Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (88) A+
Entertainment (239) A+
Food and Drink (774) A+
Fitness (71) C-
Groceries (103) F
Parks (580) A+
Shops (834) A+
See more San Antonio amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 2.6% take public transportation in San Antonio.
Public Transit Stops (479)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more San Antonio commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in San Antonio is 95/100 - which is 2% higher than Texas.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more San Antonio cost of living data

crime F

San Antonio crime rates are 6,089 per 100k, which is 130% higher than Texas
Property Crime
5,395 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
694 crimes per 100k
See more San Antonio crime data

employment C

The median income in San Antonio is $53,420 - which is 2% lower than Texas.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more San Antonio employment data

health A+

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (324)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more San Antonio health & safety data

housing A+

San Antonio home prices are $156,700 - which is 10% higher than Texas
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
2.9x (home price to income ratio)
See more San Antonio housing data

schools C-

The San Antonio graduation rate is 77% - which is 1% lower than Texas
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (523) F
High Schools (144) A+
See more San Antonio education data

ratings D+

San Antonio has an overall rating of 57% from 103 reviews.
User Reviews (20)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (83)
From AreaVibes
See more San Antonio user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of San Antonio, TX
( 103 Ratings )

Living in San Antonio, TX

San Antonio Area Facts

  • San Antonio has a Livability Score of 80/100, which is considered exceptional
  • San Antonio crime rates are 130% higher than the Texas average
  • Cost of living in San Antonio is 2% higher than the Texas average
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San Antonio Reviews

