Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (720) A+
Entertainment (219) A+
Food and Drink (1012) A+
Fitness (305) A+
Groceries (234) A+
Parks (899) A+
Shops (1775) A+
See more Seattle amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 20.5% take public transportation in Seattle.
Public Transit Stops (2668)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Seattle commute data

cost of living F

The cost of living in Seattle is 180/100 - which is 53% higher than Washington.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Seattle cost of living data

crime F

Seattle crime rates are 5,789 per 100k, which is 78% higher than Washington
Property Crime
5,012 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
777 crimes per 100k
See more Seattle crime data

employment A+

The median income in Seattle is $97,185 - which is 55% higher than Washington.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Seattle employment data

health A+

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (430)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Seattle health & safety data

housing B

Seattle home prices are $713,600 - which is 165% higher than Washington
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
7.3x (home price to income ratio)
See more Seattle housing data

schools A

The Seattle graduation rate is 92% - which is 6% higher than Washington
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (172) D-
High Schools (58) A+
See more Seattle education data

ratings F

Seattle has an overall rating of 42% from 129 reviews.
User Reviews (27)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (102)
From AreaVibes
See more Seattle user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Seattle, WA
( 129 Ratings )

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Oh Seattle. Who did this to you? 1 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 26, 2023) It's disappointing how pretty much the most picturesque town in America became such a desolate wasteland. The surrounding areas are still somewhat intact. I shake my head in disbelief because Seattle had things figured out at one point. A shining example of what urban living shou ...Read More ld be. That has gone by. It's sad. Read Less
Was nice. A long time ago. 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 20, 2022) I lived in and around Seattle from 1988 until 2019 and now live an hour north. I spent 30 years in law enforcement there and still maintain contacts in the city government and have friends and relatives still living there.

The Pros -
* From July through September there are very
...Read More few places in the US as beautiful as the Pacific Northwest, and there are several beautiful parks in the city itself (Lake Washington, Seward Park, Alki, Lincoln Park, Magnuson Park, Golden Gardens).
* Greater Seattle has great job opportunities especially for people in high tech, and several very good universities.
* Many of the public schools are very good, from 1st - 12th. Like anywhere, the actual education of your children has more to do with which individual teachers they get and what the kid themselves put into it.
* Exceptional diversity and chance to experience and sample other cultures from Asia to East Africa.

The Cons -
* To start with my area of direct knowledge, Seattle has almost no police department left. The authorized strength is about 1300 - which was already significantly below recommended ratios - and now numbers approx. 600 deployable personnel. Crime, especially property crime, has skyrocketed. Violent crime is also high, and shootings have exploded - the exceptional medical facilities and Medic Units (which are also pros for the area) are the reason the homicide rate appears reasonable. Even the remote neighborhoods like West Seattle now see frequent shootings in popular areas (Alki). On hiring, Seattle has been unable to recruit or retain nearly enough people to replace the mass exodus that continues from their ranks. More than 85 more officers have given their notice they are leaving in May and June alone.
* Relating to that, the City government routinely covers up and misrepresents facts. The city funding model is modeled after Chicago because it allows redirection of budgeted dollars into the General fund that they can use without oversight or accountability.
* Politically, the City is a monopoly of progressive liberalism, but that understates how completely off the rails the city government became over the past decade. Many reasonable people and places are liberal, Democrat, and rational. Seattle is not one of those places. When rioters took over several blocks of the most populated area of the city two years ago, including occupying a police precinct that still had guns in the locker rooms, then City Mayor Durkin referred to is as a, "Summer of Love." The Summer of Love resulted in multiple rapes, assaults, and a homicide the city is now being sued for.
*Homelessness is a tragedy and often the result of mental illness, PTSD, and substance abuse often as self-medication. Seattle pursues feel-good approaches to "homelessness" that do little to help the people actually going through it, but actually enable and encourage drug and alcohol addiction. As to how that applies here, Seattle - especially downtown - is seeing increasing incidents of assaults on tourists, shoppers, and anyone foolish enough to travel into the inner city. Literally hundreds of millions of dollars in businesses have vacated downtown leaving many commercial areas nearly deserted. Several of the remaining businesses are hiring off-duty and retired officers to do nothing but be available to escort their employees if they need to leave the building for any reason.
* Seattle saw a huge building boom over the past ten years, mostly in condos downtown for high tech people working for Amazon and Facebook. Amazon and Facebook are still here, but they told their employees they did not have to return to their offices once Covid concludes, so it seems likely that there will be some level of crash in the downtown core housing market. I personally know several people who work for Amazon who left during Covid and have literally been given multiple lower offers from landlords to please stay. None of them did.

To whoever reads this, I may sound like a bitter person trying to get even with Seattle politics. I'm not. Selling my house was hard, but Seattle is in a state of collapse. I spent a lifetime trying to protect people from making decisions that would harm them, or from being harmed by things that had happened to them. If you can afford to buy a house in one of the more remote areas like Magnolia, or south West Seattle, or Windermere neighborhood in NE Seattle, you could live "in Seattle" and just ignore the rest. But you would be paying a premium and can get homes without all the mounting baggage for the same price or less elsewhere.

