Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (61) A+
Entertainment (75) A+
Food and Drink (376) A+
Fitness (49) A+
Groceries (84) B
Parks (443) A+
Shops (535) A+
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commute A+

Of all people who commute, 2.0% take public transportation in Raleigh.
Public Transit Stops (1432)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
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cost of living B

The cost of living in Raleigh is 111/100 - which is 18% higher than North Carolina.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Raleigh cost of living data

crime D-

Raleigh crime rates are 3,118 per 100k, which is 27% higher than North Carolina
Property Crime
2,589 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
528 crimes per 100k
See more Raleigh crime data

employment A-

The median income in Raleigh is $69,720 - which is 44% higher than North Carolina.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Raleigh employment data

health A+

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (166)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
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housing A+

Raleigh home prices are $266,900 - which is 70% higher than North Carolina
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3.8x (home price to income ratio)
See more Raleigh housing data

schools B

The Raleigh graduation rate is 89% - which is 8% higher than North Carolina
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (123) A+
High Schools (39) D-
See more Raleigh education data

ratings D

Raleigh has an overall rating of 56% from 77 reviews.
User Reviews (26)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (51)
From AreaVibes
See more Raleigh user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Raleigh, NC
( 77 Ratings )

Living in Raleigh, NC

Raleigh Area Facts

  • Raleigh has a Livability Score of 84/100, which is considered exceptional
  • Raleigh crime rates are 27% higher than the North Carolina average
  • Cost of living in Raleigh is 18% higher than the North Carolina average
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Raleigh Reviews

