Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities C+

There are some amenities close to this location.
Coffee (19) F
Entertainment (44) A+
Food and Drink (131) C+
Fitness (9) F
Groceries (28) F
Parks (287) A+
Shops (142) D-
See more Little Rock amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 0.8% take public transportation in Little Rock.
Public Transit Stops (16)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Little Rock commute data

cost of living B+

The cost of living in Little Rock is 98/100 - which is 14% higher than Arkansas.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Little Rock cost of living data

crime F

Little Rock crime rates are 7,229 per 100k, which is 154% higher than Arkansas
Property Crime
5,427 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
1,801 crimes per 100k
See more Little Rock crime data

employment C

The median income in Little Rock is $53,620 - which is 27% higher than Arkansas.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Little Rock employment data

health A+

There are some hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (83)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Little Rock health & safety data

housing A+

Little Rock home prices are $172,500 - which is 50% higher than Arkansas
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3.2x (home price to income ratio)
See more Little Rock housing data

schools C+

The Little Rock graduation rate is 88% - which is 11% higher than Arkansas
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (91) B-
High Schools (33) A+
See more Little Rock education data

ratings F

Little Rock has an overall rating of 49% from 25 reviews.
User Reviews (5)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (20)
From AreaVibes
See more Little Rock user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Little Rock, AR
( 25 Ratings )

Living in Little Rock, AR

Little Rock Area Facts

  • Little Rock has a Livability Score of 72/100, which is considered excellent
  • Little Rock crime rates are 154% higher than the Arkansas average
  • Cost of living in Little Rock is 14% higher than the Arkansas average
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Little Rock Reviews

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I grew up in Little Rock live in CA and still have property there 3.5 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 09, 2022) The NEGATIVE commentary on here is from someone who doesn’t know the city at all a newbie and sounds mean—-

It is a CITY the area I am from and own property in is called The Heights. It’s rated an 85/100 on here and that is correct.? The nicest and best location of neighb
...Read More orhoods in all of Little Rock. Also very low crime. I currently live in another city ranked 84 only that low because of the F it got for expensive homes here in Orange County CA.

The gentleman from CA has zero idea what he is taking about and no wonder he has moved so much. ???If you hear Los Angeles is bad and everything is bad that is wrong too. Los Angeles is a city and like a City some areas are great and some aren’t. Example Beverly Hills vs South Central LA in the rougher areas.
Apples and oranges.
Little Rock Heights vs the tough areas on another side of town.
All areas are NOT crime ridden and No One I know is prejudice. He was living in another place
And time. Don’t hate. Little Rock
Overall people are wonderful and it is a wonderful city—--
P.S. the BALLET there is excellent I know and the performing Arts. I was a ballet dancer there for 12 years….and had a scholarship to American Ballet Theatre in New York when I was only 15 and many others became professional. So the ballet isn’t horrible lol.
Those that speak to much negativity should be ignored. Enjoy the Arts, walking and cycling trails, the food and the warmth of the people. Blessings! Read Less
Dangerous Crime-Ridden Boring Decaying Nightmare 0.5 rating By Private Dude ( Mar 03, 2021) I moved to Little Rock from Los Angeles for what I thought would be a good job. Moving to Little Rock was the worst mistake of my life and I have literally lost everything as a result. The three worst qualities about Little Rock are: the rampant crime; the racial tension; and the ...Read More closed-minded backward attitudes of the residents. The day after moving here my car was stolen. Within a few months my house was burglarized and I was the victim of a violent assault. My co-worker was carjacked and shot. Every night when you listen to the local news you can hear about the murder of the day.

My company went out of business just like so many companies here. There is very little in the way of nightlife, and nothing in the way of culture. The ballet sucks and the symphony is just okay, but the tickets are very expensive, as are all of the restaurants. The people are stuck in a bigoted time loop from the past and forget about dating if you are single. Also, forget about employment opportunities. There aren't very many of those either. I have multiple degrees and extensive experience and can't find a job here.

The other shocking negatives are the high property and sales taxes. Oh, and don't get me started on the weather. There are mold issues everywhere due to the excessive rainfall. It rains all the time and the heat is oppressive for six months. In the summer the mosquitoes will eat you alive. So, despite the fact that the countryside is pretty with hills and trees, you can't enjoy the outdoors without dealing with fleas, ticks and mosquitoes.

If you have a choice, move to anywhere else. I have also lived in Palm Springs, San Diego, Dallas, St. Louis, Tampa, Nashville, as well as other countries, so I have a basis of comparison as to what constitutes positives and negatives in other cities. Anyone who tells you Little Rock is nice has either: never been anywhere else so they don't know any better; they are lying; or they are being paid to say it is nice. The city simply is the worst. I'm stuck here just trying to save up enough money to get out. Read Less
Little Rock to the Jaw 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 06, 2020) My sister moved to Little Rock in 2014*, and it was the worst mistake she ever made! I remember constantly getting phone calls from her as she would complain about the rampant crime and low income. I eventually visited her, and it was even worse than she said it was: Dilapidated ...Read More buildings, bumpy roads, and boarded windows. She lived in a "nice" neighborhood and even then I would hear gunshots outside. Don't move here, visiting was bad enough.