Seattle was once an incredible city. It may well return to that at some point, but that is unlikely to occur in the next decade. Read Less
4th Generation Seattleite 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 23, 2020) Seattle was a nice place to grow up, then the dotcom bubble made instant millionaires out of all the hippie burnouts in the Bay Area. They all moved up here and started making noise in politics. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Now Seattle is a Progressive junkie-filled social ...Read More experiment. Call it a dry-run for Bernie’s presidency. Read Less
Your eyes have not seen a fein 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 03, 2018) If u need a dollar, in the entire state of washington, an the each person in seattle. You can not recieve one dollar, ever. The others are so poor that your behind a long list. I don't care for the business as a normal person doesnt. I seen poverty then the liabrary played pianos ...Read More with a gift shop an a cafe spot that is right there next to all the ppl who had starved because I know they starved I can look at them, these people are dressing to par if any on, and they are just running around an they aren't normal, I have not been to Portland or california. Don't go anyplace if u haven't an aren't occompanied. yy all are fans and drinking rangers that walk pass u with determination to rage on u. The mature policy maker an home owner the working citizen in america. They are so attitudes they can't notice how uncommon they are. An if u stay, expect the police to grab u and not the drug addict. The sketchatarian just standing at an empty street, selling drugs to me, I'm so professional I haven't heard someone sell anything to me in many years. An Im from baltimore, I know a fein, they keep saying the cities name allot. It is obsessive. There plan is to increase violence and poverty while building ping pong statue and naked white men an building this log beach park that has to be for some type scavaging crab. Or rock based an not sand. They croud u again and again with hurry an buy this city for us. Don't u think they have to refinance this obvious loan. There's a starbucks in the crevices at every leased garage. There are these adult children, with children or none. Too many none With children, excuse me. I have work an I do not work with children. I had over 5 interviews scheduled m-f an I chose to leave here, an if I didn't have Grace from the heavens and my mother don't even believe in God as I do, then there was an impossible chance to depart any time soon, to get a tent, impossible, to get a dollar, for anything, impossible. Trust me, not one possible dollar for many miles. For years , there's these abandoned homes and the people are dingy and not that interesting. Read Less
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4th Generation Seattleite 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 23, 2020) Seattle was a nice place to grow up, then the dotcom bubble made instant millionaires out of all the hippie burnouts in the Bay Area. They all moved up here and started making noise in politics. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Now Seattle is a Progressive junkie-filled social ...Read More experiment. Call it a dry-run for Bernie’s presidency. Read Less
Your eyes have not seen a fein 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 03, 2018) If u need a dollar, in the entire state of washington, an the each person in seattle. You can not recieve one dollar, ever. The others are so poor that your behind a long list. I don't care for the business as a normal person doesnt. I seen poverty then the liabrary played pianos ...Read More with a gift shop an a cafe spot that is right there next to all the ppl who had starved because I know they starved I can look at them, these people are dressing to par if any on, and they are just running around an they aren't normal, I have not been to Portland or california. Don't go anyplace if u haven't an aren't occompanied. yy all are fans and drinking rangers that walk pass u with determination to rage on u. The mature policy maker an home owner the working citizen in america. They are so attitudes they can't notice how uncommon they are. An if u stay, expect the police to grab u and not the drug addict. The sketchatarian just standing at an empty street, selling drugs to me, I'm so professional I haven't heard someone sell anything to me in many years. An Im from baltimore, I know a fein, they keep saying the cities name allot. It is obsessive. There plan is to increase violence and poverty while building ping pong statue and naked white men an building this log beach park that has to be for some type scavaging crab. Or rock based an not sand. They croud u again and again with hurry an buy this city for us. Don't u think they have to refinance this obvious loan. There's a starbucks in the crevices at every leased garage. There are these adult children, with children or none. Too many none With children, excuse me. I have work an I do not work with children. I had over 5 interviews scheduled m-f an I chose to leave here, an if I didn't have Grace from the heavens and my mother don't even believe in God as I do, then there was an impossible chance to depart any time soon, to get a tent, impossible, to get a dollar, for anything, impossible. Trust me, not one possible dollar for many miles. For years , there's these abandoned homes and the people are dingy and not that interesting. Read Less
Lived here my whole life and Seattle is only meant for some people 2.5 rating By Anonymous ( Sep 20, 2018) I lived in the Seattle area my whole life. I remember being a kid in the late 90's and 2000's growing up in the south Seattle region and compared to what Seattle is now is an amazing difference. I feel like we have almost twice the population than we did 20 years ago. Seriously S ...Read More eattle is so overpacked now I feel like im living in LA. And it makes it worse because Seattle is not designed for this many people (Hint why there is so many road constuction all the time) Seattle is definitley trying to expand and handle all these people coming to live here but they cant keep up with it. I love Seattle because it is extremley diverse, you can meet tons of different types of people from all over the world. Food/drinks is amazing in Seattle and there is a lot to do and if you cant find something to do then maybe you’re a bore. Yes Seattle is filled with homeless people almost everywhere and it is very annoying because most places in the city smells like urine and I don’t get why the city never cleans or trys to help with the homless situation. It seems like we are going no where and its just going to get a lot worse. And of course the prices in Seattle is just ridiculous. An old 1 bedroom apartment in Seattle will cost at the least $1,700. I currently live in West Seattle now paying $1,600 a month