Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (143) A+
Entertainment (173) A+
Food and Drink (895) A+
Fitness (86) A+
Groceries (143) F
Parks (1065) A+
Shops (1007) A+
See more Phoenix amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 2.7% take public transportation in Phoenix.
Public Transit Stops (3693)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Phoenix commute data

cost of living A-

The cost of living in Phoenix is 106/100 - which is 6% higher than Arizona.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Phoenix cost of living data

crime F

Phoenix crime rates are 3,269 per 100k, which is 48% higher than Arizona
Property Crime
2,484 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
785 crimes per 100k
See more Phoenix crime data

employment B-

The median income in Phoenix is $60,914 - which is 19% higher than Arizona.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Phoenix employment data

health C-

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (403)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Phoenix health & safety data

housing A+

Phoenix home prices are $250,800 - which is 42% higher than Arizona
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
4.1x (home price to income ratio)
See more Phoenix housing data

schools C

The Phoenix graduation rate is 77% - which is 6% lower than Arizona
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (399) A+
High Schools (167) A+
See more Phoenix education data

ratings F

Phoenix has an overall rating of 47% from 83 reviews.
User Reviews (28)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (55)
From AreaVibes
See more Phoenix user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
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( 83 Ratings )

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Lack-Luster at Very Best - Narrow-Minded Sprawling Town - NOT A TRUE CITY 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 08, 2020) Phoenix is atrocious! In most every sense - vibe, culture, inclusion, amenities, opportunities, etc., etc., are barely tolerable and only available to you if you are willing to become a narrow minded desert dweller and willing to ditch your high motivation and superior work ethi ...Read More c and become lack-luster as well.
Phoenix and Phoenicians are very Southern in mentality, same as the stereotypical South-East portions of USA but instead of hill-billies and red necks they are desert-billies and dust-necks. I deal with homophobic harassment on a daily basis in the way of slurs both verbal and spray painted on the building outside my home, subjected to discrimination by the limiting of opportunities offered/afforded to me.
If you are not a conservative and if it is ever known by others, you wont get employed here, and you will be ostracized and even bullied.
Authenticity, Inclusion, Diversity are not welcomed human attributes here in Phoenix.
Phoenix is also extremely segregated and nearly all are racist here, regardless of their race/ethnicity. Each demographic is racist against the others and band together in their own little isolated groups. Zero inclusion or welcoming of diversity. Making quality friends is next to impossible because of this. There is zero sense of community and zero solidarity here, unless you are from here and you are banding together to hate on those who come from elsewhere in the country. They do not welcome "outsiders" and have zero interest in becoming more cultured and educated through discourse/dialogue with those who are not of the identical ilk. No one is friendly to others outside of their own demographic. If you smile and say "Hello" you get dirty looks and whispers in return. It's bizarre here. Truly.
The education systems here are clearly lacking compared to other regions of the country.
Everything from entertainment outlets to public transportation is behind the times. You will not find world class entertainment here, and very VERY few restaurants that will compare to one of the three largest cities in the US. Even th "upscale" hotels here have to "dumb-down" their in house restaurant and foiod fare to cater to the lack of nationalism/internationalism that comes with the other largest US cities.
This is not a city of efficiency nor do they strive to be. It takes you twice to three times as long to get anything accomplished here. You cant even purchase full transportation passes (daily only) and only if you have cash. They take cash only for their buses. The train called the Light-Rail is a juvenile attempt at best at offering quality public transportation and is extremely limited in where it goes.
Very antiquated here. There is minimal innovation, if it is at all existent. Phoenix and Phoenicians appear to be quite happy being narrow minded, closed off, stubborn and unwilling to modernize despite being touted as the 5th largest "city" in the United States. This place is sprawl and you are basically forced to have a vehicle if you want to get anything done in a reasonable amount of time and for a reasonable amount of money. (Thanks Koch Bros.!)
There is zero inclusion and diversity here and I live in the alleged "Arts District" that is in "Downtown". If you want any type of quality grocers or other shopping outlets for things like clothing, etc., you have to travel to Scottsdale, which is not easily accessible by pubic transportation.
Decent employment also is non existent in the town of Phoenix as well. One would have to travel 1.5 - 2 hours, or more ONE WAY utilizing two to three different busses/bus-train routes just to get to a decent paying job. Again, you are forced to increase your carbon footprint by having a vehicle if you expect to get anything done in this sprawling waste of resources.
Homelessness, drug use/abuse, alcoholism, crime, police profiling and general public vitriol is rampant here.
Unsafe, reckless and angry drivers are everywhere. Always on their phones and not paying attention to surroundings while operating their vehicle. Not a bike friendly place either.
Overall this place is a huge disappointment and the quality of service you get from anyone in almost any profession/industry here is not even comparable to the other top cities of the US. There is a permeating attitude of "Its good enough" and it doesn't appear as though many people strive to be any different or better than they were the day before. If you are one who is knowledgable of higher levels of craftsmanship, customer service, transportation, etc., etc., you are greeted with a "Who do you think you are!?" attitude and no one is interested in learning how they could refine themselves here. Its just "good enough" and there is no above and beyond here and certainly is not very impressive.
I have experienced and lived in better smaller cities that do not have the population and revenue sources that this place does. Other places know how to better allocate their resources to improve the quality of life and raise the standard of living for everyone inhabiting the place, and not just a certain select few, such as here in Phoenix and the Phoenix Valley.
I'm not certain what the retention rate of high level talent and quality workers/employees is, but given the lack of most everything and the backwards and behind the times representation of this place, I'm not certain why people would stay here. Read Less
Do I recommend Phoenix, Az 3 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 08, 2019) The summers are hot hot hot. The winters are warm to cool. Jobs are very available. Depending on the part of Phoenix you're in its not too bad of a city. ...Read More Read Less
Good Customer Service 5 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 17, 2019) We have been here a week. We saw the Grand Canyon, tombstone and caverns and Phoenix. All I can say is the people are fantastic, the sites are amazing and easy to navigate. Thank you for a great vaca! ...Read More Read Less
Horrible place to liven 1 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 15, 2018) Hated Phoenix the air pollution put me in the hospital. Couldn't stop coughing, gasping for breath , had pain in my chest, pain in my head, and was constantly sucking in dust. The people in Arizona are so rude I couldn't wait to leave. Nobody knows how to drive I feared for my li ...Read More fe every time I got behind the wheel of the car. Nobody checks the lane when they switch lanes and nobody uses a blinker not even the cops. Lived there a year and left. I had enough of that place. The heat is brutal for about six months. Way too hot for me. Move someplace else. Read Less
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Good Customer Service 5 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 17, 2019) We have been here a week. We saw the Grand Canyon, tombstone and caverns and Phoenix. All I can say is the people are fantastic, the sites are amazing and easy to navigate. Thank you for a great vaca! ...Read More Read Less
Horrible place to liven 1 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 15, 2018) Hated Phoenix the air pollution put me in the hospital. Couldn't stop coughing, gasping for breath , had pain in my chest, pain in my head, and was constantly sucking in dust. The people in Arizona are so rude I couldn't wait to leave. Nobody knows how to drive I feared for my li ...Read More fe every time I got behind the wheel of the car. Nobody checks the lane when they switch lanes and nobody uses a blinker not even the cops. Lived there a year and left. I had enough of that place. The heat is brutal for about six months. Way too hot for me. Move someplace else. Read Less
