Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (124) A+
Entertainment (119) A+
Food and Drink (559) A+
Fitness (54) F
Groceries (90) F
Parks (344) A+
Shops (674) A+
See more Cleveland amenity data

commute A

Of all people who commute, 8.8% take public transportation in Cleveland.
Public Transit Stops (119)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Cleveland commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Cleveland is 83/100 - which is 10% lower than Ohio.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Cleveland cost of living data

crime F

Cleveland crime rates are 6,516 per 100k, which is 229% higher than Ohio
Property Crime
4,813 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
1,703 crimes per 100k
See more Cleveland crime data

employment F

The median income in Cleveland is $31,838 - which is 37% lower than Ohio.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Cleveland employment data

health B-

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (133)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Cleveland health & safety data

housing A+

Cleveland home prices are $73,400 - which is 44% lower than Ohio
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
2.3x (home price to income ratio)
See more Cleveland housing data

schools D-

The Cleveland graduation rate is 72% - which is 16% lower than Ohio
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (156) C-
High Schools (85) D-
See more Cleveland education data

ratings D

Cleveland has an overall rating of 56% from 45 reviews.
User Reviews (15)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (30)
From AreaVibes
See more Cleveland user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Cleveland, OH
( 45 Ratings )

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Cleveland Reviews

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The Only Mistake is Underestimating Cleveland 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 28, 2023) Cleveland is just like any other major metropolis with a facelift. It's definitely not described as a paradise, but as far as a city that sits on the shore of a Great Lake, Cleveland has a lot to offer. We have a world class orchestra, an incredible live music scene, and the Ro ...Read More ck and Roll Hall of Fame; a theatre district that rivals Broadway, celebrity Master chef restaurants, all the major sports teams, art, science and history museums, a phenomenal natural habitat zoo, botanical gardens and beautiful park reservations all around the city. Not to mention a world renowned healthcare system. Read Less
Cold and unfriendly 1 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 06, 2022) If you don't mind eight months of cold and gloomy weather, with mostly suspicious and angry people who hate their lives, then you want to move here. Plenty of jobs, because anybody with any life ambition wants to move to another city where there's sunshine and happier people. N ...Read More ightlife is non-existent, roads are full of potholes, government employees are corrupt and unresponsive, bartenders and baristas are rude. Most of these people are now sitting in jail. You wonder why roads here are always under construction, because of scrupulous contracts. Crime rate is one of the worst. Good luck moving here. As Jim Carrie once put it, the bad weather due to the lake effect always beats the people down. Gray, gray and more gray skies. Read Less
Don't Let People Fool You!! 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( May 29, 2019) I was a lifelong resident of Cleveland before I moved to Southern Florida a few months ago and I'm going to be really honest here. Southern Florida has NOTHING on how polite and kind the people of Cleveland are. There is NOTHING to do in SoFlo, compared to what is always happenin ...Read More g in Cleveland. The key with Cleveland is you have to know where to look for things to do and you have to be open to trying new things!

For southerns who come to Cleveland expecting for it to not be cold.........literally read a book. Cleveland sits very far north in the continental U.S. AND it sits on a huge lake, so yes, it gets cold and there is a lot of snow. There are still plenty of things to do indoor and outdoor in the winter, just wear a coat and a hat. Of course people seem a little sad and disgruntled here, we don't see the sun a whole lot in the winter. But we are still kind to each other and we still help a neighbor in need whenever we can. The summers get very hot an humid, basically exactly what SoFLo feels like in May. As far as the roads go, they do indeed suck, but if you drive a little slower and learn how to actually drive your car (looking at you SoFlo residents) to avoid potholes, it really isn't that bad. If you drive directly into huge potholes going 40 mph all the time, yes you're going to have to replace tires and get your car realigned, that is common sense.

Housing can definitely be hit or miss, even when you look outside of the city, but guess what? We don't have to put up with crazy natural disasters a few months every year so home insurance can be very affordable.