*she moved away in Jan 2020 Read Less
The Capitol City 3 rating By FrasierID ( Nov 20, 2019) The prior review was essentially about one restaurant. As for the City of Little Rock, the downtown is ok at best, with a slightly gritty, dangerous feel similar to Memphis without as many amenities. The Capitol Hotel is a real gem, but the rest is just ok. The suburbs are decent ...Read More , and the gently rolling hills are a positive as you head west on I 40 past Little Rock. Read Less
Show All Reviews
Little Rock to the Jaw 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 06, 2020) My sister moved to Little Rock in 2014*, and it was the worst mistake she ever made! I remember constantly getting phone calls from her as she would complain about the rampant crime and low income. I eventually visited her, and it was even worse than she said it was: Dilapidated ...Read More buildings, bumpy roads, and boarded windows. She lived in a "nice" neighborhood and even then I would hear gunshots outside. Don't move here, visiting was bad enough.

*she moved away in Jan 2020 Read Less
The Capitol City 3 rating By FrasierID ( Nov 20, 2019) The prior review was essentially about one restaurant. As for the City of Little Rock, the downtown is ok at best, with a slightly gritty, dangerous feel similar to Memphis without as many amenities. The Capitol Hotel is a real gem, but the rest is just ok. The suburbs are decent ...Read More , and the gently rolling hills are a positive as you head west on I 40 past Little Rock. Read Less
Little Rock, Arkansas City Review 4 rating By Anonymous ( May 05, 2010) Little Rock, Arkansas is a beautiful city that offers many great atrractions while sill being a great place to stay close to nature.

Little Rock is a city that has a large selection of different restaurants that will please any epicurean palette. One of the best restaurants in
...Read More Little Rock, or at least the most popular, in town is the Brave New Restaurant. That is located on the beautiful riverside and has a fantastic view of the Little Rock skyline. One of the establishment's specialties is their creamy chocolate crème brûlée, it is abosolutely delicious. Other popular dishes include pine nut-encrusted salmon fillet, New Zealand venison steak in a marinade of sesame oil, honey and red wine, and stuffed tenderloin of beef. Also, fresh fish is flown into the fine dining eatery four times per week. Many people enjoy the having their fish smoked right out on the patio. Served with capers, lemon, red onions, tale water crackers, a sauce that mixes horseradish and whole grain mustard, this is a meal to be savored.

There's more to Little Rock than restaurants. The cost of living in Little Rock is extemely low compared to other cities of comparable size. Overall, Little Rock is a great place to live and a fabulous city to visit. Read Less

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Little Rock Awards

Compare Little Rock, AR Livability


      Little Rock, AR

      There is nothing small about life in Little Rock, Arkansas. The state's capital city is one of the hottest metro areas in the south, and the thriving city is enjoying a culinary awakening that has seen a wide selection of flavors injected into the city's already rich culture. The city is home to the William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum where visitors can learn all about his time in office. In 1821, the city was briefly known as Arkopolis, but quickly turned its name back to Little Rock once a land dispute was resolved between warring parties.

      Home prices in Little Rock are very affordable making it one of the areas in the south that homeowners are most able to purchase their first home. Downtown is a very popular area with the younger renters or homebuyers since it has a thriving social scene and offers a lifestyle that allows residents to walk or bike to get to most of the places that they need to go. Others choose to live in the Boyle Park, Pleasant Valley, or Hillcrest areas of town that are family friendly. Little Rock's population is over 195,000 with Little Rock Air Force Station contributing over 4,000 to this number. Federal, local, and state governments are the largest employer in the area with the University's Medical System coming in a distant second.

      Traffic in Little Rock is a breeze when compared with larger cities like Atlanta. While there may be an occasional back up here and there, the Arkansas Department of Transportation has done a good job laying out the city and maintaining the roads that are crucial for transit in and around the Little Rock area. Rock Region Metro provides public transit options for Little Rock's residents. The public transit option is appealing for those who are looking to leave behind the costs of car ownership. The system is reliable, and it offers riders a large number of routes with reliable service.

      Little Rock Central High School is one of the city's best known attractions, and it is a location that played a historic role in the Civil Rights Movement. As mentioned, it is easy to spend a day touring the William Clinton Presidential Library. The Little Rock Zoo is a hit with the children who can spend a warm summer day staring at the giraffes and zebras.

      Overall, Little Rock offers its citizens a high quality of life and a low cost of living. This is the best of both worlds for families that are just getting started and are looking to build up equity. Take the kids and to Little Rock's Big Dam Bridge and enjoy a stroll on the nation's longest pedi-bridge.

      C+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Little Rock? Yes, there are some amenities close to this location.


      Ninth Street Park
      Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site Visitor Center
      Centennial Park
      Central High School Commemorative Garden
      Fletcher Park
      Dunbar Park
      Old State House Lawn
      Metrocentre Mall


      Weekend Theatre
      Mosaic Templars Cultural Center
      The Studio Theatre
      Robinson Center
      Quigley Stadium
      Old State House
      Arkansas Repertory Theatre

      Food & Drink

      Vino's Brewpub
      White Water Tavern
      Tropical Smoothie
      Jimmy John's

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Little Rock? Of all people who commute, 0.8% take public transportation in Little Rock.
      Drive to Work

      4% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      4% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      B Health & Safety

      Is Little Rock a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Baptist Health Rehabilitation Institute
      Baptist Health Extended Care Hospital
      Arkansas Heart Hospital
      Baptist Health Medical Center - Little Rock
      CHI St. Vincent Infirmary
      University of Arkansas Medical Sciences Medical Center
      Arkansas Children's Hospital
      Pinnacle Pointe Hospital


      Walmart Pharmacy
      Express Rx on Cantrell - Pharmacy and Compounding
      Costco Pharmacy


      Metropolitan Emergency Medical Service - Little Rock Station 4
      Metropolitan Emergency Medical Service - Little Rock Station 3
      Eric Wright, MD - Wright Plastic Surgery
      UAMS - Sara E. Foster, PA