30 km
10 mi

Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.
There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (33) A+
Entertainment (25) A+
Food and Drink (96) A+
Fitness (16) A+
Groceries (29) A+
Parks (124) A+
Shops (160) A+
See more Missoula amenity data
Of all people who commute, 2.3% take public transportation in Missoula.
Public Transit Stops (349)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Missoula commute data
The cost of living in Missoula is 109/100 - which is 7% higher than Montana.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Missoula cost of living data
Missoula crime rates are 4,252 per 100k, which is 87% higher than Montana
Property Crime
3,704 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
548 crimes per 100k
See more Missoula crime data
The median income in Missoula is $50,947 - which is 5% higher than Montana.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Missoula employment data
There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (53)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Missoula health & safety data
Missoula home prices are $301,700 - which is 51% higher than Montana
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
5.9x (home price to income ratio)
See more Missoula housing data
The Missoula graduation rate is 92% - which is 5% higher than Montana
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (29) F
High Schools (6) C-
See more Missoula education data
Missoula has an overall rating of 42% from 19 reviews.
User Reviews (4)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (15)
From AreaVibes
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Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
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( 19 Ratings )

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Missoula Reviews

Write a review about Missoula Tell people what you like or don't like about Missoula…
worst city i ever lived in , full of hate lyes bigotry from leftist hypocrits 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 18, 2019) living in a town I call whitelandia. I have witnessed racism, misogyny, coverups, racism, seen violence against minorities, i have been called a nig*er lover,

A city with a chamber of commerce, media, in bed with a corrupt city council, good ol boy county officials, a non-exista
...Read More nt media investigation team, N Associated Press cut and paste newspaper.

I am from NYC and have won awards for my work involving drug abuse and rape awareness. This city is a mecca for both misogyny, drug abuse , alcoholism, bigotry, racism and phoney white liberals who are the most intolerant people and uninformed people i have ever met. The so called caring liberals who use the n word, called me an illgal alien, told me to go back to india, mexico, africa, etc are the ones who also told me that i was an uninformed minority for supporting MAGA.

This city has many cowards who will sucker punch you when you are not looking. Because they know that the police will do nothing about it! Read John Krakauers book about Missoula........

Missoula From bestselling author Jon Krakauer, a stark, powerful, meticulously reported narrative about a series of sexual assaults at the University of Montana ­— stories that illuminate the human drama behind the national plague of campus rape

When I tried to talk about the alleged rape in the city. Because I knew victims of sexual abuse on campus at the University of Montana. I was blocked from KGVO radio, The Missoulian Newspaper, a left-leaning rag did not wanna touch the story. One reporter pursued it and probably had to leave town.. Just last week while on the University of Montana Campus I was wearing a Washington Huskie cap and apparently a Griz game had just ended. I was caught in Traffic and spotted by drunk fans who called me racist names and told to go back to Washington. This is Griz Country. One tried to kick my car. This is a town obsessed with a lower level college football team that would lose by an embarrassing score to Oklahoma, Texas, Clemson, Alabama, wmu, Michigan, Ohio State, and hundreds of other top tier teams. Back in 2008 , the University refused to expel a football player after he was caught plagiarising his papers.

The college football fans and the city tried to quash the epidemic of rape in the City of Missoula and on campus. The phony media pretended to cared about alleged anti liberals flyers in the city. But ignored artists who back in 2010 who painted Hang Cheney art in town and swastikas on the sidewalks.
I could fill this page with the acts of bigotry in Missoula Montana and how people live through rose-colored glasses in their all-white liberal neighborhoods. Ignoring the fact that The 2018 crime rate in Missoula, MT was 368 (City-Data.com crime index), which was 1.3 times greater than the U.S. average. It was higher than in 89.5% of U.S. cities. The 2018 Missoula crime rate is about the same compared to 2017. The number of homicides stood at 2. In the last 5 years, Missoula has seen an increase in violent crime and in property crime.