The pride that Clevelanders have for our city is truly unparalleled. I have been many places and I have yet to see a city that comes close. If you visit or if you move here, as long as you can respect that, you will get along just fine. Obviously, please don't wander around downtown alone, defenseless, and distracted but that goes for any big metropolitan area, that is not unique to Cleveland. Just use your head! Don't drag Cleveland through the mud if you haven't actually given it a chance. We have one of the top five orchestras IN THE WORLD, our theater district is the second largest in the country (Broadway is the largest), the art museum is one of the best free art museums in the country, our sports teams may suck but you will have a BLAST at a game, the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame is here, just to name a few things that make this city so great. Please don't let people's uncultured views of Cleveland keep you away from this amazing city. Read Less
Cleveland is a loser place 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Sep 03, 2018) I reside here — I don’t “ live “ here. There’s a difference . The teams are loser teams ( not a sports fan at all. ). Lots of dying communities with shut down businesses. People everywhere here look like they just came from a funeral— maybe a funeral for a dead cit ...Read More y This city is moderately affordable (probably because it’s dying). But no room for growth in a career. The downtown area after 5 pm on a weekday is full of vagrants ( so make sure you have someone with you). People here are neither accommodating or friendly, either so don’t look for a friendly face —lol. If you like restaurants—downtown has more than enough of those — but that’s where it stops. Polluted lake not fit for swimming unless you have all your shots— lol —and you are wearing shoes— god knows what you may step on. If you are looking to move here or vacation here— keep looking the grass is greener elsewhere!!! I speak from experience as I have lived and visited many other places — so who better to write a review then one that resides in the Cleveland area. Good luck!!!! Read Less
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Don't Let People Fool You!! 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( May 29, 2019) I was a lifelong resident of Cleveland before I moved to Southern Florida a few months ago and I'm going to be really honest here. Southern Florida has NOTHING on how polite and kind the people of Cleveland are. There is NOTHING to do in SoFlo, compared to what is always happenin ...Read More g in Cleveland. The key with Cleveland is you have to know where to look for things to do and you have to be open to trying new things!

For southerns who come to Cleveland expecting for it to not be cold.........literally read a book. Cleveland sits very far north in the continental U.S. AND it sits on a huge lake, so yes, it gets cold and there is a lot of snow. There are still plenty of things to do indoor and outdoor in the winter, just wear a coat and a hat. Of course people seem a little sad and disgruntled here, we don't see the sun a whole lot in the winter. But we are still kind to each other and we still help a neighbor in need whenever we can. The summers get very hot an humid, basically exactly what SoFLo feels like in May. As far as the roads go, they do indeed suck, but if you drive a little slower and learn how to actually drive your car (looking at you SoFlo residents) to avoid potholes, it really isn't that bad. If you drive directly into huge potholes going 40 mph all the time, yes you're going to have to replace tires and get your car realigned, that is common sense.

Housing can definitely be hit or miss, even when you look outside of the city, but guess what? We don't have to put up with crazy natural disasters a few months every year so home insurance can be very affordable.