Write a review about San Antonio Tell people what you like or don't like about San Antonio…
Tex Mex Si 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 02, 2024) SA is a sh*t hole full of beans. Lived here 15 years ago and cannot believe how far this city has fallen. Back then SA was a big town with a small town feel. People had a real Texas welcome and made a stranger feel at home. Those days are gone amigo. ...Read More Read Less
Best City by far of any I have visited or lived in. 5 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 14, 2023) I moved here from California and lived in Sacramento for 25 years. We moved to Texas for a better life and we got it! This is city so if you are expecting no crime and an idyllic no troubles life, this is not it. However, depending on where you live in the city crime isn't a big ...Read More issue. People are friendly, good drivers and overall people are very easy to live with. We live in the suburbs, north east San Antonio, and love it here. We are outdoorsy people and there are so many large urban parks and areas to go hiking in plus, you are right on the edge of the hill country with so many areas to explore. Of course there are lots of great tourist attractions: The Riverwalk, The Alamo, Sea World and more to share with visitors. We are empty nesters so we don't deal with the schools but, we hear from the our neighbors and people we meet that there are some great schools here. The home prices are very affordable, at least compared to California! Glad we moved here! Read Less
San Antonio is a beautiful, diverse city 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jul 02, 2022) Ignore the rather improper impressions these poor reviews have impressed upon you. San Antonio is one of the best cities in the Southern United States. The folks are kind; the population is diverse. Anti-San Antonio people likely find the city unsatisfactory because white people ...Read More are a minority unlike most places in the US. I have yet to find any of the "rude" people talked about (though I have stumbled across some ungentleman-like folks). The food, for the most part, is good, though it's worth checking out the place online before going out. Bexar County is a sprawling, industrious, beautiful, diverse, bustling, and enjoyable area. If course, some areas might have a resident more likely to be subjected to a violent crime like any metro area, but you won't have your car stolen or destroyed in a Walgreens parking lot or something like that. Just stay kind and be glad to be a product of the greatest area in the world while you learn the amazing history of the area. Read Less
San Antonio is a dump 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 12, 2022) Poverty (highest of any major metro), illiteracy (25%; highest of any major metro), crime both violent and property, tops the charts, 5th dirtiest in the country, terrible traffic. It is EASILY the most ignorant and racist place I've ever lived and they are all dumb as posts. Don ...Read More 't come here unless you "fit in." Healthcare is better in rural Botswania. The driving is terrible, the drunk driving is worse, even the once good areas now experience car-jacking in the parking lots of grocery stores. Wanna taste of post Zombie apocalypse life? Just come to San Antonio. The only good thing is every one is fat so the Zombies have plenty to choose from, you might survive. Read Less
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San Antonio is a beautiful, diverse city 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jul 02, 2022) Ignore the rather improper impressions these poor reviews have impressed upon you. San Antonio is one of the best cities in the Southern United States. The folks are kind; the population is diverse. Anti-San Antonio people likely find the city unsatisfactory because white people ...Read More are a minority unlike most places in the US. I have yet to find any of the "rude" people talked about (though I have stumbled across some ungentleman-like folks). The food, for the most part, is good, though it's worth checking out the place online before going out. Bexar County is a sprawling, industrious, beautiful, diverse, bustling, and enjoyable area. If course, some areas might have a resident more likely to be subjected to a violent crime like any metro area, but you won't have your car stolen or destroyed in a Walgreens parking lot or something like that. Just stay kind and be glad to be a product of the greatest area in the world while you learn the amazing history of the area. Read Less
San Antonio is a dump 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 12, 2022) Poverty (highest of any major metro), illiteracy (25%; highest of any major metro), crime both violent and property, tops the charts, 5th dirtiest in the country, terrible traffic. It is EASILY the most ignorant and racist place I've ever lived and they are all dumb as posts. Don ...Read More 't come here unless you "fit in." Healthcare is better in rural Botswania. The driving is terrible, the drunk driving is worse, even the once good areas now experience car-jacking in the parking lots of grocery stores. Wanna taste of post Zombie apocalypse life? Just come to San Antonio. The only good thing is every one is fat so the Zombies have plenty to choose from, you might survive. Read Less
A culture of rudeness and crime 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 09, 2021) I've lived in san antonio for 14 years and it hasn't been great. If you live inside hwy 410 then be prepared to live in an urban environment full of crime and desperate poor/homeless people. The only "southern hospitality" you'll get is a door held open for you. Ive lived in a fe ...Read More w different states and cities and without a doubt san Antonio has the most uncultured rudest people I've ever met. There's hardly any wildlife or trees or grass. Trees only get to 20 feet tall and stop growing so good luck finding shade when summer starts. Oh also summer starts in April with temperatures steadily at 80+ degrees until the temperatures start to drop in September. There's never any people playing or walking outside because it's either too hot or too crime infested. People here take the texas cliches seriously so be prepared to see people start fist fights over the smallest of things. There's also tons of mediocrity here. Atleast when I was on the east coast I felt empowered by seeing all of the high level professions around me. But here if your middle class people think that they are hot stuff with their 40K truck, and 0 personality or etiquette. Better have full coverage for when that guy in his 3000$ beater hits your car and speeds off. If your thinking of moving here for the "cheap real estate" your going to find out it's cheap for a reason. Living outside of loop 1604 is the way to go but even then good luck with your work commute since loop 1604 is only 2 lanes. The city is growing too fast while the city officials don't really care about your cost of living. Also if your rent isn't atleast $1000 a month be prepared to sleep with one eye open and a shotgun under your bed. Read Less
This place is terrible especially if you’re black. 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 07, 2021) I’m military and I have never been to such a terrible place. All the people do here is eat and the food isn’t even THAT good. Trust me you’ll find plenty of spots to eat but it’s all the same and it’s not even authentic at all. The restaurants are filthy. I stopped eati ...Read More ng out completely because of the disgusting establishments...go out and look at your cups and silverware just food all over them. Dirty dishes and microwaved food yummy (sarcasm).
San Antonio does not care about its people only the tourist attractions...everywhere else is run down and filled with pedophiles and crackheads. I’ve never even heard of the term “ice” until I got here. Apparently everyone does crack here or “brown”.
The people are ignorant and racist. If you are black and thinking of moving here DO NOT DO’d think other minorities would be normal but no you’ll never be at a decent job where they won’t say racist remarks and don’t let me get started on the micro aggression.
If you’re planning on getting a house here or even an apartment DO NOT DO IT! It’s old and even if they say it’s “remodeled” it’s not. It’s just covered up. Most companies here including all of real estate are a bunch of scammers.
The list can go on about how terrible this place is but I’m pretty sure you saw the way the “cold front” was handled here. It’s a mess. A bunch of old, ignorant, racist, unhealthy individuals. The politicians here do not care about anything but their money. It’s sad. Read Less
A bad place 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 23, 2020) Everyone in this area is infested with demons

