Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities F

There are not many amenities close to this location.
Coffee (4) F
Coffee Shop
Fleus de Lys
Coffee Shop
Coffee Shop
Secret City Kitchen
Coffee Shop
Hot Rocks Café
Coffee Shop
Entertainment (8) F
Los Alamos Little Theater
Theatre Arts
Oppenheimer House
Hans Bethe House
Bradbury Science Museum
Los Alamos History Museum
Fuller Lodge Art Center
Theatre Arts
Los Alamos Nature Center
John F Kennedy Memorial
Food and Drink (13) F
Bathtub Row Brewing Co-op
Rigobertos Taco Shop
Fast Food
Boese Bros Los Alamos
Pajarito Brewpub
Fast Food
Mary's Gelato
Daniel's Cafe
Fast Food
Fast Food
Fast Food
LA Liquors
El Parasol
Fast Food
Fast Food
Papa Murphy's
Fast Food
Otowi Cafeteria
Fast Food
Fitness (7) A+
Los Alamos Sheriff's Posse Lodge
Community Centre
Pajarito Lodge #66 A.F. & A.M.
Community Centre
Las Cumbres Community Services
Community Centre
Anytime Fitness
Los Alamos Fitness Center
Betty Ehart Senior Center
Community Centre
Larry R. Walkup Aquatic Center
Groceries (3) F
Grocery Store
Natural Grocers
Grocery Store
Los Alamos Cooperative Market
Grocery Store
Parks (35) A+
North Mesa Picnic Grounds
Loma Linda Park
North Mesa Park
Pine Street Playlot
Barranca Mesa School Playground
San Ildefonso Playlot
Walnut Street Playlot
Barranca Mesa Park
East Park
East Park Playground
Orange Street Playlot
Ashley Pond Park
37th Street Playlot
Ridgeway Street Playlot
Urban Park
Western Area Park
Fireman Park
Mitchell Trailhead
Shops (16) F
Scotti's Music And Cards
Discount Store
Los Alamos Dog Obedience Club
Pet Pangea
Dave's Sport Barber shop
David's Old Fashioned Barbershop
Top Nails
Los Alamos Home Improvement - Ace Hardware
Home Improvement
Metzger's Do It Best
Home Improvement
Metzger's Do It Best
Home Improvement
Smart Set Styling Salon
Beanie's Bike Shop
Venusto Hair Salon
Convenience Store
Flowers by Gillian
Elegance by Antoinette
See more Los Alamos amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 2.4% take public transportation in Los Alamos.
Public Transit Stops (1)
Stops & Stations
Transit Center
Bus Stop
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Los Alamos commute data

cost of living C-

The cost of living in Los Alamos is 115/100 - which is 24% higher than New Mexico.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Los Alamos cost of living data

crime A+

Los Alamos crime rates are 1,386 per 100k, which is 62% lower than New Mexico
Property Crime
1,100 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
285 crimes per 100k
See more Los Alamos crime data

employment A+

The median income in Los Alamos is $114,034 - which is 150% higher than New Mexico.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Los Alamos employment data

health A+

There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Health & Safety (11)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Los Alamos Fire Station #4
Fire Station
Posada Dental Works
Los Alamos Fire Station #6
Fire Station
Los Alamos Fire Station #2
Fire Station
Trinity Urgent Care
Los Alamos Justice Center
Christus St. Vincent Los Alamos
Los Alamos Public Health Office
Urgent Care
Los Alamos Medical Center
Los Alamos Fire Station #1
Fire Station
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Los Alamos health & safety data

housing A+

Los Alamos home prices are $317,200 - which is 96% higher than New Mexico
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
2.8x (home price to income ratio)
See more Los Alamos housing data

schools B

The Los Alamos graduation rate is 94% - which is 18% higher than New Mexico
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (5) F
Barranca Mesa Elementary
Canyoncito Montessori School & Child Care Center
Aspen Elementary
Mountain Elementary
High Schools (2) F
Los Alamos High
Topper Freshman Academy
See more Los Alamos education data

ratings B-

Los Alamos has an overall rating of 70% from 23 reviews.
User Reviews (3)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (20)
From AreaVibes
See more Los Alamos user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Los Alamos, NM
( 23 Ratings )

Living in Los Alamos, NM

Los Alamos Area Facts

  • Los Alamos has a Livability Score of 81/100, which is considered exceptional
  • Los Alamos crime rates are 62% lower than the New Mexico average
  • Cost of living in Los Alamos is 24% higher than the New Mexico average
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Los Alamos Reviews

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Born and raised here, I look back upon it fondly. 4 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 26, 2021) Everyone else is right - there's literally "nothing" to do here: no shops, no typical forms of entertainment that you would find in other towns or cities, only one grocery store, etc. HOWEVER, I am so so glad I got to grow up here. Now that I'm older and have experienced city lif ...Read More e elsewhere, it would be very difficult to go back... but nothing could ever replace the experience of living in such a special and unique town. As a kid we played outside a lot (even when I had video games, it was never as fun as what we could do outside). Air soft guns in the arroyo, playing cops and robbers with a bunch of friends in their jeeps running from one end of town to the next, ducking and weaving to different checkpoints (like the schools, which are beautiful and have fun playgrounds and trails of their own). You can go hiking, explore the Jemez or hot springs nearby, go off-roading in the canyons near the Indian reservations, have a bonfire, hike down Hell's Hole and sign your name in the book (though I think that might have been closed up now), go skiing/snowboarding/biking, you name it. There's tons of wildlife in close proximity (bears, mountain lions, deer, etc.), fun local sledding spots to go to with your friends and get hot chocolate at Starbucks afterwards :D And at that elevation with crisp, mountain air, you're in tip top shape. I love how safe it is at night too. No matter what time it is, you can have a good time. We'd sneak out for some wholesome teenage "trouble" to play fire tennis, play on a playground out of nostalgia (like the dinosaur park near Barranca!), climb the fence and skinny dip in an outdoor pool, climb the roof of the school library or post office (it was a fun challenge), etc. etc. If you have an imagination, this town is the best "sandbox" to do whatever you want. Every year the graduating class would choose a spot in the mountains to have the final party at - '08 was legendary, and 11 was pretty great too. My favorite spot was the Ocean, because it was a fun drive and we would park my friend's monster of a van near the edge, talk for hours and look at the sea of lights of LA, White Rock, and Espanola shine like waves beneath us. The schools are challenging. They made me love science to my core and without the education I received, I seriously doubt I would be the critical thinker I am today, especially after going to college and seeing how everyone else grew up (and compared to high school, college was an absolute breeze). I love the blend of culture in all of New Mexico - the mix of Mexican and Indian roots gives you sights you can't go and see anywhere else like the burning of Zozobra with Indian fire dancers, or the balloon fiesta, or green/red chile (Mmm!). There may not be much of a sense of community for an adult, but as a kid you literally grow up alongside everyone else and they will always be your friends. It is a sad reality, though, that a handful of kids couldn't make the best of it. There were some, for sure, who turned to drugs and lost themselves in a brain dead crowd. Either the academics was too much, the family income gap was too wide, or there weren't enough resources for mental health (everyone kind of just expects you to figure it out yourself). There's truly no crime, not even over drugs, but there are a lot of young people losing their lives to overdoses or suicide. This town isn't for everyone, and perhaps the town's feeling of isolation is not healthy for those struggling to find friends or purpose. If you're young and you don't feel like you fit in, there's no way out for you (or so it feels). Los Alamos is such a bubble, which can be it's greatest strength and weakness at the same time. Read Less
Great Schools - Thats About It 2 rating By Anonymous ( Sep 24, 2021) I Grew up here, 30 years in Los Alamos and it is painfully dull here. The schools are stellar, but there is so little to do most kiddos just resort to weed and pills for entertainment. There are two locations open after 8, both are bars, and they close at 10:30. As for neighbo ...Read More rs, imagine a community of Sheldons from The Big Bang Theory; constantly judging, but never engaging with you. Families here tolerate each other at best, primarily if their kids play together, but there has never been a sense of community. Crime is nonexistent, but if something does happen, its usually a highschooler breaking into a home because they're bored or the rare (and I mean rare) meth lab. If you don't work for LANL, you may as well live elsewhere because that is the only big industry in the region, so there is a harsh divide in income. The town is attracting more people, but they are all lab workers, so don't expect the nightlife to blossom in the next 10 years. As for stores, we have a Smiths (Kroger-owned chain), and thats it. Seriously. There are no department stores, malls, clothing stores, boutiques, etc. We barely have 20+ places to eat and half of those, along with the movie theater shut down during covid. Read Less
One Of The Most Perfect Living Places in NM 4 rating By Anonymous ( May 28, 2018) Living in Los Alamos, NM is living in the 96th percentile of NM. One of the better cities in NM, we have almost everything perfect besides a couple of things that are above average. We’ll start with the negatives, as there are less of them. First off, I pay way too much for my ...Read More living situation. I’m fortunate to have a job that pays me enough to afford it, but unless you have multiple incomes assisting your rent or mortgage then you may find it a little tough. Lastly, our schools are just average, really. Not the top percentile, but not the bottom.