The pride that Clevelanders have for our city is truly unparalleled. I have been many places and I have yet to see a city that comes close. If you visit or if you move here, as long as you can respect that, you will get along just fine. Obviously, please don't wander around downtown alone, defenseless, and distracted but that goes for any big metropolitan area, that is not unique to Cleveland. Just use your head! Don't drag Cleveland through the mud if you haven't actually given it a chance. We have one of the top five orchestras IN THE WORLD, our theater district is the second largest in the country (Broadway is the largest), the art museum is one of the best free art museums in the country, our sports teams may suck but you will have a BLAST at a game, the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame is here, just to name a few things that make this city so great. Please don't let people's uncultured views of Cleveland keep you away from this amazing city. Read Less
Cleveland is a loser place 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Sep 03, 2018) I reside here — I don’t “ live “ here. There’s a difference . The teams are loser teams ( not a sports fan at all. ). Lots of dying communities with shut down businesses. People everywhere here look like they just came from a funeral— maybe a funeral for a dead cit ...Read More y This city is moderately affordable (probably because it’s dying). But no room for growth in a career. The downtown area after 5 pm on a weekday is full of vagrants ( so make sure you have someone with you). People here are neither accommodating or friendly, either so don’t look for a friendly face —lol. If you like restaurants—downtown has more than enough of those — but that’s where it stops. Polluted lake not fit for swimming unless you have all your shots— lol —and you are wearing shoes— god knows what you may step on. If you are looking to move here or vacation here— keep looking the grass is greener elsewhere!!! I speak from experience as I have lived and visited many other places — so who better to write a review then one that resides in the Cleveland area. Good luck!!!! Read Less
HONEST REVIEW - Easily The Worst Place Ever 0.5 rating By anthonymunoz10 ( Apr 24, 2017) If you love life, don't go to Cleveland. If anyone says this place is nice or anything good about this place is because they have never traveled OUTSIDE of Cleveland. i lived here 2 years and let me tell you there's nothing to do, you can't have nice stuff as in a damn sports car ...Read More because it's always cold and always snowing and by the way, these are the worst roads in the history of the world. there is no culture, no art no nothing in this dead city. This city was voted the #1 most depressing place to live in in 2010 by the way. i lived and still live in Miami, FL. let me tell you how this place is the complete opposite of MIA. Everyone is depressed, everything is ugly and gloomy, looks like everyone is a drugie or homeless here it's just a disgusting feel you get from this city (Cleveland). The aquarium is easily the worst aquarium i've ever seen and the zoo is just horrible and you'll probably feel bad for the animals just like i felt bad for the elephants walking around in 40 degree weather. the airport here is absolutely hideous, the downtown has no color or nothing. The malls are just horrible and small. Everything closing down here just because no business can survive. This region has one of the highest suicide rates in the country just in case you guys didn't know that, and its very high in human trafficking. So don't come here, if you live here, move right now. This is number 9 on the fastest declining city in the US. Don't waste your time here, trust me. The only thing this city has is Lebron James, lmao pretty embarrassing to say that the only thing a city has is an athlete. The ugliest place in the world by far. Hope you guys like my honest review. Read Less
DON'T STAY DOWNTOWN... 1 rating By El Kay ( Oct 01, 2016) ... if you like to sleep. The "Metropolitan at the 9" hotel blasts music onto the street literally all day and all night. It's irritating during the day and infuriating at 2 in the morning. If there was actual street life it would be one thing, but there are no people, just m ...Read More usic blasting down an empty street -- which is just creepy. Read Less
place to live 1 rating By rainbow love ( Jun 18, 2015) hello everyone im new to this site im trying get much information im not a heat person im thinking bout moving to cleveland ohio im from oakland,ca but resides in las vegas im trying find out good areas im an african american and not into volence and need some where thats peace a ...Read More nd quite good schools jobs and accept lbgt can someone please give me info so i will no what to expect is there alot do there for little kids family couples what to expect from people being gay what kind pets they will accept from people there. thanks Read Less
Cleveland Sucks 0.5 rating By cnita126 ( Apr 28, 2015) The weather sucks!!! What good is it to have lots of things to do if its too cold to go do it. Constantly overcast. (Jackets in July, Autumn in August...)

The roads are horrendous. They don't have pot holes they have sink holes!!! I have replaced more tires in the last two yea
...Read More rs than I have during the previous 10 years. We're not even going to discuss the endless repairs, i.e. alignments, balancing...

The cops are vultures. They sit and wait for any little traffic violation then stick it to you, if they don't stand on top of your car and shoot down into your car and kill you.

The housing is super expensive for old homes with no air conditioning (although fortunately or unfortunately it's freezing 90% the time so you probably only need it for about a month).

The downtown is beautiful but the rest of the place sucks!!!!!