Could write a few lengthy paragraphs, but that sums it up better than anything I could say
...Read More Read Less
Beware of Buying Real Estate in Greater San Antonio 2 rating By Anonymous ( Sep 18, 2019) There are no signs that the Seller's Market now many months old is going to slow down.
Major employers advertising the will be moving into the area fuel the filre.
I am reminded of the Boom/Bust that occurred in Houston and surrounding areas
in 1983/84. It can be said that San A
...Read More ntonio is California's fastest growing city - if
you understand my meaning. The surrounding counties do offer attractive
living conditions but, this won't be the case if building continues. What's the point
of buying your dream home / retirement home if in 3-5 years all roads are constantly
choked with traffic ? Give these points some thought as you consider your offer to buy.
If seller's are not willing to capitulate significantly on price then look elsewhere and that
might be a good thing anyway... don't want to get caught owning property over valued
by 50% ! Read Less
Just Stay Away 1 rating By Anonymous ( May 06, 2019) This city is low-key ghetto. It takes a while to see it, but it is. Normal places you might go grab a beer with friends in "safe" areas end up being crime scenes. Little Woodrow's on Babcock in the Medical Center- someone pulled out a gun and shot someone he was arguing with in t ...Read More he middle of the dang bar. At a bar called The Well, up by UTSA, some drunk patron just ran over two women in the parking lot over a disagreement. The city is mostly a collection of strip malls. People talk about the riverwalk, which I guess is nice? The bars there smell like pee and are just full of tourists- that area is so trashy at night. I have never seen so many people on food stamps. People will come in wearing brand new nice clothing and then pay for their groceries with food stamps. There is a culture of laziness this city. If you live in Boerne or well out of city limits, it can be a nice place. If you're looking to move forward professionally in anything other than the military, just choose somewhere else. The Spurs are awesome, though. Read Less
Lots of Crime 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 17, 2019) San Antonio is a decent city to live in, but the crime is really bad. I believe many metrics put too much weight on amenities and not enough on crime. I would give SA a "D" as a place to live. There are plenty of things to waste your money on: Sea World, the Zoo, The Alamo, Six F ...Read More lags, Spurs games and lots of fancy restaurants.

1 in 19 citizens of SA are victims of violent crime. The city has DOUBLE the national violent rape rates. Among the 15 largest cities in the USA, San Antonio has the highest crime rate. That right, it's worse than Chicago. (Source - FBI)

Unfortunately it doesn't get much better with the culture either. San Antonio is a very bigoted and prejudiced city. I have found many people here to be racist and homophobic. If you're white, they're going to think you're rich. If you're a minority, they're going to think you're a criminal.

San Antonio does have some pretty views and lots of green areas. That is a nice thing about here. Lots of trees and parks everywhere. This is a recent thing though. For many years it was under a drought, and the many citizens have gone to "zeroscaping" instead of having grass. Some of the outlying communities are nice as well. The cost of living isn't too bad either but there is an affordable housing crisis. If you can't afford a $120k home, you're going to be renting. Read Less
Wonderful place to live 5 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 07, 2019) When I meet other people that lived in San Antonio in their lives most of them tell me how much they miss it. I do too and I deeply regret moving away to tend to my dying parents in the Pacific Northwest. Where I currently live is green and beautiful and a lot of people say th ...Read More ey'd like to live here. On the surface it is beautiful, but the PNW is empty of warmth and community. A friend explained that the peoplescape of San Antonio, the hospitality and friendliness is the beauty of the place. She'd left the PNW to go back to San Antonio because she was lonely here. I get it now.

Cost of living is cheaper than most of the US this makes a big difference in quality of life if you are low income
Quality of life, as your income allows a movie now and then and a meal out is possible on a lower income.
The many parks of San Antonio are beautiful and free
The River walk never got old after years
The architecture is interesting and diverse
The people are diverse and therefore more inclusive (at least my experience I often got invited to coffee or lunch)
The medical care was absolutely excellent and respectful, very different than my experience in the PNW
There is a lot to see and do
The trolley system in San Antonia was fun and easy to use
Food was cheap
Its a garden of eden with tropical plants everywhere. well maintained city that takes pride in its public spaces
Cost of living, is fantastic for the quality of life
Work was easy for me to get
Community that you fit into is easy to find at least compared to the PNW

The climate is hot part if the year and it can feel oppressive but it is not as humid as Dallas appeared to be
When the a/c broke down in my apartment building people died for heatstroke so it can be literally life and death to have A/C
Cockroaches in the lower rent areas or a plague, they were an absolute nightmare and almost a deal breaker but people hire exterminators which last for a short time

I regret leaving San Antonio and am at this time selling my property to go back there I think it is a really wonderful place to live if you are accessible to downtown. The suburbs might be boring and bland Read Less
Stranger and Stranger Things 3 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 18, 2019) The city has great attractions, would be a great place to dine and shop if not for the strange things. The city has certainly changed not sure what has occurred. But there is an obsession with stalking in which we are trying to get stalking laws changed. Apparently as of now ...Read More you can make up a series of lies to hire non SAPD private investigators to have someone stalked. They even dine out with stalker to come up with the next form of harrassment. Pay attention to the people next to you. Now in other states or even other cities this is illegal. But this is not the strange part. They act out movies which is a step away from an attack. This includes the hills have eyes during September 11th. Till dusk till dawn in October, currently it appears to be a witch movie. So of course federal has been informed. We have been trying to figure out the purpose. Do we have burgeoning serial killers? or an increase in antisocial defiant personality disorders. They tend to wear masks. Oh and by the way no one has been
mugged. This is great. But do you really want one of them stalking you? We also endured the Western Union Scam just five years earlier. Highly uncharacteristic of San Antonio. Read Less
Old and filthy 1 rating By Wiccan56 ( Aug 09, 2018) I was born here, 1958. I have seen it change for the worse. It was nice when it was military town USA. The last good year here was about 1988. I would say that we are about 80% Latino. Many Latinos lately seem to hate white people, it seems that way now, it was not the way g ...Read More rowing up. I don't know what happened. Lots of trash on the roads, unkempt landscaping, people don't care about the city anymore...all the focus is on the Riverwalk. Used to be you could walk into any gas stations and grab a coke and it was clean, people friendly...most stations are pretty ghetto and filthy now...even in Stone Oak. We went from 30% Hispanic to 80% Hispanic in less than a lifetime...I don't think a lot of the people here are US citizens or Texas born. I hate to say that I cannot wait until my dad dies so I can move. I cannot leave him here alone. I count the days. I love him, but I loathe this town. Read Less
Beware of Relocation especially if you married and have kids. 0.5 rating By Tonia J ( Dec 29, 2017) You may end up in a homeless shelter after they destroy your marriage and your finances. Then your child may become the victim of verbal abuse at the hand of one them because they thought you didn't say hello as you were strolling in the mall. About three years after moving here ...Read More I ran into a crazed group attempting to run me financially in the ground. One year to three is how long it takes to detect you. They are very good at convincing others to participate in this. If you are even remotely interested think 5 times and make sure you have a good lawyer. They are so manipulative they are even able to evade law enforcement or they know some law enforcement agents. SAPD just screams at you if you complain and imply that you are making up the harassment. They tell people they are the Texas Workforce Commission or the police. When you call the workforce commission they have no idea who the group is neither does the police department. It's difficult getting a conviction because they soar just under the radar. They lie so well they isolate you by turning your entire family against you. You then have to endure prank phone calls and childish costly pranks until you die or you can make it out of here. They also like to recruit criminals so that you don't complain when they resume the harassment. There is a focus on people who finish degrees here they kept ramming and keying my car because I had my university plates on my car. After a while the thought process is well hell at least that's better than being shot. Watch people under the stairs, scream, and the usual suspects to get an idea of what its like. Either way keep going. Read Less
