Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (77) A+
Entertainment (163) A+
Food and Drink (283) A+
Fitness (27) A+
Groceries (47) A+
Parks (523) A+
Shops (277) A+
See more Cincinnati amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 6.7% take public transportation in Cincinnati.
Public Transit Stops (1845)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Cincinnati commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Cincinnati is 95/100 - which is 4% higher than Ohio.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Cincinnati cost of living data

crime F

Cincinnati crime rates are 4,957 per 100k, which is 150% higher than Ohio
Property Crime
4,229 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
728 crimes per 100k
See more Cincinnati crime data

employment D

The median income in Cincinnati is $42,663 - which is 16% lower than Ohio.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Cincinnati employment data

health B+

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (86)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Cincinnati health & safety data

housing A+

Cincinnati home prices are $148,700 - which is 13% higher than Ohio
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3.5x (home price to income ratio)
See more Cincinnati housing data

schools B-

The Cincinnati graduation rate is 82% - which is 4% lower than Ohio
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (209) C-
High Schools (72) A+
See more Cincinnati education data

ratings C-

Cincinnati has an overall rating of 61% from 40 reviews.
User Reviews (11)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (29)
From AreaVibes
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Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
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( 40 Ratings )

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Cincinnati Reviews

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Don't Let the Cheap Housing Prices Fool You 2.5 rating By Anonymous ( May 08, 2021) I am a native Cincinnatian, but left the city when I was in my 20's for a job opportunity and haven't lived there since. I am now 65, have recently retired and have seriously considered moving back to the city because of I believe it has some great neighborhoods, a rich history ...Read More with great architecture, some great cultural institutions and a regenerating downtown area. Very importantly, the housing prices are inexpensive relative to many other cities around the country including where I live now in Arlington, VA. In fact, it first appeared to me that housing in Cincinnati is a bargain. However, that really is not the case. The reason is the incredibly high real estate taxes which are levied on properties in Hamilton County. I always considered the RE taxes in Arlington VA to be high, which equate to approximately 1% of market value.. So if you purchased at $400,000 home, your annual real estate taxes would be about $4,000/yr. In Cincinnati, RE taxes are 2 1/2 times that so for a $400,000 you will pay about $10,000/yr. in taxes. If you applied the $6,000 difference to mortgage payments, you could afford to pay much more than $400,000 for a house in Arlington and still have the same costs of owning a $400,000 in Cincinnati. That alone accounts for a lot of the housing price differential between the two cities. Indeed the cost to own a house in Cincy is not so cheap. But there's one more part of the equation. In Arlington, the streets are clean and kept in great condition, the school system is very good, there is an excellent police force, crime is very low and public areas are well landscaped and maintained. The wildly higher real estate taxes in Cincinnati, get you a crappy school system, high crime, and crumbling infrastructure. So not only do Cincinnatians pay exorbitant RE Taxes, but they get little for it. Why there is such an enormous discrepancy, I really couldn't say. But if the city wants to attract new commerce to the area, it has to recognize the enormous disadvantage it has because of its tax structure. The city/county need to get serious about tightening their belt and running the local government much more efficiently. As for me, the high RE taxes have really dampened my enthusiasm to return. Considering the cost to own a home in Cincinnati and the crappy city services you get, its actually a fairly expensive city to live in. It sure ain't no bargain! Read Less
racist and slow 1 rating By lcumming ( Dec 09, 2017) This city is slow and racist I would not recommend if you are a black tan do not come here. I have I have a four-year degree from NKU and it is hard for me to excel. It is easier for you if you are a black woman. There is subtle racism here. And I am planning to leave somewhere ...Read More where there is better opportunities for black men Read Less