Read more: http://www.city-data.com/crime/crime-Missoula-Montana.html

aggravated assault missoula is 319 per 100k, while the national average is 245 per 100k. rape also higher than the national average.

also speaking to many in the service industry, the so-called university of montana social justice warriors and most of the city tip their servers and delivery drivers a pittance compared to the national average. Yes, you deserve a living wage . But, not from me. Read Less
A nightmare City 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 13, 2019) Missoula Montana is a terrible place to live and the most dishonest City I've ever lived in they claim the city's liberal when its full of bigots they claim the city is safe when everybody carries a gun and thinks they're invincible the people who live here think they're the best ...Read More in the world even better than the rest of Montana and they walk around with big fake smiles on their faces the city is really a town when it comes to size and if you talk to one person and tell them something within days the whole town knows what you said there is no place that is perfect there's no place that is for everyone unfortunately people in Missoula automatically hate you if you do not say to them when asked that you think Missoula is a wonderful place my name is Crystal Storm I am transgender I have this to say to The missoulians I am happy to be transgender and as for you bigots in Missoula May your children be drowned in the bathtub may your women be beaten to death may your men be shot may you all be forgotten about Read Less
This score is ridiculously skewed & visiting tells you squat. 0.5 rating By NyobElven ( Apr 30, 2015) The locals like to tout how great Missoula is, and they like to not talk about the things that are awful. So let me fill you in, as someone who has lived here almost two decades:

#1 - The locals: they are laughing at you behind your back. They have no manners, no intellectual c
...Read More uriosity, and the weight of your opinion is directly proportional to how long you have lived in Missoula and/or Montana. They like your money, but they do not like you. Tourist season is jokingly referred to as another hunting season. They are atrocious drivers and, by and large, a bunch of drunks.

#2 - Amenities: That A+? That's because there's a bar on every corner. There are so many bars in Missoula that new businesses flat-out cannot get a new liquor license, because there are already 300% more licenses issued than should be legally allowed (old establishments were grandfathered in.) There's a couple of Walmarts, a Target, a Perkins, an IHOP...there you go. That's it. There's not even an Olive Garden. The "museums" are small, dated, and tired. Unless you are super sportsy, there's nothing to offer, and that goes double for kids. If you have a smart kid in Missoula? Forget it. There's nothing for them to do. The mall? Entirely clothing stores, what storefronts are even filled. The Walmarts have driven most of the interesting small businesses out of town.

#3 - Cost of Living: Do you like paying $1K a month for a studio apartment in MethVille? How about paying that when you're making $8 an hour? 'cause that's what you'll be doing, all while trying to figure out how to pay $4 a pound for butter and $5 a gallon for milk. The "median income" stats are super skewed by the folks up on Millionaire Hill, who all make their money in other states and bring it here to buy a house and file taxes. Deregulation made our electric stupidly expensive. Our water is owned by a non-Montana company that wants to bottle it and sell it to other people. Our "high speed internet" is a joke. (What's a T1 line again?)

#4 - Crime: We aren't called the Rape Capital of the nation for nothing! We also have a plethora of drugs. Both our meth and our oxy problems are out of control, and no one thinks it's a big deal. (We had a doctor arrested for over-prescribing and actually KILLING people, and not only were his pain patients left in an addicted lurch, but people stood up for him.) We also have plenty of property crimes, armed robberies, and for those of you who want to risk it, one of the highest drunk driving rates in the nation! Go us!

#5 - Education: Remember what I said about smart kids? God help your kid if he/she is identified as "gifted." The school district offers the gifted kids NOTHING until the high school level. They will tell you, to your face, "Yes, your child is gifted, but we have nothing for them." The bullying is out of control at the local schools, and the administration is a joke.