San Antonio Rocks! 5 rating By Mima2015 ( Sep 26, 2017) I have lived in San Antonio for 20 years. Originally from the northeast and the Caribbean, I found that San Antonio felt like a combination of a city and country in one. Someone in another review stated you need to know Spanish to get a job. This is not so. Although Hispanics ...Read More are not a minority here, there is a diversity of cultures infused in the city as well. My husband and I moved here shortly after we got married and found that San Antonio allowed us to progress immensely. We were able to further our careers by finishing certain degrees. We were also blessed with specific jobs in civil service. In addition to this, the housing market was perfect for us. We were able to build a 2200 sq. ft. home for a very decent price. Though the site has rated crime to be terrible in this city, there are specific parts of San Antonio that are extremely safe. We have lived here for 2 decades and have never been broken into, not even once! There are more than plenty of things to do around here as well if you are single, married, or have a family. You will never run out of things to do. There are a vast number of restaurants to choose from, malls to go to, and shows or live concerts to enjoy. Though the summers are long and hot, the rest of the year's weather is very pleasant, especially in comparison to other states in freezing weather. One of the things I like the most here are the people. In general, people here are hospitable and will help you even if you are a stranger. I would recommend moving to San Antonio to anyone who would like to progress and thrive. Read Less
San Antonio Sucks!!!! 0.5 rating By Nurjamal ( Aug 17, 2017) Moved here from NW - Seattle. San Antonio is flat, horribly hot and humid. Not much to look at or do outdoors. The air is smelly from the ocean and the tap water is filled with metals and silt, hard water. We installed water filters but it does not help much. We buy drinking wate ...Read More r every week. 70% of the population is Mexican so you have to know Spanish to get a job. The customer service is slow wherever you go. It's like a big village. People chat forever at the check out lines. Prepare to pay more in rent if you want a decent housing. Drivers are very rude and they drive like they would like to get into accident. Rarely people use blinkers and jump in front without warning, or tailgate. I have seen road accidents or parts of cars on highways every time I go driving. There is even a sign on I -10 how many death so far this year - 1549. I have seen dead dogs and furniture on freeways!! The only close grocery store is HEB which is the monopoly here in TX. No Safeway, QFC or Kroger or Grocery Outlet nearby. We have been here for 4 months and planning our exodus out of this God forsaken place already. Whatever you do DO NOT MOVE to San Antonio. Read Less
Denver Heights Great Place to live 3 blocks from Alamo,riverwalk,urban 5 rating By careforus ( Oct 21, 2015) Wow! walk, bike, drive 3 blocks from your home. See downtown beautiful Tower of the Americas fireworks, Only at Denver Heights Neighborhood. Prices of homes are so affordable, walk to all concerts, events, Fiesta carnival, river walk, access to all mayor freeways perfectly center ...Read More new homes are bursting up, great Urban/Historic homes much better than any other area for the $ is low prices compare to 4 blocks Dignowiti is expensive and Lavaca is expensive. It has the most amazing views guarantee of Down town here!!! See more you get views you won't find anywhere else in down town San Antonio, Tx Read Less
The Alamo City! 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 17, 2014) I live in The Alamo City also known as San Antonio, Texas. It is one of the most beautiful places in Texas. It is also known for having the first Tex-Mex restaurant in America. Gringos is a Texas institution, and no chips and salsa is served before meals. However, the home of the ...Read More reigning world championship San Antonio Spurs. The summers are very hot. Because of this, much of the activity that takes place for adults is at dusk and continues into the night. For children, Fiesta Texas located on our outskirts is one of the best amusement parks in this part of the country.

Most of the night activity takes place along our famous River walk. There are restaurants and activities, and it makes for a really relaxing evening. We have several military installations in and around the city. This means that there is a very eclectic mix of people. However, it melds into everything good that is said about the city. In the last twenty years, San Antonio has seen a renaissance on the national level. People from other areas in Texas formerly made up the entire mass of tourist, and most of this tourism was surrounded by San Antonio's historical significance.