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Good City, getting overbuilt 4 rating By NCresident ( Sep 01, 2024) To someone from a large city, Raleigh feels more like a suburb or small northern city. It's a good place to live, but not NYC. ...Read More Read Less
Such a beautiful area 3.5 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 12, 2021) So I've been living in Raleigh now for 7 months and I truly like the city of Raleigh. And when I posted on nextdoor, I had so many people welcome me! It felt really reassuring. :-) the city is beautiful and the atmosphere is peaceful. There's a lot to do but the nightlife is sort ...Read More of lacking and the quality of food really sucks but that's it. Read Less
Great for everyone 5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 07, 2020) Great for families.. Cost of living is pretty great. People are mostly friendly. Crime is low. Very diverse group of hard-working people. Lots of parks and great weather. Highly recommend giving Raleigh a shot. ...Read More Read Less
yes so true 1 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 30, 2020) having lived here for several years running a business and family, it is such a common theme. idk care where you go or who you talk to, or who you hire, it is constant, in there personality, there hustle, and there character, nobody!!!!!!! and I mean nobody hear gives a crap abou ...Read More t anything but themselves!!!!. period, its why its slow, they don't care to hustle or save you time, they don't care!, its why they have no character, they don't want to attract anybody, because they don't care!!!! I have never experienced anything like this in my life. nobody looks you in the eye, they all look the other way, you never hear music playing, you never see a limo, you never see a block party,, not even sure if theres wedding receptions...… just like if you go any place that's different than you are, you find yourself out of place, and soon you start to act like them,,,, and god forgive me,,,, but if this is suppose to be how it is im not going to heaven!!!!! where is the compassion, the hustle, the character,,,,,, you find yourself doing just as they do,,,,, stupid is as stupid does, get me the heck outa here, asap!!!!!! Read Less
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Great for everyone 5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 07, 2020) Great for families.. Cost of living is pretty great. People are mostly friendly. Crime is low. Very diverse group of hard-working people. Lots of parks and great weather. Highly recommend giving Raleigh a shot. ...Read More Read Less
yes so true 1 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 30, 2020) having lived here for several years running a business and family, it is such a common theme. idk care where you go or who you talk to, or who you hire, it is constant, in there personality, there hustle, and there character, nobody!!!!!!! and I mean nobody hear gives a crap abou ...Read More t anything but themselves!!!!. period, its why its slow, they don't care to hustle or save you time, they don't care!, its why they have no character, they don't want to attract anybody, because they don't care!!!! I have never experienced anything like this in my life. nobody looks you in the eye, they all look the other way, you never hear music playing, you never see a limo, you never see a block party,, not even sure if theres wedding receptions...… just like if you go any place that's different than you are, you find yourself out of place, and soon you start to act like them,,,, and god forgive me,,,, but if this is suppose to be how it is im not going to heaven!!!!! where is the compassion, the hustle, the character,,,,,, you find yourself doing just as they do,,,,, stupid is as stupid does, get me the heck outa here, asap!!!!!! Read Less
Science experiment gone bad 1.5 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 29, 2020) looking back on our relocation here from "Jersey" 6 years ago. my best thought about our experience here would be a science project that went bad real quick. upon learning of my company's relocation here, Me and my wife where thrilled and excited for the change of scenery for my ...Read More whole family, even though we where moving away from family and friends back home, we where still excited. We had to obviously come down on several occasions to search neighborhoods and schools and where pretty overwhelmed everytime by the landscape of the entire place, everything was new, fresh, clean, and well constructed, a stark contrast from Jersey to say the least. I was a bit dismayed by the drivers at first, but just assumed it went with the slower lifestyle and kinda accepted it, sort of??, and was a bit dismayed that moving into a new house in a new community, not a single person came by to introduce themselves or offer of help in any sort, and yes red flags started going up pretty quick, once we had open school night and met our "kids" teachers, it was really starting to paint a picture quickly, not one teacher was much above our kids age, and I mean schoolwide, but again you pass it off to a new way of life and who know's maybe this is how it's suppose to be, so give it some time and let it work out??? it has only gotten worse month by month, me and my family go out for dinner every weekend for 6 years, and never have gone back to the same place more than once, unless its one of those quick generic places, There is not one true family owner operated restaurant to be found anywhere, always a bunch of 25 year olds without a clue, and compared to Jersey a big!!!!! disappointment for the restaurant comparison, but the pattern is consistent everywhere all the time from restaurants to schools to just about any business you deal with, its a constant theme, educated yes, experienced, no!! kids run everything here, and yes are they kids from my generation? no.. so I will leave that one up to you to figure out what I mean, so from just about every single business here, it is a constant theme of slow un-proffesional, over staffed un experienced staff, who basically could care less about anything other than there check that week. and coming from jersey, where every business is owner operated, it is a huge disappointment!!!!
ok so onto the parks and walking trails, yes very pretty and plentiful, but come on people how many muddy ponds and trails with trees can one need in a lifetime,
and as far as the economics go, nothing here except cigarettes and property taxes are cheaper than up north, and if I had to pay more in taxes to get a 50 year old teaching my kids, I would do it.
services oh boy, this is a good one.... you either get the wanna be 1 800 company that sends 5 guys with clipboards and safety vests in a nice truck. to do what one or 2 guys could easily do, or you get the desperate sole you gotta pay cash too. nothing here is proprietary, its as generic as tap water
and if I hear about another craft beer tavern with 20 flat screen tvs plastered all over the place, im gonna loose my mind.
I would call this place a mix of the movie ants where everybody waits in a line to be labeled, and the movie groundhog day combined x10
traffic is constantly getting worse by the month, not the year, the roads here where built 30 years ago, and every 1/4 mile there's another development going up, but not one single new road anywhere!!!!
and as far as these urban planners go. having a back round in this, I am amazed at the lack of foresight area wide, It is common knowledge in the field, that multi unit dwellings, i.e ( apartment complexes) that are not anchored by a coastline, or major urban city, loose there value after year 5...But just about every 1/4 mile all you will see is another MULTI UNIT DWELLING being constructed, so basically its like small self destruct areas planted everywhere, what are they doing?????
I am so blown away that a place that looked so beautiful to us and our family only 6 years ago, has turned so bad. and like the other reviewers, it is as bland and has as much character as cold sugar free maple syrup. nobody has hustle, character, and basically a stick to themselves mentality, and if you are from a diverse urban area, please take all this into consideration, before moving here, you wouldn't think you would have a problem living in such a clean beautiful place, but the mentality of everybody here, just drains the soul out of you. like a big wet blanket. so do your due diligience, cant say I didn't tell you.
kids are off to school in 2 years, so we will be doing something we never dreamed 6 years ago. relocating again. Read Less
Omg so true 1 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 21, 2020) Omg so true, if you combine all the reviews water always seeks it's own level. If you are outgoing and appreciative of lifes finer things, luv true quality in dining and people. This place is SOO NOT FOR YOU!!!!!. Its as if the whole worlds weak. Passive selfish converged he ...Read More re....
Nobody, and I mean nobody has a heartbeat of character. Nobody looks you in the eye with a warm greeting. Rather they walk by you looking the other way. The restaurants are horrible. The traffic is getting worse by the week. And yes rains constantly. The prices for everything are thru the roof. Homes are now In the 600's.
And almost amazed by the constant lack of character by anybody here,!!!!!
I feel like I'm on another planet. Omg would it kill anybody to look you in the eye, and say hey how the hell's it going!!!! With a big old smile. Was gonna say "ole" but you can keep that crap. The most unsocial place on the planet!!!. Not a single ounce of character anywhere. By anybody. You might as well live in the woods by yourself. You would be a whole lot happier. I have spent 8 years here, and have covered every square inch of this place. And to be honest, the only thing good I can come up with. Is that the true native southern people are real. And they gotta be so pissed at wtf happened here. How could something so good, turn out so god awfully bad!!! Read Less