Other than those two, everything else is either incredible or just above average. Amenities are decent enough to where I don’t feel bored on the weekends or wouldn’t want my out-of-state friends and family coming to visit me and my home. Our crime rate is so low, which is why I don’t mind paying so much to live here. Security always comes first in my mind. Employment opportunities are plentiful, if you walk around the corner there’s a help wanted sign so you never have to feel fear of losing a job and not having another one. Read Less
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One Of The Most Perfect Living Places in NM 4 rating By Anonymous ( May 28, 2018) Living in Los Alamos, NM is living in the 96th percentile of NM. One of the better cities in NM, we have almost everything perfect besides a couple of things that are above average. We’ll start with the negatives, as there are less of them. First off, I pay way too much for my ...Read More living situation. I’m fortunate to have a job that pays me enough to afford it, but unless you have multiple incomes assisting your rent or mortgage then you may find it a little tough. Lastly, our schools are just average, really. Not the top percentile, but not the bottom.

Other than those two, everything else is either incredible or just above average. Amenities are decent enough to where I don’t feel bored on the weekends or wouldn’t want my out-of-state friends and family coming to visit me and my home. Our crime rate is so low, which is why I don’t mind paying so much to live here. Security always comes first in my mind. Employment opportunities are plentiful, if you walk around the corner there’s a help wanted sign so you never have to feel fear of losing a job and not having another one. Read Less

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Los Alamos Awards

Compare Los Alamos, NM Livability


      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Los Alamos? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.


      North Mesa Picnic Grounds
      Loma Linda Park
      North Mesa Park
      Pine Street Playlot
      Barranca Mesa School Playground
      San Ildefonso Playlot
      Walnut Street Playlot
      Barranca Mesa Park


      Los Alamos Little Theater
      Oppenheimer House
      Hans Bethe House
      Bradbury Science Museum
      Los Alamos History Museum
      Fuller Lodge Art Center
      Los Alamos Nature Center
      John F Kennedy Memorial

      Food & Drink

      Bathtub Row Brewing Co-op
      Rigobertos Taco Shop
      Boese Bros Los Alamos
      Pajarito Brewpub
      Mary's Gelato
      Daniel's Cafe

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Los Alamos? Of all people who commute, 2.4% take public transportation in Los Alamos.
      Drive to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      3% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% higher than the US average

      A Health & Safety

      Is Los Alamos a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Los Alamos Medical Center