for a new open bedroom apartment and I feel like im living in Manhattan with these prices. I don’t know how some people can afford to live here. But another thing I like about Seattle is it is absolutley beautiful here. It is cloudy and drizzly for most of the year but around June-September is the best weather. And Seattle is surrounded by the most beautiful landscapes. Mt. Rainer is always amazing to look at and it looks like its so much closer than it is, watching the sun set behind the Olympic mountains is breath taking. You can be in downtown Seattle, literally drive to the mountains in just 45 min and your away from the crazy city life and are surrounded by the beautiful mountains and trees. I think Seattle is good for visiting but it is expensive (Seattle has one of the most highest prices for hotel rooms and I don’t know why.) But there are a ton of fun things to do here especially in the summer time. I think Seattle is definitley not for everyone, if you don’t like meh weather, super diverse people, are not a creative fun person, and have no patience in traffic then it its not the place for you. My advise if you are moving to Seattle for whatever reason, try not to move downtown. There are a ton of nice citys and neighborhoods that surround the city that are a little cheaper to live and are less crowded. As for the people in Seattle, there is mean and nice people everywhere you go and if you say everyone in Seattle is snotty and rude then you just sound ignorant. I have met tons of pleasent people from Seattle and dickheads too, but thats every city I go to. The music life in Seattle is only good if you know the right people because there a lot of hidden not advertised events in Seattle. So if your saying Seattle has bad music then you probably just went to all the tourist traps. But to all the people who gave 1 star reviews for the city of Seattle thank you!!!!! People from all over will read the reviews and might avoid moving here(: We have no room for you. Read Less
Don’t live here. It will ruin you. 0.5 rating By Mellie ( May 29, 2018) Let me start by saying that Seattle has great natural beauty. Unfortunately, you will only get to see it 2 months out of the year because it rains 9/10 months a year, and the natural beauty does not redeem the awful parts of this soul sucking city. I moved here in 2013, it is now ...Read More 2018 and living here has left me drained, bitter broken (broke) and exhausted.I am planning to move away or as I say, escape the cesspool. It is not a city as much as it is a cesspool.1. Since 2013 I have seen housing prices rise at inhumane and cruel rates. There are actual tent cities, like ones seen during the Great Depression, with homeless encampments everywhere. You will see encampments all over the city. Lower and middle incomers live on the edge of homelessness everyday. The state of the affordable housing is also shameful and dangerous. I had toxic mold in my apt and a massive leak in another apt I rented which also had mold hiding behind the walls. This all happened in the span of 4 yrs. Slumlords run rampant here. If you can actually afford an $800k shack, I urge you to get a proper professional mold test before you buy a house here and also if you plan to rent. 2. The culture of this place is rudeness, unfriendliness, passive aggressiveness and entitled attitudes. The powers that be also love deciding whatbis best for you, a free citizen. The people here will never be straight-up honest with you. Queue passive aggression and disingenuousness. People who move here, us transplants, are frozen out by the ‘Seattle Freeze’. I don’t get it. People never ever make any kind of eye contact either, it’s creepy af. Again, I don’t get it and I’m actually glad that I don’t bc I never want to be/act like these inabitants. The people here are cold and sad. It seems like they care more about their dogs than actual people. 3. though they have lots of trees here, the air quality here is terrible year round. Especially in the summer, the only time it doesnt rain. 4. I prepared myself for the weather when I moved here and if it was the only flaw of Seattle, could deal with it, but it’s on a long list of difficult things to deal with here. It rains 9/10 months a year with only 152 days of sun a year. Sometimes you will see a rainbow though, which again, doesn’t make up for the hell one will go through living here.5. Traffic has gotten exponentially worse since I arrived in 2013. And it will continue as 1000 people a week make the mistake of moving here.6. Seattle never plans anything properly. I don’t get this either but the Monorail is a classic example of their ‘meh’ attitude on doing anything properly. They do everything half as*ed here. You’ll see, but I hope not bc it’s infuriating. The extension of the transit system is about 60yrs too late. I read the reason Seattle turned down $ from the Federal Grant system for transit in the 60’s was because they didn’t want to encourage people to move here. WOW.7. Every tourist site you should see here (like Rainier) can be done in about a week so don’t move here if you plan on having loads of activities to do because it is raining most of the year and it’s not fun in the rain. Every time I try to venture out, putting a brave face on to deal with the cold people here, I am disappointed with the event because it is too hyped up and lack luster. Especially the music scene. 8. If you are single, you will be struggling to find genuine people, like I did. Also, you will find it is ridiculously hard to meet good friends here. I have never had this hard of a time anywhere else I’ve lived and I’ve lived in 4 different US states.After 4.5 years, I am planning my escape from this soul sucking place called Seattle. I hope my review helps someone else not make the same mistake I did by moving here. Seattle is an awful place. Read Less
Seattle is soul sucking 1 rating By Mellie ( May 28, 2018) I’ve been here for almost 5 years and I wish I’d left a lot sooner. I’m currently planning my escape from this cesspool. 1. The people are disinterested in any kind of human contact or connection. So much so they actually Freeze you out. It’s called the Seattle Freeze. Th ...Read More e people are rude, u friendly, passive aggressive, judgemental, and have no interest in knowing you if you think for yourself.2. The cost of housing is actually inhumane and cruel and one of the buggest reasons Ia fleeing this horrible place. Thanks to Amazon for screwing up the city on that front by surging the rent and housing prices by maxing out residents bids. And when you find housing that is affordable, it probably has toxic mold in it, like the place rented to me. Slumlords are rampant here.3. The traffic has become more insane than California, to go 10 miles it takes an hour on a good day.4. The weather is something I prepared myself for and if that would be Seattle’s only flaw I’d deal w it. But it compounds everything else I mentioned. It rains 10 months a year and summer only exists for one month—august to sept. It rains so much, it is so depressing and with all the other problems it makes this place the worst place in the US to live, unless you have no soul, then this is the place for you.5. It is boring, don’t let them fool you, all the activities are just hyped up and I always find myself pretty disappointed after I find an event, especially the music scene. **Also, I’ve met very few good ppl here in 5 years.My advice: avoid this place like the plague and just let all the frigid ass locals have their cesspool of a city back so they can all be depressed together. Read Less