#6 - Housing: I wasn't kidding about $1K a month for studio apartments on $8 an hour. Or you could maybe rent a trailer. If you'd like to buy a house, be aware that the same exact house/land set-up you'd expect to pay $150K for on a good day? $300K in Missoula. If you can even find a house with any land to it--we're pros at what we charmingly call "in-fill," which is jamming as many houses as human possibly onto every inch of available space. Unless you want to live close to the university, in which case up that total by $100K more and get used to cleaning puke and red solo cups off your yard.

#7 - Weather: where in the world did they get the "average summer temperature?" It doesn't pair up at all with the US Climate Data, or with, you know, living here. Summer involves weeks of 90-100 degree weather, relentlessly, without even so much as a cloud. You know what that leads to? Forest fires! The valley Missoula occupies is subject to frequent inversions, trapping air in the valley. In the summer it's smoke, in the winter it's generic pollution. The air quality is so atrocious that the EPA routinely dings us for it. We don't even approach federal air quality standards. Your lungs are literally healthier living in Pittsburgh than living in Missoula.

Is it pretty? Sure. It's pretty. But you can't eat the scenery. Visit, but my advice is don't stay. They don't want you here, and it's not a good place to live. Read Less
Missoula, MT - A Hidden Gem 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jul 21, 2011) I traveled through the city of Missoula, MT on my moving trip from Alaska to Seattle, WA back in August of 2010. I spend 3 nights in Missoula and got to see some gorgeous scenery and meet some of the nicest people I have ever met. On our first day in the town we arrived at the Ho ...Read More liday Inn Express on Expressway Blvd and was immediately amazed at how beautiful the landscape was. There were plenty of trees and beautiful flowers, and off to the edges of the city, the rolling hills covered in lush grass, it was just a nice scenic area.

On my second and third day, I went to visit the downtown area and checked out the MAM or the Missoula Art Museum, learned a lot about different artists and their designs, a great experience. The highlight of my stay was visiting the Caras Park and Kiwanis Park, which both lay off of the Clay Fork River, it was a great place to sit down and read a book and relax. Missoula is a great town, friendly and culture inspired. Read Less
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This score is ridiculously skewed & visiting tells you squat. 0.5 rating By NyobElven ( Apr 30, 2015) The locals like to tout how great Missoula is, and they like to not talk about the things that are awful. So let me fill you in, as someone who has lived here almost two decades:

#1 - The locals: they are laughing at you behind your back. They have no manners, no intellectual c
...Read More uriosity, and the weight of your opinion is directly proportional to how long you have lived in Missoula and/or Montana. They like your money, but they do not like you. Tourist season is jokingly referred to as another hunting season. They are atrocious drivers and, by and large, a bunch of drunks.

#2 - Amenities: That A+? That's because there's a bar on every corner. There are so many bars in Missoula that new businesses flat-out cannot get a new liquor license, because there are already 300% more licenses issued than should be legally allowed (old establishments were grandfathered in.) There's a couple of Walmarts, a Target, a Perkins, an IHOP...there you go. That's it. There's not even an Olive Garden. The "museums" are small, dated, and tired. Unless you are super sportsy, there's nothing to offer, and that goes double for kids. If you have a smart kid in Missoula? Forget it. There's nothing for them to do. The mall? Entirely clothing stores, what storefronts are even filled. The Walmarts have driven most of the interesting small businesses out of town.

#3 - Cost of Living: Do you like paying $1K a month for a studio apartment in MethVille? How about paying that when you're making $8 an hour? 'cause that's what you'll be doing, all while trying to figure out how to pay $4 a pound for butter and $5 a gallon for milk. The "median income" stats are super skewed by the folks up on Millionaire Hill, who all make their money in other states and bring it here to buy a house and file taxes. Deregulation made our electric stupidly expensive. Our water is owned by a non-Montana company that wants to bottle it and sell it to other people. Our "high speed internet" is a joke. (What's a T1 line again?)