Getting outta here as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!! Read Less
My Hometown 3.5 rating By Snowbird2 ( Feb 22, 2015) I have lived a lot of places on and off, but Cleveland is where I was born. Right now it is cold as can be, but folks are used to it. Theater, Music Venues, Playhouse Square, Severance Hall, West Side Market, Casino's, a vibrant Downtown. Lakefront Parks, River Cruises, the secon ...Read More d best transportation system in the country, international flights, average cost of living, die hard fans, every kind of restaurant\cuisine you can imagine. Severance Hall, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Great Lakes Science Center, world class aquarium, and lakefront parks.Vibrant ethnic communities, year round festivals. You decide! Read Less
Cleveland, OH City Review 4 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 17, 2014) Cleveland is definitely a town that is focused on sports and history. In my four years of living in the city, I have discovered that people like talking to each other, and it's a quiet town compared to some others I have lived in recently. There is also a large focus on music. Th ...Read More ose who are planning on moving to the area should know that it's best to try to buy a home, but renting really isn't all that bad. I currently rent a house on the outskirts of the city, and the rent is affordable for the area. I have seen plenty of jobs available, so the work force is strong. The city takes great pride on the education of its children as well. There are several schools, and I enjoy seeing all of the children as they play on the grounds at the schools.

I am a fan of live theater. The Playhouse Square is my favorite place to go in the evening. If there were shows every night, I would be there every night. The theater has a good selection of shows, but it would be nice to see more comedies instead of plays that are serious all the time. There are about 10 stages in the theater, making it easy to choose what you want to see without there being a lot of people around you. The West Side Market is a place I like to go on the weekends to get fresh produce and handmade crafts. It is a flea market that is mostly indoors. The prices are affordable, and I try to do most of my shopping there instead of at the shopping malls. Read Less
Cleveland, it's not that bad! 3.5 rating By Daileyjl ( Jan 24, 2014) I live about three hours from Cleveland, but every time I make the trip I remember why I love it so much. The city has really made some serious efforts this last decade to bring the city back to its prime. Housing improves all the time and trendy restaurants and bars pop up every ...Read More time I visit. Fourth Street is by far my favorite part of town to visit. I love the lights that line the street and the restaurants are awesome, to name the best I would go with Lola. And even if you can't afford a meal there, they welcome guests to sit at the bar and order some of their fabulous drinks. If you're a music lover, you'll love the House of Blues! The food is absolutely amazing, great service and the music venue is very intimate, so you get an up-close connection with whatever artist you see play there. The city is also pretty easy to navigate, and I grew up in a small town so city traffic is normally terrifying to me. I would also recommend visiting Ohio City, a suburb of Cleveland. Momocho is the best authentic Mexican restaurant ever, because it comes both great food, great service and it's super trendy and fun. And don't forget to check out the West Side Market, but be warned it's really busy on Saturdays! If I were going to live there, I would recommend living in Lakewood, a really nice suburb of Cleveland. It's a really short drive from there to the city. It's also gotta be noted that Cleveland is known for its St. Pattys Day celebration! The whole city gets really into it. It's my favorite time to visit! I would definitely say it's an up and coming city. Read Less
Cleveland Is A Plum! 5 rating By LeoGirl007 ( Aug 17, 2012) New York may be an Apple, but Cleveland's a Plum!

I LOVE THIS TOWN! So much to do, so much to see. what a great city! cleveland is no longer a sleepy city by a lake! it is a THRIVING, alive, beautiful city with great people, attractions, sports, and is the best city i have ever
...Read More eaten in! the restaurants are top notch, and compete, and beat, most of the restaurants i've eaten in around the globe.