Moldy Seattle: Opioid, debt, tent meet-up. 0.5 rating By wonja ( May 25, 2018) Sleepy Seattle has turned into a moldy hub. Whether it is UW handing over BS diplomas to foreign millennials parading in Maserati and Lotus around campus; the infrastructure falling apart; the cardboard constructions; the debt ridden populace; the slime bikes piling up as garbage ...Read More on sidewalks; the $800,000 shack sold to naive newbies; the tent hub sprouting in your neighborhood; the druggies shooting themselves in your backyard; You came here with our rosy glasses. Now that you are indebted up to your neck, Alexa, the warehouse, or wholefoods owns you. there is no-where to turn, but to a tent or needle meet-up near you. Happy living in this moldy city. Read Less
Everyone has their opinion and here is mine..... 0.5 rating By titan127 ( Jan 24, 2018) As I said, everyone has their opinion, there experience sort of speak, and here is mine. I lived in Seattle for about 5 years, 2009-2011, and 2015-beginning 2018. When you first get there it looks nice, green with cloud cover, never hot and never really too cold. But that is wher ...Read More e it ends. They have something called the "Seattle Freeze", essentially if they don't like you, as a city that is, they di think like a herd, they will freeze you out They wont talk to you and just ignore you like a little kid. Other than that, they have a very strong dislike to authority, police, law, etc. The streets are filled with homeless, I was actually chased by one down the street with blood flowing down his face, and the city is ok with it. When you go to the police or city to file a compliant you are disregarded, its as if the Constitution is suspended when you walk out of the airport. They tend to live by some idea of social law, like the book lord of the flies. I even once went to the state office, I am a US citizen, to speak to them about a service, and was entirely disregarded. I kind of thought of the city as being some isolated hamlet. The government condones this lifestyle and even promotes it. Some people like it, but to me one of the worst places in this country. Read Less
Out of here soon 0.5 rating By Disenchanted ( Dec 17, 2017) Lived here for almost 70 years. The city has gone from one of the best to one of the worst. The people are awful. In fact today I was sitting in my car when another car backed into the spot next to me, whereupon the woman in that car looked me in the eye and flung her door into ...Read More mine. I got out to see how bad she dented it and she said nastily "Your'e alright." I said I would decide that and as I looked at the door she shoves me back and says,"Get out of my way" and walks off. I am almost 70 years old and what makes Seattle even better, I knew that if I even reported it, I would probably be blamed for even caring about a car. The city government is just plain annoying and weird. Also, it take hours to go anywhere in the constant, all day, traffic congestion. Save yourself, don't come here! Don't make the mistake I made by staying here. Good Luck to you. Maybe Boise? Read Less
Too expensive and gloomy 1 rating By BlueEyes ( Dec 13, 2017) I lived in the Seattle area 15 years ago and have been visiting since I was a little tyke. I moved back for a job opportunity (those were practically nonexistent in Oregon where family lives) and instantly regretted it. The modest apartment I rented 15 years ago in Renton costs t ...Read More wice as much as it was, but wages have not kept pace, so it's become extremely difficult afford the rent here and have any sort of quality of life unless you're earning 6 figures or more. The weather is soggy, chilly, gloomy and that wouldn't be so bad if there were others things to rave about, but I can't think of much. The public transportation system is overburdened, the number of homeless is still steadily increasing and they are most definitely aggressive downtown. It seems like people are meek and afraid to offend anyone, so the energy is just odd. I'll be leaving at the first out of state job offer and can't imagine coming back even to visit. Read Less
Absolutely Beautiful, Awful People/Weather 0.5 rating By Heart777 ( Jun 10, 2017) When I moved here, I thought it was quaint and absolutely beautiful. I presumed the people would be friendly. I've been here 15 f"king years and I hate it. Can't wait to leave. The culture here is the weirdest I've ever encountered and I've lived all over the US and overseas. Th ...Read More e people are unfriendly, cowardly - they will never say anything straight - they invite you over and looked shocked if you ever actually show up. Friendship are shallow and short-lived. I was married to a WA guy and his family never - and I mean never- invited me over or showed any courtesy. They were stuck up and rude. No place else I've lived was like that. I've always made friends easily but I have no friends here. They get sore - but won't openly show it - if you say anything straightforward and honest. It's the Northwest culture - just too weird for me. Housing is expensive, jobs hard to find. Oh, and the incessant rainy gloomy weather isn't just depressing, I've been getting strange physical problems from the lack of light - SAD, labrarynthitis, etc. Don't move to the Northwest!! Read Less
planned on staying forever, left after 6mo.. 0.5 rating By sdroberts1001 ( Feb 20, 2017) Seattle, is disgusting. I visited and loved it. Once you live there.. Horrible homless problem, heroin problem. The people will go out of there way to be rude. The churches are boreded up. The stores close at 8-9 all of them. Nightlife is non existing. If you want to go to Star ...Read More bucks and watch t.v this is your place. I moved here with the potential to stay for the rest of my life. I will be moving I 2 months. So bad I left after 6mo. Read Less