Used to Be Nice 3 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 22, 2018) We went here on vacation a few times around 2000 and it seemed like a nice enough place then though the people drove like they thought they were the only people on the road. I would give the climate an F+. Only the lack of black ice gives it the +. I have a friend who lives th ...Read More ere so I know the 'joy' of 110+° F and haboobs. She has never had a problem with crime, at least not in the past eight years.Of the following 20 or so reviews, most were written by the same person. You can tell by the same misspellings and lack of punctuation. If that person is a product of Phoenix schools, I can see why they got an F. Read Less
Phoenix better think about it before you make the move 1.5 rating By Anonymous ( Sep 01, 2018) Reading is reviews the people that check 3 stars or less they are pretty right but what they say I lived here most of my life and I'd love Phoenix at one time now that I'm very sick and since 2000 I've seen the real Phoenix that people talk about kind of feel trapped here and I h ...Read More ate Phoenix now sure there's a lot of good things about Phoenix but my experience with people here in Phoenix it is not a trustee place to live or raise a good family things they say about the police department or mostly true for myself I was beat up and thrown in jail on frivolous charges and under a name that wasn't mine do you think I could get anything done about it especially after you beat me with a 15 inch flashlight in about broke my neck choking me out that experience changed my whole life plus all the answers I got from Arizona government and all the lies that I've gotten and knowing that there was a paper trail to prove that I was right I watch the most amazing things go on here in Phoenix I have to say the government corrupt from what I've seen it's not my imagination my home to Urban broken into pretty much ruined my life I've even worked at one place called super discount transmission and I was threatened if they got me in the jail they would wipe out my family I'm telling me my name is it mine post something about $200, 000 you know what was the problem started in 1999 and from my knowledge I was told it went back to 1992 and now its 2018 and this b******* is still going on there's more to the story that I'm saying and I can't figure out how I got all caught up in this unless it was an identity theft done years ago from a business that I worked at now I'm sick dying before my time I have no money in the source of income but I do have I'm just getting by and it's not a good getting by and when I'm seeing in the changes of people's lives has to be a corrupt government my advice moving here or bring a business here you better do a lot of research and think about it but if you make a mistake there may not be a way to turn back and what I've seen is not good I need reviews that are three stars and less are pretty much true I don't think people would lie about it no. I was told it one business go ahead complain nobody's going to believe you you better think about this a perfected way what I just said beware of what you can't see can happen Read Less
Bad place to live know 0.5 rating By Greoge ( Sep 13, 2017) Thris town has,nothing to offer any more unless your a college kid illgell immgration or drugs and homless people rent is getting very high cost jobs are still low paying and the crime rate has gone up about 20-30 times more then anything they are going backwards in time build al ...Read More l thris nice stuff then get torn up by losers who live here people are very rude unfreindy and only care aboyt themsevles the homless rate is the worst i ever since the cops dont care about anything they are very freindy to people who dont belong in our courty the rob steal and muder steal drugs and the mayor and gover and mccain dont care just mess up the state not safe to rasie a family school are worsed in the courty think by putting coolege kids in place or old people,with money the jobs are getting bad if you dont mind that and been in 110plus for 4-6 mouths out of the year its very hot most of the time and work is slow now,if you work in places were you need to make tips forget about that 90% of people dont and more so if some loser reply to thris its,some dumb ass who proply is trying to scam you just rember speed racing on the highway wrong way drivers and dont bevile the news been lie for over 30 years used to be a nice place to live but phoenix and area around are nothing but a bad place to live the dumbest people all races moving here and expect free stuff and people owe,them thris is no lie come look before you move here if you dont good,luck living in the getto for a lot of money and having lots,of roommates becuse the jobs,suck or working 2-3 jobs to just make it please dont reply if you do your a total loser and more Read Less
Downtown Phoenix etal 3.5 rating By Venus Fair ( Aug 26, 2017) I'll do my best to give an objective perspective to living in "the valley" - a common term referencing Phoenix and the immediate surrounding areas. First the good: Activities: There's a lot of stuff to do outside weather permitting, 45 minutes drive time out of city center and yo ...Read More u'll be out of city limits. Hiking at White Tank Mountain or up to Wind Cave tunnel at Usary Park, rafting down Salt River are just a few of many things to do. Lots of options for hiking, camping, or off-roading. And exploring old Native American dwellings in the high country like Wupatki, Walnut Canyon and Canyon de Chelly are pretty darn cool. Don't forget antiquing in Jerome, looking for UFO's in Sedona, skiing in Flagstaff, old times in Tombstone, hanging with free-spirits in Bisbee that can be added to your list. South Mountain, Camelback Mountain, Piestewa Peak and "A" Mountain in Tempe are also places to hike within the valley offering great views once on the peak. If you prefer less secluded or indoor activities, there's always movie theaters, bowling or market places with a plethora of vendors - they're in abundance and not hard to find. Transportation: Driving around is pretty easy to navigate as the streets are laid out in grid fashion. The Metro Light Rail is continually being expanded and can get you into downtown (Phoenix) but like so many other dense cities the bus system is functional enough and will get you where you need to go. An FYI - in the summer the homeless routinely take public transportation to get out of the heat and they're not shy about hitting you up for money.Real Estate: Home prices are on the rise especially near downtown. Neighborhoods once considered undesirable are now subject to investors and flippers, due in part to these homes retaining a lot of their old vintage charm and an ever strengthening economy. Schools: I can't give much info on primary education as I don't have kids but there's a lot of community colleges throughout the valley. There's four Arizona State U campuses - main campus in Tempe, Polytech in East Mesa, ASU West in Glendale and the Downtown Phoenix campus. One University of Arizona campus in downtown with their main campus located in Tucson. Northern Arizona U, main campus in Flagstaff, also has a new Biomed campus in downtown as well. Weather: From late October to late April/early May it's really nice to be outside. At 360+ days a year of sunshine it's hard to beat so outdoor play is a must and as stated earlier there's a lot of things to do outdoors. One thing that wasn't mentioned is a good amount hiking places, especially those in the city, are free plus you can take your trusty four-legged friend on most hikes but I would recommend researching which trials have cactus (be on the look-out for jumping cactus) as I've seen many a dog with cactus needles in their face as a result of oblivious owners.The Bad:Weather: As I stated earlier the hot months are brutal, yards get really brown and mosquitoes are abundant post heavy summer rains. It's also naturally dusty, very dusty. When you blow your nose it comes out mud from all the heavy particles in the air. "It's a dry heat" is a misnomer. June seems to be the driest but when the monsoon kicks in it can get really sticky, it sometimes feels like Florida. I'm from OC California, raised a beach kid so for my blood anything over 75 feels like a heatwave. Enduring the hot months has been a challenge that I'm looking forward to saying goodbye to one day and even though it's a desert, freeze warnings are not uncommon in the "winter" months and can kill tender garden plants and trees that aren't desert adapted. Housing: Still affordable for a lot of folks but rent is getting a bit high. Unless you're from New York or California sticker-shock ensues. And not all neighborhoods are experiencing gentrification and remain unpopular for what would be obvious reasons: crimes, drugs, prostitution, etc. Also, people out here like converting garages/car ports into livable square footage and use chain link fences to secure their yard - it's just ugly. Traffic: It's starting to look like Los Angeles. Driver's frequently forget others are on the road, being cut-off is common and if you use your horn expect to be flipped off. In my opinion, AZ driver's have just checked out of all common sense - road etiquette is a lost art here.Food: Lots of choices, some are good, haven't found anything super great. The two places that did blow my hair back are under new ownership and now they're mediocre at best. But still there are a few places that are pretty darn yummy including TexAZ - down-home-fill-your-belly-calorie-rich food with big portions. Me and me mate share a plate and still can't finish it all. Rito's in Phoenix - prepare to wait in line but they have the best green chili burro - ever! In general it's safe to say you gotta go hunt down and try lots of places before you find an eating establishment worth visiting many times. I've learned not to take word-of-mouth advice - it's never panned out. Hm, maybe I just have really high standards?In conclusion, living in a desert isn't for everyone, me included, so the last thing I want to do is slam it because I don't like the geography. I moved here by choice and for the most part enjoyed my stay. Having said that the beach is calling and must return, 5-6 years is the plan. One thing I forgot to mention is the sunsets, some of the most beautiful I've ever seen, breathtaking and postcard worthy. Make sure and find time in the evening when it's cloudy to watch the pinks, oranges and reds appear and blend before fading to grey. So ignore the idiots, embrace a new atmosphere and come up with your own conclusion, life's too short to believe in non-sense and folly. Read Less
