Statistic East Gaffney South Carolina National
Population 3,043 5,148,714 328,239,523
Population density (sq mi) 1,006 173 91
Median age 37.0 38.8 37.7
Male/Female ratio 0.7:1 0.9:1 1.0:1
Married (15yrs & older) 52% 56% 55%
Families w/ Kids under 18 39% 40% 43%
Speak English 87% 93% 79%
Speak Spanish 12% 4% 13%

Overview of East Gaffney Demographics

The population in East Gaffney is 3,043, while the population density is 1,006 people per square mile, contrasting with the national average of 91. The median age stands at 37, with 52% of individuals aged 15 or older being married and 39% having children under 18. In terms of household income equality in East Gaffney, 49% of households report a median income below $25,000, while 0% report an income exceeding $150,000. The East Gaffney demographics data can provide invaluable insight into the composition, dynamics and needs of urban and rural areas, enabling planners, developers and policymakers to strategize effectively for the promotion of prosperity, equity and well-being for all residents in the area.

East Gaffney Racial Demographics & Ethnicity

Understanding the East Gaffney racial demographics and ethnic composition is paramount for addressing systemic inequities, advancing social justice and inclusion and fortifying communities. In East Gaffney, the racial breakdown indicates 61.4% White, 26.5% Black or African American, 0.9% Asian, 0% American Indian and 0% Native Hawaiian, with 11.8% of the population identifying as Hispanic or Latino. Notably, 87.1% of households reported speaking English only, while 12% reported speaking Spanish only. Additionally, 6.7% of residents were categorized as foreign-born.

East Gaffney Population Density

Communities such as East Gaffney, with population densities higher than the average, play a significant role in promoting environmental sustainability by decreasing per capita energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and land use. Their compact urban development encourages the adoption of energy-efficient buildings, walking, cycling, and public transportation, fostering sustainable lifestyles and minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, densely populated areas tend to cultivate vibrant social and cultural scenes, fueled by a diverse population that contributes to a myriad of cultural events, festivals and community activities. This cultural diversity sparks creativity, innovation and cross-cultural exchange, enriching the social fabric of the community. East Gaffney has a population density of 1,006, surpassing the national average of 91 people per square mile, as it stands poised to reap the benefits of dense urban living.

Why are Demographics Important?

Understanding Populations: By reporting and analyzing East Gaffney demographics, we can acquire valuable insights into the makeup and traits of populations, encompassing age, gender, race, ethnicity, income, education and various socio-economic factors. This comprehension is vital for tackling the varied needs, preferences, and obstacles encountered by different demographic groups within communities. Demographics serve a pivotal role in comprehending populations, guiding decision-making processes and advancing equity, inclusion and overall well-being for all individuals and communities. The East Gaffney population data serves as a cornerstone for addressing social, economic and environmental challenges, while also fostering the well-being and strength of communities.

Urban Development: By leveraging demographic data in East Gaffney, urban planners can tailor areas to meet the needs of any resident across housing, transportation and public services, all while fostering sustainability and elevating quality of life. Demographic changes can fuel gentrification and neighborhood transformation, whether in urban or rural settings. As neighborhoods attract newcomers with varying income levels and lifestyle preferences, property values may appreciate, potentially displacing established residents and reshaping the neighborhood's fabric. A nuanced understanding of population density, age distribution, household size and income levels is pivotal for guiding decisions on zoning, transportation infrastructure, housing development and public amenities. Utilizing the demographic data in planning and implementing affordable housing initiatives can help mitigate displacement risks and promote inclusive communities.

Education Allocation: Utilizing census data like East Gaffney demographics can be useful in guiding education planning, as it helps identify student demographics, school enrollment trends and educational needs. This data assists schools and policymakers in allocating resources and devising effective educational programs. It serves as a vital tool for recognizing disparities in educational access and outcomes among various demographic groups, including racial and ethnic minorities, socio-economic status and students with disabilities. By disaggregating data based on demographic factors, education planners can pinpoint areas of inequity and implement targeted interventions to enhance access, support and outcomes for marginalized students. In essence, East Gaffney demographic statistics can play an indispensable role in education by promoting equity, bolstering student success and cultivating inclusive learning environments tailored to meet the needs of all students.

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Demographics Quick Facts

  • The population density in East Gaffney is 482% higher than South Carolina
  • The median age in East Gaffney is 5% lower than South Carolina
  • In East Gaffney 61.39% of the population is White
  • In East Gaffney 26.49% of the population is Black
  • In East Gaffney 0.85% of the population is Asian

Compare East Gaffney, SC Demographics


      East Gaffney racial demographics

      Race East Gaffney South Carolina National
      White 61.39% 67.27% 73.35%
      Black 26.49% 27.35% 12.63%
      Asian 0.85% 1.42% 5.22%
      American Indian 0.00% 0.32% 0.82%
      Native Hawaiian 0.00% 0.06% 0.18%
      Mixed race 2.33% 2.07% 3.06%
      Other race 8.94% 1.51% 4.75%
      In East Gaffney, 11.8% of people are of Hispanic or Latino origin.
      Please note: Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in any/all of the applicable race categories above.

      Household income distribution

      Place of birth by citizenship

      East Gaffney age breakdown

      Marital status

      Age of children in married couples

      Source: The East Gaffney, SC demographics data displayed above is derived from the United States Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS).