Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (53) A+
Entertainment (37) A+
Food and Drink (197) A+
Fitness (22) A+
Groceries (40) B
Parks (220) A+
Shops (262) A+
See more Reno amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 2.8% take public transportation in Reno.
Public Transit Stops (97)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Reno commute data

cost of living B

The cost of living in Reno is 123/100 - which is 23% higher than Nevada.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Reno cost of living data

crime F

Reno crime rates are 3,235 per 100k, which is 10% higher than Nevada
Property Crime
2,639 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
596 crimes per 100k
See more Reno crime data

employment B-

The median income in Reno is $61,860 - which is 17% higher than Nevada.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Reno employment data

health A+

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (69)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Reno health & safety data

housing A

Reno home prices are $361,100 - which is 88% higher than Nevada
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
5.8x (home price to income ratio)
See more Reno housing data

schools C+

The Reno graduation rate is 82% - which is 1% higher than Nevada
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (83) B-
High Schools (28) A+
See more Reno education data

ratings F

Reno has an overall rating of 46% from 64 reviews.
User Reviews (9)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (55)
From AreaVibes
See more Reno user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings

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Reno Reviews

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EVERYONE IS MISERABLE 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 18, 2023) AWFUL PEOPLE. MOST WILL ROT IN HELL! Live in Seigel Suites. It's sad because I love the working class, Restaurants, Casinos are great, and the nature is beautiful. But when you literally have neighbors that scream they will shoot up your college at 421, it creates a sense of "kee ...Read More p one eye open." I've never had problems with neighbors in Sacramento, but I now have to put a camera on my window at all times. I literally catch "neighbors" staring into my apartment, literally standing for minutes in front of my door. Sometimes, I can't even keep my heater on in the snow, because there is a huge Black tar Heroine epidemic from the neighbors smoking Black tar, that I don't want to breathe in the fumes. The people are cheap and extremely rude if you look even slightly content with life. If you are caught laughing in your apartment, neighbors will throw hard items at your walls, scream "GO HOMELESS!" at the top of their lungs. There are constant gunshots, police living in town. I have had to fight for my life walking home from target one late night, literally so desperate to get home in one piece, had to run to a taxi even though I didn't really have the money. Everyone is low vibrational, and seem like they blew all their money at the Casino. DO NOT TALK ABOUT BEING FROM California! Reno is a great city, and enjoy the casinos. They are cheaper, and some even comparable to Vegas. But if you choose to live here, be warned that you will have to fight off homeless if you walk home with groceries at night. You will have neighbors on drugs with loaded firearms, and constant police sirens. Rent is higher than any other part of Nevada, I almost feel like you might as well go to Vegas and at least get more out of Casinos for the price you will pay. Jobs will hire you if you are a hard worker, but expect dangerous and hostile people and work enviroment. Tons of gun threats from tweakers. This city IS NOT FOR THE WEAK! ONLY GOOD IF YOU ARE FINE WITH AGING AROUND HELL BOUND PEOPLE WHO WILL NEVER BE HAPPY AND MAKE LIFE UNSAFE!!! Read Less
POOR and UNSAFE ENVIRONMENT 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 18, 2023) I live in one of the Seigel Suites locations. Overall, I enjoy the Casinos, staff at my apartments, and everyday working class as well as UNR students. It's sad because I love the working class, Restaurants, Casinos are great, and the nature is beautiful. But when you literally h ...Read More ave neighbors that scream they will shoot up your college at 421, it creates a sense of "keep one eye open." I've never had problems with neighbors in Sacramento, but I now have to put a camera on my window at all times. I literally catch "neighbors" staring into my apartment, literally standing for minutes in front of my door. Sometimes, I can't even keep my heater on in the snow, because there is a huge Black tar Heroine epidemic from the neighbors smoking Black tar, that I don't want to breathe in the fumes. The people are cheap and extremely rude if you look even slightly content with life. If you are caught laughing in your