50 km
30 mi

Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.
There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (83) B
Entertainment (102) A+
Food and Drink (790) A+
Fitness (62) F
Groceries (147) B
Parks (700) A+
Shops (919) A+
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Of all people who commute, 3.3% take public transportation in Dallas.
Public Transit Stops (1704)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
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The cost of living in Dallas is 107/100 - which is 16% higher than Texas.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
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Dallas crime rates are 4,702 per 100k, which is 78% higher than Texas
Property Crime
4,030 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
672 crimes per 100k
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The median income in Dallas is $54,747 - which is equal to Texas.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
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There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (321)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
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Dallas home prices are $208,700 - which is 46% higher than Texas
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3.8x (home price to income ratio)
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The Dallas graduation rate is 72% - which is 7% lower than Texas
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (393) F
High Schools (114) A+
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Dallas has an overall rating of 72% from 60 reviews.
User Reviews (13)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (47)
From AreaVibes
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( 60 Ratings )

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Dallas: Flighty Friends, Pushy Drivers, Limited Diversity 2 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 23, 2019) I recently relocated back to Houston from Dallas. I was in Dallas for 18 months. I went there in September of 2017 as a result of Hurricane Harvey - it was where I chose to evacuate. My life in Houston had also gotten stale on a number of fronts, so I had serious hopes that Dalla ...Read More s could outdo Houston.

Guess what? It didn’t. What I learned about Dallas is that while it is another large city in Texas like Houston (and Austin and San Antonio) it is very different, and not in good ways. In summary, Dallas is too small, and not racially and culturally diverse enough for my liking.

First, though, some important disclaimers for others who have wandered onto this city’s page. I looked at reviews of places with names “Cedar Park”, “McKinney”, and what not. Those are NOT Dallas - those are in what is known collectively as the “Metroplex”, the cluster of over 30 cities and independent municipalities that make up the entire area. Dallas is the largest city in the Metroplex but it is not the only one. Some of the experiences that folks gave account for here would make sense for a small town or community surrounding Dallas, but not Dallas itself.

Second, I actually lived in Dallas for a year and a half. Someone who visited is going to have a different perspective because, frankly, they’re not staying. The city is effectively something to entertain them. But they’re not immersed in the day-in, day-out activities of having a life: getting a job, making friends, finding things to do in one’s free time outside the tourist attractions.

So, let’s dive in.

Let me start with the demographics. Yes, Dallas has some variety in its borders. I lived in Oak Lawn, the seat of the LGBT community in that town, and saw African-Americans, whites, and Hispanics. Interviewing for jobs I also saw Indians, Asians, and Mid-Easterners. But compared to Houston, Dallas struck me as considerably - how can I put this? - “whiter” city. It took me longer than I expected to find a decent Mexican restaurant.

I consider myself multicultural and had hoped to enjoy the same kind of diversity of people in Houston as I did in Dallas - that is, people you could have upbeat and spirited conversations with, go out for lunches or dinners with, and get to know more deeply. There really was only one person I got to that level with, and due to unfortunate personal circumstances in his life, he basically wound up running away.

That leads to another major complaint I have about Dallas - transcience. The city moves too fast. I met a bunch of cool people the first six months I was there. By the second six months they had all disappeared or moved on. That typically doesn’t happen in Houston, or at least, it has not been my experience. I have long-standing relationships in Houston that have lasted five years or more. And that’s not to say everyone disappeared like this, but this kind of disappearing act happened too often for my liking.

Dallas has a reputation for being snobby and I suppose that may well be the case in the wealthy suburbs, but I didn’t get much of that. What I got was a sort of phoniness instead. It seems that Dallas folks are fine laughing and smiling with you in person, but if you scratch deeper it’s not real. I remember making friends (as best I could) with a guy who worked in a retailer in the neighborhood. Neither of us were thrilled with our job situations and I visited him at his job to commiserate. Eventually both of us got better gigs but when I reached out to him suggesting we meet up to celebrate, he was nowhere to be found - texts and e-mails went unanswered. It was as if he had vanished. And this was someone I had helped look for his new gig, too.

