Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities F

There are not many amenities close to this location.
Coffee (0) F
Entertainment (1) F
Food and Drink (4) F
Fast Food
Burger King
Fast Food
Fitness (1) F
Groceries (1) F
Parks (1) F
Highway Park
Shops (5) F
Circle K
Convenience Store
Convenience Store
Convenience Store
See more Florence amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 0.0% take public transportation in Florence.
Public Transit Stops (0)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Florence commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Florence is 107/100 - which is 6% higher than Arizona.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Florence cost of living data

crime A+

Florence crime rates are 552 per 100k, which is 75% lower than Arizona
Property Crime
456 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
96 crimes per 100k
See more Florence crime data

employment B

The median income in Florence is $58,363 - which is 14% higher than Arizona.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Florence employment data

health F

There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Health & Safety (6)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Florence Fire Department
Fire Station
Pinal County Sheriff's Office Florence
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Florence health & safety data

housing A+

Florence home prices are $188,000 - which is 6% higher than Arizona
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3.2x (home price to income ratio)
See more Florence housing data

schools F

The Florence graduation rate is 62% - which is 25% lower than Arizona
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (8) F
Summit School
Florence K-8
Florence Virtual Academy
Asp - Florence West/A.C.I.
High Schools (8) A+
Cavit - Florence Unified
Summit School
Florence Virtual Academy
Florence High School
See more Florence education data

ratings C

Florence has an overall rating of 65% from 22 reviews.
User Reviews (5)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (17)
From AreaVibes
See more Florence user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Florence, AZ
( 22 Ratings )