apartment, neighbors will throw hard items at your walls, scream "GO HOMELESS!" at the top of their lungs. There are constant gunshots, police living in town. I have had to fight for my life walking home from target one late night, literally so desperate to get home in one piece, had to run to a taxi even though I didn't really have the money. Everyone is low vibration, and seem like they blew all their money at the Casino. DO NOT TALK ABOUT BEING FROM California! PEOPLE MAY ATTACK YOU IF YOU ARE BLACK, TRANS, GAY, FROM CALIFORNIA, EVEN SLIGHTLY PROGRESSIVE! Reno is a great city, and enjoy the casinos. They are cheaper, and some even comparable to Vegas. But if you choose to live here, be warned that you will have to fight off homeless if you walk home with groceries at night. You will have neighbors on drugs with loaded firearms, and constant police sirens. Rent is higher than any other part of Nevada, I almost feel like you might as well go to Vegas and at least get more out of Casinos for the price you will pay. Jobs will hire you if you are a hard worker, but expect dangerous and hostile people and work in the environment. Tons of gun threats from tweaks. People literally are so MISERABLE they get MAD at HAPPINESS! Neighbors are nosy and will do property crimes if you have no cameras. THERE ARE STILL COWBOY REDNECKS FROM THE 1920s THAT SCREAM IN PROTESTS GET OUT OF AMERICA IF YOU ARE DIVERSE!!! This city IS NOT FOR THE WEAK! I HAVE HAD TO CALL HOMELAND SECURITY AND FBI FOR GUN THREATS FROM A NEIGHBOR THREATENING TO SHOOT UP MY COLLEGE, WHICH HAS CONSTANT GUN VIOLENCE CASES THAT LOCKS THE SCHOOL DOWN! If you complain, they will just tell you , why dont you move? Police wont help you if neighbors constantly attacking your sleep. VERY EVIL SOULS HERE AND IN NEVADA IN GENERAL!!!! COMING FROM CALIFORNIA, SOMETHING IS EXTREMELY WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!!!!! THERE ARE NO HAPPY PEOPLE AT ALL!!! How does a state with 500 times the homeless still feel happier than Reno, with significantly less homeless and crime? Even in Oakland, I felt safer than Reno. If you are Happy, have some financial stability, LGBT, from California, Diverse, Different than white race, or have a left mentality, STAY AWAY FROM THIS HELL!! MOST OF THESE SOULS ARE A LOST CAUSE!! WATCH YOUR HOMES, APARTMENTS AND CARS!!!! LARGE PIT BULLS ARE CONSTANTLY IN NEED BECAUSE OF HOW DESPERATE THE POOR ARE!!! ITS A DRUGGIE AND HELL-BOUND TYPE OF VIBE. OTHER THAN THE CASINOS, DO NOT COME! MOST OF THESE PEOPLE WILL ROT IN HELL!!! I WARNED YOU!! ALSO, DO NOT HANG OUT NEAR THE CASINOS MIDNIGHT HOURS!!!!!! Read Less
Reno 911 Embarrassing 2.5 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 07, 2021) Reno has changed so much in the past decade, but lately it’s definitely not for the better. To be blunt, Reno has some bad elected officials, very unprofessional and not trustworthy. Also poorly run schools, the crime has exploded. I would not trust the city leadership to not c ...Read More ater to social justice endeavors that seem nice, but can leave residents without strong police protection or other quality of life factors that many are fleeing from. In other words, liberal policies and instabilities. I moved to a nearby smaller community that is such an upgrade in quality of life for me, I feel so safe in my new NV city and people are so friendly here. Don’t miss Reno at all, I didn’t realize how stressed out it was making me with such unstable, liberal leadership in Reno now. Hopefully, the residents will vote for better quality, professional leaders in the future that have the good temperament, leadership and strong values needed to turn Reno around in the right direction, who will be respectful to residents and trustworthy. Reno has so much potential and is in a great location otherwise, many businesses are moving to that area and Northern Nevada is an outdoor adventure paradise, tough to beat the mountains and desert valley combo for activities. Read Less
Not Worth The Hype 1 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 05, 2019) Reno? While it may be close to Tahoe and the Eastern Sierra (the good), skip it.

I live in Midtown and despite the hype, five stolen cars from four different people, seven multiple unit properties with mass evictions in order to facilitate condo conversion, entire blocks boarde
...Read More d up, businesses closing, in some cases do to city pressure, aggressive homeless who are either drunk, stoned or deranged, a tarp tent litter strewn bike path along what should be a great river, dumped cars , gunshots at night, endless road closures, a transit system that is on constant detour, rents that have increased greater than 20% within a year, stolen bicycles, broken into businesses, ad infinitum and Reno is nothing but an overrated and overvalued dump. Worst place I've ever lived. Dante's Inferno would be a step up. Skip it altogether, either to live in or visit.