Customer Service and Smiles Are Alive in Cincinnati!!!! 5 rating By Tdesadier66 ( Jul 16, 2017) My 14 year old daughter and I came here to see my son race in the US Rowing Crew Nationals in Bethel on Harsha Lake. We stayed at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Cincinnati and had time to explore. I have never been to Ohio before and didn't expect much. I was pleasantly surprise ...Read More d by how beautiful and clean of a city Cincinnati is. Every where we went people were very friendly, from the cab drivers, airport vendors, street cleaners, hotel staff, and most of the folks you meet. Our waiters and waitresses were remarkable. Customer Service is Alive in Cincinnati!!The riverfront is spectacular, what wonderful urban planning. The Zoo, just beautiful and you really get to experience the animals up close. What a great stay we had! The people of Cincinnati really have created a gem. Read Less
Sorry Cincinnati, You're Not All Grown Up Yet 1.5 rating By Nik J ( Apr 01, 2017) Not really a fan of the Quenn City. It is a small city with little to do. The riverwalk area is vastly improved but the dining is limited nut not really a gastro's dream city.... and there is little esle to do. Nice to walk it but not really a main attraction. The larger city its ...Read More elf is run down and has little to offer. Step away from the river front and you'd better have a bullet proof vest. Racism toward whites? In your face, apparant and raw. City management is a laughing stock of the mid-west. They use thier parking officers to try and raise money for a run down dying city. Something like $50 for a parking ticket and they are notorius for hitting visitors with tickets as soon as possible. You can watch the meter maids hitting up cars literally as soon as the meter expires. I wondered if they have electronic devices to tell them which meter just expired. Worse they require metered parking even in parts fo town that have nothing going on. Last but not least, if midwestern hospitality means stone faced stares at the ground you'll love the people here. You'll meet more outgoing friendly people on any NYC street in one day then you'll meet here in a month. This city has a long way to go. Read Less
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Customer Service and Smiles Are Alive in Cincinnati!!!! 5 rating By Tdesadier66 ( Jul 16, 2017) My 14 year old daughter and I came here to see my son race in the US Rowing Crew Nationals in Bethel on Harsha Lake. We stayed at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Cincinnati and had time to explore. I have never been to Ohio before and didn't expect much. I was pleasantly surprise ...Read More d by how beautiful and clean of a city Cincinnati is. Every where we went people were very friendly, from the cab drivers, airport vendors, street cleaners, hotel staff, and most of the folks you meet. Our waiters and waitresses were remarkable. Customer Service is Alive in Cincinnati!!The riverfront is spectacular, what wonderful urban planning. The Zoo, just beautiful and you really get to experience the animals up close. What a great stay we had! The people of Cincinnati really have created a gem. Read Less
Sorry Cincinnati, You're Not All Grown Up Yet 1.5 rating By Nik J ( Apr 01, 2017) Not really a fan of the Quenn City. It is a small city with little to do. The riverwalk area is vastly improved but the dining is limited nut not really a gastro's dream city.... and there is little esle to do. Nice to walk it but not really a main attraction. The larger city its ...Read More elf is run down and has little to offer. Step away from the river front and you'd better have a bullet proof vest. Racism toward whites? In your face, apparant and raw. City management is a laughing stock of the mid-west. They use thier parking officers to try and raise money for a run down dying city. Something like $50 for a parking ticket and they are notorius for hitting visitors with tickets as soon as possible. You can watch the meter maids hitting up cars literally as soon as the meter expires. I wondered if they have electronic devices to tell them which meter just expired. Worse they require metered parking even in parts fo town that have nothing going on. Last but not least, if midwestern hospitality means stone faced stares at the ground you'll love the people here. You'll meet more outgoing friendly people on any NYC street in one day then you'll meet here in a month. This city has a long way to go. Read Less
Sensational Cincinnati! 4 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 19, 2014) I have had the great opportunity to live in Cincinnati, Ohio for the past three years now. I come from Dayton, Ohio and when I was applying to universities, I never saw myself living in Cincinnati. Looking back now, I wouldn't have changed my decision to go to the University of C ...Read More incinnati because I have fallen in love with this historically rich city. Cincinnati has so much to explore and even within each separate village of the city, there are tons of unique aspects to see. Each of the villages are scattered throughout a series of seven gorgeous hills filled with nature abound.

