Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (51) A+
Entertainment (100) A+
Food and Drink (456) A+
Fitness (57) F
Groceries (82) F
Parks (543) A+
Shops (655) A+
See more Fort Worth amenity data

commute A

Of all people who commute, 0.7% take public transportation in Fort Worth.
Public Transit Stops (111)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Fort Worth commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Fort Worth is 105/100 - which is 14% higher than Texas.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Fort Worth cost of living data

crime F

Fort Worth crime rates are 3,136 per 100k, which is 19% higher than Texas
Property Crime
2,646 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
490 crimes per 100k
See more Fort Worth crime data

employment B-

The median income in Fort Worth is $64,567 - which is 18% higher than Texas.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Fort Worth employment data

health A

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (277)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Fort Worth health & safety data

housing A+

Fort Worth home prices are $190,400 - which is 33% higher than Texas
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
2.9x (home price to income ratio)
See more Fort Worth housing data

schools D+

The Fort Worth graduation rate is 77% - which is 1% lower than Texas
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (251) F
High Schools (81) A+
See more Fort Worth education data

ratings F

Fort Worth has an overall rating of 49% from 42 reviews.
User Reviews (8)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (34)
From AreaVibes
See more Fort Worth user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Fort Worth, TX
( 42 Ratings )

Living in Fort Worth, TX

Fort Worth Area Facts

  • Fort Worth has a Livability Score of 80/100, which is considered exceptional
  • Fort Worth crime rates are 19% higher than the Texas average
  • Cost of living in Fort Worth is 14% higher than the Texas average
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Fort Worth Reviews