All the above being said, the above has all occurred within the past three out of my twenty year plus familiarity with the region, so it can't be dismissed as sour grapes. Read Less
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Reno 911 Embarrassing 2.5 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 07, 2021) Reno has changed so much in the past decade, but lately it’s definitely not for the better. To be blunt, Reno has some bad elected officials, very unprofessional and not trustworthy. Also poorly run schools, the crime has exploded. I would not trust the city leadership to not c ...Read More ater to social justice endeavors that seem nice, but can leave residents without strong police protection or other quality of life factors that many are fleeing from. In other words, liberal policies and instabilities. I moved to a nearby smaller community that is such an upgrade in quality of life for me, I feel so safe in my new NV city and people are so friendly here. Don’t miss Reno at all, I didn’t realize how stressed out it was making me with such unstable, liberal leadership in Reno now. Hopefully, the residents will vote for better quality, professional leaders in the future that have the good temperament, leadership and strong values needed to turn Reno around in the right direction, who will be respectful to residents and trustworthy. Reno has so much potential and is in a great location otherwise, many businesses are moving to that area and Northern Nevada is an outdoor adventure paradise, tough to beat the mountains and desert valley combo for activities. Read Less
Not Worth The Hype 1 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 05, 2019) Reno? While it may be close to Tahoe and the Eastern Sierra (the good), skip it.

I live in Midtown and despite the hype, five stolen cars from four different people, seven multiple unit properties with mass evictions in order to facilitate condo conversion, entire blocks boarde
...Read More d up, businesses closing, in some cases do to city pressure, aggressive homeless who are either drunk, stoned or deranged, a tarp tent litter strewn bike path along what should be a great river, dumped cars , gunshots at night, endless road closures, a transit system that is on constant detour, rents that have increased greater than 20% within a year, stolen bicycles, broken into businesses, ad infinitum and Reno is nothing but an overrated and overvalued dump. Worst place I've ever lived. Dante's Inferno would be a step up. Skip it altogether, either to live in or visit.

