Neighborhoods with high amenity scores:
1. Saint-Jean (F)
Neighborhoods with high commute scores:
Neighborhoods with high cost of living scores:
1. Saint-Jean (A+)
Neighborhoods with high crime scores:
1. Saint-Jean (A-)
Neighborhoods with high employment scores:
1. Saint-Jean (B-)
Neighborhoods with high health & safety scores:
Neighborhoods with high housing scores:
1. Saint-Jean (B)
Neighborhoods with high education scores:
1. Saint-Jean (D-)
Neighborhoods with high user rating scores:
1. Saint-Jean ()
Median Age
1% lower than the CDN average
7% lower than the CDN average
equal to the CDN average
22% less expensive than average
National cost of living index
55% lower than the CDN average
Year over year crime is n/a
71% lower than the CDN average
18% higher than the CDN average
6% higher than the CDN average
6% lower than the CDN average
100% lower than the CDN average
0 total ratings
0 total reviews
0 total surveys