The village that I live in is known as Clifton. It is home to the nationally renowned University of Cincinnati. The university truly resembles the style of Cincinnati and displays a great balance of both artificial and natural beauties. The houses in Clifton are tall and prominent as well as attractive to the eye. Most of the homes show off elegant aesthetics of architecture. Clifton is a very diverse city where people from all over the world live. I, myself, come from Romania. With the diverse population comes the endless number of diverse delicious restaurants. There are lots to do in Clifton, whether that be enjoying the many events occurring on campus or going to explore the extravagant Clifton Gaslight Business District. This district is lined with family owned restaurants and shops and also features the Esquire Theatre, which is known to show truly artistic movies. The Esquire is a popular attraction in Cincinnati.

Clifton is just one of the many unique and culturally rich parts of Cincinnati. There are many great opportunities that one can experience within this city. I know I have! Read Less
The Heart Of Cincinnatti, OH 4 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 17, 2014) In 1999, I was notified of an opportunity by my manager to move with him to Cincinnatti, Ohio to help him open up a new office. I lived in Indianapolis at the time, so I was ready for a change of pace. The two cities, although separated by only a few hundred miles, couldn't be mo ...Read More re different.

The city is rich in culture and its close proximity to Kentucky only adds to its unique charm. Visitors will enjoy a wide variety of local attractions, including a vibrant nightlife. Visit the tri-county mall in suburban Springdale for a shopping extravaganza and later take in a dinner and movie at the historical Mt Lookout Cinema Grill in downtown Cincinnatti, Ohio. At night, take a horse and buggy ride through downtown Cincy or cross the Ohio River and cap the night off with a couple of drinks at the Yucatan Liquor Stand.

While there is a lot of advantages of living in Cincinnatti, there are also some disadvantages. Prepare to face a lot of traffic throughout the city, especially on weekend nights. I once sat in a traffic jam for one hour. Also, the steep hills of the landscape and confusing road patterns in some parts of downtown Cincinnatti might account for some tricky traveling, especially during winterstorms.

The short two years that I lived in Cincinnatti was an experience I'll never forget. The people, the sights, and the sounds were so different from Indianapolis that it was almost like being on another planet. Hopefully, you too will have the pleasure of experiencing the same feeling when you visit this intriguing city.
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Hippocritical City that Hates It's Citizens 1 rating By AnnW ( Dec 18, 2013) The city of Cincinnati is lacking in many things. I've lived here all my life and find that the City services are assigned based on economic background. If you are rich and live in a well to do neighborhood, you get good service and if you don't, then your streets are littered ...Read More and crumbling. In short, the city has no love for its citizens.

At one time many investors came to Cincinnati to invest in multi unit housing. Those same investors have left because the building dept, health dept, and other city entities swoop down on these people like hawks and make sure they fail. The city wants old buildings to be miraculously made new and get very personal instead of keeping things businesslike and professional.

There is no incentive to invest here, just "ridiculous and many times unneeded regulations" that make it harder, not easier, to do business. They city even ask for a cut of any major projects that contractors do on a piece of property.
You need to put in 100 windows, the city gets a cut. You need to upgrade tile in a building, the city gets a cut. You need to upgrade lighting in a place, the city gets a cut and the inspectors make it hard to get the job done with regulations for everything.

The city of Cincinnati can't even get the garbage collection right and charge for everything while they slack on city services. Property taxes are enormous. Litter on city property is everywhere and the city property grass grows high in some places and is only cut once, maybe twice a year. Of course, there is no recourse because the city does not fine itself. So, nothing gets better.

In summary, you are on your own in the city of Cincinnati. Read Less
The bad Outweighs the Good 1 rating By BEving3 ( Dec 04, 2013) We moved here about 2 years ago and have been kicking ourselves every day since. Most people here work very hard to keep themselves separated from each other. I hate to give such a bad review, but I know most people here will be happy about it, if they understand how it will help ...Read More keep out new, open-minded people. It's stagnant. Most outside visitors are work, family or friend related. It's highly segregated. Since most of them hardly ever see many people from around the world, they're scared of different people. It makes life here really depressing because people are extremely disconnected from each other.