You can do better 1 rating By camjohn00 ( May 18, 2017) I am writing reviews on several of the cities in which we've lived across the US. Phoenix was only a one year experience for us, but we'd have gladly made it non-existent. "It's a dry heat" is the favorite excuse for over 100 degree temperatures. Having lived in humid Midwest ...Read More cities and in South Florida, it's still extremely hot in Phoenix. An oven is generally a dry heat, but I don't recommend living in one. "You don't have to shovel sunshine" is another we would hear. "Snow doesn't give you cancer," I'd reply. The plant life, animal life, and human life is equipped and poised to sting, poke, bite or kill you. There are some good people down there, but we found most people as friendly as the cactus in their yard. In the summer months (about 9 of them) you stay in doors. I mean, you only go outside if you absolutely have to. There are ruts in the asphalt at stop lights where cars sink in during the summer because the tar has melted and is runny. I remember running my AC in my car full boar on Thanksgiving day. There isn't much by way of attractions for kids there. You should plan to have a pool or a friend with a pool. This is a matter of survival, not just for fun. Thankfully pools are plentiful here, but worry about precious water evaporating into the desert air. They may yet convince the great lakes states to let them pipe water down. The crime is as expected. We stuck to the areas we felt safer in. We didn't have any kids in school when we were there, thankfully. Our impression was that the schools left something to be desired. The housing seemed pretty expensive while we were there, and that was actually after the housing crash. I have to admit I like green and I like trees, so the area isn't what I would consider pretty. However, if you're a scorched rock and cactus person, it's heavenly. The golf courses are plentiful and green, which is an excellent use of one of their rarest and most important resources. There was a requirement to prove availability of 100 years worth of water to start a municipality I was told, but all the municipalities can use the exact same water source in their estimate without taking into account what the others will use. My review is a little harsh, but hey Phoenix is pretty harsh too. Read Less
Crack house town 0.5 rating By Greoge ( Apr 24, 2017) If anyone wants to move here now of days they must be the stuip people on the planet to the jobs are getting worse and worse don't pay any money now and the police department don't do anything unless they have to have people speed down the freeway and racing on them and driving ...Read More the wrong way on the freeway killing people head on now the weather is very very hot for over 6 months a year to not 2 mouth like lots of lier tell people to to many college kids who are rude and cheap and don't care about anything but getting drunk and speed around town and the governor and mayor cares more about people who don't belong in our country then the people who pays taxes and buying homes and businesses here to some loser will reply to this but there some totally loser who is hidden from the cops and Rob and steal and killing people and steal drugs now thris town is rated the 1 rude and bad people in the country now the cost of living is getting very high and low paying jobs now to most of the business don't pay any more than minimum wage and crying about that no benefit and don't know if tomorrow you will have a job since there are many low blow company and short term business out here to used to be a nice place to live but most of the good people have left town and the people with money are not coming out here anymore just alot of fake people who lies and don't tip when needed to so if you're smart and try to strat a family out here don't waste your time school are the worst in the country and always have been most of the people who think that Arizona is a good place to live have a very very low I quote of life and have not respect for the state and country to and the ones that loves illegal immigrants are the biggest problem off all since thris people get money from the government for a place to live and welfare to and don't have any rights to any thing since they are trespassing in the country illegal to and think that they have right to Arizona is a scam artists trying to rip people off now most of the nice area are very very getto town now and not worth it if you don't want a real life please don't waste your time and move here if you're one of those people come on in since the government love bad people who lies and don't care about anything but then self and don't forget about the drugs and homeless people and legels immigration to work is slow down fast no money coming in with people like that and college kids to so run away from Arizona to I bet some totally loser will make a comment about this and Fox news is probably the one who looks at thris stuff since they are the worst news service in the state of Arizona i rate Arizona -100k now only loser and very stupid people living here now Read Less
Waste of time 1 rating By Greoge ( Mar 23, 2017) I can see that some loser who loves ellegal immigration has something to say about that the biggest problem with people like that are not very bright and dumb and low class person you live in a in your own world of people who lies and steal and killing people and break the law by ...Read More replying to true ads that tells the story about how bad phoenix area and the state of Arizona really is i bet you don't really live here year round if you do how dumb can you believe that your friends that don't belong in the country have right to any thing but going back to were they came from to thris town is a getto town and more and more ever day people living in the worst area think they live in a great place to and lots of them are loser and college kids who are very stupid to all I know is that if you want to make a real life please don't move to Arizona it's very very hot most of the year low paying jobs and high rent and cost of living need to work 2-3 jobs now just to pay your bills since most of the jobs paying minimum wage no benefit and part time job and seasonal to sad used to be a nice place to live but now it's getto as he'll and crime is so bad they don't care about anything anymore then ripping off the people who live here plus if you don't love ellegal immigration your a bad person that big time loser who reply to this sad that you think trying to tell me how to spell it remember that they are taking a job away from you and your friends and family members to and not paying taxes and working at places with fake name to the government give them free welfare and medical insurance but if you need it good luck since your one of those people who don't know what going on with the country and only cares about your self to if you think real American person like the ellegal immigration your so high that you will be one of the biggest loser in the world to I hate saying that but rude and cheap and dumb people like this needs to look around and really see what happened to the Phoenix area most of it was nice and clean to live in now all you see is drug and homeless people and Elegels immigration and very very bad that you can't walk around the corner without mybe being rob or asked for money to or buying drugs now and the cops are a big joke now only time you see them on the roads is when they get a call so please read this and don't reply if you don't take this advice and move to a better place to live then good luck being broke and living in the getto town now so I hope you understand what I'm saying not a good place to rasie a family to unless you're like the guy who reply to this he must be one of those person who hidden in the country and serous about that so good luck I rate az -10k to rasie a family make money and have a safe and secure life now Read Less
To the person below 1 rating By lovebug1999 ( Mar 14, 2017) ... this a response to the person below ... wow is all I can say . How many times can one person write elegals , before they realize that the very people they are complaining about are actually spelt "illegals" . Well actually the whole name you are looking for in your review is ...Read More "illegal immigrants " not "elegals immigration ". Sad to say you are the exact stereotype of Arizona , white trash, screaming about "elegals" , while also not being able to spell , but Mercia right ? They took our jobs is probably your main slogan ! Read Less
