Statistic North Sherwood Terrace And Silver Maples Fort Wayne Indiana
Population 219 268,378 6,732,219
Population density (sq mi) 305 2,423 188
Median age 31.1 35.3 37.4
Male/Female ratio 1.3:1 0.9:1 1.0:1
Married (15yrs & older) n/a 51% 56%
Families w/ Kids under 18 36% 46% 43%
Speak English n/a 87% 92%
Speak Spanish n/a 6% 5%
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Demographics Quick Facts

  • The population density in North Sherwood Terrace And Silver Maples is 87% lower than Fort Wayne
  • The median age in North Sherwood Terrace And Silver Maples is 12% lower than Fort Wayne
  • In North Sherwood Terrace And Silver Maples 70.77% of the population is White
  • In North Sherwood Terrace And Silver Maples 21.96% of the population is Black
  • In North Sherwood Terrace And Silver Maples 3.72% of the population is Asian

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      North Sherwood Terrace And Silver Maples racial demographics

      Race North Sherwood Terrace And Silver Maples Fort Wayne Indiana
      White 70.77% 71.95% 83.99%
      Black 21.96% 15.03% 9.23%
      Asian 3.72% 5.00% 1.98%
      American Indian 0.00% 0.22% 0.24%
      Native Hawaiian 0.00% 0.04% 0.04%
      Mixed race 2.35% 5.09% 2.22%
      Other race 1.19% 2.67% 2.30%
      In North Sherwood Terrace And Silver Maples, 9.1% of people are of Hispanic or Latino origin.
      Please note: Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in any/all of the applicable race categories above.

      Household income distribution

      Place of birth by citizenship

      North Sherwood Terrace And Silver Maples age breakdown

      Marital status

      Age of children in married couples

      Source: The North Sherwood Terrace And Silver Maples, Fort Wayne, IN demographics data displayed above is derived from the United States Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS).