Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (151) A+
Entertainment (119) A+
Food and Drink (268) A-
Fitness (71) A+
Groceries (74) A+
Parks (519) A+
Shops (450) A+
See more Minneapolis amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 11.8% take public transportation in Minneapolis.
Public Transit Stops (2741)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Minneapolis commute data

cost of living C

The cost of living in Minneapolis is 108/100 - which is 9% higher than Minnesota.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Minneapolis cost of living data

crime F

Minneapolis crime rates are 6,384 per 100k, which is 225% higher than Minnesota
Property Crime
5,253 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
1,132 crimes per 100k
See more Minneapolis crime data

employment A-

The median income in Minneapolis is $66,068 - which is 5% higher than Minnesota.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Minneapolis employment data

health A+

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (114)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Minneapolis health & safety data

housing A+

Minneapolis home prices are $268,100 - which is 40% higher than Minnesota
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
4.1x (home price to income ratio)
See more Minneapolis housing data

schools C+

The Minneapolis graduation rate is 86% - which is 4% lower than Minnesota
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (134) A+
High Schools (68) A+
See more Minneapolis education data

ratings C-

Minneapolis has an overall rating of 61% from 57 reviews.
User Reviews (11)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (46)
From AreaVibes
See more Minneapolis user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Minneapolis, MN
( 57 Ratings )

Living in Minneapolis, MN

Minneapolis Area Facts

  • Minneapolis has a Livability Score of 78/100, which is considered exceptional
  • Minneapolis crime rates are 225% higher than the Minnesota average
  • Cost of living in Minneapolis is 9% higher than the Minnesota average
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Minneapolis Reviews

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Better than many cities in the midwest 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 31, 2019) One of the best cities in the midwest part of the USA, and it's "the land of 10,000 lakes" (hey, they don't call it "the land if 10,000 lakes" for nothing!), even though the weather here is quite terrible during winter time. I've spent a few trips here and there, from to the Mall ...Read More of America (technically that location is located in Bloomington) and even in downtown Minneapolis (mostly near the Red Cow, a burger joint).

This city has everything I can think of (I even took a Lime scooter and rode it in downtown to snap a few pics of downtown and post to my reddit, @chasefromm2020) and did the same thing at the University of Minnesota where one of my sisters is attending. I'm really happy I visited this city, and even though I painted it in a bad light a few times on reddit, I still appreciate it from afar (even though this city is definitely not near as bad as Kansas City or Wichita's - those cities have ZERO sophistication level in the slightest). Minneapolis (and some surrounding suburbs) has more life and depth to it, if you will. Much more sophisticated and worldly than Kansas City or Wichita will ever be (and would’ve ever been), perhaps.

The city is definitely worth visiting in the summer - and it has bright, and warm (but generally hot) summers, though winters are just unbearable and make you want to flee or Florida or La Jolla, in San Diego (my birthplace).

Still, watch yourself when you're in downtown. Many homeless people swarm around you and harass you for and one person tried to take my backpack with my laptop in it one night... but failed to take it (I barely carry my laptop around in said backpack most of the time I'm in downtown Minneapolis or anywhere near downtown - if the area near downtown is unsafe, I mean).

So worth a visit (even for a couple days)? Hmm... well, I'd say... if you like lakes (many, many likes are here), a large downtown, vibrant communities, happy people, a VERY large mall (MOA has you covered in Bloomington, about 15 minutes away from downtown Minneapolis), and just a pleasant community in Minnesota, then Minneapolis has you covered. This city has all the good stuff to it. Sure, there's no beaches or mountains, god forbid. But it is a beautiful place. It cannot compare to Kansas City or Wichita (both Kansas and Missouri side for Kansas City). Minneapolis is a great place and I'd be back soon to visit my sister if I had to very soon. Read Less
An underrated gem. 4 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 15, 2019) Minneapolis is one of my favorite cities to visit, and every time I do so, I’ve always had a great time. I live in one of the twin cities suburbs, and visit quite often. Minneapolis is a nice, fun, and economically good city. It has many big city amenities while also feeling ve ...Read More ry approachable. The food scene is amazing, and so are the parks. Minneapolis has one of the best park systems in the country, and I highly recommend to visit one of them. It also has the third most theatre seats per capita! There are many nice neighborhoods with good, hardworking people.