Disgusting sewage hole 0.5 rating By violet87 ( Jul 13, 2016) IIf you love walking up Mount Everest to get to the drug store and having horrible pain from the terrible lengths you have to walk around closed off streets this is your city! Absolutely appalling, the worst homeless population I've encountered even out of Portland, Austin and De ...Read More nver. Homeless here are more aggressive, bizarre and drugged up than any I've ever seen. And they're all over, even in 'good' sides of can't get away from them and being constantly bothered when eating. Rude and inconsiderate drivers practically mow over pedestrians even when they have the right of way and many people live in their own little bubbles unaware of what is going on - totally ignorant to others!! I was almost run over twice by cyclists as well. Terrible traffic and insanely bad construction issues plague the city... Good luck finding a normal sidewalk half the time. I have no idea how the elderly or differently abled survive here, as every other street has an almost 180 degree incline. On top of that,It's dirty and disgusting with trash piles, homeless tents all over and many streets reeking of strong urine ...worse than any big city. HORRIBLE! Read Less
CENSORSHIP 0.5 rating By nurse ( Jul 07, 2015) Hi, I have been in three different states and lived poor, rich, educated, and worked.
SEATTLE is easy to get a job and hard to find the right place to live for the price. Even the area
where there is nice harbor or lake has mold and people careless of the environment, ( trash b
...Read More ottles, fast food
garbage, ect.) When I decided to take a job, I was excited about the pay and then then the traffic on one
highway from the south end to the north end towards Canada is not worth any job. The ferry's to take your car
and the toll bridges are also not worth the commute. I would have rather visit the place instead of live permanently here. Its great for any one in the military and for anyone who is not here for very I could feel the winter depression spills over to customer service until the sun shines again. My light bills were high and My water was polluted according to a notice sent to me in the mail two weeks after I rented my apartment even though it rains. Anywhere above Seattle like 70 miles above (north) is great for recreation but that is it.
I wanted to live where people had more college degrees but I don't see a mindfulness here at all...... Read Less
Over Priced City. 2 rating By Forpetesake ( Mar 23, 2015) The word is already out online nationaly regarding Seattle. It's way too over priced and expensive to live in and to overcrowed for the transportation system to handle. Don't even think about setting up a small business here. Trying to find affordable parking and paying the addit ...Read More ional labor costs will be challenging. If you wish to relocate to the Pacific Northwest try Boise or Grants Pass Oregon. The weather is better (more sunshine) and you won't be paying six bucks for a hamburger.....well hopefully not soon. The Liberals in Seattle speak of economic compassion but that of course does not apply to everyone. -Craig West. Read Less
Too special city for narrow-minded 4 rating By abovebelow ( Apr 30, 2014) Lived in Seattle some years ago. It's beautiful and popular city, and i understand that everybody knows why. But i always meet people, who hate this place. So, i've decided to create small list of characteristics of such people.
You probably hate Seattle if you are:
- Has relig
...Read More ious and conservative mind. Such liberal aspects as legal pot or gay marriage scares you.
- You can't call yourself creative or artistic person. Mathematical equations are nicer than masterpieces of famous painters.
- You like nightlie of all kinds. Night clubs, bars and alcohol are your friends. And home Seattle too boring for you.
- You like sunny weather and seaside with surfers.
- Probably your education suck. University is not your sphere. And you believe that only God know how world works and soon punish godless seattleites.
- Too snob to see homeless people.
- You are granny. Drunk granny. Read Less
Screw Seattle 0.5 rating By outtahere ( Mar 19, 2014) What others have said, nice place to visit, but not to live. Every not so pleasant statement made about Seattle by previous posters is 100% true. Google "Bertha Seattle" to get an idea of what kind of stupidity runs this city and state. About as bad as how the city wasted hundred ...Read More s of millions of dollars for a monorail that was never built. Because everyone has a small town bumpkin attitude nothing is improved until it is too late. Roads in most residential areas are so narrow only one car can pass at a time, because why built garages? Housing prices are stupid expensive, especially when you consider that even in nice areas there are no shortage of moldy, mossy shacks that look like a serial killer lives inside. Downtown is great to watch crack dealers conducting business right in front of the court house. Don't say anything about the homeless unless it is praise or people get all bent out of shape. Despite the fact many of them are drunks and drug addict losers. Seriously there are encampments of them living under the large bridges like a family of trolls. Many small businesses are barely able to stay open because of the ridiculous real estate prices, then you get an moron like Kshama Sawant and her army of uneducated idiots screaming there should be a $15 hour minimum wage. Never have seen so many people afraid of their own shadow and there has to be a big conspiracy theory for EVERYTHING. A four mile commute can take 30 minutes on a good day, closer to an hour normally. For a city that is supposedly so progressive they sure are narrow minded when an opposing view is presented. If you do make the mistake of moving here be prepared to be interrogated for about an hour at any given job interview as to why you are not born and raised here. The pettiness in the work environment is sad to say the least. Even after legalizing pot, which was supposed to raise so much money, only one growers permit has been issued well after a year marking the legalization vote. The taxes are about as bad as California, roads are lit for crap, all in bad shape, I could go on but hopefully you get the idea. Read Less
nice place to visit but not live 2 rating By hotboy13 ( Jan 25, 2014) don't believe the hype this is not as great a area as people say it is . I wish I could move out I am trying to and I will so I don't go insane The people have no confidence here they are afraid to speak their mind very soft people no back bone they are afraid to look you in t ...Read More he eyes not like New York Philly San Francisco the weather sucks its good for 4 moths out of 12 no jobs unless your working for Microsoft or amazon I could go on all day and its very expensive as well Read Less
Ignore the Propaganda and Ignore this Place as Desirable 0.5 rating By Minneconjou ( Jan 17, 2014) I've lived in Seattle for most of the last decade and am on Areavibes looking for a good place to move to this year hopefully. Anybody considering moving here should ignore the Public Relations nonsense put out by the City and avoid it altogether, because unless you're into drugs ...Read More , deviant sexuality, or welfare there is no social scene whatsoever (unless you enjoy spending a lot of time alone).