Confused in Eastern NC 3.5 rating By Anonymous ( Sep 02, 2019) After reading the previous posts about Raleigh, I wondered where these people have been in their lives. I'm originally for the Bronx, NY and served 23 years in the military so I've been to a place or two in my life. Having said that, Raleigh is not perfect but no place is. Yes, R ...Read More aleigh is clean and new but when did that become a negative? There's more traffic than your average person would care to deal with but I can assure you, traffic in NY is worse by an enormous margin. It clearly does not rain here constantly but if you're looking for warm and dry anywhere in the south, you clearly have little understanding of what the south is known for. Bottom line, if your looking for NY with nicer weather, move to Miami or L.A. but lets face it, there's reasons why people choose not to live in those places. Read Less
omg what the f happened 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 10, 2019) couldn't agree more with the previous posts, all I heard was how great it was here, no traffic, no crime, affordable and new... yes its new and clean with walking trails from now till the end of time.... but traffic sucks and yes it rains here constantly, and things are more expe ...Read More nsive here than anywhere else. wtf happened to all these greatest place to live BS. this place is filled with judgmental scared of there own shadow slow passive boring lifeless souls... Do not come here if you are a real person as the other posters said..... yes they don't have the snow budget, but that's not why everything shuts down in 2 inches of snow... it shuts down because you have a whole community of saps. who wont take a chance on anything even driving in snow... its how we learn things,,, this country was built on trial and error.... these saps wont ever try anything. sad pathetic way of life. very passive and weak., the beach is ok but only a month or so earlier than the north. the mountains are best a bunch of hills like pennnslyvania. not really sure what all the hype was about here. I would definitely not recommend this slow passive weak afraid of there own shadow state for anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read Less
certainly not NY! 1.5 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 24, 2019) moved here from ny 6 years ago because all I heard was about how great it was, and thought it would be good for my two young sons to start a life of there own here one day. Well yes its a very clean pretty new place, and even though the weather is warmer, it seems to rain here c ...Read More onstantly, what ever happened to hot and dry? and the prices for things now are just about the same everywhere else if not more. anyhow onto the people, at first very nice, but that's where it all goes down hill, everyone who has moved here has moved here because they all want a clean simple life, a good thing right? uh? no. The people here ALL have a college education, they all came from white picket fence upbringings, they have never faced adversity or hardship a day in there life, and that is exactly why they are here.. they all have salaried 9-5 low pressure office jobs. they drive a new car every 3 years, they pay all there bills on time, they don't drink, they drive 5 miles below the speed limit. they keep 2 hands on the wheel at 10 and 2, they cross the street on green only and only at the crosswalk. they follow every rule. they have no hustle, and the minute there's a slight problem, there on there computer condemming it like the world is coming to an end...I grew up in construction in Brooklyn new York, I worked alongside portugesse and Italian men who where in there 70's and could out work any 20 year old today, they worked long hard hours and where really good at there trade it was a true craft and art that they where very proud of. it was respectable. as you know I am a blue collar worker here, and yes work here, and yes if you work hard for a living it is no longer considered respectable, everyone here thinks down on you because you didn't get a college education like they did. There is no respect for hustle or hard work, to them it means you are desperate, This country was built on men and woman from all walks of life, who took chances, who bent the rules when they had to. who took risks to get to where they needed to, its how this country was built period. where would we be if not. and yes there should be a happy medium between both, but here it is tilted so far to the right, boring lifeless judgemental people. and not to mention everything and I mean everything is owned by a chain. you never deal with a mom and pop. you always deal with some 25 year old who is just reading from a script, from dry cleaners to restaurants to gas stations its all scripted and regulated. I want to walk into brunos barber and get a haircut! not someplace with a girl who just got out of beauty school with a piece of paper asking me for my phone number or email so she can look me up and what number do I want on the side and top! really what the heck happened to Bruno? it is this way every single store you go into, just a bunch of people reading from a book. no character no spunk lifeless boring slow. if your a hustler, who likes real people, who know what life is truly like, who have character and aren't judgmental who have whit and can roll up there sleaves and get dirty if need be, and who know they can cross the street in the middle of the block, and some times drive 60 in a 55 this place is NOT for you!!! yes its clean and new and pretty, but come on people start living!!!!!! it doesn't last forever
oh forgot one last funny thing, what ever happened to going out throwing on a jacket and a pair of sneakers and taking a bike ride? omg these guys here lmao they have all these helmets, gloves mirrors on the front of there head, mirrors on the back of there head, all kinds of lights and everything in the world, then the outfit! omg like there in the damn tour de france, are you kidding me. does anybody remember palm burn, lol you got a band aid and ran back out and hoped back on your bike. wth happened!!!! to people Read Less
raleigh is the wekest state in the country 1 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 24, 2019) what a bunch of pathetic slow weak slow people. they are all a bunch of nc alumni.. big woop…… they are weak. they all follow the rules they don't take chances. they are all like robots just living to die, what a sad society pathetic and weak afraid of an inch of snow, afrai ...Read More d of someone they don't know. afraid of everything, but who yeh for college game day, get a life, you robots.... Read Less
Why We Said No To Raleigh 2 rating By Samiradavis ( Dec 27, 2018) My other half and I looked all over the USA, searching for the ‘perfect’ city. We wanted good weather, great food, a walkable to downtown neighborhood, historic homes and a fun and funky vibe. With friends in Raleigh, we were sold until... we actually visited. Make no mistake ...Read More , Raleigh had some great perks- big job market, good schools- it also had about as much soul as a mashed potato. The historic detached homes that were walking distance to downtown and had more than 2,000 sf were incredibly expensive... with so many people moving to their area, traffic in rush hour can bring you to a standstill. It’s increasingly a city built around new construction, with houses sandwiched next to one another... this is the Truman Show on Steroids. Big box stores and chain restaurants abound.Two hours east of Raleigh, we found Wilmington. Amazing, beautiful historic homes walking distance to downtown- less than half the price. A fun and funky vibe, fantastic eats, 20 minutes to the beaches, parks galore... There are plenty of newer communities and golf courses, an airport that is never crazy busy... summer season does bring more tourists, but the traffic is really not a worry in the way that a larger city has it. Wilmington has such welcoming people, it’s the best decision we ever made.Samira K. Davis Read Less
Nice smaller city experiencing some growing pains 3 rating By whatisreal ( Feb 11, 2018) I found Raleigh and vicinity to be attractive and full of potential. Of course there are negatives to any place and the people shouting negativity in the reviews below are the typical parasitic, welfare-abusing trash that have come to plague the area whining, moaning, complaining ...Read More , and blaming about how they're not being given enough hand outs. There are very nice neighborhoods and apartments (usually overpriced) which offer any type of lifestyle you could want. I honestly feel bad for this city and natives because the low quality people coming primarily from Richmond and Atlanta have exploited the benefits and are slowly destroying the infrastructure taking advantage yet again of another decent city. The area has great higher education, known as the research Triangle with upscale hospitals, malls, libraries, parks, and museums. Outside of Raleigh you'll find natural outdoor activities like hiking, rock climbing, and biking. The local food is good, but like one person posted, it's not healthy food at all. There is access to some good health food stores though like Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Fresh Market and farmers markets which helps a lot. I don't blame NC natives for being resistant to outsiders and transient low lives. Raleigh has some great things going for it and to see low class people disrespecting it is appalling, unneeded, and unwanted. The city is constantly building and expanding, but there aren't enough jobs or moderately compensating ones to keep up with it. I will be honest in mentioning that job interviews here are biased, cliquey, and show blatant signs of nepotism; and this is coming from someone who holds two degrees as a white collar professional. As a whole, Raleigh-Durham is generic but offers good weather, great location, and hidden gems of community (you just have to look a bit harder to find them). Read Less