there are so many diverse neighborhoods. Cleveland proper, Tremont, Ohio City, University Square, Westpark, Little Italy, Slovac Village,Wade Oval, Shaker Heights, and my favorite, Lakewood. There is the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, yes, National....what a gem. Google it. It has been featured on Nat Geo, Discovery channels. There are many many miles of what they call the Emerald Necklace, a beautiful park system, the Cleveland Metroparks, the towpath trails. and many biking and running trails. There are top notch museums, concert venues, an aquarium, a world famous orchestra that you MUST see in Severance Hall.

while visting, go to the Westside Market, located in Ohio City. it is the counties oldest market. open M,W.F and Saturday, it is unbelievable, especially around the holidays!

yes, it snows. November-March. Yes it gets cold. Yes the skies can be grey. There are many places around the globe that are much worse!!! NONE of this alters the awesomeness of Clevelanders and their attitudes. Last year it snowed 2 times, and was 90 degrees by St. Patricks Day, with pure sunshine and 90-100 degree days for weeks on end.

get over the weather people. this is to great of a town to miss! Within an hour drive of Cleveland there are so many other awesome things to do, from Cedar Point, to Hocking Hills, to Stan Hewyt Hall, Akron, man, i could go on and on!

So to sum it up, Cleveland Rocks!!

Happy Traveling! Read Less
Cleveland: suburbs and neighborhoods 4.5 rating By rockmusic ( Feb 19, 2012) Kamm's Corners is nicknamed "Cleveland's suburb in the city" because its an upscale community with many spacious brick homes and upscale shops and resurants. I think that the nickname "Cleveland's suburb in the city" is kind of a dis to the city of Cleveland and its many other ...Read More good neighborhoods.I think that Cleveland is a very diverse city. In my opinion I believe that the best neighborhoods to live in are: 1. West Park (includes: Jefferson, Riverside, Kamm's Corners, and Puritas-Longmead), 2. Tremont, 3. Ohio City, 4. Downtown, and 5. Old Brooklyn. Although Cleveland is sleepy it has a lot of awesome attractions to go to in downtown. Like the rock hall; cavs, indians, and browns; science center; playhouse square; tower city etc. The top suburbs in my opinion would be: 1. Rocky River, 2. Westlake, 3. Shaker Heights, 4.Cleveland Heights, 4. Lakewood, 5. Parma, 6. Solon, 7. Lyndhurst, 8. Orange, 9. Brunswick,and 10. Olmsted Falls.

Here are some of the pros of cleveland:
-Best Hospitals (Cleveland Clinic)
-Great Parks and recreation (Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Cleveland Metroparks)
-Attractions (too many to name)
-culturally diverse
-diverse neighborhoods to suit everyone (if your raising a family there is one huge neighborhood for you: its suburbia)
-amazing places to go and see Read Less
The Most Loyal Sports Fans Live In Cleveland, Ohio 3.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 24, 2011) Cleveland, Ohio has been made famous once again because of LaBron James. His leaving this city has had a detrimental effect on the economy and on the people as a whole. I know this because I currently live just south of Cleveland and work in the city.

I love the city of Clevela
...Read More nd as a whole for a few reasons. First, the hospitals are nationally recognized as being the best in the world, especially the Cleveland Clinic. Secondly, there are many historic areas and beautiful architecture that I never get tired of seeing. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is in the city of Cleveland, right downtown on the lakefront. Speaking of lakefronts, Lake Erie borders the city of Cleveland, which gives us many beaches. The Burke Lakefront Airport has an excellent display for the 4th of July as well. Lastly, the sports fans here are second-to-none. You will never find a more loyal fan base than that of Clevelanders.