The city is not without its flaws though. It has quite a high crime rate, and has a very high violent crime rate. You have a 1 in 91 chance of being a victim of a violent crime, and a 1 in 21 chance of being victim to a property crime. Currently the city is only safer than 3% of U.S cities. Areas to stay away from are North Minneapolis, some neighborhoods on the south side, or many neighborhoods at night. However, these crimes are avoidable if you take caution, just like other big cities. The city is also seeing an increase in home and rent prices.

Overall, Minneapolis is a great city to visit and live in, with amazing people, amazing activities , and a great sense of community. The winters, while sometimes harsh, are bearable and the city is prepared, and downtown has the famed skyway system which lets you travel building to building without facing the elements. Despite its flaws, this city has a high quality of life and is massively underrated by the rest of the country. Read Less
DO NOT MOVE HERE unless you like racist, sexist, insular and cold people. 1 rating By Anonymous ( May 03, 2019) I've lived in three cities and three countries throughout my life. Minnesota is, hands-down, the worst place I've ever lived. Like the other reviewer noted, the people are COLD, passive aggressive and rude. They're insular and unwelcoming, the absolute worst of small town ignoran ...Read More ce.

The racism here is shocking. The achievement gap between white children and children of color is the WORST IN THE COUNTRY. St Paul is the most segregated school system in the country. If you're black - RUN! DO NOT MOVE HERE. I've seen men with confederate flags on their dating profiles, guns, and lots of dead animals. Do you like hunting, fishing, camping, rock climbing, and a place with few, if any, cultural attractions? Move to Minnesota. It's chock full of redneck hillbillies.

Want to work here? Prepare to tear your hair out with frustration. People are raised to be unaccountable, they fear confrontation, so they never will accept mistakes. They shun all conflict, will be nice to your face, and stab you in the back. It's impossible to get anyone to do their jobs properly, or thoroughly, and you will send a billion follow-up emails trying to get anywhere. The workplace culture is also deeply, deeply sexist. I've experienced the worst sexual harassment of my career in Minnesota. Expect to watch mediocre and incompetent white men promoted right and left while more qualified but non-white applicants languish.

Roads are in horrible conditions, property taxes and state income taxes are incredibly high. The Guthrie is a nice theater, The Walker and the MIA nice, small, regional museums, but since you can't live there full-time don't expect to find much culture elsewhere. Restaurants are overwhelmingly mediocre, and you'll never experience great service. Housing prices are insanely expensive, rents approach Boston levels, and for what?

There is no public transportation to speak of in the Twin Cities. The light rail runs slowly and never has express trains in the mornings or evenings. Buses get stuck in the snow and can show up two hours (!!!!) late. Expect to drive everywhere, to pay a lot for gas, and to sit in traffic.

Basically, Minneapolis has none of the conveniences of a city, nor the culture or sophistication, but charges the same cost of living as other, better cities. I've been forced to live here ten years now (custody) and have nothing to good to say about the place. My friends who visit from the East or West Coast invariably are shocked by how bad it is and can't wait to leave. Read Less
Boring, passive aggressive, inhuman humans 1 rating By papillonsf ( Apr 02, 2018) Beware of this place. It not like the rest of the country. People here will recoil from you if you express any emotion, or opinion or light any fire of enthusiasm. Conversation here is on the surface, limited to the acceptable topics. You can never rock the boat. All your friends ...Read More will be transplants (or some who came here from the rural area), as you are not welcome unless you join the cult of Minnesota. This means having no sense of humor, especially self deprecating, constant parroting off this poll or poll, or statistic that about how great Minneapolis is.. The human experience will prove otherwise. Be prepared to feel unconnected, and like an outsider.. And is you do break through be prepared to conform to a humkorless, Scandinavian culture that is resentfully scare dof its own shadow.. I know Minneapolis is politically progressive, but is hand down the most conservative place I've ever lived or been. You soud will wither an die here.. Run! Don't walk away from Minnesota. Read Less
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DO NOT MOVE HERE unless you like racist, sexist, insular and cold people. 1 rating By Anonymous ( May 03, 2019) I've lived in three cities and three countries throughout my life. Minnesota is, hands-down, the worst place I've ever lived. Like the other reviewer noted, the people are COLD, passive aggressive and rude. They're insular and unwelcoming, the absolute worst of small town ignoran ...Read More ce.