Since returning from Dallas and reaching out to a few folks I knew when I was there, I have not received but one or two responses. It makes me wonder if the relations we had were real at all, all along. You may experience the same thing, especially if you’re a more sensitive or introspective type like me.

Turning to size - Dallas really isn’t that big of a place. Compared to Houston’s over 600 square miles, Dallas clocks in at about 375, or about half the size - and it shows. Its smaller size means there’s less room for alternate roads and highways, critical when there’s a massive accident on US 75/Central or any of the other major roadways around. I can find my way around Houston very easily if a freeway is shut down, but in Dallas you’ll likely be going through neighborhoods as alternates.

And on the subject of traffic, let’s talk about their drivers. I came to the conclusion that it takes three things to be able to drive in Dallas - nerves of steel, lightning reflexes, and a big middle finger. Dallas has been described as the Los Angeles of Texas - a car-oriented place where the motorists are pushy and aggressive. Dallas is the first place I’ve ever lived where I felt endangered driving to and from work - tailgaters and folks going 20-30 over the limit are pretty common. Amusingly enough, one of their major tollways, the Dallas North Tollway, has initials that could be pronounced “DENT”. I think the only thing that makes Dallas’ drivers not as deadly as they could be is they love their high-performance cars and SUVs and don’t want any damage to their sparkling chrome.

I happen to be a big lover of the visual arts. I figured Dallas has major spaces and it does - the Dallas Museum of Art is their biggest space. The Dallas Contemporary is their largest modern space. But aside from that - and unlike Houston - Dallas itself doesn’t have many smaller, non-profit, independent spaces - for those you’ll have to go 45 miles west to Fort Worth (which has wonderful art spaces!).

Dallas has something called the Design District, but this is industrial art or art for collectors - in other words, largely commercial. And commercial art has a different feel than, say, the Contemporary Arts Museum, DiverseWorks, or The Menil Collection, all in Houston. I was an established artist in Houston - that is, I had a name there, and had actively exhibited in shows. Dallas is a harder market to get into, and the vibe isn’t nearly as friendly as that of Houston. The Design District is worth a visit, though.

And then let’s talk about coffee, a key thing for me. In Houston, you can find several independent (non-Starbucks) coffee nooks that close late - 10pm or later. In Dallas, many of the places are closed by 7pm and a handful stay open until 10pm. You can get flavored brew at the city’s Cafe Brazil chain, but that’s not a coffeehouse, it’s a diner. Arguably the city’s best coffee place, Crooked Tree, closes at 6pm weeknights/7pm weekend nights (as of this writing). When I moved there originally, they had 10pm weeknights/11pm weekend nights. This is in one of the busier residential/shopping districts in the city - this coffee place went the wrong way. Good for the owner, bad for patrons.

Since returning from Dallas, I am discovering anew the value of living near a major body of water. As I wrote this, I was sitting in Galveston, just 50 miles from downtown Houston, and a short drive any day. Galveston has a beautiful seawall walk, beaches, and a quaint entertainment district called The Strand. Dallas, by comparison, is landlocked. The biggest body of water I knew about was White Rock Lake (not sure if this was a man-made lake or not). It just doesn’t feel the same as the Gulf, and even more noteworthy, White Rock Lake Park is not illuminated. Seawall Blvd in Galveston, though, is nicely lit and charming - you can take a lovely stroll after dark. And White Rock is not a “district”.

Dallas’ downtown area is NOT based on a city grid (rows and columns) layout - it’s this weird spaghetti thing where streets meet each other at strange angles. Rush hour there is insane.