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Florence Reviews

Write a review about Florence Tell people what you like or don't like about Florence…
Comfy, quiet and safe 5 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 13, 2019) i been living here for a couple of years now. this city is growing quick and they are building tons of new homes.
ill keep my review short.
1.its safe
4.growing community.
...Read More Read Less
Amazing City !! Extremely low crime rate.!! GROWING City with Brand new Homes!!! 5 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 13, 2019) First, i like to say Florence is the 3rd safest city in the whole state.
The people here are seasonal and extremely friendly. The City is small and divided into a section that almost touches Queen creek. Like every city in every state 90% areas are safe, taken care of and peopl
...Read More e are good. Every city has its small areas that look a little old and affordable living areas. I been able to visit all areas of this city and my top 2 areas to choose to live is Definitely Anthem & Magic Ranch Estates. Anthem is redicously beautiful and the HOA maintenance that place like crazy. Magic Ranch Estates, is also well maintained by the HOA and its a small but separate part from Magic Ranch Oasis(different). We do have shopping centers at Anthem places to eat there and Downtown Florence. The city seems to be growing at a rapid pace and new homes are been built behind Florence and SanTan Valley Area. The area is really affordable and has high-speed Gibabit internet in most areas for those who work at home. If you are looking to purchase a new home i always suggest get into a community. The communities have there owned secuirty, HOA's, Amenities, and have close connections to police officers who live and work in the same communities. Many of who work in the city and Prison on the outskirts of Florence. Oh, yea one more thing, the prison of Florence and Coolidge are really .. and I mean really hard to find. They are nowhere near communities and its like they don't exist and are extremely safe. Every single city has a city Jail in this Country and if you are not bothered by that in your city then you will never care of even think twice of them. Many city Dwellers are buying up new homes around Florence and San Tan Valley, the city are expanding.
Also to the negative review i seen on here. Sounds more like a person, and racial issue and vendetta against whoever the renter or owner of that person place than to the city. They are no related. I hope this review helps. Read Less
PLEASE do yourself a favor read my review, then look elsewhere. 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 02, 2018) Do NOT move to Florence, I repeat do NOT move to Florence Arizona. The crime rate is DOUBLE what they post and they have a HUGE opioid and meth problem in the Town of Florence. Pinal County officials do NOT give a crap about anyone who desires/keeps their property up, thereby kee ...Read More ping values up. Nope, they ONLY help and support dirty scoundrels who take a piece of NICE property and create a JUNKYARD, driving down values all around them. I've been reporting a nasty, decrepit camper that has NO title, therefore NO tag, which is AGAINST their own policies. On the SAME property, this owner brought an old farm tank (also against code unless it's a WORKING over 3 acres, this property is NOT and is 1.25 acres), which rolled around for almost 2 years, damaging my fence in 3 places and another property owner's fence, THEY DO NOTHING. There are PILES and PILES of old dish washers, dryers, washing machine and fence materials. What does Mike Boyd at Code Compliance do? He gives this junkyard master a free pass for almost 3 years! Maximum time for getting property up to code is 90 days, per THEIR rules. Meanwhile, I'm 60, widowed and disabled, my property value went down $10,000 because of the NEW junkyard (which is NOT zoned for this) in front of my property. They NEVER return my calls, even after they invited me to in order to get updates. I have to get nasty and make harsh demands, then they call. WTF is up with that? NO tax PAYING citizen ought to have to act that way to get a response. Hispanic men working at code compliance, giving a Hispanic property owner pass after pass after pass. Being white and female, does NOTHING for you here, in fact, from EVERYTHING I've seen, it works AGAINST you.I lived in Maricopa County for 27 years before moving to Pinal in 2012 and I have NEVER seen this kind of 1900's hillbilly treatment in ANY other part of the state. So, please do yourself a favor and look at other counties where your life, including protection of constitutional and property rights are protected in a manner that ought to be found everywhere in our great republic of these United States. Read Less
PLEASE do yourself a favor read my review, then look elsewhere. 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 31, 2018) Do NOT move to Florence, AZ unless you like: officials who allow property owners to create junkyards on their property & IGNORE code compliance complaints, allowing junk cars, campers w/NO title/tag, BOTH are illegal according to THEIR codes; allow farm tanks on property NOT zone ...Read More d for farms, blowing around in wind storms damaging FENCES of surrounding properties, when reported, they do NOTHING; need the sheriff to report something to or help? Forget it! They TELL THEIR GOOD OLE BOYS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD WHO is reporting WHAT. White?, you are at the bottom of the barrel, female and white?, well then you're COMPLETELY screwed. They don't care property values are diminished by surrounding junkyard properties. To add insult to injury, they RAISE your taxes, making YOU pay MORE to look at the junk. ANYWHERE else in Arizona is better than Pinal Co. I've been here since 1980, and NEVER experienced this until moving here in 2012. Read Less