Write a review about Fort Worth Tell people what you like or don't like about Fort Worth…
No police support 1.5 rating By Nathan ( May 28, 2018) Area itself is ok. Great variety of places to shop and dine and plenty of attractions to keep anyone busy. The nightlife is lacking in that there really isn’t anything to do unless you’re into bars. It seems as though the area caters a lot to people that enjoy night clubs ...Read More and bars so if you’re interested in anything else you’re pretty much outta luck. The community to be 10 times better than it is if the police department were worth a flip. Response time to 911 calls (if you get a response) is almost not worth making the call. Even making a general complaint seems to just be ignored. For example, we’ve made calls about suspicious behaviors, disturbing the peace, and speeding throughout our neighborhood and almost “NEVER” seen a patrol vehicle in response. We’ve even made a call concerning a child running in the street at 2 in the morning while the parents yelled at the top of their lungs and never saw a patrol vehicle show up. Great place to shop and dine and head out to the bars though. Read Less
for deaf indiviuals 1.5 rating By nic ( Jan 01, 2018) My opinion really is this is a wonderful city to explore but for those who are wanting jobs. This city is not for deaf and hard of hearing singles or couple starting out on there own or just to grow up here. Jobs are not friendly to the deaf and hard of hearing only to experience ...Read More that my self and schools are some what hard to fit in if you are the only one who is deaf and hard of hearing. Other then that the food is fantastic and there are so much activities for everyone but not enough sidewalks to use around the city and everything is far. As far as it go's this is a fun city. Read Less
Fort Worth is not for African American families are not welcome here 0.5 rating By Honest ( Nov 12, 2017) Hello I'm just like the people that had to relocate from Katrina but I did not come from Katrina I came from another state that had problems and people were forced to relocate for a better life I came to Fort Worth Texas with no criminal record I did not come to Fort Worth to bre ...Read More ak any laws to bother or hurt nobody people was recommending Fort Worth Texas in my state for relocation but I wish someone had said that Fort Worth on a regular basis falsely arrested African American people they also change accident reports on African American people I just believe Fort Worth is a racist City and the mayor and chief of police and nobody else care so anybody African-American please do not choose Fort Worth to relocate to I promise you you will see on the news people being falsely arrested with no justice serve if you in an accident you will see the police will change the report so the other person that is not African-American will get the insurance coverage meaning they will be the ones to get their car fixed and not you they will make sure the report helps the person that is not African American now I have to find somewhere else to move please if you African-American don't come to Fort Worth please if you want to stay in Fort Worth and you African-American stand up and get ready for a fight for your rights you will not win cuz I promise you the mayor here and nobody else care about these false arrest on African Americans and the bullying that come from the Fort Worth Police Department who want to live in the city at any time the police department will Star bullying you destroying your life falsely locking you up and changing police reports they will even falsely send your kids to juvenile this how deep this is they Fasley lock up the parent and kids Lord I wish I knew where to go this has broken my heart so bad I felt like I almost had a heart attack when I was falsely locked up by these people please really really reviews on where you would like to move too and I pray to God this review get to the right person's hands I have been living this life and everything I tell you is true and it has not been fun at all staying here over the last 8 years and getting my rights taken Read Less
Texas 2 rating By grrldgr ( Sep 13, 2017) Coming from Houston this place is better. Less humid, less hot, less traffic, less people, way less mosquitoes. There is more community, more architectural preservation, and more cowboys. The food is better. The people are the same, fat. Reduced ignorance and arrogance compared t ...Read More o the rest of the state. Housing costs are the same, as well as food. The trains are noisy at Vickery and Hulen St. I would recommend living a half mile away at least. The homeless stay downtown as street begging is not permitted anywhere. If you're raising a family or looking for a place to retire, I recommend this place. It's low paced and Christian minded. For singles, there is some nightlife at Magnolia St and also West 7th, but I do not know of any nightclubs. If you want Mexican food NOT TexMex, there is a good amount to choose from. If you like coffee, Avoca is a must try. I've found the community to be friendly and old tradition here. Nothing like Houston. You get a few speeders on the freeway, but most traffic is mindful and keeps right. Remember, it's a slow paced city. If you venture to Dallas, it's 40+ miles away btw, you will find crime, traffic, and road rage. Hopefully you dont need to, as Fort Worth has all of the amenities. If you need to travel east, get a toll tag. There are several highways that require it, no coins or cash permitted. Roads are in better condition compared to Houston. There's a pothole only on occasion. As far as weather, its sunny most of the year. It reaches 100 in July, but its not humid. If theres a chance of rain, prepare to stay inside. Thunderstorms here are heavy and dangerous. I haven't seen hail but once in Waco coming up from Austin, although many car bodies here say otherwise. Remember, if a storm can produce hail, it can produce a tornado. I haven't seen a tornado here, but just be mindful. The lightning and wind can get intense, you can witness it the next day with all the downed branches. Flooding doesn't seem to be a problem here water drains away quite well. For the family there's plenty to do. Theres a zoo with historic cabins nearby, annual rodeo, six flags, historic stockyards, botanical gardens, historic theatres, summer fireworks displays. I hear there's a indoor water park being built. A good section of Camp Bowie St is still paved with brick. It used to be called the Bankhead highway. There is an intersection at Camp Bowie and W 7th. It takes 3 minutes or so to get through. Check out the map, you'll see why. For the gearheads, I recommend the car museum in Weatherford. Theres also the Texas Motor Speedway as well as The Motorsport Ranch. The Ranch isnt too family or spectator friendly. It's more of a testing facility. Read Less