The racism here is shocking. The achievement gap between white children and children of color is the WORST IN THE COUNTRY. St Paul is the most segregated school system in the country. If you're black - RUN! DO NOT MOVE HERE. I've seen men with confederate flags on their dating profiles, guns, and lots of dead animals. Do you like hunting, fishing, camping, rock climbing, and a place with few, if any, cultural attractions? Move to Minnesota. It's chock full of redneck hillbillies.

Want to work here? Prepare to tear your hair out with frustration. People are raised to be unaccountable, they fear confrontation, so they never will accept mistakes. They shun all conflict, will be nice to your face, and stab you in the back. It's impossible to get anyone to do their jobs properly, or thoroughly, and you will send a billion follow-up emails trying to get anywhere. The workplace culture is also deeply, deeply sexist. I've experienced the worst sexual harassment of my career in Minnesota. Expect to watch mediocre and incompetent white men promoted right and left while more qualified but non-white applicants languish.

Roads are in horrible conditions, property taxes and state income taxes are incredibly high. The Guthrie is a nice theater, The Walker and the MIA nice, small, regional museums, but since you can't live there full-time don't expect to find much culture elsewhere. Restaurants are overwhelmingly mediocre, and you'll never experience great service. Housing prices are insanely expensive, rents approach Boston levels, and for what?

There is no public transportation to speak of in the Twin Cities. The light rail runs slowly and never has express trains in the mornings or evenings. Buses get stuck in the snow and can show up two hours (!!!!) late. Expect to drive everywhere, to pay a lot for gas, and to sit in traffic.

Basically, Minneapolis has none of the conveniences of a city, nor the culture or sophistication, but charges the same cost of living as other, better cities. I've been forced to live here ten years now (custody) and have nothing to good to say about the place. My friends who visit from the East or West Coast invariably are shocked by how bad it is and can't wait to leave. Read Less
Boring, passive aggressive, inhuman humans 1 rating By papillonsf ( Apr 02, 2018) Beware of this place. It not like the rest of the country. People here will recoil from you if you express any emotion, or opinion or light any fire of enthusiasm. Conversation here is on the surface, limited to the acceptable topics. You can never rock the boat. All your friends ...Read More will be transplants (or some who came here from the rural area), as you are not welcome unless you join the cult of Minnesota. This means having no sense of humor, especially self deprecating, constant parroting off this poll or poll, or statistic that about how great Minneapolis is.. The human experience will prove otherwise. Be prepared to feel unconnected, and like an outsider.. And is you do break through be prepared to conform to a humkorless, Scandinavian culture that is resentfully scare dof its own shadow.. I know Minneapolis is politically progressive, but is hand down the most conservative place I've ever lived or been. You soud will wither an die here.. Run! Don't walk away from Minnesota. Read Less
ll blacks move from racist state 0.5 rating By Louke ( Jun 22, 2017) How did the racist jurors make a decision after watching the black man being murdered by crocked cop. March brothers march and do not stop marching . March every day and every night and hold the officer accountable for what he did. ...Read More Read Less
Lots To Do In Minneapolis! 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 17, 2014) I have lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota for two years. I was raised in two other Midwest states during my childhood. I previously lived in Michigan, and I recently relocated to Minneapolis from a small town in Iowa. In my humble opinion, Minneapolis is the best place to live in th ...Read More e Midwest. It is a very clean and attractive city.

Minneapolis has it all. It is close to the best health care in America, at The Mayo Clinic. It is also home to The Mall of America, the largest shopping center in the United States. There are also several Retail Outlets locations that offer a great shopping experience. Twin Cities Premium Outlet Mall is my favorite, because of their selection and bargains.

Sports fans can enjoy a professional baseball game watching the Minnesota Twins. During the colder months, the Minnesota Vikings will entertain you under the warmth of the dome. The Minnesota Timberwolves are also an exciting team to watch during basketball season.

