Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities F

There are not many amenities close to this location.
Coffee (0) F
Entertainment (0) F
Eastern Museum of MotorSports Racing
Food and Drink (0) F
Fitness (0) F
Groceries (0) F
Apple Valley Creamery
Grocery Store
apple valley creamery
Grocery Store
Parks (5) F
Sunset Park
Latimore Valley Fair Grounds
Shops (0) F
Convenience Store
See more Lake Meade amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 0.0% take public transportation in Lake Meade.
Public Transit Stops (0)
Stops & Stations
Wolf's Bus Line Inc.
Bus Station
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Lake Meade commute data

cost of living C+

The cost of living in Lake Meade is 110/100 - which is 13% higher than Pennsylvania.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Lake Meade cost of living data

crime A+

Lake Meade crime rates are 375 per 100k, which is 80% lower than Pennsylvania
Property Crime
321 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
54 crimes per 100k
See more Lake Meade crime data

employment A+

The median income in Lake Meade is $102,969 - which is 88% higher than Pennsylvania.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Lake Meade employment data

health F

There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Health & Safety (1)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Northeast Adams Fire & EMS Lake Meade Station
Fire Station
Hereford Volunteer Fire Company Station 44
Fire Station
Hampton Fire Department Company 10
Fire Station
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Lake Meade health & safety data

housing A+

Lake Meade home prices are $231,600 - which is 38% higher than Pennsylvania
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
2.2x (home price to income ratio)
See more Lake Meade housing data

schools C-

The Lake Meade graduation rate is 96% - which is 12% higher than Pennsylvania
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (0) F
Bermudian Springs El Sch
Bermudian Springs Ms
Kralltown Mennonite School
High Schools (0) F
Bermudian Springs Hs
Kralltown Mennonite School
See more Lake Meade education data

ratings F

Lake Meade has an overall rating of 40% from 8 reviews.
User Reviews (3)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (5)
From AreaVibes
See more Lake Meade user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Lake Meade, PA
( 8 Ratings )

Living in Lake Meade, PA

Lake Meade Area Facts

  • Lake Meade has a Livability Score of 65/100, which is considered good
  • Lake Meade crime rates are 80% lower than the Pennsylvania average
  • Cost of living in Lake Meade is 13% higher than the Pennsylvania average
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Lake Meade Reviews

Write a review about Lake Meade Tell people what you like or don't like about Lake Meade…
The community is terrible 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 13, 2020) They are a schumbag community that feels very privileged and they have nothing but a good lake and some over priced housing and why the heck do you need to be 21 to get into a basketball court ...Read More Read Less
Lake Meade Resident 1.5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 14, 2019) The locals who surround Lake Meade shoot at targets facing 900 homes.
A bullet was lodged in a home, on my street, Christmas Morning 2017.
The homeowner posted this on the Lake Meade “next door” web site.
It turns out, the beautiful 1860’s farm behind my street has been h
...Read More it with stray bullets. It was on the news a few years ago.
A home owner on Mud Run Road facing Lake Meade said “I got bullet holes in my house and I don’t go CRYIN’ and WHININ’ the the cops!!!”
It is not the gated communtiy that is advertises.
Although there is basically no crime, bullets through homes right mear my house is terrifying.
The Latimore police are nasty about it.
Our cat was shot. We were told by a police officer, “you live in the country, people hunt here, people shoot here!”
I have no issue with any person hunting or shooting. The people shooting towards the homes in Lake Meade are being irresponsible.
When I asked the Gettysburg State troopers if I should be worried, they were nasty.
The lake meade website from January 2018 will mention the same home was hit twice by a stray bullet. A home on the other side of lake meade has bullet holes in their mailbox.
I’m terrified!!!
If your home is hit with a stray bullet, no person outside of the lake will be held accountable.
If you are from an urban area. Your call to the police will only be met with MALICE, contempt, and hatred. Do not move to the area if you do not have a southern PA accent.
Outsiders are treated like non human, garbage.
If I were shot right now by a stray bullet, nobody would do a thing.
It is disgusting. Why would any person buy a million dollar home here?!!
We are surrounded by what is in the movie “Deliverance”. There is not one helpful law enforcement officer, if you are not a local. Maybe they are nice to families with German last names who have been here since the 1700’s??? If you are not one of these families, the locals will treat you like you are scum. Do not move here. Every person with an education and from another state says the same things I am saying. They can’t take it! They stay because of their jobs and not wanting to uproot their kids. If you are Italian, French, or basically anything other than German from many generations ago, you are scum to the local people. They will treat you like garbage and not talk to you. Read Less
Nice scenic area but desolate and HOA is questionable 2.5 rating By RUPitt ( Sep 03, 2016) Very scenic area with a nice lake that has some good fishing. Most of the people in the community are nice and pleasant. There is one pizza place in the community. Service varies. Half the time nail it. Others, can't get it right and if they do it takes an hour for a tuna fish s ...Read More andwich. There is not much close but a lot in a half hour radius. Nearest grocery store is 8 miles. Nearest gas station is a few miles. However, Gettysburg, Hanover, York and Harrisburg are a half hour to 40 minutes. So make sure you have gas, eggs and milk before you get home.Community office does not evenly apply community rules. It really depends on who in the office you know. Cut down a 30 year old 15 ft Japanese Maple because it was under electrical line (would never have grown tall enough to reach line). However, other properties have tree in the lines that are still standing. A variety of other examples from fences to clothesline prohibitions. Read Less
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Nice scenic area but desolate and HOA is questionable 2.5 rating By RUPitt ( Sep 03, 2016) Very scenic area with a nice lake that has some good fishing. Most of the people in the community are nice and pleasant. There is one pizza place in the community. Service varies. Half the time nail it. Others, can't get it right and if they do it takes an hour for a tuna fish s ...Read More andwich. There is not much close but a lot in a half hour radius. Nearest grocery store is 8 miles. Nearest gas station is a few miles. However, Gettysburg, Hanover, York and Harrisburg are a half hour to 40 minutes. So make sure you have gas, eggs and milk before you get home.Community office does not evenly apply community rules. It really depends on who in the office you know. Cut down a 30 year old 15 ft Japanese Maple because it was under electrical line (would never have grown tall enough to reach line). However, other properties have tree in the lines that are still standing. A variety of other examples from fences to clothesline prohibitions. Read Less

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Compare Lake Meade, PA Livability


      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Lake Meade? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.


      Sunset Park
      Latimore Valley Fair Grounds


      Eastern Museum of MotorSports Racing

      Food & Drink

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Lake Meade? Of all people who commute, 0.0% take public transportation in Lake Meade.
      Drive to Work

      9% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      5% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      3% lower than the US average

      A Health & Safety

      Is Lake Meade a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