Raleigh: A boring town unless... 1.5 rating By Jean P ( Mar 30, 2017) ... Unless you love looking at trees squirrels birds and go orgasmic contemplating your weed free lawn, there is little need to stay too long in this overrated southern town.Raleigh could remind you of the movie "The Truman Show" if you've seen it. On the surface, all seems stra ...Read More ngely pretty and clean but this place crumbles as it tries to expand, since greed is the vector force that drives the town.Most eateries restaurants pubs etc. serve food that will make you look like a fat sloppy hamburger in no time. Nightlife stops at 2 am in your bed or continues at the Waffle House.There's an interesting museum of modern art NC Moma but that alone cannot be good enough to relocate here.On a daily basis this is what you will find:Cops harass drivers 24/7, regional health care is turning into a Blue Cross UNC Duke monopoly, extremely expensive and - unlike what they say - not better than anywhere else. The downtown area has nothing to write home about as you can see most things in half a day.There are bike lanes here and there but car drivers make cycling dangerous as they always seem in a rush. Nondescript malls and little shopping centers abound, a dysfunctional puny little bus systems will get you nowhere but Highway 40 will take you out of this mess quickly ... so drive on before you go insane or depressed in this gritty hole. Read Less
I love living in Durham-Raleigh 4 rating By HerbertB ( Feb 17, 2017) I moved to Raleigh for work about 3 years ago and thought that i wouldn't stay long, however i love it here. i recently found a home in Durham in a D.R. Horton Community and its been wonderful for my family and I, You can find everything you need close by. Shopping, Entertainment ...Read More etc. i recommend living here. Read Less
Clean, boring, dull 0 rating By Zachary ( Nov 06, 2016) Stayed at Marriott, room was ok. The hotel restaurant, RYE, was a step above to only McDonald's. The downtown area was clean, people were nice, however very quite, and boring for a city this size. City good for retirees wanting to live in big city. The pit was best barbecue, fri ...Read More ed chicken I've ever had. Unfortunately may be only good eating establishment in town. Clean boring dull city. Won't come back again. Fortunately work paid for trip. I would be pissed off If I had to pay for all the bad meals and time spending trying to find any nightlife! Read Less
Carolina Performance -- Beware!!!!! 1 rating By rmom ( Aug 25, 2016) Carolina Performance is a scam. The fake doctor scam you need to be aware of- and Dr. William Matthews at Carolina Performance is part of this ALERT - physician scam. Check out for yourself, try to find his licence number-. I paid for an expensive intake, and he could not wri ...Read More te a prescription, nor could he call it into CVS Pharmacy. Why? Because he wasn't a real doctor. I also needed him to fax a referral to another doctor in California, and after a week, he was still not able to fax my request. Why? Because he didn't want to reveal that he was bogus. Do not use ANY "doctor" at Carolina Performance. Read Less
Terribly Judgmental snobby people 1 rating By jaimestone ( Aug 15, 2016) This is Basically a comic book version of what a city is supposed to look like. I moved here From CT last October and wish I had moved to Florida instead. The pros are that it is really well kept in most areas with new buildings which has a fresh feel but is more like a big sprea ...Read More d out town. THE WORST OF ALL is the community. I wish I could give it negative stars. I am the most social person and never had such a hard time making friends. I am not one of those "Yankees" everyone talks about. I happen to be from CT and I am a working man who did not come from money. Tee shirts and sneakers are unacceptable here. If you do not have a man bun, pink shorts which end right below your balls, a Toyota Prius, and a large frappachino in your left hand with a poodle on a leash on your right... You are unwelcome. Go back home where you belong. "Nightlife" down town consists of hundreds of entitled college kids "wearing man buns" and penny loafers. Lots of good looking women who are very fake and judgmental of each other with very dry personalities. It can be described as a congregation of all the people who tried out for jersey shore and 90210 but just didn't quite have what it took to be part of the cast. I will say the food is mostly great. Awesome local brews. if you enter one of these places with a clean tee shirt on and new sneakers expect the music to stop and drinks to hit the floor, as you should know better that the dress code is no less than man bun, loafers and tight pink pants. Every guy wears tight pink pants here. The only acceptable Tee shirt here is a tight v-neck in the lightest shade of baby blue. The "men" here are some of the most un-masculine that I have met in my life. This applies to my age group ( I am 26) However, the people I have met that are not millennials, college students and are over 40 are pleasant. Maybe my generation just sucks entirely and it is magnified here much more. I will say though, generally, the people my age from the northeast are much more welcoming, FUN and down to earth. These people are some of the driest emotionless people I have ever met in my life. Generally though, the community is full of wealthy, judgmental, snobby people who have a stick up their a** about 5 inches in diameter with thorns and hot sauce on the outside stuffed so deep that it has stabbed a hole in their soul. That is my review of Raleigh. Hope it helps. Read Less
classism is a serious problem here 0.5 rating By jerricdude20 ( Jan 16, 2016) very Pathetic and sad city if your from Ny, Miami, Cali, or any major city avoid most of the city like the plaque especially North Hills with the noveau riche people who made a club and exclude whoever they think is poor. I'm telling you avoid North Hills! real weathly people an ...Read More d homeless avoid it! and avoid downtown as well same type of discrimation. you have been warned! stay in Falls of Neuse or Further North or even some place remote. don't stay in North Hills!! you will probably get the cops called on your kids for being an old money type and being different! The only cash flow that comes in this city is from the North Hills noveau riche taxes and the federal governemnt, and maybe some group of anymous benefactors. by the way almost all the clothes in Raleigh are cheap or made of out cheap material! I have seen better clothes in my local GoodWill and Walmart in Miami. by the way they have idiots for cops here who try to psycho analyis everybody Read Less
city is garbage 0.5 rating By jerricdude20 ( Jan 16, 2016) first off this is the most backward, weird, and shady city I have ever been in. The people are very judgemental and look down on the homless and poor, also very discriminatory they are always trying figure out wether your rich or poor based on what your wearing. Some have been tr ...Read More eated differently by employees of restuarants based on what they are wearing I have seen it in person. i was judged and taken for rich and poor too many times here based on my clothes. Specifically North hills the people are out of control. I was watched by an employee of Jcpenney she either did it on her own or the manager put her up to it. I talked to the manager she didn't say she was going fix it, highly unprofessional, I called corporate on this Jcpenney and told them to investigate this store. These people in north hills are just now getting money and they don't know to handle it or act. I really feel they look down on the poor because they used to be poor on the verge of homelessness and they felt very bad, I stand corrected because I saw what look like a low income house in Six Forks which is supposedly the richest neighborhood in America??! that was obviously forged by for the sack of their inflated egos. I saw a bus driver look down on a homeless man. I seen an old man decide wether someone was poor or rich by their shoes. Also the 5th or 6th time I went to North Hills I usually charge my phone in the outdoor outlets but this time the power was cut off and they did it so I would stop coming there. Also I was watched by some security. I also spoke to other people in Raleigh who told me they have been followed in stores in North Hills frequently. It's a classism thing here and huge problem overall in the city. The poor and homeless are treated the worst. Btw I was followed by a cop after I got on my bus because some lady was reporting as suspicious for walking around the bus station waiting for bus. I already reported this city to the federal government and now I will file a claim with the civil rights department. btw I'm from Miami and I have grown up with people who are weathly and they don't act like the people in North Hills who are new to money. the poor and homeless have been robbed in the bus station countless times and the cops are using the reports to target the homeless and poor because the Residents of Raleigh dislike them because they poor or homeless. This will eventually lead to racism if we don't go into another recession. if this doesn't improve the homeless will be in danger. also the only real people who have money are the one in falls of Neuse. the rest of the city has people who used to be poor but just got money, the upper poor class and lower poor class and then homeless who used to be middle class or upper middleclass but relocated to raliegh for jobs. the homeless and poor safety may be at risk eventually as they might get physically assaulted by cops or people who don't like them for them being poor. you can also tell the the falls of neuse people are the real wealthy people because the houses are the best in this city and they have brands that aren't sold in this city. Also almost every single building in the city is dirty on the outside except for falls of neuse where it is semi clean or clean. all the malls have stores nobody cares about except for maybe 5 Read Less
Raleigh has been home for 23 years & is the best place I've ever lived 5 rating By timmcbrayer ( Dec 31, 2015) I came here in August of 1992 to start a new business. With a 1 and 3 year old back in Roanoke VA I wanted my family with me as soon as possible and in June of 2013 we moved to north Raleigh off Norwood Road. We lived there for 8 years and then built a new home off Possum Track j ...Read More ust a few miles down the road. It has been a great experience in so many ways. Good public and private schools for the kids, so many parks and lakes to walk around or boat on, fantastic and very convenient medical facilities, better than average transportation options, especially since I-540 was started, great weather (most of the time) and such a centralized location: 2 hours from the Atlantic Ocean and 3 hours or less from the Great Smoky Mountains. And there are sports teams and nightlife and shopping to keep anyone entertained.