All the above being said, the above has all occurred within the past three out of my twenty year plus familiarity with the region, so it can't be dismissed as sour grapes. Read Less
re\NO is "NO" repeated 2 rating By Anonymous ( Sep 09, 2019) re\NO is Bad food. A layer or two of gritty dust and dirt. Mediocre conveniences. Ugly town. Functioning alcoholics. Noisy disruptive yearly meat and motors events that attract and appease inconsiderate wannabe cool people, riding around town on loud motorcycles and loud cars. Ze ...Read More ro community. Casino owned reality. Unfinished noisy construction projects. Hopeless Read Less
Honest look at a great little city 4 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 04, 2018) I have lived in many places around the world through the years and I have found that each place has its pluses and minuses. You have to find out what is most important to you. For me and my family we want to be around family (my family is in Northern CA and Reno), a place with lo ...Read More ts of sun but not hot, I don't like the cold or rain, amenities of a city but dislike crowds, and we need access to the mountains. We have lived everywhere from San Francisco Bay Area or the suburbs of Denver to a small mayan village on a beautiful lake in the mountains of Guatemala (while very beautiful, very inconvenient). We have lived in Reno on 4 separate occasions and currently live here (and don't think we will leave). Below are my honest reflections about Reno.WEATHERLots of sun is important to me and Reno has plenty. The rare thing is that it is generally not that hot (in comparison to other very sunny cities, ie Phoenix, Las Vegas...). The key to the weather here is that it is dry. Most people don't quite understand the dry. It makes the hot less hot because your body can cool itself without feeling sweaty and the cold feels less cold (I grew up in the damp SF area BRRR...). Summers will get into the 100s at times but as I said before, it doesn't feel too bad. The winters are cold but tame. It gets into the teens and has enough snow to make the occasional snowman but the snow rarely stays for more than a day or two. The other key to Reno weather is the wind. It can get windy here. There are parts of town better than others but in general, it is a windy place.THINGS TO DOOptions abound here. Reno has the same amount of things to do as any extremely large metropolis but it still is a small city. That's why its called the "biggest little city". We don't have the big pro sports teams but there is a minor league baseball team and soccer team with the stadium that provides great family fun. Many of the touring Vegas shows also come to Reno so there are plenty of concerts, shows, live theater, comedians... Dining options also abound. One of the best unique options in Reno is the sushi. The sushi here is uncommonly good and all the sushi restaurants have "all you can eat" as the mainstay for about $26. There are great restaurants with urban vibes downtown, quaint bakeries, franchise places in malls, pretty much any ethnic or style of restaurant possible.When we lived in Fort Collins CO it was very similar to Reno. One of the main differences is Reno's proximity to California. Fort Collins had the mountains and snow but no way to escape it. Reno is only 2 hours from Sacramento and warm weather in the winter if you need a break. within a day trip distance is Yosemite, San Francisco, Napa vineyards, the ocean as well as many of the other things that make CA a diverse and beautiful place. The outdoors needed a separate paragraph. There is a network of paved bike trails in town, especially the one along the Truckee river that extends all the way through the city. Tahoe isn't just nearby but very close. Tahoe would need a review in and of itself to describe all the activities from kayaking, skiing, waterskiing, hiking. It is breathtaking and amazing. It would be a great place to live except it is sooo expensive, very cold, and lacking daily conveniences I need which are here in Reno.FAMILY AMMENITIESHere I wish Reno was better. I have 6 kids. While Reno has plenty of outdoor activities and is becoming better in this area it cannot compare to places like Fort Collins CO or other specifically family friendly towns. There are plenty of parks and lots of stuff to do as a family but most of them cost money (Art Museum, Children's Museum, Aces Baseball Stadium, Ice Skating...). The best free family activities come during the month of July when the entire city celebrates Art Town for the entire month. Look it up, it is great for families, which leads to the next category...FESTIVALSHere it is really hard to beat Reno. For a city of this size, it has an enormous amount of festivals and celebrations and big ones too. Hot August Nights is probably one of the worlds biggest classic car festivals lasting a week in early August. There is the Hot Air Balloon Races (2nd largest in the world), the National Air Races (planes), National Rib Cookoff, Street Vibrations (motorcycles), Art Town, World championship kayak competition … the list just keeps going. Just about every month there is some festival going on.CULTUREThe culture of Reno carries with it much of the culture of Nevada in general as it is right next door to the capitol Carson City. This culture is a bit "wild West" meaning it is based in the "Don't bother me and I won't bother you" mentality. The benefit is that rules and regulations are more relaxed and neighbors are generally helpful and friendly. The downside is the lack of focus on social services for the disadvantaged making it a harder place for the poor. The culture has been shifting for the past 20 years or so. Years ago the place was founded in gaming but is has steadily moved away from that to outdoor activities. The mountains are so close you can visit them on your lunch break. This being such a nearby resource, the culture includes hiking and biking in the summer and skiing and snowshoeing in the winter. It is not very politically based society so neither Democrat nor Republican. Our family is multi-ethnic, some members being Caucasian, Black and Hispanic. Reno has no majority race among children and a slight majority of white among adults. The primary breakdown is white and Hispanic. There is an up and coming Asian and East Asian community. Unfortunately the Black community remains very small. Diversity here isn't great but it isn't monolithic as many places are. Differing cultures are definitely accepted here.EDUCATIONHere is Reno's big downside, public education here is bad (as is all of NV). Unfortunately, part of the culture doesn't value funding social programs and education falls in this category. We homeschooled so it wasn't an issue for us. There are good charter schools or other programs but if you are looking at Reno and have school age kids, this will have to be considered. For higher education, University Of Nevada, Reno is a great school and has lots of community support especially for the sports teams.COST OF LIVINGThere seem to be good jobs here of various types. Tech jobs are on the rise. The pay seems to be sufficient for a good lifestyle, maybe a little on the low side. Housing, whether buying or renting is getting expensive (as is everywhere) but I figure that will correct itself in the coming few years. It is no where near the cost of living in neighboring CA so in that regard it is a bargain which is why many of Reno's new population are from CA.SUMMARY - Best PartsI love that Reno has both Snow and Summer but both are mild. I love that Reno is sunny almost every day. I love that Reno is almost part of Tahoe and the mountains can be enjoyed every day in both view and in hiking. I love that Reno has the resources of a big city while still being quite small (dining, university, entertainment). I love that Reno is right next to the wonderful things of CA without actually being a part of the CA mess (I grew up in CA). I love the cultural focus on the outdoors. Of the many places we have lived, we decided Reno would be our home. The weather is great (though I still don't like the cold), our family is nearby, all the diversity nature has to offer is a daytrip away (including CA), there is always something to do and some festival to attend, and our mentality mostly matches the culture here.Kinda lengthy review. Reno isn't for everyone. It is dry, education is poor and there aren't great social services but it has world class outdoor activities and plenty of sun to enjoy them. The biggest thing is to figure out what is most important to you. Read Less
Not worth it 2 rating By Anna2017 ( Sep 26, 2017) Lived there for one year which is long enough to have a good idea about the place. Moved from Bay Area, DO NOT move to the north area. I lived off wedekind road, next door to drug dealers. Apparently Reno doesn't have a health department as the building was cockroach infested, an ...Read More d riddled with crime. Turns out many parts of Reno is. Maybe it's a great place to live for people who have a higher than average income or inherited wealth, to live in a decent area with decent performing schools. Work wasn't easy to find, couldn't work in manufacturing because I have a small child to look after so 12 hour shifts wouldn't work. Otherwise a job at like at rite aide wouldn't sustain me. Jobs seem to be hard to come by as it does seem matter who you know. Even a higher paying retail job which was low paying due to such a low minimum wage, would not sustain me. It began looking like one dead end after another. It's a town designed to take money from people coming through. Cost of living was high. I think it's overrated. It's not Lake Tahoe it's near Lake Tahoe. I think it has many decades to go to become anything if it'll ever reach that. One positive thing was I met meet friendly kind people, who made the bad seem more manageable. I loved the climate. Read Less
Armpit Of Nevada 0.5 rating By KeepMeAnon ( Apr 24, 2015) I grew up in Las Vegas. I moved to Reno over 20 years ago and truly wish I would have stayed in LV. This city has a dark cloud over it. It's getting bigger due to the influx of transplants from California and the illegal alien population is booming, too.

