar General
Discount Store
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Of all people who commute, 0.0% take public transportation in South Beach.
Highland Drive & Old Dixie Highway
Bus Stop
Highland Drive & Old Dixie Highway
Bus Stop
Old Dixie Highway & Georgia Street
Bus Stop
Old Dixie Highway & Georgia Street
Bus Stop
Highland Drive & Sunrise Drive Southwest
Bus Stop
Highland Drive & Sunrise Drive Southwest
Bus Stop
Oslo Road & US1
Bus Stop
South Vero Plaza (McDonalds Roadside)
Bus Stop
Oslo Road & Safari Golf
Bus Stop
Highlands Clubhouse
Bus Stop
Highlands Clubhouse
Bus Stop
Vista Royale (Roadside)
Bus Stop
Old Dixie Highway & 4th Place Southwest
Bus Stop
Vista Royale (Roadside)
Bus Stop
Old Dixie Highway & 4th Place Southwest
Bus Stop
Old Dixie Highway & 3rd Street Southwest
Bus Stop
Old Dixie Highway & 3rd Street Southwest
Bus Stop
Highand Drive & 8th Avenue Southwest
Bus Stop
Highand Drive & 8th Avenue Southwest
Bus Stop
US1 & 1st Street
Bus Stop
US1 & 1st Street
Bus Stop
Oslo Road & 8th Court Southwest
Bus Stop
Oslo Road & 8th Court Southwest
Bus Stop
Old Dixie Highway & 1st Street Southwest
Bus Stop
Old Dixie Highway & 1st Street Southwest
Bus Stop
Workers Taking Public Transit
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The cost of living in South Beach is 177/100 - which is 81% higher than Florida.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
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South Beach crime rates are 344 per 100k, which is 81% lower than Florida
Property Crime
289 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
55 crimes per 100k
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The median income in South Beach is $141,847 - which is 190% higher than Florida.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
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There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Fire Rescue Station 6
Fire Station
Vero Beach Emergency Room
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
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South Beach home prices are $667,600 - which is 300% higher than Florida
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
4.7x (home price to income ratio)
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The South Beach graduation rate is 98% - which is 18% higher than Florida
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
St Edward'S School
Indian River Academy
Touched By Grace Academy
St Edward'S School
Touched By Grace Academy
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South Beach has an overall rating of 99% from 3 reviews.
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What the hey 5 rating By Blossom ( Mar 14, 2015) Just visited Miami and have to say I have never encountered such racism before and I have encountered plenty. It started with check-in at what is supposedly one of, if not ‘the most' popular hotel in South Beach (#TheDelanoHotel). The Hispanic gentleman behind the desk took one ...Read More look at me and I'm not sure if it was my Cartier sun glasses, my Hermes bag or my fox fur (I flew in from a cold climate, don't judge me) that set him off, but he took one look at me and it was instant dislike.
He took one look at this dark hued nappy haired (my locs reach the top of my very plump derriere so ain't a damn thing nappy about it and my s*&%! is tight).
Anyhoo, this beast tried to tell me that since I use a bank card and not credit cards that he had to deduct $925 from my account for incidentals. I tried explaining to him that in twenty years of travelling I'd never heard of such a thing. I further explained that I had just left the Ritz Carlton in Atlanta and all they did was put an authorized hold on the card, which is what most places do.
He proceeded to tell me that he couldn't check me in then, but he said it with an attitude. At which point I asked to speak to someone who knew that I was actually human. (No I did not raise my voice, though at this point the fur and the Miami heat were no longer friends)
A young lady came out and explained things to me and her reasoning was that because it was a bank card they did not have the correct machine to put a hold on the card that it will automatically charge me (bs). Anyhoo, by now my guests were wilting so I told her thanks for speaking to me like I was human and went out to the pool to wait for the bungalow that I paid $11 000 to stay in to be made ready. (We were early, this was not their fault)
The nice server recommended a frozen vodka lemonade, and since I was two steps away from losing my mind, I figured a nice libation was just the thing. It tasted like frozen water and cost $27, I'm not going there, enough said.