The business atmosphere too can best be described as 'hostile'---Communist Party members were actually elected to the City Council here last November. The cost of living is high; the quality of living is low; the bureaucratic red tape and high taxes fall most heavily on the productive while the City ignores the large colonies of the homeless and psychopaths and allows them to roam the streets at will.

Seattle is often claimed to have the best-educated people in the US, but it doesn't show. The schools here are pathetic, families are not encouraged to be here (according to census figures there are more dogs than children under 12 here). Even the vaunted 'singles scene' is a joke---just do a Google search for 'Seattle Freeze' and you get an idea of the character of the population here. Groupthink, political correctness, uptightness, cliquishness rule here. There is no 'night life' at all despite the media hype, you can't even find restaurants open after 10 in most neighborhoods and practically no clubs or other social venues. Read Less
Looking For A Good Place To Visit? 3.5 rating By Muhammad Alenazi ( Jun 13, 2013) Seattle is the largest city in Washington State and it is one of the fastest growing cities and it has a great economy because of the trade and the tourism. It is a big city and it has one of largest ports in the United States and that gives it an advantage to let it be one of th ...Read More e best cities in economy. Seattle is an attractive city and that's why people come to it from everywhere. It has many unique things such as Microsoft's company and the first Starbucks shop and because of these Seattle captures people's attentions and people look for visiting Seattle. Economy comes with two things which are trade and tourism and that is what economy of Seattle based on. Technology in Seattle has grown and that leads Seattle to have many internet companies and to be one of the best cities in trade. Furthermore, people tend to open many stores and many companies because they see how Seattle becomes the city of trade and it is heading to grow up more and more in business. For example, Seattle has Microsoft's company and it is one of the best powerful companies in the whole world. Trade in Seattle leads to increase the city's population because trade let the people in Seattle be revived. However, tourists tend to visit Seattle from everywhere after Seattle has grown and also because Seattle after the trade become known. So, trade in Seattle leads to tourism and trade and tourism are both involved in economy. When we look at Seattle we see that Seattle is one of the beautiful cities in America and has a good weather too. If you look for a good place to have a vacation with your family, Seattle is a great place for vacation because it has many entertaining places and its weather is almost perfect. I have visited many places in the world but it seems to me that Seattle is one of the best cities that I visited because its people are nice and has historic places that I am interested in and I really enjoyed vising it. Seattle is mixed between modern and traditional so you can find whatever you like to see if you are interested in modern or traditional places. I want to visit it again because I did not visit all its entertaining places yet. In sum, I really recommend you to visit Seattle if you did not visit it yet and I assure that you will get confused which place you should visit first because it has many interesting places. Read Less
Travel to Seattle 4 rating By Bader ( Jun 12, 2013) Do you live in the Northwest of the USA? Do you want to visit a fabulous city? Seattle is the best choice because it has many attractive things. First of all, the best time to visit it is in the summer because the weather in Seattle is not hot. According to the Weather Channel, t ...Read More he average temperature is between 57-76 F. That is an amazing weather to spend times outdoor.

