Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (92) A+
Entertainment (112) A+
Food and Drink (254) A+
Fitness (51) A+
Groceries (74) A+
Parks (250) A+
Shops (469) A+
See more Salt Lake City amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 6.9% take public transportation in Salt Lake City.
Public Transit Stops (1228)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Salt Lake City commute data

cost of living C-

The cost of living in Salt Lake City is 122/100 - which is 16% higher than Utah.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Salt Lake City cost of living data

crime F

Salt Lake City crime rates are 6,515 per 100k, which is 250% higher than Utah
Property Crime
5,647 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
868 crimes per 100k
See more Salt Lake City crime data

employment A-

The median income in Salt Lake City is $63,156 - which is 1% higher than Utah.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Salt Lake City employment data

health A

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (80)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Salt Lake City health & safety data

housing A

Salt Lake City home prices are $346,100 - which is 54% higher than Utah
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
5.5x (home price to income ratio)
See more Salt Lake City housing data

schools C

The Salt Lake City graduation rate is 85% - which is 4% lower than Utah
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (105) B-
High Schools (28) F
See more Salt Lake City education data

ratings F

Salt Lake City has an overall rating of 49% from 27 reviews.
User Reviews (6)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (21)
From AreaVibes
See more Salt Lake City user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Salt Lake City, UT
( 27 Ratings )

Living in Salt Lake City, UT

Salt Lake City Area Facts

  • Salt Lake City has a Livability Score of 75/100, which is considered excellent
  • Salt Lake City crime rates are 250% higher than the Utah average
  • Cost of living in Salt Lake City is 16% higher than the Utah average
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Salt Lake City Reviews