Moving along, one of my guests had guests and we went shopping. A break was in order halfway through this spree, because the thermostat in Miami is set on hell. Another Hispanic young man was our server and he proceeded to ignore us when there was hardly no one else in the little sidewalk eatery on Lincoln Ave or St I don't recall which it was.
I was calm enough to calm down the others who were feeling the sting of the blatant disregard. The food was decent and of course I tipped the young man nicely regardless because that's just me.
Anyhoo, the next day hubby and I are off to the Macys on Meridian Ave because I guess he didn't see the million and one Macys in New York and New Jersey where we're from. While he was trying to support Tommy and Ralph for the next generation, I decided to head over to the Sunglass Hut inside the store to get my Cartier shades adjusted because luxury items do act the damn fool sometimes.
This female beast decided that she was going to look through me not once but three times, without acknowledging my presence. I found someone that looked like me and was wearing a tag that said she worked there and told her my plight. How I was on vacation and this woman was trying to get me arrested by acting the damn fool.
I walked back over and took a seat to see how long it was going to take this creature to assist me, and the young lady that I had approached, went over to her and said ‘are you going to help her?' at which point I told her to leave her because I was over it already.
I asked her for her manager but she claimed that she was the manager, which is something I would've done if I knew someone was about to get my ass in trouble. I then told her I was going to contact her company's headquarters and tell them to finish her training because she was sorely lacking in customer service. (I wasn't about to do that because I'm quite sure somewhere high up in their echelons is someone who is just like her)
Anyhoo, I walked back over to hubby who was supposed to be in the fitting room but was sidetracked by the cute little swim shorts Ralph had right outside the door. I told him about my little drama and he told me to stay by his side (he knew I was about to catch a case)
While he was back to perusing Tommy for who knows what now, I walked over to the nice Caucasian lady that had been helping him since he entered the store. I told her of my plight and she almost sent me into shock with her answer which was ‘ugh, I deal with that every day'. Poor thing, apparently the Cubans are giving white America a run for their money in Miami. Her and one other co-worker of white descent proceeded to share horror stories with me about this treatment.
Child I must be a trouble magnet because the next day we were on a city tour which included a boat tour. We were dropped off at a restaurant where we were assured fast service because they knew we had a boat to board in about an hour or so. The nice young man led us to a table and called over this young lady whom he assured us was going to take excellent care of us.
I ordered Pellegrino because the water in Miami tastes like distilled sewer water when the distillery is broken. She brought the bottle of water without glasses, since there was no trough around I wasn't sure what the hell I was supposed to do, poor thing. At this point there was no one else there, but soon the section quickly filled up. We had ordered our food when we ordered the water because it took her that long to get back to us.
Anyhoo, after the water debacle, another young lady came out with what I was sure was my Caesar salad in her hand and proceeded to look around the restaurant as if she wasn't quite sure who it belonged to. I wanted to say that's mine, but kept my mouth shut in the off chance that it was for someone else, even though I had ordered mine first when there was no one else there.
I was waiting for her to place that plate in front of someone else who would then breathe on my lettuce before opening their mouth to say ‘I didn't order this', at which time they would be spewing saliva particles all over my salad, for shame. Finally she said to the section at large, ‘Caesar salad?' and I said ‘that's me dear'. (Side note; please train your people how to read the table numbers etc. I saw this happen three times while we were sitting there.
So I have my salad (no silverware until after) and am waiting patiently for my dolphin fingers, (it's not real dolphin, I wouldn't eat Flipper, don't judge). Hubby who declined to order his own salad because he's waiting for the fingers dug into my lettuce and almost pulled back a nub.
Ten minutes later, no dolphin fingers, and she's bopping around like she's on the runway. Mind you, it's one week away from day 28 and PMS does not begin to cover what is going on in my system, but I'm trying to be good.
I call over the young man who assured me of her efficiency and told him that his girlfriend sucked, at which point he told me that she wasn't his girlfriend (excuse me for making that mistake, but the way he sung her praises in the beginning I thought she was).
When he mentioned getting the manager involved my heart sunk, because I'm not about getting her fired no matter how inept she is at her job, everybody needs a chance.
The manager comes over, at which point hubby is pissed at me for starting trouble. I kept my mouth shut and the manager says ‘ I have a shrimp skewer and two fried snappers coming for this table, and a salmon filet. There were three people at the table so I don't know who he was giving the fourth meal to, I'm greedy but damn.
I said we didn't order the salmon filet, at which point he said ‘oh that's for another table' for shame. I said ‘what about the dolphin fingers?' there were none on the order. I kept my mouth shut. Of course I tipped the young lady nicely, but I'm noticing a trend.
Fast forward to the next day, we go shopping in the night at Victoria Secrets on Collins Ave. I was having a wonderful time, the sales assistant took me into a room, which her associates across this great land has been trying to do for the past fifteen years without success, and got me to let her measure the girls and suggested that the reason I had four breasts instead of two, was because I needed to double up on my cup size, for shame.
In comes three young ladies from the Caucasus Mountains, aka the privileged offspring of some ex slave owner somewhere, and one of them proceeded to snub me and look down their noses at me. I was at the end of my rope with this. I told the nice sales assistant that I was done for the night and please ring me up so I could leave her nice establishment before I break the little twat in half. I told Beelzebub's concubine and her posse about themselves and left the store with my purchases.
This brings me to the reason for this missive. To all the Cubans in Miami, this country was built on the backs of dark skinned men and women, ALL of it. When Castro opened the belly of the beast and released your Forefathers aka murderers and thieves, you ended up here, let's not pretend you're descended from anything different, that's your ancestry here. My people built this, try me.
To the Caucasians the same thing goes, I'm tired of you too with your bs, just because you have made up your minds that we are less than, that does not make it so. Some of us actually know the truth about who we are and we're not having this anymore.
Go read your history, not the watered down lies that you were taught, but the truth. While you were walking on your hands and knees in caves, people of color were running kingdoms until your thieving ass Forefathers came and grabbed us for free labor to build up your stuff so that you can act the damn fool today. You forgot one thing; God is not sleeping your day will and is coming.
I came here in the hopes of feeling out the place to see if we could live here and after all this YES I can and will. Somebody needs to put you people in your place. I hate racism and all forms of stupidity. I don't care if you're Gandhi's second cousin I will plant my foot in your ass if you come at me with that bs. If God is willing I will be buying a home in what is considered your premier neighborhood. Watch for me, I'm coming.

P.S. I love #TheDelano. Pedro the concierge is an upstanding gentleman when he's sitting behind his desk. Jean Claude, one of the porters (forgive me if this is wrong) is a sweetheart. Julie at the pool is a sweetie, and the hostess at Bianca (the restaurant) is amazing (remembered my name each and every time). ALL the pool caretakers, (Stephanie is the only name I got), were extremely nice. This is why I cannot and will not allow myself to stoop to the level of being an ignorant ass racist, because there is some good to be found in all nations.

This is a statement it is not a question so I don't need no damn answers the truth is the truth get some damn sense.
A concerned citizen. Read Less
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      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in South Beach? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.


      Round Island Park
      Avalon State Park
      Avalon State Park
      Osprey Acres Stormwater Park & Nature Preserve


      Hallstrom House

      Food & Drink


      F Commute

      Is public transit available in South Beach? Of all people who commute, 0.0% take public transportation in South Beach.
      Drive to Work

      8% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      5% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      3% lower than the US average

      F Health & Safety

      Is South Beach a healthy and safe place to live? No, there are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,