Don't waste your time 0.5 rating By Greoge ( Mar 11, 2017) If you are looking for a new place to live don't move to Arizona it's a totally dump now low paying jobs and high rent and apartments and cost is getting very high to low class people who are rude and cheap and don't belong in the country to they lie about everything on the news ...Read More out here tell people were going to have 3 million more jobs same old jobs that most of them pay minimum wage and are seasonal no benefit and lots of 1099 jobs in Arizona to the crime rates are very very high crime and killing people and Rob people and more if you are looking for a real life please don't waste your time moving to Arizona if you're a real American person they don't care about you the government and politics and police are only interested in ripping off the people who works for a living and car more about the elegels immigration in the state then the people who spent real money not just on welfare and take jobs from real American person to all I know is it used to be a nice place to live but now it's getto and getto as he'll to cost of rent is going through the roof and the jobs paying less than before to and the governor and mayor think these people who don't belong in the country are doing something for the state not paying taxes and working here ellegal to there give them welfare and health insurance for free and hidden here to if you have a job were you get tips to help you make a living forget about that so many cheap people who don't tip and want you to kiss there ass and don't appreciate it if you're older person you don't want to move here to many college kids and ellegal immigration who rob and steal and killing people and very very rude people who are the dumb people you ever meant the cops don't care about anything anymore just bother the people they should not and most of the cars on the road are unsafe and don't have insurance on them since the state of Arizona does not inspection the vehicle just chrage you very high fee to register your car to not worth trying to make a life out here now getting the worst people I ever since and if you're not an elegels immigration or some one who loves them people who are breaking the law and trespass in our country you don't want to live in Arizona most of the company are short term business who does not care about the people working for them to just low bow price then change the name or sale the business or just go out of business 5-10 years max to so if you are a smart person please don't move here if you're one of those people who are rude and cheap and styip and hidden in the country great place to live nothing will ever change in Arizona expect your job and address ever year to I rate this state a-50k for real American person not worth even living here it very very hot 6 months a years and nothing to do unless you have lots of money but now only cheap and rude people good luck if you move here it's a go no were state for losers and homeless people and Elegels immigration and drug addiction to I'm not write this to sound bad it's all true ckeck it out for your self Read Less
Worst people living here now 0.5 rating By Greoge ( Mar 01, 2017) I would not waste my time if you're are a smart person to Arizona has some of the dumb people who are rude and cheap and don't belong in the country and lots of people from really bad state I q under 90 and the college kids are so stupid out here they don't know anything about th ...Read More e real world but have time to go online and post the worst ads about people who are provided service in the transition business and other places people don't tip out here just expect free stuff from everyone don't want to work for a living and the drugs and homeless people are the worst I ever since in my life all I know is don't waste your time moving out here Arizona is going backwards in time low paying jobs and high rent and apartments and lots of elegels immigration to they don't fix the roads out here and the school are the worst in the country if you're real American person they don't care about you just there friend from Mexico and other countries now and tell you how stupid people are out here why would you move some place to make 10 hr less than you were making out here to the weather is very bad most of the year very hot for 6 months of the year to so if you're a red neck or some one who not very smart Arizona is the place for you if you are looking to get ahead in life don't move here you have to keep changing jobs ever year since most of the company pays low wages and part time no benefit or lots of commission based pay jobs and keep drop the price to to many short term business out here to lots of criminal and drugs and homeless people and Elegels immigration and the governor and mayor think these is a good thing to so if you're smarter than gw bush #43 please don't move to Arizona it's not for people who want to get ahead in life just people who love the circle of life that never change every since they don't care about the people just have much money they can scam from the people who live here plus if you love living in the getto town come on down most of the people I used to know left and never come back can't make a living here anymore just lots of lies from the news and Media to get the dumb people here all I know is used to be a nice place to live but not any more to much crime and college being built and it's a totally scam to get a good paying jobs here if you like working 2-3 jobs just to make ends meat and have nothing after ward thris is the perfect place for losers to live so I would look for a real state to live in if you want your family to be safe and secure and get a real education to Arizona has lots of things but most people are fake and lier who just want some money from people and serous about that so I would recommend not moving to Arizona it a-10k state unless you are an elegels immigration hidden from the cops or a total loser to I hate saying thris but it's all true now Read Less
Really bad place to live anymore 0.5 rating By Greoge ( Feb 26, 2017) If you're a smart person who wants a good life with your family please don't move to Arizona the wages are very low paying jobs around 35% to 40% less income now the price of home and rent keep going up and up and become a real problem with drugs and homeless people and Elegels i ...Read More mmigration who rob and steal and killing people and the government here does not care about anything but what they can steal from the people who works and pay taxes to if you're an American citizen you get treat like you don't belong here anymore to they have to many college kids out here and ellegal immigration who they are more worried about them now and do nothing but get free stuff from the state of Arizona there nothing to do unless you have lots of money or want to live with lots of criminal and drugs the police department does not care about anything anymore but put the wrong people in jail now the people out here are lazy rude and bad news and very dumb people to its very hot outside most of the year's here and the same old story each year nothing changes but still have the same low paying jobs and live in he'll now so any one tells you how great it is out here is probably hidden in the country elegels immigration or a crack head or some one who just moved here and finding out that it's was not worth moving here most of the smart people are leaving for good reason so if you're want a real life please don't waste your time moving here school are the worst in the country to and it's not cheap to live here looks at the wages they offer and the cost of living is getting very high to so I would recommend that you look for something better unless you love to live in the getto town and more and more of Arizona is looking like this getto to your not safe and your kids will end up with a very bad education to so I give thris place a -50k now but if you are really stupid thris is the new place to live since most people are dumb and serous about that and don't listen to the news to they have been lie for many years and years to and most of these people don't live out here anymore Arizona is a scam and waste of time Read Less