Firstly, if you don't ma
...Read More ke money, don't move here. It's expensive and you'll end up in an area that you can financially afford but will hate! Rent is high and the housing market is blowing up again. $300k for an 1800sqft house with a tiny backyard and the world's smallest drive-way? There are very few "good" areas left anymore. At one time Sparks used to be very family oriented. It still is if you're an illegal alien or a crack head. Sparks is looking like Sun Valley without the trailers.

Oh yeah, Google "Sun Valley Reno" and you'll find out it's the largest trailer park in the country and has the highest rate of criminals living there.

Crime in Reno/Sparks is out of control, especially in the past 2 years. Watch KOLO 8 and the vast majority are the above mentioned illegals or disgusting drug-addicts (for the most part). Anyone who tells you different must work or know someone on the city counsel. We have a high DUI rate here, too.

The downtown area is filthy and god forbid you have to drive down that way! I like to refer to downtown as the area that could have been, but never will be. It's a joke. Overpriced everything! If you like hanging out with scum, enjoy it.

During certain times of the month on certain streets you will see motorcycle cops pulling people over left and right. I got my first "speeding" ticket ever a few years ago... doing 5mph over. $115 fine. Any other time of month, 5MPH over is keeping up with the flow of traffic. On the cop days... it's a fine.

Speaking of traffic, Reno has the worst freeway system (not too mention the most obtuse drivers on the planet, but we will get to that). You have either 580 North/South or I-80 East/West. Guess what? It's backed up all the time. Why? Because when it was designed it wasn't meant to carry the traffic it does today. There's always some street under construction, which adds to the congestion, so you are screwed anyway you slice it. If you are fortunate to get off at a certain time of day before traffic starts to get heavy, good on ya! After 3:30pm, you are in for it. If you are off at 5:00pm, you might as well hang out somewhere until after 6:00pm or take all the side streets like some of us do.

Drivers here are STUPID!! This is my biggest annoyance in Reno... STUPID DRIVERS! Every day, without failure, there's always some idiot hogging up the "fast lane" or as it's called, the "passing lane". Doing 55MPH, nobody in front of them for a mile but a long line of irritated drivers behind them because they don't have the common courtesy (or brain capacity) to get over into the slower lane. And truckers around here are even worse! They'll cut you off because they think they own the road, hog the passing lane or jump right in front of you. I've had more issues with truckers here than anywhere I've ever driven (Las Vegas, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, etc.)

In all honesty, Reno is really small and it doesn't take long to get to where you need to go. But the driver mentality is just ridiculous. I ask myself every single day, "How can these people be so f'n dense??" If they drove like this in Vegas, they'd get run off the road!

Gas is expensive, groceries keep going up and car insurance rates are awful. AND HOW MANY WALMARTS DOES THIS CITY NEED!?!?! We have 2 Target stores and a million Walmarts!

As far as shopping, Legends at the Marina is pretty good as is the Summit Mall. Avoid Meadowood Mall - it's a pit. There are 2 Costco's in Reno and one at the back end of Carson City.

The best part is the skiing if we get snow. Tahoe is gorgeous beyond words and it really is the most redeeming quality around here. When we show clients around, we don't take them downtown Reno... we take them to Tahoe and Virginia City.

I know this review sounds bad. I am not a mean person and at one time I used to like Reno (like... in the 90's). Now it's just getting to be the dirtiest little city in the world and that's too bad.