And if you are looking for a job or to start a company there are so many opportunities available to you. Great colleges and universities offer a very good labor pool.

There isn't anything I don't like about the Raleigh area. I can highly recommend it to anyone looking for a safe, friendly and diverse place to live. Read Less
Moving to Raleigh was the best thing we ever did! 5 rating By JPC ( Jul 13, 2015) Moving to Raleigh 8 years ago has impacted us in so many positive ways. We left the Western New York area for greener pastures after researching a dozen other cities -- and it has been everything we hoped for and more. It's a vibrant, welcoming city. Some highlights:
1) We hav
...Read More e had job opportunities like nothing we could have imagined up north. Better companies, better pay, much deeper professional community to become a part of.
2) The weather is great and the entire area is beautiful. Okay, the summers are really hot, but the fall and spring are lovely, and the winter is just enough winter to have seasons, while still being comfortably mild. It is a city of trees and well-manicured neighborhoods, and everything seems to be in bloom about 9 months out of the year.
3) People come from all over. So everyone accepts you instead of treating you as an outsider. In a neighborhood party, it's not unusual to discover that, say, 18 of the 20 people there came from somewhere else.
3) Retail? Raleigh has everything. I'm not much of a shopper, but it's nice to know that if you need it, you will definitely find it here.
4) Lots of great restaurants. Not just chains (though pretty much every chain is represented here), but nice places with character and charm.
5) Very nice public (free) museums.
6) There are terrific private schools. Our kids went to St. David's School and got/are getting and education like nothing we we had available in the entire WNY area.
7) Fantastic in-state colleges. The state schools are VERY reasonably priced for residents, and they are highly rated.
8) You're a couple of hours from the beach and a few hours from the mountains. Both are fantastic and deserve their reputable billing. The NC beaches are world-class, and the mountains have snow in winter and are glorious in the summer.
9) It's a conservative area made up of professionals who value hard work over government interference and religious tradition over anti-God activism. If you are a northern liberal, you will probably wish you never came.