Worst place to live 0.5 rating By Greoge ( Feb 17, 2017) Arizona used to be a good place to live in but over the past few years it's nothing more than a crack house and homeless people and Elegels immigration who are hidden in the state thinking that they have rights and trespass in the USA to but the government is breaking the law by ...Read More hiring them and treat the people who pays taxes and buying homes like they don't matter to them if your not the right color and a real American person you don't count to them they love the elegels immigration to and think they are helping the state of Arizona not true don't pay taxes and most of them are rob and steal from people drug dealer and are trash the state to its become a real joke to live here the crime rates are very very high crime and the school are the worst in the country and they let them go to our school for free to and are given them free welfare and medical insurance but if you're not the right color they don't want you to get any thing to the elegels immigration rate is 10 times worse than ever to and the governor and mayor think these people are helping the state just stealing from people who work and pay taxes to all I know is that they are making nice area turn into getto more and more not paving the roads any more or keep up with any thing the cost of living is getting very high and the wages are 40-50 % lower than the rest of the country to its now nothing but a major getto with lots of criminal and drugs and homeless people and Elegels immigration who rob and steal and killing people to take jobs from the real American to if you are thinking about moving out here don't waste your time unless you are one of the people like very rude people and love 6 months of very hot weather and more it's only cool for like 2 mouth and it's not worth it anymore used to be a nice place to live but I give thris place a-10k very hot place low paying jobs and bad school and rude and cheap people and the kids in the school are very rude and dump and are not help the state money wish to and the elegels immigration are very rude and bad news to this place is going backwards in time can't make less money and pay more for everything to all I know is if you want to relocate don't waste your time with Arizona unless you love low paying jobs and live in the getto town now any one tells you different they are liers and probably not very good people who are stupid and rude people or some one hidden here that don't belong in the country so please don't move here if you want to strat a family to find some were else Arizona is a scam and totally waste of time and serous about that Read Less
Don't want to live here 0.5 rating By Greoge ( Jan 31, 2017) This town is a total dump any more if you're not an elegels immigration it's not worth waste your time to live here the crime rates are very very high the governor and mayor and phoenix police don't care about anything anymore but put money in there pockets and have made this tow ...Read More n into a major getto with lots of criminal and drugs and homeless people and Elegels immigration who rob and steal and killing people to put college kids in really bad school in really bad area tell people how great it is to live here the cost of living is getting very high and low paying jobs in Arizona as well the snow birds are not coming out here anymore to because of the kids and crime rates and Elegels immigration to if you're looking to relocate don't waste your time unless you want to live in he'll now they have the news telling people how great it is but all lies now the school are really bad and the low class people have moved in her now cheap people who are looking for free stuff and don't have any respect for people just want everything really cheap don't tip any one who does this kind of work to and the summer months are 6 months long and very very hot to you make about 40-50% less out here and most people are working 2 jobs to just make it to rude people and get like a crack house to used to be a nice town but only thing they care about is people who don't belong in the country and serous about that it's not safe for your kids unless you have lots of money to live in the great area to so I rate Arizona in the -5000 group now so please don't waste your time if you want a good life here Arizona is turning into la and other cities that are very very high crime and very bad paying jobs to the low blow special are in here and making all the money but if you work for a living your not going anywhere in Arizona like stop and nothing else happens her just low class people who are rude and cheap and don't belong in the country so please don't waste your money coming here it the getto town now can't even walk down the street in most cases people hold sign on the freeway looking for money from people and serous about that so I put thris in the snow birds please goes else where unless you love being in the getto and mybe be rob or ripped off by people in some business to steady people who are posted fake ads on Craigslist and online telling people have stuff for rent and scam your personal information to so I live here a long time and I'm leaving soon to thris town is going backwards in time only cares about elegal people who needs to get out of thris country to they want something done but when you try to do something about it they act like you are a bad person so I would not move here unless you don't care about life really bad place to start a family and make money here to just wanted you to know how bad it is to live in getto Arizona Read Less
Decent place to live, with some caveats 3 rating By FusionGuy ( Jan 26, 2017) I relocated my family to Phoenix in 2014 from PA. One thing struck me right away; the infrastructure is far cleaner and better kept than Philadelphia. Yes, it's hot in the summer but everywhere you go has A/C. If you purchase a home here, get one with a pool. Yes autumn, winter a ...Read More nd most of spring are very pleasant with lots of sunshine and blue skies. If you enjoy low humidity then Phoenix is ideal. I never tire of seeing palm trees everywhere. If you enjoy Mexican food, there is a plethora to choose from. The highway systems are far better than you will find in the east and California, however, see my first caveat. Cost of living here is lower than most places and the real estate taxes are a fraction of what you would pay back east. This is an outdoor state for sure. Lots of things to do outside and you will find far fewer obese people compared to most other states.Caveats:People CANNOT DRIVE HERE! Likely due to the fact that there are so many transplants. I've met more rude since moving to Arizona than anywhere I've ever lived. The level of education here in Phoenix is low, especially compared to the east coast. The schools are terrible; 2nd lowest in the nation if I'm not mistaken. The guy who runs the AZ Dept. of Ed is a big part of the problem. My understanding is that ASU and U of A are good schools, but are no Ivy Leagues. For all the stories regarding tech companies moving to Phoenix, my experience with the job market has been frustrating, to say the least. If you like to ride twisty roads on your motorcycle, Phoenix will disappoint you. However up north the roads are far more interesting. Read Less
Total dump to live in phoenix 0.5 rating By Greoge ( Dec 11, 2016) Been here for a while and ever years it's getting worse and worse to live here very rude people now and to many elegels immigration and drugs addition and low class people living here the dumb people are fake and lier who just want some money or something for nothing if you're no ...Read More t an Mexican or dumb person you don't want to live here the jobs don't pay any money and the cost of living here has gone through the roof so if you're thinking of retirement here don't waste your time it's no good to live here anymore just look like a big time getto and the jobs pay 40-50 less than must states to they are not doing anything to make good jobs here anymore to just think of keeping the same old story and put school up so that you can pay for the school for kids that do not belong in the country to all I know is it used to be a decent place to live but if you like low paying jobs high rent in very bad area of the city and homeless people all over the place and holding sign beg for money from people and more importantly really look at the town before you think about moving here if you don't belong in the country come on in so you can get rob or shot or treat like you its sad used to be a nice place to live but if you think it is your a really low class person who wants to do nothing with your life to not worth it the summer are so hot and 6 mouth long to only thing is the few months in the winter time but all in all Arizona is turning into a major getto really fast and it's not cheap to live here with the bad paying jobs in the state so please leave Read Less
Worth the trip 3 rating By Mrs.Wanderer ( Mar 16, 2016) I first visited Phoenix when I was 18. I loved the scenery! I convinced my husband to move out here (in an RV in JUNE!) and suddenly 7 years has gone by. We are just now getting tired of the heat, though I love the perpetual sunshine. With over half a million people the city feel ...Read More s big for us. Traffic is no where near the traffic of Boston and other big cities, but bumper to bumper in HOV is driving me nuts! I will say the highways are designed very well. I love my job, love the diverse restaurants in the city, and love the laid back attitude of natives and transplants alike. We live in a good neighborhood of North Phoenix, but there are MANY areas in need of improvement. Same is true of schools, many good, many bad and in between. If it weren't for our desire to move back east to be near family and a desire for more acreage (most affordable homes are 1/4 acre lots) we would stay longer. I decided to write this review after reviewing places to move. Every review will give you something to think about, but don't put much stock in anything we all say here. To each is own...I personally found Phoenix to be very progressive despite other reviews. There are lots of festivals, concerts, family activities, and outdoor stuff to do. Hiking, climbing and boating are great! I think I will have a hard time finding a smaller city with the same amenities and welcoming people to call neighbors. Read Less
Pretty good place if you already know people there 3.5 rating By veezee ( Jan 17, 2016) Background: I lived in Phoenix off and on for approximately 11 years. In Phoenix terms, this length of time is almost earns an AZ native status.