Minneapolis has several great bodies of water for anyone who likes to boat, ski, swim or fish. Summer in Minneapolis is full of fun and adventure.

Minneapolis is also home to Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts. As a result some of the top chefs work and cook at many of the restaurants in town. Sea Change is one of my favorite seafood restaurants to dine at.

There is only one down side to living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It gets very cold in the winter. We also get a lot of snow. If you are relocating to the area, invest in a warm down parka. We live in parkas during the winter months. The only good thing about a Minnesota winter is it makes you appreciate when summertime comes! Read Less
Nice City/Decent People/Good Standard of Living 4 rating By VictoriaBrant ( Jan 18, 2014) I lived in Minneapolis for about 14 years, starting in early 1990s. Of course, much has changed since then, and it has lost some of its small town appeal with the influx of immigrants. It has grown in population, too, or at least the metropolitan area, whereas the city proper has ...Read More lost some population.

Yes, the winters are harsh. I weathered them quite well, since I adapted to the style of dress required for this winter climate. I even engaged in much outdoor activity at the area lakes during the winter season. The other seasons, I enjoyed the lakes very much, for good exercise activity. Yes, its humid during the summers, and you can experience a lot of "up and down" weather - changing in pressure during the day. And, driving during the winter season can be extremely exasperating. I probably enjoyed my time in the city more so when I didn't own a car.

It has great cultural experiences with wonderful museums and other attractions. Unfortunately, rental prices have increased quite a bit lately.

If one is younger, then I highly Minneapolis to try out. Yes, culturally speaking, many native Minnesotans can be a little reserved, but the area for the most part, includes a calm, considerate, and civil populace.

I would return to the state, however I know I just can not live in the winter environment anymore. Read Less
Yeah you betcha, not really funny... 2 rating By Kronas ( Dec 22, 2011) Hello. You might find this review negative however I have lived in Minnesota and was born here over thirty years plus now. Growing up in Central MN and always knowing of Minneapolis the "Big City" and traveling as a kid I desired to move there one day. Well, after college I mo ...Read More ved to the city in 2000 and frankly quite disheartened of it now. Key points of discourse and dislike in no particular order, mind you.

Ps. I have traveled overseas, lived in North Dakota for college, lived in western Massachusetts for a year and 9 months in Las Vegas, Nevada.

1) Traffic, absolutely the worst road system in the county! Really, put a major freeway 35W through the heart of the city. Every time I come into Minneapolis say from a drive from an out of town work event from a Southern state or Western state, 35W always has "re**rd" on the road. MNDot never forward thinking on planning for the future. Unlike, Boston, Washington DC., Oklahoma City, Ohio and so forth.

2) Yield, on the road. Twin Cities drivers have no conception of what this means. Read your driver manual from when you were 15 years old!

3) People are so unfriendly. The "quite, silent type", good down to Earth people. Whatever, the Swedes and Norwegians are a people of unfriendly, disrespectful and only thinking in terms of their little piece of grass.

4) Culturally. Still as "Caucasian" as ever, better than say in Central MN or the up on range. But far from other major cities like Chicago. PS. Across the river, Hmong-American community highest in the United States is in Saint Paul, Minnesota (29,662 population)

5) Downtown skyline, ugly, dirty, no richness of historical buildings and the big deal IDS tower and the skyway system. Foshay Tower (1929) is about the best thing, unless you're a fan of the now called "Mall of America" dome, where the loser Vikings play.

6) Mall of America, shopping is a parking mess, but if you're a shopper enjoy.

7) Light rail, Hiawatha Line. Only helps out people traveling from MOA to downtown or both airports, however they are expanding to the University of Minnesota and downtown St. Paul.

8) The cost of living particularly housing costs and rental units. Granted it's not California or NYC costs but prepared for a two bedroom apartment unit to pay close to $800-1000 a month and a home purchase, okay, enjoy paying close to $200,000 for a descent sized / bearable neighbor.

9) The topography of Minneapolis is boring, lakes and lakes, mind you very populated and polluted. The great old Mississippi river, well don't expect to eat a fish out of it unless you love high amounts of lead and mercury.