I sold my house, made a really nice profit due to the overinflated market, and am out of here. Don't say I didn't warn you! Read Less
Reno - The Bestest Little City in the World 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( May 05, 2010) I have lost count of the number of times that I have been to Reno, but one trip was my engagement. Put as directly as possible, I LOVE Reno, and I don't gamble. Reno has an excellent selection of restaurants. It also has great museums (really!). The hotels in Reno, while not as l ...Read More avish as the Wynn Las Vegas, have genuinely nice people and truly good service. And the gaming is just plain fun.

What really sets Reno apart, though, is the setting. The Truckee River runs right through downtown and is home to excellent kayaking. A short drive can bring you to Virginia City, where Mark Twain once wrote, and the Comstock Lode generated countless riches. Or, one could visit the pristine deep blue waters of Lake Tahoe. Those with an interest in government are just barely half an hour away from the silver-domed Nevada state capitol in Carson City. Or, one could just stay in Reno and enjoy the mountain and city lights view from one's hotel room. Reno, NV is a great place, and very worth visiting. Read Less

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      Reno, NV

      Often called the "Biggest Little City in the World," Reno, Nevada is approximately 22 minutes from Lake Tahoe and a short drive from the California border. It is filled with myriad venues of indoor fun as well as being close to abundant outdoor fun. With a cost of living that is a bit higher than the national average, it is still affordable. As far as Nevada goes, this city is one of its best to call home.

      Many residents rent their homes here. Rental prices are cheaper than many other cities, and there is no state income tax. There are modern apartment complexes with all the latest amenities. The cost of living is lower than in nearby California. Many professionals and families call this energetic city home. Although it has a large white population, Hispanic and Latino populations give it a unique mix. After that come Asian, black and Native American populations. Small business thrives here, and you can find a host of ethnic restaurants as well as a mix of businesses. One can choose to live closer to the downtown or in the newer, more pristine suburbs that surround Reno. Home and rental prices in Reno are somewhat higher that the Nevada Metro average.

      With the mention of Reno, one thinks of gambling. There are numerous casinos and hotels within the city. Shows, restaurants and gambling are part of this scene. On the other hand, this city has an abundant choice of outdoor recreation. With a location close to the Sierra Nevada Mountains and Lake Tahoe, you can ski, snowboard, snowshoe or hike trails during the summer. Mt. Rose Ski Resort is nearby. Golfing is popular here, with beautiful golf clubs surrounded by a backdrop of mountains. You can even hike up a mountain near Reno and watch the sun setting over the desert terrain. Art lovers will appreciate the Nevada Museum of Art, while those seeking culture and a stroll close to downtown will appreciate the Reno Riverwalk District. Rancho San Rafael Regional Park is the site of balloon races as well as outdoor family fun. Car lovers will appreciate the city's National Automobile Museum.

      You can get around the downtown area of Reno without a car; buses run frequently down Virginia Street. Residential areas outside the city, however, will call for a car. Buses are not crowded, and they might be running as much as every ten minutes.

      Reno is a great place for families as well as for those who love the outdoors. With lakes, including Washoe Lake near Carson City, rivers, including the Truckee River and streams, this high desert city beckons to retirees, families and those who love fun.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Reno? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Playa Art Park
      City Plaza
      West Street Plaza
      Fulton Corner Park
      Wingfield Park
      Powning Park
      Bicentennial Park
      Evans Park


      International Bowling Museum & Hall of Fame
      National Bowling Stadium
      Cargo Concert Hall
      Virginia Street Brewhouse
      Bruka Theatre
      Greater Nevada Field
      Century Riverside 12

      Food & Drink

      Brew Brothers
      3rd Street Bar
      Silver Spur Liquor & Gifts
      VSB Denim Lounge
      Davidson's Distillery
      Lincoln Lounge

      A- Commute

      Is public transit available in Reno? Of all people who commute, 2.8% take public transportation in Reno.
      Drive to Work

      3% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      2% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      equal to the US average

      B Health & Safety

      Is Reno a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Willow Springs Center
      Brookdale Northwest Reno
      VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System
      Renown South Meadows Medical Center
      Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center
      Renown Regional Medical Center
      West Hills Hospital
      Willow Springs Center


      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      University Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy


      Stead Medical
      Nell J. Redfield Health Center
      McCaskill Gynecology
      Renown Medical Group - McCabe
      Saint Mary's Urgent Care at Galena
      Student Health Services
      Talbott Plastic Surgery Center
      Ralston Family Physicians