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Fort Worth is not for African American families are not welcome here 0.5 rating By Honest ( Nov 12, 2017) Hello I'm just like the people that had to relocate from Katrina but I did not come from Katrina I came from another state that had problems and people were forced to relocate for a better life I came to Fort Worth Texas with no criminal record I did not come to Fort Worth to bre ...Read More ak any laws to bother or hurt nobody people was recommending Fort Worth Texas in my state for relocation but I wish someone had said that Fort Worth on a regular basis falsely arrested African American people they also change accident reports on African American people I just believe Fort Worth is a racist City and the mayor and chief of police and nobody else care so anybody African-American please do not choose Fort Worth to relocate to I promise you you will see on the news people being falsely arrested with no justice serve if you in an accident you will see the police will change the report so the other person that is not African-American will get the insurance coverage meaning they will be the ones to get their car fixed and not you they will make sure the report helps the person that is not African American now I have to find somewhere else to move please if you African-American don't come to Fort Worth please if you want to stay in Fort Worth and you African-American stand up and get ready for a fight for your rights you will not win cuz I promise you the mayor here and nobody else care about these false arrest on African Americans and the bullying that come from the Fort Worth Police Department who want to live in the city at any time the police department will Star bullying you destroying your life falsely locking you up and changing police reports they will even falsely send your kids to juvenile this how deep this is they Fasley lock up the parent and kids Lord I wish I knew where to go this has broken my heart so bad I felt like I almost had a heart attack when I was falsely locked up by these people please really really reviews on where you would like to move too and I pray to God this review get to the right person's hands I have been living this life and everything I tell you is true and it has not been fun at all staying here over the last 8 years and getting my rights taken Read Less
Texas 2 rating By grrldgr ( Sep 13, 2017) Coming from Houston this place is better. Less humid, less hot, less traffic, less people, way less mosquitoes. There is more community, more architectural preservation, and more cowboys. The food is better. The people are the same, fat. Reduced ignorance and arrogance compared t ...Read More o the rest of the state. Housing costs are the same, as well as food. The trains are noisy at Vickery and Hulen St. I would recommend living a half mile away at least. The homeless stay downtown as street begging is not permitted anywhere. If you're raising a family or looking for a place to retire, I recommend this place. It's low paced and Christian minded. For singles, there is some nightlife at Magnolia St and also West 7th, but I do not know of any nightclubs. If you want Mexican food NOT TexMex, there is a good amount to choose from. If you like coffee, Avoca is a must try. I've found the community to be friendly and old tradition here. Nothing like Houston. You get a few speeders on the freeway, but most traffic is mindful and keeps right. Remember, it's a slow paced city. If you venture to Dallas, it's 40+ miles away btw, you will find crime, traffic, and road rage. Hopefully you dont need to, as Fort Worth has all of the amenities. If you need to travel east, get a toll tag. There are several highways that require it, no coins or cash permitted. Roads are in better condition compared to Houston. There's a pothole only on occasion. As far as weather, its sunny most of the year. It reaches 100 in July, but its not humid. If theres a chance of rain, prepare to stay inside. Thunderstorms here are heavy and dangerous. I haven't seen hail but once in Waco coming up from Austin, although many car bodies here say otherwise. Remember, if a storm can produce hail, it can produce a tornado. I haven't seen a tornado here, but just be mindful. The lightning and wind can get intense, you can witness it the next day with all the downed branches. Flooding doesn't seem to be a problem here water drains away quite well. For the family there's plenty to do. Theres a zoo with historic cabins nearby, annual rodeo, six flags, historic stockyards, botanical gardens, historic theatres, summer fireworks displays. I hear there's a indoor water park being built. A good section of Camp Bowie St is still paved with brick. It used to be called the Bankhead highway. There is an intersection at Camp Bowie and W 7th. It takes 3 minutes or so to get through. Check out the map, you'll see why. For the gearheads, I recommend the car museum in Weatherford. Theres also the Texas Motor Speedway as well as The Motorsport Ranch. The Ranch isnt too family or spectator friendly. It's more of a testing facility. Read Less
Wouldnt Move Here 1 rating By Lynette05 ( Jun 08, 2017) My family and i are from San Antonio and we are staying here for the summer cause of my husbands job. I cant believe how arrogant people can still be and the rudeness here is unbelievable. We are a hispanic family and unfortunately the majority of people here are white and i thou ...Read More ght racism ended long ago but being here the looks and vibes i get are horrible. Walking into places we dont get greeted or just a friendly hello or excuse me is too much i guess. Dont get me wrong this place has nice places to visit and restaurants we dont have back home but i rather have a humble, caring, friendly city then this. Read Less
Living in Fort Worth 1.5 rating By Care2speak ( Sep 25, 2016) I moved to Fort worh about a year ago from Colorado (big mistake) the are is nice but I'll tell you what to really expect if you plan on living here. Heat. Not regular heat but ungodly heat and humidity. Our apartment is in an upscale area and we are constantly having to deal wi ...Read More th wasp nests,spiders (giant ones) and we have personally killed 6 snakes. 4 copperheads and two grey one's that Im not familiar with, As for as the people well without going onto to much detail I'll say that EVERYTHING is bigger in TX. I was a semi driver for many years with about 1/2 million miles under my belt and by far TX has the most arrogant self righteous, me attitude drivers I've ever seen. With a motorcycle rider killed everday. The food is good which explains the size of the people. I do believe TX has some good about it but I'm not staying around long enough to find it. Read Less
Fort Worth - City with a History 4 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 24, 2011) I lived in Wichita Falls, Texas for most of my life. Whenever I wanted to go shopping and have some good night life, I traveled to Fort Worth, Texas. There was so much I liked about the city. To name a few, I really liked the food and the shopping. They have a pretty decent mall, ...Read More and a few good outlet malls that were all in my price range. The drive was always gorgeous, lots of open land whenever I went there. It was my home away from home. There is a lot of history in Fort Worth, and its got that old feel to it when you visit. Fort Worth has a lot of Western history, that really just draws you in. The city houses a Forth Worth Museum of Science and History, as well as an Imax theater if you are looking for something truly interesting. Fort Worth is home to five different museums, some dealing with the western side of things. It's a true Cowboy experience!