1. If you are an outdoor enthusiast, this is a great city! There are "mountains" in the city, and a couple hours north in Flag
...Read More staff, 12,000 ft mountains, and a snow bowl in winter. The city mountains are great places to hike, mountain bike, rock climb, and boulder. Be careful though, many experienced outdoors people underestimate the harshness of the desert and pay for it. Also, there are a system of "lakes" where people swim, boat, scuba, fish etc
2. Cost of living is very affordable
3. A couple years before I left I discovered a pretty awesome salsa dancing scene. Best one I've found so far in the states!
4. Phoenicians think traffic is bad during rush hour, but compared to other big cities, it's really NOT
5. Day's drive to LA, San Diego, Las Vegas, Mexico
6. Parking. There's always parking. Even downtown, if you patronize a business they will validate your parking for you.

1.I found "Phoenicians" to not be very welcoming to new individuals in their social groups. It is hard to make friends as a new person in town. Having said that, it's possible; join Meetups, employee outings, church groups...whatever floats your boat. As Phoenix is growing really fast, there are plenty of other people in the same boat as you experiencing the same things.
2. The dating scene for women isn't great. Men are kind of non-committal. There is a lot of that "plastic personality" thing going on.
3. Not very culturally diverse, despite being close to Mexico.
4. There isn't very much of a community feel. Other cities I've lived in have neighborhood festivals, block parties, etc. People are literally walled in here (everyone has a six foot high wall around their house). This echos back to number 1.
5. HOT HOT HOT in the summer. I've experienced temps in the 120's with no respite from the sun. Most people just stay indoors during these months until the sun sets.
6. Most jobs are just mediocre
7. Public trans sucks and the city is so spread out you pretty much have to own a car Read Less
Not what it seems 3 rating By Samsonsteve ( Jun 02, 2015) Its very bland. The architecture is a brown and tan color. Which doesn't help because thats all there is here. Dirt and more dirt. I don't see how they can say that this city has an "A" in the weather. Have they ever been there? Its 90 degrees 9 or 10 months a year and its not un ...Read More usual for it to be 100 for 2 months straight. Now tell me, how is that an "A" grade? NOPE
The only reason I gave it what I did was because theres so many people here that its not hard to find attractions or good food.
Oh and I hear the nightlife doesn't suck Read Less
Phoenix is easy, but dull 3 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 17, 2014) I lived in Phoenix, Arizona, for 24 years. I was born and raised in the city, went to college there, and only moved away to the Middle East in 2009. There were good reasons for leaving; Phoenix is not the prevue of young people. But there are reasons why many keep moving there.