Even the city’s edgiest neighborhood, Deep Ellum, didn’t do it for me. They have a nice little comedy club (where you can take classes on doing standup!). They have a few small art spaces. But this community - at this point in time (2019) I could describe as six square blocks of hedonists and “N-word” rap. If you’re not a young 20-something, Deep Ellum is probably not for you - interesting because the area has been hit by gentrification and rents there are almost certainly out of the reach of most millennials.

Finally, the weather. No, you’re not gonna get hit with a hurricane in Dallas - the remnants, perhaps, but not a direct strike like Houston does. But you may get tornadoes, hail, or ice storms. Every first Wednesday of every month at 12 noon, they test their tornado sirens. I haven’t heard those things since living in central Illinois. And while the summer heat is of a drier variety, it is still HOT. Last summer was my first 115-degree summer, and I had the power bill to prove it.

But it was the colder months that shocked me the most. Relative humidity in my apartment got as low as 12 percent (that’s where just giving someone a dirty look can shock them) and even a humidifier I bought at Target couldn’t keep up. My power bill to stay warm in a one-bedroom exceeded $200 regularly. I never had that in Houston.

So, that is what I saw in 18 months of life in Dallas. I made a handful of smiling but tenuous friends, had one good one that suddenly dissipated, spent a lot of anxiety cycles behind the wheel, and had a soul hungering for real people who would invite me into their lives. I really, really wanted to like Dallas - I seriously did. But after depleting all the attractions I could think of that were appropriate to me, and wandering around the city mostly alone, I came to the conclusion that The Big D is a place that is better visited than lived in. Dallas is not as inclusive as it thinks it is. Read Less
DFW - I REALLY Dig it. 4 rating By Anonymous ( Jul 09, 2018) I've spent enough time here to write a review. People are friendly and straightforward here compared to places like in the Midwest - especially in the business world. It's surprisingly affordable, especially compared to places like Denver where the COL has gone through the roof. ...Read More It's also really nice for biking, but walk-ability isn't great. There are lot's of neighborhoods within Dallas itself. One time a buddy of mine took Uber from bar to bar and it felt like I was in a video game. Downtown is vibrant but neighborhoods on the outskirts are even more appealing. And even nearby Fort Worth has a nice scene going on. Weather isn't bad, it gets semi cold in Jan/Feb but warms up fast much like a Southeast city. Traffic is pretty bad though since it's a sprawl, much like L.A. or Houston. Food scene is great as well. Read Less
Planned trip to Dallas 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 29, 2018) There is no getting out of my trip to Dallas to attend the Dallas dog show cluster. However I will join with my fellow exhibitors to not attend next year. Will consider if they move the shows to Ft worth. So 5 nights in the Holiday Inn gone, 5 nights of eating out at fine dining ...Read More gone. Souvenir shopping not! Multiply that by a thousand people. Good luck with your new city ordinence. My dogs are my property so if through some tragic event we are separated you feel you need to destroy them instead of helping me reunite with them shame on you and your lack of humanity. I hope that the same rule will soon be applied to lost children. It would help with population control. Read Less
Real good hospitals 4.5 rating By Dslim1 ( Nov 14, 2017) Even though I just moved from Dallas area 2yrs ago I had to make a not so good trip back to one of their hospitals Baylor of Dallas they took good care of me while I was there but I then went to a place called Select Medical where they took great care of me the entire staff is ...Read More really great they really care about their patients and their all so friendly if you're ever sick this is the place to go to get well..God bless this entire staff Read Less
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Planned trip to Dallas 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 29, 2018) There is no getting out of my trip to Dallas to attend the Dallas dog show cluster. However I will join with my fellow exhibitors to not attend next year. Will consider if they move the shows to Ft worth. So 5 nights in the Holiday Inn gone, 5 nights of eating out at fine dining ...Read More gone. Souvenir shopping not! Multiply that by a thousand people. Good luck with your new city ordinence. My dogs are my property so if through some tragic event we are separated you feel you need to destroy them instead of helping me reunite with them shame on you and your lack of humanity. I hope that the same rule will soon be applied to lost children. It would help with population control. Read Less
Real good hospitals 4.5 rating By Dslim1 ( Nov 14, 2017) Even though I just moved from Dallas area 2yrs ago I had to make a not so good trip back to one of their hospitals Baylor of Dallas they took good care of me while I was there but I then went to a place called Select Medical where they took great care of me the entire staff is ...Read More really great they really care about their patients and their all so friendly if you're ever sick this is the place to go to get well..God bless this entire staff Read Less
Real estate portal 5 rating By Caroline ( Sep 13, 2016) Hello friends! Dallas nice and modern city for a comfortable stay. If you are planning to move to Dallas, visit the portal DallasZW A lot of real estate options. Buy, sell, rent property. ...Read More Read Less
Spend your Summer in Dallas 5 rating By shakilahmed ( Dec 23, 2015) Dallas is livable City with great tourist attraction spot to choose from. The transportation is very accessible, choose from taxis, buses, or even train. Explore the city and experience the warm weather in Dallas. I love dry and summery feeling. I can go around the city with my f ...Read More avorite t-shirt and jeans pants.