The best place to spend your times in Seattle is going to the beaches. Seattle has many wonderful beaches. One of them is Alki beach, which has beautiful views of downtown Seattle. Also, you would enjoy walking the miles and miles of paved trail and lots of restaurants to choose from outdoor seating. Another good beach is Golden Gardens, which is awesome place for family because it has play areas for the kids.

One important thing for all tourists is restaurants and they are looking for the best restaurants. Seattle has many different kind of restaurants. So, you can find any kind of food that is your favorite. If you like Mexican food, you can find a lot of restaurants there. For example, the best restaurants are La Carta de Oaxaca, Rancho Bravo Tacos, and Tacos El Asadero. Tourists who are from Middle East can find all type of Arabic food. For instance, Aladdin Falafel Corner, Mr. Gyros, Petra Mediterranean Bistro, and Mamnoon are the best choice to try them. Similar to them, Asians can find Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Indian, and Thai restaurants. For example, SanMaRu Grill, Indochine Asian Dining Lounge, Green Leaf, In the Bowl, Seven Stars Pepper Szechuan, and Mr. and Mrs. Wok are of the best Asians restaurants.

In addition to the weather, the shopping is very important for the tourists. Seattle has two outlets malls one the north of Seattle on I-5 (exit 202) has the best outlet shopping around. Another is outside of the city in North Bend, which also has a wonderful waterfall. In the outlets malls, you would find any market that you are looking for. Moreover, the Downtown has few malls in the core shopping area. Also, in the Downtown area you can visit many famous places, for example, you can visit the first Starbucks' branch. When you are in that area, you must visit the Public Market Center, which has a lot of vendor stalls where local folks sell cosmetics, artwork, fresh fish, test honey and unique goodies to take home and various other items. When you get in the Public Market, you will have feeling like you are back many years ago. In Seattle you simply cannot skip the Space Needle because it has amazing views. According to Wikipedia, the Space Needle is 184 m high; it is visited by about 1000 of people every day. Read Less
Welcome to the city Lucifer himself would feel right at home in 0.5 rating By saints4ever ( May 13, 2013) The Worst location on the face of the earth to ever choose to move to the official home of the world's largest population of Morally, spiritually, ethically dead dishonest, deceitful godless, faithless city on the planet known as Seattle where violent criminals, sexually devian ...Read More t pedophiles are released to neighborhoods with children and within the area nearby schools ,Crime is higher than the Nation average by 22% and is alive and thriving quite successfully and Pot is smoked everywhere you look even in the street and embarrassingly police cannot do anything about it (though I truly wish they could) because pot is fully legal in Seattle Read Less
Great place for tourists, not a great place to live... 0.5 rating By FrenchSis ( Aug 10, 2012) Seattle used to be a rustic town...a little backwards and big on prostitution. Well, not much has changed except that the city caters to tourists much more than anyone else. There is high drug use here, high pagan belief centered communities, high protitution (really ugly, fat, u ...Read More sed streetwalkers), and really hostile attitudes by some that really ruin the quality of life for the most. There is high mental ret***ation and mental illness; not just in the homeless communities (domestic violence, drug addictions, inmate services, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered, down low - you name it) but there is a high incidence of functional drug addicts here. Office politics in Seattle is a monster to deal with!

I don't recommend Seattle for anyone...most people live outside of Seattle proper and just commute to work there then get out before sundown. The tourists are usually unaware of what is happening all around them which is for the best.

Seattle, great place to visit - horrid place to live. Read Less
Enjoy Seattle 5 rating By WiCarly ( Jun 27, 2012) My husband & I travel to Seattle at least once a year to visit our daughter. We have never run out of new places to see or visit while we are there. The most wonderful thing about our trips to Seattle, are the people and how polite and courteous they are on the roads.
...Read More are several parks in the area and there is always watching the big ships come into Puget Sound (all things that everyone can enjoy and does not cost a thing).
We will be going again in Aug of this year, so I'll write another review then. Read Less
Visiting Seattle, WA 5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 24, 2011) I grew up in Seattle and it is a wonderful place to visit. I love the history, the culture, the people and places around town. Starbucks began in Seattle at the Pike Place Market location and it's a wonderful place to begin your visit. The Pike Place Market is just above the Seat ...Read More tle waterfront. Pike Place Market is known for it's famous 'fish throwers' who throw fresh fish at it's world famous Pike Place Fish.

Seattle is a great place for sports. When visiting Seattle you may go to a Mariners baseball game at Safeco Field. Centurytel Field is to the north of Safeco Field and is home to the Seattle Seahawks.

The Seattle Space Needle's top rotates while you take in the view. Go to the observation deck and get a 360 degree view of the town. The restaurant in the Space Needle is very expensive so I usually recommend to my friends to take in the view at the observation deck and skip the restaurant. People go to the restaurant for special occasions like proposals or wedding anniversaries. The Experience Music Project or EMP is a museum adjacent to the Seattle Space Needle. The EMP also has a Science Fiction Museum located in it that is a must go for any science fiction lover!