I'm hesitant to write a good review, because the one thing that is getting bad is traffic. People keep coming here. I wish the media would stop highlighting us so people would stop coming (I say that half-seriously). We love newcomers (like we were 8 years ago), but the roads really are getting overcrowded.

We love Raleigh, and our kids do too. Instead of running away like they all do in the old rust-belt cities up north, our kids are heading back here after college. Read Less
Raleigh,'s a Nightmare!!!! 0.5 rating By kristy100 ( Jun 17, 2015) Living in Raleigh is a bad decision. I regret a thousand times when I decided to move here. It's true that you can find a lots of amenities here and the weather is good but to be honest, anything of this worth it when you are looking for mentally peace. I am Puerto Rican and I am ...Read More feeling the racism and I'm discriminated by others, both black and white. Receiving dirty looks and stupid comments all the time. The jobs opportunities aren't good. They pay a misery and the only thing the offer is part-time. There's no prosperity here. I had lived in others states before NC and nothing is compared with this. The place is good, the people ( majority ) don't worth it. Can't wait to leave this place!! I know many people going through the same as me. Not good for the Latin community. I agree with someone that posted a previous review saying " here they treat you as slave." Don't move here is you are latino. Read Less
Raleigh's Rapid Transition From Rural To Metropolitan Character 3.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 17, 2014) I live in Raleigh and I'am definitely proud to call North Carolina's capital my home. The "City of Oaks" is without a doubt the cultural hub of the state. I enjoy exploring Renaissance era paintings at the North Carolina Museum of Art or studying the fossils of dinosaurs at the N ...Read More orth Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. The permanent and changing exhibitions at the North Carolina Museum of History will satisfy the curiosity of any history buff.