If you are first timer to visit Dallas, you don't have to worry for everything. From the comfort of your smart phone, you can book your hotel, taxis and restaurant. Choose the best taxi services in Dallas who offers fast, reliable, and affordable rate.

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http://www.taxihubdallas.com/ Read Less
Honestly Don't Live Here 2 rating By Meadow ( Nov 27, 2015) I think I came to Dallas with a positive attitude upon deciding to live here for just a couple years.
I think it is comparatively better than some areas of the country that you could decide to live in for
certain reasons. Despite it being said that Dallas can have nice options f
...Read More or living, overall I don't think it is
a good place to be living.

For starters I don't like the smell of the place because it is very, very dry here. I prefer a city with many riverbanks and I can't stand how unusual it is for it to rain here. A little bit of rain is like a flash flood in Dallas. If you are used to a city that rains just two times a week you will be shocked to find out how much it never rains in Dallas at all. I once was in a mild storm and it immediately became a flash flood on the busy high way because the drainage here is so bad that it is a national emergency to get what Atlanta would think of as a really mild storm. So I don't like the weather at all.

The city also has terrible vegetation for not getting rain. There are no hills, just really bad trees and dry shrubs that never really make a nice forest. I also prefer a city with many hills and you won't find that here. It is a little better than the flatlands but not by much unfortunately. When I first came here from Atlanta I thought the nicer people would make up for the hills and the trees in comparison to Atlanta but it really does not at all and honestly I think the comparison to having to meet more rude people is even preferable because the people here may not be rude but they are actually quite unhappy and often even less able to have a good conversation. So expect people to be openly cognizant that they are not living in a nice city and they aren't happy about it really. I used to try to tell others during meetings that I love how nice people are here in comparison to Atlanta, but in truth I don't think anyone here literally believes anyone who tries to tell them that living in Atlanta is not a much nicer experience than being in Dallas. So I gave up trying to be nice to locals and just tell them honestly now that it's actually not really true that living in somewhere like Atlanta is not really a lot nicer despite the people there being a little rude comparatively.

I have also lived in New York City and visited a few other areas of the country for a few long vacations including Chicago and also Pittsburgh. Overall I think Dallas does have shining star malls for how beautiful they are inside but I honestly prefer to have malls not located in the center of generally "highways to HL" and it is much more beautiful to visit malls in Atlanta that are located in teeming streets of beauty with many surrounding nice restaurants instead of being like a cookie cut out of a bunch of busy high ways like they are in a new Sci Fi movie. In somewhere like Atlanta the malls in the suburbs are located in very nice, almost like garden areas in comparison to how the malls here are sitting in concrete and have no further shopping areas around them. I would prefer to live in a small city almost in the heart of Atlanta with no gardens to be able to get to shopping areas with much more venation and just any variety instead of a place sitting in concrete next to roads that actually have very angry drivers in them. In Atlanta the city is very renowned for traffic and also passive aggressive driving, but Dallas has such angry drivers and they are also much more dumb that they are actually quite willing to sacrifice their cars for road rage given the political climate. That is coming from having witnessed over 15 years of professional driving from working in real estate in both Atlanta and also in Dallas.