Write a review about Salt Lake City Tell people what you like or don't like about Salt Lake City…
Terrible City, Very Unsavory 1 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 19, 2020) This is probably overall the worst city in Utah. It is very expensive and corrupt. Security guards are worse than police in dealing with people. Avoid the University of Utah. The community College is very good. ...Read More Read Less
Ideal for Californians---turning into a liberal city. GREAT job market, however. 2 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 15, 2019) If you love snow and long winters, this place is for you!
If you're liberal, pro-LGBT and pro-refugee or from California like everyone moving here, you will LOVE it here. If you love busy cities, need a job that pays well, again, you will thrive. I left SLC and moved to Oregon
...Read More because the congestion is horrible. Oh---before you think of moving your 5 kids and brood here from Utah, jobs are hard to get here, require a degree, written and spoken english and a background check. I have all of these and have not been able to find a well paying job in a month. Cars are more expensive and food is a lot of more expensive. The hardships were worth it for me, I have no kids and can rent a one bedroom. A $15 an hour job in SLC will be paid at $11-12 in Oregon at best. If you love a busy place, traffic and people who love boats, trucks and toys, Utah is waiting for you!...otherwise please don't follow me. We don't want Oregon turning into Utah. Read Less
Can't wait to move 2 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 05, 2019) Getting too crowded. It will take you 3 or more traffic lights to get through an intersection - even on a regular excursion in any town from North Ogden to south of Provo. Tons of high density housing is popping up everywhere, and we have an inferior infrastructure and public tra ...Read More nsit system that isn't efficient or cost-effective, and it simply cannot accommodate the crazy growth. And now because there's basically a "wildfire season", we basically have an inversion-type problem for over 60% of the year. It's horrible on the respiratory system. Oh, and if you are coming here for "solitude" in nature, guess what? so is the entire Salt Lake Valley. The canyons are beyond crowded and there isn't solitude or peace on most trails within a 30 minute drive of the valley. If you do want to live somewhere quiet, it's gonna cost you $$$. Buuuuut... downtown is a pretty good time - for a conservative state. That's the place to go to have a bit of fun in a city. Read Less
Slowly turning into California, accepting too many refugees 2 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 17, 2018) We are moving because the amount of refugees here is scary, it's in the hundreds of thousands to the point where you forget where you are and don't even recognize the neighborhoods. Most of the refugees are African and middle eastern men and not children, as it should be. We are ...Read More going to surpass the amount of refugees Portland has by the end of this year. Meanwhile our city is flooded with our own homeless that go ignored, our disabled are told to get on "waiting lists" for housing while refugees get all available apartment housing immediately. Again these are healthy grown men, not women and children. I took a drive today and felt like I was in Detroit, not Utah. Diversity is great but this is overkill and will completely change the foundation and culture and charm that was once Salt Lake City. The mayor is a far-left nutjob obsessed with accepting all refugees while our locals go hungry. If you aren't worried about what's happening to SLC you should be. unfortunately Utah is known for a very passive type of response to everything, allowing itself to be overtaken by people who are slowly turning it into what's happening to France and Germany. Please open your eyes and contact your representatives. Refugee relocating is a huge business for the international rescue committee who does it to get tax breaks and kickbacks from major corporations and they are bringing them here faster than our city can keep up while our locals are denied housing. I have talked to several homeless who ended up on the streets because of this. Stop embracing change to the point where we lose control of our peace and community!! Read Less
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Can't wait to move 2 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 05, 2019) Getting too crowded. It will take you 3 or more traffic lights to get through an intersection - even on a regular excursion in any town from North Ogden to south of Provo. Tons of high density housing is popping up everywhere, and we have an inferior infrastructure and public tra ...Read More nsit system that isn't efficient or cost-effective, and it simply cannot accommodate the crazy growth. And now because there's basically a "wildfire season", we basically have an inversion-type problem for over 60% of the year. It's horrible on the respiratory system. Oh, and if you are coming here for "solitude" in nature, guess what? so is the entire Salt Lake Valley. The canyons are beyond crowded and there isn't solitude or peace on most trails within a 30 minute drive of the valley. If you do want to live somewhere quiet, it's gonna cost you $$$. Buuuuut... downtown is a pretty good time - for a conservative state. That's the place to go to have a bit of fun in a city. Read Less
Slowly turning into California, accepting too many refugees 2 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 17, 2018) We are moving because the amount of refugees here is scary, it's in the hundreds of thousands to the point where you forget where you are and don't even recognize the neighborhoods. Most of the refugees are African and middle eastern men and not children, as it should be. We are ...Read More going to surpass the amount of refugees Portland has by the end of this year. Meanwhile our city is flooded with our own homeless that go ignored, our disabled are told to get on "waiting lists" for housing while refugees get all available apartment housing immediately. Again these are healthy grown men, not women and children. I took a drive today and felt like I was in Detroit, not Utah. Diversity is great but this is overkill and will completely change the foundation and culture and charm that was once Salt Lake City. The mayor is a far-left nutjob obsessed with accepting all refugees while our locals go hungry. If you aren't worried about what's happening to SLC you should be. unfortunately Utah is known for a very passive type of response to everything, allowing itself to be overtaken by people who are slowly turning it into what's happening to France and Germany. Please open your eyes and contact your representatives. Refugee relocating is a huge business for the international rescue committee who does it to get tax breaks and kickbacks from major corporations and they are bringing them here faster than our city can keep up while our locals are denied housing. I have talked to several homeless who ended up on the streets because of this. Stop embracing change to the point where we lose control of our peace and community!! Read Less
MANY changes---full of crime, severe pollution, overcrowding and refugees 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 13, 2018) If youre in any way conservative, have common sense or want a quality way of life for your family or somewhere good to retire, AVOID Salt Lake City. Utah has some beautiful nature but its really not worth what's around it. We regret moving here every day. What were once nice par ...Read More ts of town and cute cities are now overflowing with crime and a very "ghetto" feel. We have a serious homeless problem because the far-left mayor is giving most of the affordable housing to refugees when we can't even provide enough services for our locals. Our shelters are filled with elderly people while young men from "Africa" get a nice new apartment, as well as M**uslims. Shame on you SLC and for bringing 60,000 migrants here to some of our best neighborhoods where people worked their ENTIRE LIFE TO NOT live next to a section 8 building full of refugees blasting rap music, partying and of course not working. LOTS of us are fed up. Housing crisis, dangerous air quality, horrible local politics and an EXTREMELY expensive cost of living...unless, of course, you wear a hijab. Move while you can... Read Less
Salt Lake City - Members Only! 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( May 05, 2010) Salt Lake City is one of my favorite cities in the west. I was born in Salt Lake, and still visit it often. I often meet people who have no interest in Salt Lake, because they associate it only with the Mormon Church. There's a lot more to Salt Lake than that! One of my favorite ...Read More things to do in Salt Lake is to walk down South Main Street, in downtown just south of Temple Square, to look at its historic buildings and unusual stores. Lamb's Grill, Utah's oldest restaurant, is there, as well as the must-see Sam Weller's, a huge bookstore with both used and new books.