Recently, people from around the country have found our quiet elegance, but the history is still our main significance. Phil Collins, the famous international mega star of the group Genesis and then a successful solo career in the 80's and 90's, is an Alamo and Texas history buff. He owned the largest personal collection of Alamo artifacts in the world. Mr. Collins recently donated that collection to our local Alamo organization. It is acts such as these that keep our city new and very current, but with a nod to our very storied past. Read Less
San Antonio, TX has it all! 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 23, 2011) I have lived in Texas all of my life. In my life I have had the privilege of traveling all around this great state. There are many wonderful places to visit and see. Out of all of the cities and towns in Texas, my favorite by far is San Antonio. I have traveled to San Antonio, Te ...Read More xas many times and I have been always pleased and overjoyed with my visits. For anyone interested in traveling to San Antonio here are just a few things to look forward too.

I usually begin any visit to the city by stopping by the downtown and taking in the sights and sounds of the Mexican market. Located near many historic sites, the market offers some of the best shopping to be found in the entire city. Usually after that I will head over to the world famous Alamo. The grounds are well kept and maintained. There is truly a feeling of history the moment you enter into those hollowed walls. Usually after spending some time there I will head on over to some of the other Spanish missions. San Antonio has many old and beautiful missions to explore. After a full day of history and some shopping I will usually head back downtown again for a trip down the river walk. This is a wonderful place to shop, eat and just be mesmerized by the beauty of the river.

Sometimes when I come to the city I like to take in a sporting event. My favorite event to go to is a San Antonio Spurs game. Tickets can sell quickly, so it is best to order ahead of time if possible. Other times, when not in the mood for sports, I will go over to one of the many art galleries found throughout the city. There is truly everything and anything to find and explore in San Antonio. Read Less
San Antonio Has Great Economic Climate and Lots To Do 4 rating By ryankelly ( Jan 18, 2011) I've lived in San Antonio now for nearly 10 years, previously living in the Boston/Hartford areas. San Antonio is a great place to raise a family, or even relocate a business for several reasons:

1. The city is slower-paced, even with 1.5 million people and growing. Compare t
...Read More his to California or other metro areas where your children seem to grow up way too fast. San Antonio has good community living and is a better place to raise a family. I wouldn't want to raise a family out of a high-rise in a major metropolitan area.

2. The economic climate here is better than most states or cities. Look at California, or even Chicago. These cities (and states) are in dire need of economic help and government stimulus - but not Texas. Texas is "open for business" and is currently a prime location for businesses in California to relocate to. The work force is probably less sophisticated, but with Toyota Motor Manufacturing here, we are building a better, more sophisticated job force.

3. This is a stable environment from a geo-climatic standpoint. Yes, we have hot summers, but winters are mild at best, we haven't had snow since 1985 and there is no threat of hurricanes, earthquakes or other natural disasters. This is why Rackspace, the global leader in web hosting, continues to operate out of San Antonio for this reason, and many others, such as lower energy costs.

4. There are plenty of things to do in San Antonio. We have places like the Alamo, Fiesta Texas, SeaWorld, exclusive shopping at La Cantera, The Rim and the outlet malls in San Marcos. We have great theatres, our own symphony orchestra, and we have the NBA World Champion San Antonio Spurs (who at the time of this review are the #1 team in the league). We also have the Dallas Cowboys training center, and we are looking to get either a pro football or baseball team in the future.

5. Traffic is far less worse than in other cities. If you drive the highways in San Antonio, you may be pleasantly surprised that you can get around pretty easily. Compare this to even Houston or Dallas, where it takes you an hour to go just a few miles. In fact, this is why San Antonio does not have a plethora of downtown living (although there are some choices), as longs as traffic is reasonable, and people can drive 30 minutes to their ranch, there is no real reason why you would want to live downtown (yet). Read Less
San Antonio, TX: A Great Place to Visit, but... 3.5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 29, 2010) My husband and I live in Austin, Texas, which is just over an hour drive from San Antonio. When looking to get away for a weekend without driving far or spending a lot of money, we often join up with friends and spend at least a day in San Antonio. Frequently we include a hotel s ...Read More tay so that we can enjoy the great restaurants and atmosphere along the River Walk without worrying about the drive home. The portion of the San Antonio River in downtown San Antonio is lined on both sides with great restaurants, lively bars and pubs, interesting shops and great shopping.