The most urbanized part of Raleigh is located along Fayeteville Street. The downtown area is very pedestrian friendly and the State Capitol grounds offer a nice chance to relax under the trees while doing some people watching and getting inspired by statues of George Washington, Governor Zebulon, Andrew Johnson and other political figures. The modern PNC Plaza skyscraper provides a nice architectural contrast to historic 19th century buildings such as the Briggs Hardware Store where the COR Museum operates.

Although it has a sizable population of a typical medium-size city, Raleigh is mostly suburban in character especially in the sections outside the I-440 beltline. I live in northern Raleigh and I sometimes feel like I'm in an isolated suburb. The public transportation in Raleigh is limited to public buses and it seems that rapid transit services are nothing more than a dream for Raleigh. You definitely need a car to get around more than 90 percent of the city. However, Raleigh-Durham International Airport is very convenient to navigate as it doesn't have the traffic of a typical urban airport. Additionally, the general aviation terminal and observation park at the airport allow you to watch commercial and private jets take off and land. I'd say that these two venues are some of the best hidden attractions in the Raleigh area.
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The most over-rated city in America 2 rating By chrism885 ( Jul 25, 2014) I really wish that I say good things about my 2 years in Raleigh, however; it wasn't that great of an experience. The city thrives on Forbes lists, yet when you arrive you'll find that the city lacks charm, energy, and has absolutely lacks cultural diversity. Most weekends and ni ...Read More ghts are boring if you don't eat (at the few eateries around town) or if you don't like to shop at the malls nearby. The long term citizens of Raleigh aren't welcoming, nor will they try to entertain you with their time. It was almost as if a lot of people had a chip on their shoulder. I don't want to this to seem as a rant and I can say that there are some new natural beauty about the city and maybe livable if you're a large, conservative leaning family. The crime was fairly tolerable but, I had an occasion where some friends from my hometown came to visit me in Raleigh, lo and behold my close friend was pick pocketed in Downtown Raleigh on their main street. This is a city that hides it's major crimes from the media. I'll conclude with this, don't get caught up in the hype of this town, it's really just a capital city. Read Less
Raleigh is a MISTAKE 0.5 rating By Libra1012 ( Apr 13, 2013) I have live here since April 2011, this is the most backward structure non progressive place to live or visit. I made a mistake moving here based on a relative. Their is no growth, I moved from NY, when I have interviewed for jobs the first comment is "was that really your salary ...Read More " I am african-american woman, my NY salary was 6 figures, I worked in PR- I just wanted a part-time job WOW........ I am trying praying and trying to get to FL with friends or back to GOD's country NY. People of color are treated as slaves. DO NOT MOVE HERE Read Less
Travel To Raleigh, NC 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 25, 2011) I've lived in Raleigh, NC for many many years and I've yet to visit or drive through a city that offers as much as Raleigh does. The big city feel combined with the wonderful atmosphere may not be for everyone, but it's right for me. With a population of more than 400,000 it give ...Read More s me the sense of living in a very large city without the hassles of a big city such as New York City or San Diego. The amount of help and dedication the citizens put in to making my city beautiful, is a testament to what type of environment it is.

One of the first things that I love about Raleigh is the Dorton Arena. It seats thousands of people and really provides a upscale and luxurious place to watch an event. People from all over the country flock to this arena for grade A top quality entertainment each and every year. As you're driving in to Raleigh the first thing many people will notice right off the bat is the skyline. The elegant skyline created by all of our wonderful buildings gives you a big city feeling that you just can't help but smile when you see. It really is a place that I'm proud to call home.