...Read More Phoenix and its satellite cities are essentially gigantic suburbs, with all the blessings and headaches such places imply. It's also a cultural outpost of southern California without the creativity (and pretentiousness) of Hollywood. People in Phoenix value their wide open spaces, their ease of transport, their abundant malls, but for a city of 1.5 million, with a metro area of 4.5 million, there's not much of a soul to the place.

Much of that has to do with the suburban vibe of Phoenix. Malls are easy to get to and plentiful. Prices are generally lower, as are taxes. There are several amusement parks, including Castles and Coasters, which has the state's only major roller coaster. There are plenty of golf courses and hiking opportunities on the mountains sprinkled throughout the city limits. It has plenty of food options, as well.

But there's very little in Phoenix that is unique to the city. Hardly anything of the cowboy past has been allowed to survive. Beyond the weather, there's not much to differentiate Phoenix from Los Angeles, New Jersey, or Las Vegas. Culturally, the city attracts headliners but produces very little of its own; successful creatives move to the coasts. Neighbors are often strangers to one another; there's hardly any incentive to leave one's abundant yard and home, and community life is stagnant in most neighborhoods. Parks sit empty, remarkable only when they're used. Read Less
My 5 Years In Ahwatukee, Phoenix 4 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 05, 2014) I have lived in the Ahwatukee Foothills, Phoenix, AZ neighborhood for about five years. While living here, I have noticed that it is one of the safest places I have ever lived. It is ranked as the number two neighborhood in Phoenix. This makes me feel very confident in raising my ...Read More family in the area. Gas prices are low in this area, and driving an SUV, that is something I enjoy. The crime rate is also considerably lower than other neighborhoods I have lived in, and that means a lot considering I have children.

I live in a very nice apartment complex. My rent is about $700 for a two bedroom. Most apartments in the area are within the $700-800 range. This is very affordable for Phoenix and compared to other large cities in the same area of the country. My view of the mountains in the distance is breathtaking. I enjoy taking my bike and riding along the numerous trails I have found, and I also enjoy hiking on the mountains.

One thing that I don't like about the neighborhood is that everything seems so congested. The beauty of the city is amazing, but it doesn't mean a lot if you can't get to your destination easily. My children don't have to worry about schools because there are at least a dozen that I have seen in the area. Coffee is a favorite part of my day, and I have only seen a few coffee shops that I like. There is only one park in the area, but it is beautiful. There are plenty of activities for my children, and I feel safe in letting them play on the equipment while I sit on a bench nearby and watch them. Something I noticed about the area is that there isn't a local library. This saddens me because I grew up going to the library every year. However, there are plenty of restaurants, my favorite being Dessert-a-Licious. This is somewhere I can get a delicious pastry or cake. I also enjoy The Melting Pot because it offers a variety of foods from Italian to Mexican. Read Less
Great to Visit, but Real Problems 3.5 rating By Allan Scruggs ( May 20, 2013) Phoenix is hot. Most people will tell you you will get used to it, but you may not. It's hot enough in the summer that it's not really safe for kids to play outside very long. That can be a problem when they're out of school with nothing to do. Also, the air quality in Phoenix is ...Read More not good, and that's a big consideration when raising young kids like we are. Education is good in spots, downright miserable in others. The economy is probably way too based on housing and entertainment. We've lived here over 10 years, generally enjoyed it, but also know there are things that may induce us to leave before too long. Read Less
Phoenix, Arizona- A warm city with warmer hearts! 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 23, 2011) As the capitol of Arizona, Phoenix is a phenomenal place to visit and experience. From an active and young nightlife, to beautiful gardens, to breathtaking landscapes, this city is a must see on anyone's "bucket list".