We always make a pass through the historic Alamo, which is just two blocks away from the lively River Walk area. There are also many old Spanish missions in the area that I love to roam through. Just about two miles away is a huge authentic Mexican Mercado filled with Mexican arts, crafts, and tacky little trinkets. My girl friends and I shop while our husbands sip cerveza or margaritas in the nearby cantinas.

San Antonio is a big city and once you get beyond the tourist-oriented areas, is not the prettiest place in the world. But it is a great place for mindless weekend getaways. Read Less

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      San Antonio, TX

      Those looking for some Texas-sized fun in the heart of the state will fall in love with San Antonio. The city is home to the world famous Alamo where Texas forces were able to hold off Mexican troops in an epic battle. San Antonio is also known for the Riverwalk where tourists and locals alike eat in some of the country's best Mexican restaurants.

      One of the most appealing aspects about life in San Antonio is its affordability. Home prices are much lower than cities of similar size in the country, and residents benefit from the state's no income tax policy. San Antonio has a large number of regions and communities that offer different housing styles and price points for potential residents.

      San Antonio has a public transit system that is reliable in the downtown area. Most transit in San Antonio will be done on the city's highway system that forms several rings around the city. Traffic in San Antonio isn't great (by Texas standards), but it is nowhere near as bad as Los Angeles or New York. If you are willing to leave a little bit earlier to work than your neighbor, you may be able to miss traffic jams altogether.

      San Antonio is home to the world champion Spurs that play in the National Basketball Association. The team's home stadium is one of the top destinations in the city, and it also hosts a lot of the concerts and large events that are put on in the city. San Antonio is also home to the Hemisphere that is over 750 feet in height. Dining in the revolving rooftop restaurant is one of those experiences that stay with you for the rest of your life.

      Those who move to San Antonio will find that it is a great place to live thanks to the friendly people who call the city home. While the city is large, it does not have the feel of a major metropolitan area thanks to its measured growth and planned development. The Pearl Brewery is a popular area of town that converted old and abandoned mills into a modern shopping complex with trendy shops and restaurants. San Antonio has a growing system of bike trails and walking trails that can easily transit a pedestrian to some of the top sites in the city.

      Moving to Texas is an adventure that will expose you to delicious BBQ and awesome Tex-Mex. San Antonio dining is some of the best in the country, and you will have a difficult time choosing between all of the amazing restaurants. The good news for those who call the city home is they will have plenty of time to discover their own favorites.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in San Antonio? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Main Plaza
      River Walk
      River Walk
      Plaza de Armas
      River Walk
      River Walk
      River Walk
      River Walk


      Spanish Governor's Palace
      Aztec Theater
      River boat boarding
      Charlene McCombs Empire Theatre
      Alameda Theatre
      Casa Navarro State Historical Site
      Majestic Theatre
      The Vault

      Food & Drink

      Justin's Ice Cream Co
      Coyote Ugly
      Buckhorn Saloon and Museum
      Schilo's Delicatessen
      The Local Bar
      Agave Bar
      Bill Miller Bar-B-Q

      A Commute

      Is public transit available in San Antonio? Of all people who commute, 2.6% take public transportation in San Antonio.
      Drive to Work

      equal to the US average

      Take Public Transit

      3% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      A- Health & Safety

      Is San Antonio a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Methodist Children's Hospital
      Pediatric Private Duty Nursing, Inc.
      First Aid
      First Aid
      Passport Health San Antonio Travel Clinic
      Action Behavior Centers - ABA Therapy for Autism
      San Antonio Military Medical Center
      The Children's Hospital of San Antonio


      H-E-B Pharmacy
      Costco Pharmacy
      H-E-B Pharmacy
      H-E-B Pharmacy
      Laurel Heights Pharmacy
      H-E-B Pharmacy
      Walmart Pharmacy


      Healy-Murphy Center
      Dr. Paul A Darrow
      Arthritis Associates P A
      Bandera Family Health Care
      Focal Point Vision - Alamo Heights
      Visiontech 2020
      Healthy Woman Obstetrics & Gynecology the office of Dr. Felipe Garcia-Ghinis
      Sonterra Dermatology at the Pearl