I personally also would not live here because the commercials are quite disgusting. I absolutely have to turn off the horrific visage of the conservative politicians making many beyond gross commercials. I don't even want to go into details except to say they are on all the time here. It is worse in somewhere like Kansas in terms of the local commercial ads seeming very, very ignorant, but it is here.

The only positive thing I can say is there are some restaurants here that are nice. That being said I do think the attitudes in the restaurants aren't worth visiting. For example I went to a nice Buffet restaurant with a family member once with our windows rolled down, and all I can say is with our two generally Western European complexions we immediately were targeted just with our windows down talking in an Dodge SUV when a woman walked out of the restaurant and because she was Mexican wanted to tell us, "Welcome to Dallas," as to say she was telling us that hispanics and illegal hispanics run the show here. That is a nice version of the hispanic attitudes here towards people who look caucasian.

As a general background I do want to add that I grew up in Atlanta with no plans to ever live there as an adult and also lived in New York City and Chicago. I still would not live in Atlanta for planning but would not even really need to visit Dallas for anything. If I wanted to move immediately to a US city to live in for long term planning I definitely would prefer to live on the Pacific Ocean instead of Atlanta even though I think I would live in Atlanta instead of Dallas and actually also New York City. I think I would even prefer Atlanta to living in Chicago, but I would live on the Pacific in a heartbeat compared to living in Atlanta. So I hope this helps anyone, and please be careful making decisions to come to live here. Read Less
Avoid Dallas County\City 0.5 rating By StayAwayFromRichardso ( Jul 08, 2015) Dallas and adjacent cities have deterriorated over the last 12-15 years. All of Dallas County has become a wasteland. The issue is that scummy people are coming here by the thousands. Stay away from Dallas, Garland, Irving, Hurst, Euless, Bedford, Mesquite, Balch Springs, and Ri ...Read More chardson. Other DFW cities that are getting worse every year: Plano, Frisco, Allen, McKinney, Farmers Branch, Carrollton.

Many DFW area city governments intentionally create ghettos by building high population density, low-cost, low-quality multifamily and singlefamly dwellings. These places provide shelter and a base of operations for criminals. The State of Texas has a catch-and-release policy for criminals so there are always plenty of them around. The State of Texas has a program with the Nation of Mexico whereby Texas accepts as many illegal immigrants as Mexico can send across the border.

If you come here you need to carry a pistol\assault rifle, pepper spray, handcuffs, knife, chain, bat/club, phone, video device, body armor, etc. with you at all times.

If you own a house here you need to get a security system, put bars on the doors and windows, and mount surveillance cameras.

If you live in an apartment here then you need to relocate to a new city or buy a house. You should not live here if you cannot afford a house.

If you come here to visit or live here you need to do all retail transactions in Collin or Denton County. Never buy anything in Dallas County.

Never buy anything from the businesses that are located next to apartment complexes. Gas, groceries, etc. The idea is to encourage the cities to stop giving out building permits for ghettos. No matter how nice an apartment complex is today eventually it will fail and become a nest for criminals.

If you have kids you must enroll them in private school. ALL the public schools in every city in Dallas County are garbage. If you do not have kids and live here then don't have any kids.

If you come here and need construction related services do not use the local area contractors. They are pretty much all scam artists, overpriced, and do crappy work. Fix everything on your own. Paint your own house. Trim your own trees.

If you come here stay off the roads because people in Dallas are horrible drivers. If it ices or snows you should stay home until the crap melts.