#4 - Crime: We aren't called the Rape Capital of the nation for nothing! We also have a plethora of drugs. Both our meth and our oxy problems are out of control, and no one thinks it's a big deal. (We had a doctor arrested for over-prescribing and actually KILLING people, and not only were his pain patients left in an addicted lurch, but people stood up for him.) We also have plenty of property crimes, armed robberies, and for those of you who want to risk it, one of the highest drunk driving rates in the nation! Go us!

#5 - Education: Remember what I said about smart kids? God help your kid if he/she is identified as "gifted." The school district offers the gifted kids NOTHING until the high school level. They will tell you, to your face, "Yes, your child is gifted, but we have nothing for them." The bullying is out of control at the local schools, and the administration is a joke.

#6 - Housing: I wasn't kidding about $1K a month for studio apartments on $8 an hour. Or you could maybe rent a trailer. If you'd like to buy a house, be aware that the same exact house/land set-up you'd expect to pay $150K for on a good day? $300K in Missoula. If you can even find a house with any land to it--we're pros at what we charmingly call "in-fill," which is jamming as many houses as human possibly onto every inch of available space. Unless you want to live close to the university, in which case up that total by $100K more and get used to cleaning puke and red solo cups off your yard.

#7 - Weather: where in the world did they get the "average summer temperature?" It doesn't pair up at all with the US Climate Data, or with, you know, living here. Summer involves weeks of 90-100 degree weather, relentlessly, without even so much as a cloud. You know what that leads to? Forest fires! The valley Missoula occupies is subject to frequent inversions, trapping air in the valley. In the summer it's smoke, in the winter it's generic pollution. The air quality is so atrocious that the EPA routinely dings us for it. We don't even approach federal air quality standards. Your lungs are literally healthier living in Pittsburgh than living in Missoula.

Is it pretty? Sure. It's pretty. But you can't eat the scenery. Visit, but my advice is don't stay. They don't want you here, and it's not a good place to live. Read Less
Missoula, MT - A Hidden Gem 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jul 21, 2011) I traveled through the city of Missoula, MT on my moving trip from Alaska to Seattle, WA back in August of 2010. I spend 3 nights in Missoula and got to see some gorgeous scenery and meet some of the nicest people I have ever met. On our first day in the town we arrived at the Ho ...Read More liday Inn Express on Expressway Blvd and was immediately amazed at how beautiful the landscape was. There were plenty of trees and beautiful flowers, and off to the edges of the city, the rolling hills covered in lush grass, it was just a nice scenic area.

On my second and third day, I went to visit the downtown area and checked out the MAM or the Missoula Art Museum, learned a lot about different artists and their designs, a great experience. The highlight of my stay was visiting the Caras Park and Kiwanis Park, which both lay off of the Clay Fork River, it was a great place to sit down and read a book and relax. Missoula is a great town, friendly and culture inspired. Read Less

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Missoula Awards

Compare Missoula, MT Livability


      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Missoula? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      McCormick Park
      Silver Summit Playground
      Silver Park
      Ogren Park
      Clark Fork Natural Park
      Dragon Hollow
      Sacajawea Park
      Caras Park


      Montana Natural History Center / Five Valleys Land Trust
      Ogren Field
      E3 Convergance Gallery
      Wilma Theatre
      The Artists' Shop
      The Roxy Theater
      Radius Gallery
      Dana Gallery

      Food & Drink

      Taco John's
      Tamarack Brewing Co
      Big Dipper Ice Cream
      Montgomery Distillery
      Stockman's Cafe & Bar
      The Rhino
      Top Hat
      Red's Bar

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Missoula? Of all people who commute, 2.3% take public transportation in Missoula.
      Drive to Work

      5% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      3% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      3% higher than the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Missoula a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Saint Patrick Hospital
      Community Medical Center
      Providence Health Center


      Montana Compounding Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      Walmart Pharmacy
      Pinnacle Compounding
      Palmer's Drug


      Now Care Downtown