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PLEASE do yourself a favor read my review, then look elsewhere. 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 02, 2018) Do NOT move to Florence, I repeat do NOT move to Florence Arizona. The crime rate is DOUBLE what they post and they have a HUGE opioid and meth problem in the Town of Florence. Pinal County officials do NOT give a crap about anyone who desires/keeps their property up, thereby kee ...Read More ping values up. Nope, they ONLY help and support dirty scoundrels who take a piece of NICE property and create a JUNKYARD, driving down values all around them. I've been reporting a nasty, decrepit camper that has NO title, therefore NO tag, which is AGAINST their own policies. On the SAME property, this owner brought an old farm tank (also against code unless it's a WORKING over 3 acres, this property is NOT and is 1.25 acres), which rolled around for almost 2 years, damaging my fence in 3 places and another property owner's fence, THEY DO NOTHING. There are PILES and PILES of old dish washers, dryers, washing machine and fence materials. What does Mike Boyd at Code Compliance do? He gives this junkyard master a free pass for almost 3 years! Maximum time for getting property up to code is 90 days, per THEIR rules. Meanwhile, I'm 60, widowed and disabled, my property value went down $10,000 because of the NEW junkyard (which is NOT zoned for this) in front of my property. They NEVER return my calls, even after they invited me to in order to get updates. I have to get nasty and make harsh demands, then they call. WTF is up with that? NO tax PAYING citizen ought to have to act that way to get a response. Hispanic men working at code compliance, giving a Hispanic property owner pass after pass after pass. Being white and female, does NOTHING for you here, in fact, from EVERYTHING I've seen, it works AGAINST you.I lived in Maricopa County for 27 years before moving to Pinal in 2012 and I have NEVER seen this kind of 1900's hillbilly treatment in ANY other part of the state. So, please do yourself a favor and look at other counties where your life, including protection of constitutional and property rights are protected in a manner that ought to be found everywhere in our great republic of these United States. Read Less
PLEASE do yourself a favor read my review, then look elsewhere. 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 31, 2018) Do NOT move to Florence, AZ unless you like: officials who allow property owners to create junkyards on their property & IGNORE code compliance complaints, allowing junk cars, campers w/NO title/tag, BOTH are illegal according to THEIR codes; allow farm tanks on property NOT zone ...Read More d for farms, blowing around in wind storms damaging FENCES of surrounding properties, when reported, they do NOTHING; need the sheriff to report something to or help? Forget it! They TELL THEIR GOOD OLE BOYS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD WHO is reporting WHAT. White?, you are at the bottom of the barrel, female and white?, well then you're COMPLETELY screwed. They don't care property values are diminished by surrounding junkyard properties. To add insult to injury, they RAISE your taxes, making YOU pay MORE to look at the junk. ANYWHERE else in Arizona is better than Pinal Co. I've been here since 1980, and NEVER experienced this until moving here in 2012. Read Less
Florence AZ: Come for the Low Crime Rate. Stay Because It's Really Pretty Nice. 4 rating By SubduedBlonde ( Jan 11, 2018) Yes, it's hot. Days begin breaking the 100° mark in March. But don't let the number scare you: It's a dry heat, which means that while the intensity is there, it's really not as noticeable when compared to an East-er city like Virginia Beach or Chicago where the humidity is astr ...Read More onomically high and days above 80° call for air conditioning and everything just sticksticksticks together in a miserable way. Don't be alarmed to see the mercury rise to 125° or more in the afternoon; just use some common sense and don't stand like a stately saguaro, tall and proud and baking in the sun...go inside, for cryin' out loud. Another shocker: the bugs. Scorpions will kill you, vinegaroons will scare the life outta you, and the cockroaches will infiltrate your home in small gangs sporting wife-beaters and smoking blunts, and they will ask in broken English what you're cooking for dinner. The bugs here are seriously huge, but don't let them deter you from moving here. Just keep a moderately clean home and the insects, while not (ever) disappearing completely, will be kept to a minimum.Without a doubt, to me anyway, the absolute worst aspect of Florence Life has got to be the water "service" (term used quite loosely). Take a shower and observe the crap left clinging to the stall wall. Keep in mind that said funk is now coating the pipes in your home, building up nasty blockage in everything it touches: sewage, washing machine, sinks, and horrifingly true, your body. Water isn't supposed to have a "flavor," per se. This water's flavor screams, "Don't drink me!" Most residents have a water filtration system or religiously purchase case upon case of bottled water. It is really disturbing, the deplorable quality of our public water, thank you very much, George Johnson, the billionaire who doesn't care. (But, I digress.)There you have it: The Subdued Blonde's Top Three (for Now) Issues to Consider If You're Thinking About Moving to Florence. The people are mostly friendly, the roads are improving, the sun is always shining, the town is growing, and it's affordable to live here. I'm really glad I now call Florence my home town. (Typed with a smile.) Read Less

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Florence Awards

Compare Florence, AZ Livability


      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Florence? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.


      Highway Park


      Food & Drink

      Burger King

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Florence? Of all people who commute, 0.0% take public transportation in Florence.
      Drive to Work

      2% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      5% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      2% lower than the US average

      F Health & Safety

      Is Florence a healthy and safe place to live? No, there are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,


      Florence Hospital at Anthem