10) Weather. Ah, this year "2011" not bad, no major amounts of snow so far. However, they talk of cabin fever in the Midwest; well Minneapolis will provide you this in abundance. I cross country ski, ice skate and snow shoe and my lack of vitamin D still happens here.

Final thought... You might love Minneapolis and Minnesota as a state and think is the best thing since sliced bread, great! Happy for you, however, there are more unique and exchanging places to live in this county. Thanks. Read Less
Experience Cultural Fun In Minneapolis, Minnesota 4 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 25, 2011) If you want to travel to a city that is located in the beautiful state of 10,000 lakes, you might want scenic Minneapolis, Minnesota to be your next travel destination. I have traveled to Minneapolis, MN and I was very impressed with this cities' blend of exciting city life and r ...Read More elaxing, outdoor beauty. When you visit Minneapolis, you can experience a variety of rich, cultural events in its metrpolitan area, or you can get back to nature with its natural wonders, but no matter what you do when you visit Minneapolis, MN you can be sure you'll have an ecclectic mix of a trip that you will always remember.

When I was in Minneapolis, I was very impressed with the artistic edge of this city. Minnesota has a cool music scene and is home to many talented local artists and I just loved the variety of places I could go to experience the fun of both of these creative endeavors. If you are like me and you love art, you must visit the Minneapolis Institute of Art when you visit this fun city. This museum is rated as one of the top 10 art museums in the country, and admission is always free which was a plus for me. Another fun place if you're a music lover is the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old Time Music Association. This is a non-profit organization that is helping to keep bluegrass music alive and they have many shows, programs, and festivals you can attend throughout the year, just like I did when I was there.

In Minneapolis, there are also a variety of shopping destinations and eating establishments that will feed your hunger and help you find that special gift to bring home to friends and loved ones. There are also tours you can take, and outdoor spots where you can relax while inhaling the fresh air in places like the Minnehaha Falls Park or the Walking Trails Downtown. These walking trails provide scenic paths along the lake that go on for miles and they are perfect for bike riding.

If you want to experience a fun vacation that is rich in culture, charm, and the beauty of the great outdoors, why not go to Minneapolis, MN for your next vacation? With its variety of fun activities, you can be sure that when you vacation to Minneapolis, you'll keep coming back year after year. Read Less
Beware, stay far far away unless you're from Minnesota 0.5 rating By Mr. USA ( Apr 19, 2011) Culturally, Minneapolis is great and the outdoors are beautiful, even in the heart of winter. However, if you move here and are looking to make friends (because you didn't bring them with you) you can forget it. The residents of this city grew up here, have their circle of frie ...Read More nds here, and befriending people is nearly impossible. It's totally a provincial city. Numerous times I've invited neighbors for dinner, wine etc. They came, but never was there a reciprocal invitation. Now, I could say one or two people perhaps didn't hit it off, but over 4 years, the invitations went out to numerous people, some of whom overstayed their welcome ( so I thought they had a good time). The only people I met and liked and who liked me were not from Minnesota (unfortunately they end up moving away leaving you with the natives). You will never know passive aggressive "Minnesota Nice" until you work here. That's real treat. Why this city consistently ranks among the top ten places to live in this country is a mystery to me. The people of this city are impatient and rude. I'm moving far far away from here, and my social experience is the sole reason. I only wish I knew 4 years ago what I know now. You've been warned my friend. Oh, by the way, the Mall Of America is nothing more than a mall, seen one seen them all. Read Less
Nose Hair Freezing Cold in Minneapolis, MN 5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 30, 2010) The Minneapolis weather during six months of the year is fantastic. The trees are green and tall with beautiful lakes--the bald eagles fly high overhead above the Mississippi River. Minneapolis has four of the five nominations for the Mid-West for the James Beard award. Minneapol ...Read More is is also one of three cities in the United States to have the "Dead Sea Scrolls" on view. A major attraction in Minneapolis is the Mall of America which has an indoor amusement park. In downtown Minneapolis you will find many attractions and some great restaurants, including my personal favorite Manny's Steakhouse. A classic Minneapolis restaurant to get your fill of meat and potatoes!

The other six months is just "nose hair freezing cold". The temperature in Minneapolis during the winter can fall below zero on many days. Since moving to the city four years ago my sweater and big boot collection has grown substantially. Winter is a fun with snow mobiling, lots and lots of hockey, snow man building and snow tubing. The Winter Ice Festival complete with ice sculptures is held in January--Holidazzle in December. It seems as if there is always something going on no matter how cold, hot or rainy it gets here. The weather is the weather; what can be done other than to live life is the Minneapolis motto. Read Less

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      Minneapolis, MN

      Minneapolis makes up one half of the Twin Cities, and it is by far the largest and most economically important city in the state of Minnesota. Minneapolis is home to several professional sports franchises, a major college university, and a performing arts scene that is among the best in the entire Midwest. Minneapolis is also where you will find the venerable Mall of America that hosts hundreds of stores, restaurants, and an indoor amusement park that you have to see to believe.

      The city is home to over 400,000 residents who love to get outdoors in the winter time on cross country skis, fat tire bikes, and their own two feet. Minnesotans are known for being hearty, and the people who call Minneapolis are no different. The summer time sees the city transformed into a beautiful shade of green as all of the parks come to life for the long sunny days of summer. Minnehana Falls is a quick drive from the city, and it is a beautiful waterfall that can help you cool down if the summers get to warm. The Walker Art Center is known for its fine collection of modern art. A visit to the museum is a fun way to grow your appreciation for today's take on art. The Minneapolis Institute of Art offers a collection of classic paintings and exhibits that showcase the wonders of the ancient world.

      Driving in Minneapolis can be trying at times, especially during rush hour's peak. While the city does not experience traffic life Chicago or New York, delays can be expected during the busiest hours of the day. The city's Metro Transit system is reliable, and it runs a commuter rail line, a light rail, and a fleet of over 100 buses. Many residents of the city also bike to work, cross country ski to work during the winter months, or even roller blade to work. You will quickly find that Minneapolis is a very active city that does not let cold weather keep them from enjoying the natural beauty of the area.

      If you are in the market to rent or buy a home, you will discover that prices are higher in Minneapolis than in other parts of the state. That is to be expected, however; given that the employment opportunities in Minneapolis provide higher paying salaries than in other regions of the state. Uptown, Minnehana, and the Northeast Corner are just a few of the areas of town that offer potential renters or buyers a chance to find a great deal on a place.

      If you are looking for a great life in a large city, you could certainly do worse than Minneapolis.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Minneapolis? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Franklin Steele Park
      Peavey Field
      Stevens Square Park
      Washburn Fair Oaks Park
      17th Street Overlook
      Clinton Field
      Triangle Park
      On the Plaza


      Open Eye Figure Theater
      Hennepin History Museum
      Norway House
      Minneapolis Institute of Art
      Children's Theatre Company
      American Swedish Institute
      MCAD Sculpture Garden
      All My Relations Arts

      Food & Drink

      Franklin-Nicollet Liquor Store
      Jimmy John's
      Finnegan's Brew Co.
      Lakes & Legends Brewing Company
      The Prodigal Public House
      Greenway Liquor

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Minneapolis? Of all people who commute, 11.8% take public transportation in Minneapolis.
      Drive to Work

      17% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      7% higher than the US average

      Walk to Work

      4% higher than the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Minneapolis a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Phillips Eye Institute
      Orthology Physical Wellness
      University of Minnesota Health Cinics and Surgery Center
      M Health West Bank Emergency Department
      Lyn Lake Chiropractic
      Abbott Northwestern Hospital
      Redeemer Health & Rehab Center
      Children’s Hospital and Clinic – Minneapolis


      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      Fairview Pharmacy - University Village
      Community, a Walgreens Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy


      Allina Medical Clinic
      Lakes Home Care Health Services,Inc.
      Cheryl A. Cowan, LICSW
      North Memorial Health Clinic – Downtown Minneapolis
      Clinic Femina
      Calhoun Chiropractic Clinic
      Heather K. Klein, PHD
      Advanced Spine & Pain Clinics Of MN