If you are assaulted by the police you should speak as little as possible. Avoid the cops at all costs. Never let one them get behind you. Keep you eyes focused on them at all times. Never argue about the ticket they are about to write you. Just shut up and let them get their revenue. Audio and\or video record them if you can. Never call them for help.

If you come here try to avoid using the DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) system (buses, rail cars). Eventually you will be harassed and assaulted by the ghetto-people if you use the system. Private transportation is the only way to go and you need to keep your vehicle garaged and get an alarm system and kill-switch. Never buy aftermarket rims or a stereo because it will get stolen eventually.

If you have to buy something never buy it from a WalMart. The parking lots are usually filled with panhandling criminals that will rob or kill you if they get a chance.

Never give anything to or speak to any of the ghetto-trash people. If you acknowledge their presence they will respond by asking you for money or assaulting you. Many ghetto-residents speak a variant of the English language that is not English. When you hear someone use ghetto-speak you should get away from them as fast as possible.

The roads and higways in the DFW area do not have the capacity to handle the number of people that live here and the roads are usually not well maintained. Improperly designed/installed, pot-holes, uneven lanes, etc. The construction related industries are also notorious for allowing debris to litter the roads (nails, screws, etc.) that will result in you getting many slow-leak flat tires.

Most of the parks in Dallas are used by criminals for prostitution, drug sales, drug use, and public fornication. I don't know the status of the parks in other DFW cities but I'll bet they are suspect as well.

Never go to West or South Dallas. Avoid going to East Dallas. North Dallas will no longer be able to support human life within the next 8-10 years.

Low-level unprofessional crime is rampant here. Identity theft, pick-pockets, vehicle breakins, fake documents, Craigslist scams, etc.

Commercial-level crime, mainly burglary of businesses, is a major industry in the DFW area. It has been a problem forever and will never be addressed.

The distribution and sale of weed, heroin, cocaine, methamphetimine, etc. is a massive unchecked industry in all of Texas. Dallas is especially bad. Law enforcement does not enforce law nor investigate, arrest, etc. Your kids will be assaulted by dope salespeople while at school (if in public school).

Back in 2007, before the Great Recession, there was a plan by Dallas County to raise the property and sales tax rates as an effort to encourage the ghetto-residents to go live somewhere else. Unfortunately it was not implemented. So, since then things have gotten progressively worse. When criminals from other states and cities come to North Texas they pick Dallas as their base of operations because it is slightly cheaper than nice counties like Collin County (has low crime rate; most of it is still nice) or Denton County.

The longer you stay in Dallas County and any of the cities in Dallas County the probability that harm will come to you will increase. Not just physical harm. Economic harm. Quality of life harm. Distress harm. Read Less
Great Foodie City, but... 3.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 17, 2014) Dallas is a city that has a lot of people. I have lived here for about two years, so I'm still trying to figure out where things are and areas I should stay away from. The apartment that I live in is located right in the middle of the city. The rent is a little high, but it's Dal ...Read More las, so I will pay it as long as it doesn't go up anymore. Many of the apartments here don't have any utilities included, and I'm used to at least water or trash being included in the rent.

The city is known for the food. I have discovered that on almost every street corner, you can find a restaurant that sells some kind of BBQ or ribs. I enjoy these foods, but there's not a large selection of Chinese or other ethnic foods. Dallas food is comforting as it is something you might find in a southern kitchen. Needless to say, I have gained about ten pounds since I moved here.

There aren't that many shopping centers, but the ones I have been in are huge. Everything is bigger in Dallas, and I have started to believe that common phrase. The city takes great pride in history and art. There are numerous museums and buildings where you can walk through to learn about how Dallas became the city it is today. One of my favorite places to go is White Rock Lake. This is somewhere I go when I need to relax or I want to get out on a small boat in the middle of the water. I can often see families enjoying time together while I'm there.
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steak house dallas 5 rating By john.peter313@yahoo.c ( May 10, 2014) I travel to Dallas frequently and always at Christmas time to see the magic of lights that brings a Christmas experience to this city like no city enjoys.