- Cincinnati Zoo,
- Cincinnati Museum Center,
- Newport Aquarium,
- A handful of cool people,
- Cheap cost of living,

- Serious prejudice coming from all sides. I constantly hear racial slurs and other labels.
- Very little individualism. Almost everyone has the same style.
- You can't talk about anything except things like money, cars, your job, houses or anything technical. If you want to talk about anything personal, like emotion or a friend dying, forget it. It's too uncomfortable for them.
- When driving, you'll feel like you're on a race track. Accidents are everywhere. I usually see at least 4 or 5 a week while driving only 15+ miles a day. I've seen 5 in one 20 mile trip! Cars are disabled all over the roads, with broken steering parts, due to whipping around. Turn signals and safe driving distances are largely unseen. Even most police and emergency personnel drive this way.
- Auto repair is a crap shoot. Almost every time I've had my cars worked on, in many different shops, they've come back messed up. People usually don't drive higher end cars because almost nobody can be trained to work on them.
- Chemical dumping by companies is not being reported. We've developed several skin problems since moving here. There are always some fowl smells coming from places around Downtown.
- Many of the people here think turning on the TV is the best way to explore the world or learn everything.
- Almost everyone knows everything about any given subject, without actually having real information about it.
- Junk food and deserts are the main diet staple. Since most people don't have outlets, like exercise, eating healthy or exploring their world, it seems like 90% of them are always ready for a fight.
- I've never heard so many people talk about world issues and say, "That's just the way it is" or, "There's nothing I can do about it".
- Many roads are in terrible shape,
- People usually don't vote for an issue unless it has the tag line, "and it won't raise your taxes!". Doesn't matter what it's for. Read Less
Cincinnati: City of Family Values and Crazy Drivers 4 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 25, 2011) I think the first thing visitors notices about Cincinnati is how very civil everyone behaves. It is as though everyone is afraid they are being filmed and will have to answer to their mother for any bad behavior. I have traveled to Cincinnati, OH many times over the years and tim ...Read More e spent in the city is like time spent with one's own family, assuming you belong to a polite, reserved family.

There is a small town feel to the city despite its major league teams, world class zoo, Ballet Company and symphony orchestra. Things change slowly but once established become deeply rooted. Traditions such as praying the steps of St. Peter-in-Chains Church on Good Friday, the Cincinnati Red's Opening Day parade and eating sauerkraut and pork on New Year's Day are as strong today as they were 50 or 100 years ago. The city is like a family of over 300,000 members who share mannerisms, likes, dislikes and to a point, language. Those passing through are often thrown by terms like pony keg which is a small corner carry out which sells beer. They are baffled by establishments called Chili Parlors devoted to Cincinnati style chili spaghetti and by White Castle hamburgers that are so small that ordering less than half a dozen will solicit strange looks. They are annoyed with apparent admonitions to be polite; a reply of "please" in Cincinnati parlance means, "Sorry, didn't hear what you said".

The city's shortcomings frustrate visitors and residents alike. The only thing predictable about the weather is that it changes abruptly and often. The city streets appear to be laid out by a schizophrenic, a situation not helped by its many steep hills; and the earlier mentioned civility ends when a Cincinnatian gets behind the wheel. If after moving here it doesn't drive you crazy the first year, you will enjoy being part of the family.
Read Less
Cincinnatti is Cincinnatti! 2.5 rating By RandyEDU ( Mar 27, 2011) I am from Dayton, OH and used to live in Cincinnatti and am a frequent visitor. Cincinnatti like everywhere else has its bad and good parts. They have a crime problem and the downtown area and over-the-rhine are quite dangerous. Cincinnatti has lots of attractions such as their f ...Read More ootball stadium, baseball stadium, newport on the levee, and Kings Island. The food is very diverse and there are many options on where to eat here.

From Johnny Rockets down by the river to the pubs with the Cincinnatti barbeque chips of the downtown area! Cincinnatti isn't all flowers and roses though. Their crime ranks them at around sixteenth/fifteenth worst in the nation. Read Less
Cincinnati - Museums, Parks and Great Scenery 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 30, 2010) In the summer of 2008, I visited my best friend in Cincinnati Ohio and enjoyed it enormously. It's a great place to get away to if you enjoy the outdoor scenery. Summers in Cincinnati are green and lush. Cincinnati would be a great place to raise a family because everybody is so ...Read More friendly and welcoming. Walking down the street people smile and are happy to help visitors get where they are going.