I traveled to Phoenix recently with my husband and young chi
...Read More ldren. We found plenty of child friendly restaurants with reasonable prices and kid friendly menus. In addition, my husband and I had a fabulous time visiting area attractions like the unbelievable Botanical Gardens, museums, and galleries. The kids really enjoyed the Rawhide Western restaurant and, of course, the zoo. There was a wide variety of animals for viewing, and the staff was more than patient with our little one's inquisitive minds. For us adults, our favorite places to explore were those with quiet and romance- specifically the museums, with their mystery and intrigue.

Phoenix's best feature is by far its residents. They are some of the friendliest people we have encountered in any city we have visited. The weather in this city can be challenging to the very young or old, or for those with health issues. We would recommend that travelers visit the area either in the spring or in the fall. There are plenty of adventures to be had, and memories to be made at both times of the year. Fortunately, there is an abundance of attractions to be found indoors, or in cooler areas. Phoenix is high on our list to visit again, and there has been some talk of retiring there too! Read Less
Everything is Here 3.5 rating By WayOutWesty ( Dec 06, 2010) Phoenix is a huge, sprawling city - the fifth largest in the United States. Because the metro area is so spread out, it's often hard to find other people who enjoy what you do, an ethnic grocery, a special restaurant, a place to hike or bike. But it's all here! Just keep looking, ...Read More and you will find what you want.

Along the way, you'll definitely find friendly people. It may be because almost everyone is from somewhere else, but you'll find that people are willing to go out of their way to help you.

You're also close to hiking, sailing, swimming, skiing - Arizona is an amazing state. Read Less
The Desert Beauty of Phoenix, AZ 4 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 29, 2010) I visited Phoenix in the spring of 2008. It was the perfect time to be in Arizona because the weather was always sunny and about 80 degrees, and there were desert flowers in bloom everywhere! I don't think I'd like Phoenix much in the summer, but that dry heat is amazing in March ...Read More !

When I was in Phoenix, I spent a lot of time outdoors, and surprisingly, I did a lot more than just sit by the pool. The amount of natural beauty in the Phoenix area was simply astounding! I spent a full day at the Desert Botanical Garden, which is about halfway between Phoenix and Scottsdale. The flowers were beautiful, especially in the butterfly pavilion. They also have live jazz music there every Friday night, so it is an excellent place to kick off the weekend, surrounded by flowers and great music. I also found the Arizona Science Center and the Phoenix Museum of History very interesting. Phoenix is a great place to visit, and I'm sure I'll be back soon! Read Less

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Phoenix Awards

Compare Phoenix, AZ Livability


      Phoenix, AZ

      Phoenix, also known as the Valley of the sun, is the largest city in Arizona, and it is a very popular destination for those who love warm temperatures and desert living. Known for its ever-present sun and its vast number of golf courses, Phoenix offers residents a high quality of life with homes that are relatively affordable. While Phoenix prices are slightly higher than other cities in the state, it is a bargain compared to real estate in California. While it may come to many as a surprise that Phoenix is in the top 10 largest cities in the United States with over 1.6 million residents, it is just a testament to the fact that life is good in the Valley of the Sun.

      With the sun shining on Phoenix for over 85% of the available daylight hours, it is no wonder that outdoor activities would be high on the list for anyone who lives here. Getting a round of golf in is a simple task since residents have over 200 golf courses to choose from. Taking a hike up Camelback Mountain or riding on a mountain bike are other popular activities that can help you get up to higher elevations where you will cool down - slightly. The Phoenix Zoo is a unique experience for both children and adults since it has been built with a desert theme that makes it feel like no other zoo most people have ever seen.

      Rush hour traffic in Phoenix seems to be getting worse each and every year, but there are a large number of roads that provide alternative routes throughout the valley. Interstate 10 and Interstate 17 provide the freeway access to get from one end of the city to the other, while Highway 60 is another major road that sees millions of vehicles per week. Some of the most popular areas in the city that homebuyers flock to are North Mountain Village, Desert Ridge, Sonoran Foothills and Arcadia Cove. Homes in some of these neighborhoods can reach up over $1M, but the views of the city from the foothills are truly spectacular.

      Phoenix is home to a professional basketball franchise, a professional baseball franchise, a professional football franchise, and a professional hockey franchise. The Suns, Diamondback, Cardinals, and Coyotes offer residents of Phoenix a chance to watch sports at the highest level. The city also hosts Major League Baseball's Spring Training camps each year with 15 teams calling the city their temporary home as they prep for the upcoming season.

      If warm weather and a good quality of life are a couple of the factors affecting your decision to relocate, Phoenix seems like a good choice for you.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Phoenix? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Patriots Park
      Civic Space Park
      Heritage Square and Science Park
      Grant Park
      Central Park
      Roosevelt Park
      Library Park
      Monorchid Park


      Wells Fargo History Museum
      Monarch Theatre
      Phoenix Police Museum
      Arizona Latino Arts and Cultural Center
      Orpheum Theatre
      Phoenix Symphony Hall
      Footprint Center
      Herberger Theater

      Food & Drink

      Jimmy John's
      Five Guys
      Blue Hound
      Gypsy Bar
      Stand Up Live
      Copper Blues

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Phoenix? Of all people who commute, 2.7% take public transportation in Phoenix.
      Drive to Work

      4% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      2% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      B Health & Safety

      Is Phoenix a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Arizona State Hospital
      North Phoenix Heart Center
      Saint Joseph's Hospital Huger Mercy Living Center
      Select Specialty Hospital - Phoenix
      Quail Run Behavioral Health
      Haven Senior Horizons of Phoenix
      Calvary Healing Center
      Phoenix Memorial Center


      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      Frys MarketPlace
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      Walmart Pharmacy


      South Central Famiy Health Center
      Family Medicine And Geriatrics
      Family Medicine
      Pulmonary Medicine
      Phoenix Ultrasound Studio
      Willo MediSpa
      Arizona Pain Treatment Centers
      Trinity Adult Medicine