You can tour more square footage of shopping in Dallas than any other city in America. Be sure to visit Stonebriar Center wh
...Read More ere it's not just about shopping; this place has great entertainment. For upmarket shopping, go to a wonderful place known as Plaza of the Americas. Here you will find a 15-story atrium where palm trees surround the shopping area. My favorite place in Dallas is the custom boot shop where they have every kind of boot material you can think of.

Eating is a Dallas experience that no one forgets specially Y. O. Ranch Steakhouse(link:http://yoranchsteakhouse.com/ ). There is no doubt that this restaurant serve the most superb steaks.

I would not miss touring the Dallas Cowboys Football Stadium which is the largest covered professional football stadium in the world. The structure is amazing and the jumbo tron is the largest in the world also. The stadium seats over 100,000 people, and the roof opens when weather permits. The architecture is unbelievably beautiful. Read Less
Dallas Is A Memorable Visit And Worth the Price 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 23, 2011) I travel to Dallas frequently and always at Christmas time to see the magic of lights that brings a Christmas experience to this city like no city enjoys. The famous holiday window at Nieman Marcus is a treasure. Dallas is a beautiful city with many areas to enjoy. My hotel choic ...Read More e has always been the Magnolia which is located just a block away from Nieman Marcus, and it maintains the elegance of Dallas at a very reasonable price.

You can tour more square footage of shopping in Dallas than any other city in America. Be sure to visit Stonebriar Center in Frisco, where it's not just about shopping; this place has great entertainment. For upmarket shopping, go to a wonderful place known as Plaza of the Americas. Here you will find a 15-story atrium where palm trees surround the shopping area. My favorite place in Dallas is the custom boot shop where they have every kind of boot material you can think of.

Eating is a Dallas experience that no one forgets. If you are looking for the best beef you have ever tasted, go to the West End where you will find The Butcher Shop and Palm (The). There is no doubt that these two restaurants serve the most superb beef.

I would not miss touring the Dallas Cowboys Football Stadium which is the largest covered professional football stadium in the world. The structure is amazing and the jumbo tron is the largest in the world also. The stadium seats over 100,000 people, and the roof opens when weather permits. The architecture is unbelievably beautiful. Read Less
Southlake? 5 rating By Jeff Delezen ( Aug 08, 2011) Where is the information regarding Southlake? It's a small suburb considered part of "Dallas" and it's the richest city per capita in the United States yet I don't see any information regarding it on this site. Looking at Southlake on Zillow in terms of house prices is almost i ...Read More dentical to looking at Stanford, California (i.e., the house prices are at a minimum around one million dollars). However unlike Stanford, California these are not run-down houses. Check out the the street Byron Nelson if you do go to Zillow and look at Southlake. As for the rest of Dallas, I'm pretty sure (although the exact definition of the area and population are hard to define) that Preston Hollow would be the second richest area. Read Less
Find Southern Hospitality In Dallas, TX 5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 29, 2010) I travel to Dallas quite often for business and for weekend getaways. The city of Dallas never ceases to amaze me. While some might think of Texas as still stuck in the 1800s, Dallas is actually a modern, thriving metropolis. It has wonderful shopping areas, including the Galleri ...Read More a mall, which is home to many high-end retailers (such as Tiffany's). There are Dallas restaurants for every price-point, and some of the best eateries are those which offer authentic Mexican cuisine.

Though rush hour traffic can get heavy and backed up, this is normal for cities the size of Dallas. Since the roadways are kept up well and are bedecked with flowers and beautiful greenery, getting stuck in traffic is a little less frustrating, because you have things other than asphalt and honking horns to keep your attention.