I love the weather in Seattle in the summer and the fall. When it's sunny in Seattle there are beautiful views of Mount Rainier and the Olympic Mountain range. Seattle is also the starting point for many Alaskan Cruises. There are many fine seafood restaurants along the Seattle Waterfront one of my favorites is Anthony's. Anthony's has great clam chowder and fresh fish. Taking a ferry boat ride from Seattle is a must for all visitors. Read Less
You've Gotta Go to Seattle, WA 5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 29, 2010) My wife and I recently travelled to Seattle, WA for a week of vacationing. I have to say, if you have never been to Seattle you are missing out on an amazing trip. I fully expected to be surround by nothing more than coffee shops and liberal protests, but I what we found was surp ...Read More risingly entertaining.

I really enjoyed the friendly attitudes that we received from the locals. We were greeted by smiles everywhere we went, and I don't recall one poor experience with a waiter or store clerk. The Seattle attractions were also enjoyable, my personal favorite being a trip to the Space Needle. We are not much for nightlife, so I can't vouch for that scene, but everything I heard while in Seattle was that the city only became more lively at night. I can tell you each of the Seattle restaurants we visited provided us with a pleasant experience.

The only drawback of our trip was the rain. I believe it rained every day, on and off throughout the day, but this hardly caused a problem on our trip. I would recommend anyone contemplating a trip to Seattle to book their flight now! Read Less

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      Seattle, WA

      Seattle, WA, "The Emerald City", is the center of a sprawling metropolis situated between the marine waters of Puget Sound and the snowcapped mountains of the Cascade Range. What began as a logging and coal mining camp in the early 1850s has grown into a prominent leader in the industries of aerospace, medicine, retail, and high-tech. The entire metropolitan area, stretching from Everett in the north end to Tacoma and Olympia to the south, is home to roughly four million inhabitants.

      You might be surprised to learn that this city isn't as rain-soaked as its reputation suggests. Summers are mild and generally dry, and roses bloom in January thanks to the mild marine influence. The region is an outdoor enthusiast's paradise, with boating, fishing, water skiing, snow skiing, and hiking the most popular activities.

      You'll fall in love with the city the moment you arrive. From the top of the famous Space Needle, you'll marvel at the sights. The forested hills, the multitude of freshwater lakes, and the eye-popping view of towering Mount Rainier will thrill you no end.

      Getting around town is easy. Hop aboard the Metro or the Puget Sound Transit buses and trains for an easy commute to the suburbs. Seattle is at the western end of Interstate 90, and Interstate 5 weaves through the entire city. The recent upgrades to the city's freeway access has eased the burden of morning and afternoon commutes.

      Downtown is a mix of skyscrapers, retail shops, top-quality restaurants, and high-rise condo buildings. Stroll along the Elliot Bay waterfront to visit the aquarium, historical points of interest, and the famous Pike Place Market. Unlike many other cities, Seattle has a vibrant downtown atmosphere. There are lots of nightclubs, cafes, and urban parks within walking distance of the financial, shopping, and hotel districts.

      The diversity of industry is a big reason why this city enjoys a healthy economy. Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company, and it has several major manufacturing complexes in the region. This is also the home of the retail giant Amazon, and the headquarters of Microsoft is located in a nearby suburb.

      The entire metro area is culturally diverse as well. There's a huge Scandinavian population here, and the population of Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Filipino residents is quite evident. You'll love the prominence of culture-oriented festivals in this city. Arts and crafts festivals and international children's festivals are ongoing throughout the calendar year.

      The city's home prices and apartment rental prices are above the national average, but so is the hourly wage. Tax rates are moderate, but you'll soon find that city initiatives that include tax increases are always on the voting ballot. However, if your plan is to find a home where future income and retirement savings are all but guaranteed, you won't find a better bet than a move to this exciting city.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Seattle? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Seattle Center
      Artists at Play Playground
      Tilikum Place
      Growing Vine Street Headwaters Park
      Olympic Sculpture Park
      Counterbalance Park
      Belltown Cottage Park
      Myrtle Edwards Park


      Mural Amphitheatre
      Chihuly Garden and Glass
      Boeing IMAX Theater
      Seattle Children's Theater
      Seattle Children's Museum
      Space Needle
      Pacific Science Center
      PACCAR IMAX Theater

      Food & Drink

      Blue Water Taco Grill
      MOD Pizza
      Cool Guys
      The Loupe Lounge
      Seattle Fudge
      Matt's Fish Basket

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Seattle? Of all people who commute, 20.5% take public transportation in Seattle.
      Drive to Work

      33% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      15% higher than the US average

      Walk to Work

      8% higher than the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Seattle a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Navos West Seattle Campus
      The Seattle Facial Plastic Surgery Center
      Seattle Children's Hospital
      University of Washington Medical Center - Northwest
      VA Medical Center - Seattle
      Harborview Medical Center
      University of Washington Medical Center - Montlake
      Swedish Medical Center Ballard Campus


      Bartell Drugs
      Pharmaca West Seattle
      Bob Johnson Pharmacy
      Bartell Drugs
      Neighborcare Health Pharmacy
      Bartell Drugs
      Bartell Drugs
      Bartell Drugs


      Swedish Magnolia Primary Care
      MTI Physical Therapy-Magnolia
      Swedish Physicians
      Puget Sound Eye Care
      Alpine Physical Therapy
      Capitol Hill Chiropractic & Massage
      Simply Dental
      Belltown Spine & Wellness