I don't like the fact that the sports teams here are never any good. We, in Cleveland, always say "our guys sometimes get us there but they always let us down." Despite that saying, we never give up on our teams. Another thing I don't care for is how segregated the city remains. There are some areas of Cleveland, such as the East side, that should not be frequented by people who don't live there, especially at night. All of the shopping malls have disappeared from the city as well. The nightlife, which was once some of the best in the country with the flats, is no more. Virtually all of the bars and clubs have closed in the flats, leaving the West 6th Street area like a ghost town. Read Less
Cleveland, Ohio is Underrated! 4 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 30, 2010) I was born and raised in Cleveland, and have lived in the area all my life. Cleveland gets knocked a lot, but it really is a great place to live well, and inexpensively. The winter weather in Cleveland can be brutal, though. There are lots of cultural opportunities and attraction ...Read More s: the Cleveland Orchestra, live music venues, art galleries and wonderful museums. We have great sports teams, even if they take us to the brink every year and let us down. The city has an excellent park system - unlike any I've seen even in much bigger cities. Cleveland has a beautiful National Park in the Cuyahoga Valley, and it's just minutes from downtown, Lake Erie, and the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame. You will also find many great restaurants in downtown Cleveland and in the outskirts of the city.

The city of Cleveland is going through a transition period now, as it moves away from the manufacturing base that drew so many people here after World War II. The city's future lies in the medical and biotechnology fields, and the transformation is being led by the Cleveland Clinic and several related organizations. Read Less

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      Cleveland, OH

      Cleveland rocks for the more than 375,000 who call this large Ohio city home. The city has enjoyed a rejuvenation over the last decade as Lebron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers helped rebuild the downtown area and energize the city with an NBA title. While Lebron may have moved on from the organization, the positive vibes in the city continue to flow and the boom in the medical sector and its investment in the city have saved it from the bust of the manufacturing plants that used to be a prominent part of Cleveland's skyline.

      One of the interesting facts that most people do not know about the city is that it was home to the country's first indoor shopping mall. Today, shoppers can find any store that they want in the city. Cleveland is also the location for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame where the leading men and women of this music genre are recognized for their greatness. Watching the induction ceremony into the hall of fame is an event that should be on every local's bucket list. The Cleveland Museum of Art is another top attraction that houses one of the region's largest collection of works from some of history's most influential painters. Kids will love the city's zoo that is home to an elephant and a baby rhino.

      As mentioned, the Cavs are one of Cleveland's favorite professional teams, but they are not the only game in town. The Indians have been one of the more consistent franchises over the last 25 years, and they play a style of baseball that is very exciting. Cleveland certainly loves the Browns, and they are waiting for the day when Baker Mayfield and them boys will turn the corner and contend for an AFC crown.

      Traffic is not a major source of concern in Cleveland thanks to the three major intersections that serve the city. Interstates 90, 490, and 77 provide good transit options to most points in the city. The RTA Rapid Transit is an affordable option for those who are looking to save miles on their vehicle or do their part to lower carbon emissions. The system is a combination of busses, light rail, and train that provide options to most residents in the city.

      Home prices in Cleveland are some of the most affordable in the country. Ohio City, The Flats, and Old Brooklyn are up-and-coming areas of town that are popular with new homeowners and those looking to rent. Cleveland has a low cost of living that allows their residents to spend time away from the office and with friends enjoying the downtown restaurants, entertainment options, and nightlife.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Cleveland? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Lucky Park
      Clark Field
      Lincoln Park
      Camp Cleveland Park
      Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation
      Abbey Park
      Hading Park
      Arch Park


      Ukrainian Museum-Archives
      The Liminis
      A Christmas Story House & Museum
      A Christmas Story House Museum
      Western Reserve Fire Museum
      Bohemian National Hall
      Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse
      The Glass Bubble Project

      Food & Drink

      The Spotted Owl
      Flying Monkey Pub
      Edison's Pub
      Hi and Dry
      Literary Tavern

      A Commute

      Is public transit available in Cleveland? Of all people who commute, 8.8% take public transportation in Cleveland.
      Drive to Work

      8% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      4% higher than the US average

      Walk to Work

      2% higher than the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Cleveland a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital
      Cleveland Clinic
      St. Vincent Charity Medical Center
      Lutheran Hospital
      University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
      Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center
      Select Specialty Hospital - Cleveland Fairhill
      MetroHealth Medical Center


      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      Asia Plaza Pharmacy