Salt Lake City also has a surprising number of good drinking and restaurant options located throughout the city. There are many brewpubs in downtown Salt Lake and near the University of Utah that offer unusual but delicious beers and good food. However, depending on where you go, you may have to pay a small "membership" fee to get in the door, due to Utah's unusual liquor laws. Read Less

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Compare Salt Lake City, UT Livability


      Salt Lake City, UT

      Salt Lake City is the capital city of the Beehive State. It is also a dynamic mid-sized city that is seeing a large number of transplants enter the state thanks to its strong economy and affordable housing. With a population of just over 200,000, the city offers amenities that you would expect to find in much larger cities. Salt Lake has a great network of roads and public transit that connect it with other cities along the Wasatch Front. I-15 and I-215 will be able to get you to the most frequently traveled thru streets in the city. I-80 cuts the city in half going east to west. The Legacy Highway and Bangerter Highway are other transportation options that help cut down on commute time and congestion.

      Sugar House, Downtown, and Millcreek are some of the most desirable neighborhoods for those who are looking to move to Salt Lake, and they all offer easy access to nature and the greatest snow on earth. One of the perks about living in Salt Lake City is the fact that ski resorts are only 15 minutes up the canyon and they are even accessible by public transit. Speaking of public transit, the Utah Transit Authority's system of busses, trolleys and train is the envy of cities of similar size. For a few dollars, you can travel across the entire valley on a system that is extremely prompt and efficient.

      Salt Lake City is home to the Pac-12's University of Utah Utes, and the school is also the only medical school in the entire state. The red and white of the Utes can be seen throughout the city, but there are also plenty of BYU fans in blue and white that make the Holy War one of the top rivalries in college sports.

      Other attractions in the city include Temple Square where members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints perform religious ceremonies and hold important meetings. The City Creek Mall is a popular shopping area that has been a great addition to the downtown scene. Vivint Smarthome Arena is where the Utah Jazz play their games, and it is a popular concert venue for many bands and performers.

      Salt Lake City's cost of living is affordable by most standards. While housing prices have been rising recently due to an influx of Californians, there are enough free outdoor activities that are available to help keep costs low. Taking a hike in a canyon or enjoying an evening at a Salt Lake Bees game are free or low cost entertainment options. Salt Lake City also has a growing culinary scene that regularly sees new tastes popping up around the city.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Salt Lake City? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Washington Square
      Gallivan Center
      Library Square
      Kilowatt Commons Park
      Dinwoody Park
      Pioneer Park
      Taufer Park
      Main Street Plaza


      Gallivan Center Amphitheater
      Broadway Theater
      Gallivan Center Ice Rink (seasonal)
      Ibiza Ultralounge
      Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center
      Capitol Theatre
      Soundwell SLC

      Food & Drink

      Apollo Burger
      The Green Pig
      Whiskey Street Cocktails & Dining
      London Belle
      Cheers To You
      Shades Pub
      Jimmy John's

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Salt Lake City? Of all people who commute, 6.9% take public transportation in Salt Lake City.
      Drive to Work

      10% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      2% higher than the US average

      Walk to Work

      2% higher than the US average

      A- Health & Safety

      Is Salt Lake City a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Passport Health Downtown Salt Lake City Travel Clinic
      Primary Children's Hospital
      Huntsman Cancer Hospital
      Shriners Hospitals for Children
      University of Utah Hospital
      LDS Hospital
      Redwood Health Center
      Salt Lake Regional Medical Center


      University Pharmacy
      Harmons Brickyard Pharmacy
      Fresh Market Pharmacy
      Maceys Pharmacy
      Smith's Pharmacy
      Jolley's Pharmacy


      Madsen Health Center
      House Call Doctors
      John A Moran Eye Center
      Foothill Familiy Clinic - Foothill Clinic
      E E Jones Medical Science Building