Dallas is, overall, a beautiful city full of friendly and easy-going people. Native Texans great you with a big smile, and immediately make visitors feel welcome. The sunny weather (which can get hot in the summer) and friendly atmosphere make Dallas a wonderful city to live or travel to. Read Less

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      Dallas, TX

      Dallas, Texas is the third largest city in the state, and ninth largest in the US. Industries in Dallas include technology, financial services, and defense. Boasting a fairly low unemployment rate, Dallas is the home of numerous Fortune 500 companies such as Exxon Mobile, Gamestop, American Airlines, Texas Instruments, and AT&T, as well as other companies like Frito-Lay and Lockheed Martin. Dallas offers a job market rife with opportunity and diversity, making it a perfect fit for young professionals looking to put down roots and begin their career while also providing excellent opportunities for raising a family and leisure.

      Dallas, Fort Worth, and Arlington comprise the majority of the DFW metroplex area. DFW is the #1 visitor and leisure destination in Texas. Dallas is the epicenter for live music, trendy bars and casual eateries, while nearby Arlington is home to Six Flags over Texas, and Hurricane Harbor, a world class water park. Sports enthusiasts will feel at home here as it boasts five professional sports teams including the Dallas Stars, Dallas Cowboys, and the Dallas Mavericks.

      Dallas caters to children with its many museums, most of which offer special programs aimed at getting children interested in learning. The Dallas Museum of Art has programs including summer art camps, art classes, and “first Tuesdays,” a monthly interactive art-making activity. More Academic pursuits can be taken at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science which is actually three different museums: The Dallas Museum of Natural History, the Dallas Children’s Museum, and the Science Place. Dallas is also home to Texas’ first and biggest zoo. With over 2,000 animals spread over 106 acres, the Dallas Zoo offers a variety of hands-on programs. Lastly, the Dallas World Aquarium is much more than a place to go look at pretty fish. Crocodile feedings, a 40-foot waterfall and Mayan dance performances are some of what you can experience at this fantastic family destination. Manatees, giant catfish, and an enormous tank of sharks are all here to inspire the budding marine biologist.

      Here, families can learn to eat healthy and live a better lifestyle. Thanks to the nearly perfect year round climate, families can enjoy the outdoors all year long at events like the Dallas Farmers Market, a perfect day trip to learn about the amazing locally grown produce and also get to knock out a little light grocery shopping. Numerous walking trails and over 400 city parks are available, including the very popular 260-acre Fair Park. These parks have 17 lakes and over 60 miles of walkable trails with more than 200 playgrounds, and even over 100 public golf courses. Dallas is a city that offers fun in the sun for everyone in the family.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Dallas? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Dallas City Hall Plaza
      Pioneer Park
      AT&T Discovery District
      Pegasus Plaza
      Main Street Garden
      Belo Garden
      Thanks-Giving Square
      Lubben Plaza Park


      Giant Eye
      Majestic Theatre
      Alamo Drafthouse - Cedars
      South Side Ballroom
      Museum of Illusions
      Dallas World Aquarium
      Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum

      Food & Drink

      Pegasus City Brewery
      Jason's Deli
      The Crafty Irishman
      Downtown Munchies

      B- Commute

      Is public transit available in Dallas? Of all people who commute, 3.3% take public transportation in Dallas.
      Drive to Work

      2% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      2% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      A- Health & Safety

      Is Dallas a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Select Specialty Hospital - Dallas Downtown
      Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital
      North Central Surgical Center
      Children's Medical Center of Dallas
      Medical City Dallas
      Baylor Medical Center at Uptown
      Dallas VA Medical Center
      Methodist Charlton Medical Center


      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      Kroger Pharmacy
      Maplewood Pharmacy
      Walmart Pharmacy
      Walmart Pharmacy


      International Health Services clinic
      Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation
      Endoscopy Center at Redbird Square
      Red Bird Family Clinic
      HillCrest Family Medical Dallas
      Texas Orthopaedic Surgical Associates
      Trinity Heart Care
      Greater Dallas Orthopaedics PLLC