Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities F

There are not many amenities close to this location.
Coffee (0) F
Entertainment (1) C-
Loyalton Milton-Gottardi Museum
Milton Gottardi Museum Historic Catholic Church
Food and Drink (0) F
Fitness (0) F
Groceries (2) F
Leonard's Grocery
Grocery Store
Vicki's Blue Moon Bakery
Parks (2) F
Loyalton Park
Shops (2) F
Sierra Valley Home Center
Home Improvement
Old Brick Store
See more Loyalton amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 0.9% take public transportation in Loyalton.
Public Transit Stops (0)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Loyalton commute data

cost of living A-

The cost of living in Loyalton is 99/100 - which is 29% lower than California.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Loyalton cost of living data

crime F

Loyalton crime rates are 1,248 per 100k, which is 56% lower than California
Property Crime
1,024 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
224 crimes per 100k
See more Loyalton crime data

employment B

The median income in Loyalton is $62,969 - which is 1% lower than California.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Loyalton employment data

health A+

There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Health & Safety (4)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Loyalton Pharmacy, Barber, Haire Faire
Loyalton Medical Clinic
Loyalton Volunteer Fire Department
Fire Station
Sierra County Sheriff Coroner
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Loyalton health & safety data

housing A+

Loyalton home prices are $160,700 - which is 61% lower than California
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
2.6x (home price to income ratio)
See more Loyalton housing data

schools C+

The Loyalton graduation rate is 86% - which is 8% higher than California
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (2) F
Sierra County Special Education
Loyalton Elementary
High Schools (3) A+
Loyalton High
Sierra Pass (Continuation)
Sierra County Special Education
See more Loyalton education data

ratings F

Loyalton has an overall rating of 10% from 1 reviews.
User Reviews (1)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (0)
From AreaVibes
See more Loyalton user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Loyalton, CA
( 1 Ratings )

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Loyalton Reviews

Write a review about Loyalton Tell people what you like or don't like about Loyalton…
Ide feel better in the deep poverty crime riddled chicago alone and stranded 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Sep 04, 2019) This is no place for family's or retirement, this place is the end of the line .the local law enforcement and community harbor and protect murderers and sex offenders. Outsiders are not welcome and should beware and on guard any time spent in loyalton, guilty offenders and loyalt ...Read More on lifers are exempt from the law. Should you be stopped by the local police be ready to submitt to an illegal search and seizure of your personal belongings and space because it's routine. Don't get disrespectful or try to rehearse knowledge of your rights because you no longer have any. As your being detained and searched dont be alarmed if you see vehicles driving slowly past snapping pictures and staring that's just the local newspaper reporters getting ready to print exaggerated drama and lies about you that will be posted and displayed across California and farther multiple times making an innocent person into a raging monster. That will be the first impression you make for Sierra county and surrounding county's.. Nothing is safe there. One morning the local police decided to hire demolishion crews to take down a small mobile home park with the physical force of heavy equipment and police brutality, these poor mostly handicapped residents were told they had only hours to leave as homes all around the park were destroyed with vehicles no matter the status. No eviction served only because there's nobody with authority to stop or even care about these events due to the remote location. So people were forced into the streets with nowhere to go helpless to ever see most of their belongings again. It happened like a bad cop movie. It felt as if it were a movie. That's one example if you want to check out and see for yourself it's online all over under loyalton mobile estates or Adams California receivers. Don't relocate to here most of us who aren't native to loyalton are moving or already have. It's no place for families except those that are loyalton lifers. Nothing good in that dying little crime riddled corrupted spec on the map and it won't be missed nor will the extreme prices nearly double that of carnival food or the local restraunt and it's many health and safety risks that has food prepared with fly's visually served and jokes by employees of keeping protein value high. Perverts with drones in the neighborhoods seems to be OK as well. Read Less
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Compare Loyalton, CA Livability


      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Loyalton? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.


      Loyalton Park


      Loyalton Milton-Gottardi Museum
      Milton Gottardi Museum Historic Catholic Church

      Food & Drink

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Loyalton? Of all people who commute, 0.9% take public transportation in Loyalton.
      Drive to Work

      12% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      4% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Loyalton a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.



      Loyalton Pharmacy, Barber, Haire Faire


      Loyalton Medical Clinic