We also visited the Cincinnati art museum in Eden Park which showcased more than 60,000 pieces. There were various other attractions in Cincinnati that I would have liked to have visited but, ran out of time. Downtown Cincinnati was a blast! I went to a comedy Club called the "Bean Haus" They had an open mic night, so there was an array of talented aspiring comedians. I also went to an Italian restaurant in Cincinnati called Germano's, and enjoyed their wine very much! Cincinnati may not be as exciting as Las Vegas, but it is a great place to get away for beautiful scenery, and for a pleasant atmosphere. Read Less

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      Cincinnati, OH

      Cincinnati is famous for its Skyline Chili that combines spaghetti noodles with a chili that is kissed with a touch of cinnamon. In addition, the area is home to over 300,000 people who enjoy a high quality of life in this Southern Ohio town. The city is on the border with neighboring Kentucky, and it is home to a couple of professional sports franchises. The Cincinnati Bengals and the Cincinnati Reds have riverfront stadiums that are located just a couple of blocks from each other. The University of Cincinnati Bearcats are also located in the city, and they are one of the best basketball teams in the American Athletic Conference.

      Home prices in Cincinnati are affordable, and a moderate sized budget can purchase or rent a beautiful and large home. Some of the city's largest employers include Kroger that has a giant headquarters in the city, The Cincinnati Memorial Children's Hospital, The Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky Airport, and TriHealth Inc. Getting around the city is pretty easy except for some spots during rush hour that can back up if there is an accident or two on the city streets. Interstates 71 and 74 both feed into the city. Interstate 75 also flows into the city. If driving your own car does not appeal to you, Cincinnati is served by a public transportation provider that operates a system of busses and shuttles all around the city.

      Hyde Park, Clifton, Walnut Hills, Avondale, and Mount Lookout are just a handful of neighborhoods that have attracted a lot of people who are looking to buy or rent a home in recent years. Each of these areas provide residents access to good shopping, good public schools, and they offer easy access to some of the city's main transportation routes.

      Newport Aquarium is one of the city's best attractions for families. It is a blast to spend a day watching the underwater animals dazzle in their natural habitat. The Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens offer visitors a chance to enjoy the beautiful flowers and trees in the park with a collection of animals that has been curated from around the world. Speaking of curation, the Cincinnati Art Museum is another top attraction that provides those who attend a peak into some of the best works from leading artists.

      If you are looking to buy or rent a home in an area where your budget will not be stretched, Cincinnati, Ohio, is a smart option that can provide great value. The city offers an interesting selection of restaurants, boutique shops, and history that will keep you and your family excited and wanting to come back to the downtown area for more.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Cincinnati? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Piatt Park
      Procter & Gamble Gardens
      Pioneer Park
      Greater Cincinnati Firefighters Memorial Park
      Lytle Park
      Spring Street Plaza
      Washington Park
      Imagination Alley


      Contemporary Arts Center
      Aronoff Center for the Arts
      Aronoff Center for the Arts
      Weston Art Gallery
      Tyler Davidson Fountain
      Fountain Square Plaza
      Taft Theatre

      Food & Drink

      Horse & Barrel
      Jimmy John's
      Penn Station

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Cincinnati? Of all people who commute, 6.7% take public transportation in Cincinnati.
      Drive to Work

      6% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      2% higher than the US average

      Walk to Work

      3% higher than the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Cincinnati a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Holmes Hospital
      Daniel Drake Center
      Mercy Health — Queen City Medical Center
      University of Cincinnati Medical Center
      Select Specialty Hospital Cincinnati
      Good Samaritan Hospital
      The Christ Hospital
      Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center


      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      University Health Services
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy


      Cincinnati Children’s Drake
      Rose Gynecology
      Tri-State Centers for Sight, Inc. - Hyde Park