This city of mine is cram packed full of entertainment and things to do on a boring day. The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences will entertain you for hours on end but also teach you a thing or two. The gorgeous scenery and tall buildings will provide eye candy for a long afternoon walk through the city which I, and so many people that live here enjoy. If you're looking for a place that oozes with creativity and excitement then come to Raleigh, NC today and see us! Read Less
Southern Comfort in Raleigh, NC 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 30, 2010) Raleigh, NC is the perfect place to raise a family. I have travelled to Raleigh numerous times throughout my life and am currently thinking about moving there permanently.

From the waiter at a restaurant to the guy at the gas station, all of the locals are extremely friendly. R
...Read More aleigh truly has a remarkable feeling of southern comfort. Every time I visit, I feel like everybody knows me. Another plus to Raleigh is that the crime rate is really low which is also great for raising a family.

Since Raleigh is the capital of North Carolina, there are lots of historical attractions and other things to do in the city of Raliegh. If you are looking for a restaurant in Raleigh, Lilly's Pizza is the place to go. It is the best pizza I have ever had in my life! It will not disappoint. If you are looking for a warm welcome from locals, great attractions, tasty restaurants and a pretty good nightlife then I definitely recommend Raleigh, NC. Read Less

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      Raleigh, NC

      Not only is Raleigh the capital of North Carolina, but it is also the state’s second largest city. Known as the City of Oaks, due in part to the number of oak trees downtown, the city is becoming a major business and cultural hub. With a population close to 500,000 people, if you move to Raleigh, you will be in good company. People are moving there in droves, thanks to a cost of living just slightly higher than the national average, low home and rent prices, a busting economy and great weather.

      The main mode of transportation in Raleigh is car; however, there is still a public transportation system. GoRaleigh and the Transportation Authority make it cheap (tickets are only about $1 per ride) and easy to get around via bus. If you plan to frequently travel via bus, consider purchasing a pass to save some money.

      Weather is a huge selling point for Raleigh. The average temperature is 70 degrees, and it has a humid subtropical climate. Summers are humid and very warm. Winters are mild, but cold, and rarely see more a day or two of very light snow. Fall and spring bring plenty of warmer weather to the region, so you mostly only need light layers and a lightweight pair of boots to be set here.

      Thanks to its location in Durham and Wake Counties, Raleigh is close to the action. Businesses abound in Research Triangle Park, so jobs are abundant. Durham is home to Duke and the top-notch Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts, but there is so much to do in Raleigh that you may never want to leave. Take in a NC State game and stay for the tailgate. Go walking on the Greenway or in a state park and experience an oasis in a bustling city. Enjoy a Cookout tray and plenty of Cheerwine after a long walk or jog. If your family is moving with you, they will love the North Carolina Museum of Art, the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences and Marbles Kids Museum. Do not miss the State Fair. Catch a show at the Red Hat Amphitheater, chow down on some barbeque and catch a game at the PNC Arena, all in the same day. Raleigh offers something for cultural enthusiasts and sports fans alike.

      Moving to the Southeast, and Raleigh, in particular, will feel like a dream. Experience Southern hospitality at its finest, more warm days than not and plenty of culture in a city that costs much less to live in than Chicago, Boston, Seattle, New York and San Francisco. It is a win-win, and the perfect way to get used to the Tar Heel State.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Raleigh? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Union Square
      Marbles Courtyard
      Moore Square
      PNC Plaza
      Downtown Plaza
      Roofdeck Park
      Edison Apartment Courtyard & Dog Park


      Marbles Kids Museum
      North Carolina Museum of History
      Marbles IMAX
      City of Raleigh Museum (COR Museum)
      North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
      North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences: Nature Research Center

      Food & Drink

      The Raleigh Times Bar
      The Anchor Bar
      Trophy Brewing Tap and Table
      Tir Na Nog Irish Pub
      Square Burger
      Rum Runners

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Raleigh? Of all people who commute, 2.0% take public transportation in Raleigh.
      Drive to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      3% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Raleigh a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      UNC REX Healthcare
      Wakemed Heart Center
      Keystone Chiropractic
      North Carolina Heart & Vascular Hospital
      Rex Bariatrics
      Triangle Disc Care
      Mid-Carolina Obstetrics & Gynecology
      UNC REX Hospital Emergency Department


      Rite Aid
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      Glenwood South Pharmacy & Market
      CVS Pharmacy


      Carroll Health Center
      North Raleigh Pediatrics
      Raleigh and Radiology
      Village Dental
      Carolina Ear Nose and Throat Associates
      Carolina ChiroCare and Rehab
      Atrium Obstetrics & Gynecology
      Capital Dermatology