A few things to look into while you visit are the Stockyards National Historical Exhibit, the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens, and the Forth Worth Zoo. It is impossible not to enjoy yourself when you visit this old town. City traffic is a downside to the city, but with so much to do and see you will hardly notice. Spend a day at the zoo, and enjoying the historical district. Then, when you aren't ready to call it a night, travel down to Boogers Red for a cowboy meal with delicious ribs and endless beer. Fort Worth is an incredibly entertaining place to visit, and I recommend it. Read Less
Fort Worth - The Best of Both Worlds 4 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 30, 2010) I have been to Fort Worth many times. For a year, I attended college in Denton, TX, and I would often take the 30 minute drive down to Fort Worth to participate in the city life. Currently, my father lives in Fort Worth, so I get out there once or twice a year to visit.

Fort Wo
...Read More rth a unique city. It's not all that big itself, but it sits right next to Dallas. Together with Dallas and all the surrounding suburbs, the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex is one of the largest in the nation. What I like most about Fort Worth is gazing into the sky during the night time. If you've ever heard the song "the stars at night, shine big and bright...deep in the heart of Texas", then you'll know what I mean. You can see more stars here than you'll ever see.

The best part about Fort Worth is that it is a fairly accessible city, and Dallas isn't too far away. Most of the unique art,cultural events and attractions happen in Dallas, and you'll be able to get there quickly. At the same time, you won't have to spend your vacation dealing with all the congestion associated with Dallas. Read Less

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      Fort Worth, TX

      Fort Worth is the 13th largest city and the 4th most densely populated cosmopolitan metropolis in the United States. The city is situated in North Central Texas and is home to more than 850,000 people. Having being established in the year 1849 as a military outpost, Fort Worth overlooks Trinity River. The city ranks amongst the most popular tourist destination in the state of Texas, hosting approximately 94 million visitors every year. These are aided by the fact the Fort Worth is located just a few miles from the DFW Airport, which one of the busiest airports in the world.

      It is no surprise that many people have dubbed Fort Worth as the museum capital of the southwest. It is well known for the world-famous western-oriented museums, including the log cabin village, a replica of mid-1800s village. With an abundance of unique dining experiences, vibrant nightlife, and cultural sites, there is so much for everyone to enjoy all-year-round. The city carries a deeply rooted western heritage, and there is no better place to experience this as in Stockyards National Historic District. Fort Worth host a variety of events that attract people from all over the country and beyond. These include the Main Street Arts Festival, a four-event held annual that features an art fair, live music, and street performers.

      If you are looking to spend your day out in nature, then you can take a stroll at the Fort Worth Water Gardens and spend your afternoon at the 4-acre urban park enjoying the vortex-like pools, fountains, and waterfall. Other exciting activities include zip-lining at the Urban Air Adventure Park. The best thing is that most of the events have reduced prices to pay thanks to the subsidies from the Sundance Square.

      A relatively affordable cost of living and the buzzing real estate market has been attracting families from all over. When it comes to housing, there is something for everyone. Different areas attract people with different needs. If you are on a hunt for a job, then being in Fort Worth will probably increase your chances of landing your dream home. The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex is famous around the world for being host to the largest concentration of Fortune 500 companies. Fort Worth is home to over 80,000 businesses, has a remarkable education system, and offers a multitude of educational resources.

      Fort Worth has a working and efficient public transport network, and even using your car is much cheaper compared to most other cities around the country. These are primarily supported by the fact the state is a significant player in the oil industry. Fort Worth is an amazing city filled with respectful people and a plethora of activities to keep you busy. It is arguably the home of the legendary "Southern Charm."

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Fort Worth? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Sundance Square Plaza
      Sleeping Panther
      Montessori School Playground
      Paddock Park
      General Worth Square
      General Worth Square
      Panther Park
      Nutt Lake Park


      Hyena's Comedy Club
      AMC Palace Theatre
      Sid Richardson Museum
      Fire Station #1 (Historical)
      Bass Performance Hall
      Jubilee Theatre
      Circle Theatre
      Fort Worth Convention Center

      Food & Drink

      Jamba Juice
      Taco Diner
      Five Guys
      Four Day Weekend
      Fort Worth Live
      Fox & Hound
      Houston Street Bar & Patio

      D+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Fort Worth? Of all people who commute, 0.7% take public transportation in Fort Worth.
      Drive to Work

      3% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      4% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      B- Health & Safety

      Is Fort Worth a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Texas Rehabilitation Hospital of Fort Worth
      Lifecare Hospitals of Fort Worth
      Harris Methodist Southwest Hospital
      Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Fort Worth
      USMD Hospital at Fort Worth
      Baylor Scott & White All Saints Medical Center – Fort Worth
      Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Fort Worth
      John Peter Smith Hospital


      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      Kroger Pharmacy


      Mihills-Web Primary Care Physician
      Polavarapu Plastic Surgery
      Warthan Dermatology Mohs Skin Cancer Surgery Center
      Texas Health Care Rheumatology
      Texas Health Care Colon Rectal Surgery
      Texas Digestive Disease Consultants
      Texas Health Care Neurology