Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (741) A+
Entertainment (365) A+
Food and Drink (2448) A+
Fitness (149) A+
Groceries (657) A+
Parks (1826) A+
Shops (2241) A+
See more Chicago amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 26.2% take public transportation in Chicago.
Public Transit Stops (10491)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Chicago commute data

cost of living D

The cost of living in Chicago is 114/100 - which is 18% higher than Illinois.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Chicago cost of living data

crime F

Chicago crime rates are 4,039 per 100k, which is 99% higher than Illinois
Property Crime
3,432 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
607 crimes per 100k
See more Chicago crime data

employment B

The median income in Chicago is $62,097 - which is 5% higher than Illinois.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Chicago employment data

health B

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (614)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Chicago health & safety data

housing A+

Chicago home prices are $267,600 - which is 53% higher than Illinois
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
4.3x (home price to income ratio)
See more Chicago housing data

schools D

The Chicago graduation rate is 80% - which is 5% lower than Illinois
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (706) A+
High Schools (249) A+
See more Chicago education data

ratings C+

Chicago has an overall rating of 67% from 137 reviews.
User Reviews (19)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (118)
From AreaVibes
See more Chicago user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Chicago, IL
( 137 Ratings )

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Used to be a great city 10+ years ago 1 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 06, 2025) Born and raised here, I used to be proud to be from and live in Chicago. In the past 10 years things have only gotten worse: higher city taxes, much higher crime, insane rental/home prices, higher food/entertainment costs, heavier traffic (think 45m-1hr to travel <10 miles!), ver ...Read More y noisy, no public/free parking, crumbling roads, deteriorated city infrastructure, more isolation and less community feel. There is a strong economic inequity here, a study done by local college that states the middle class ($40-100k salary) cannot afford to live here any longer and have been moving away in droves to more affordable areas. It has now become a place for rich, suburban transplants that are not friendly neighbors. The entire state of Illinois is also broke, so you will pay much more in state and Cook County (we call it "Crook County") taxes due to a deficit that was overlooked in the state budget. The weather is awful here, most of the time way too hot or cold outside and we have more overcast days than in Seattle. Not much for nature, our parks can be nice, but don't stick around after sundown unless you want trouble. Great place to visit with good food, beautiful architecture and lakefront, maybe even live here in your 20s if you can afford it. Otherwise, move somewhere nicer, like Wisconsin or Michigan. I'll be moving out of here very soon and never thought I'd say Good Riddance to my once beloved Chicago. Read Less
Glad to be leaving 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 15, 2022) I honestly think the only people impressed with living here are people who grew up in the suburbs or some boring small town. I was born and raised here and am glad to finally be leaving. Even though I live in one of the nicer areas, there is STILL crime here! the criminals from o ...Read More ther areas come here to shoot and steal. The homeless population is out of control and this is the worst mayor I have ever seen for the city! The train lines are dangerous, especially the red and blue lines, the mixture of people is a hit or a miss (I find this cities "friendliness" is overrated) and it is still ever so corrupt. As for the amenities, the attractions are better for tourists. Once you live here long enough those places don't appeal to you anymore if they ever did to begin with. I read one review that said neighbors here actually know each other and I could not agree less with that. Not sure where they lived, but I have lived in Logan Square, Roscoe Village, Edgewater, Andersonville, Ravenswood, and now Lakeview, and I have never seen neighbors that know each other that well. The nightlife here is superoverrated! The bar scene is filled with mostly bros and when I was youger and wanted to hit the club scene, I quickly realized how low-brow it is here: you're not getting high-class experiences (go to manhattan for that). Chicago is better known for its house parties and those are also a hit or a miss. The restaurants are good but you still find higher calibre in LA or NYC. Our fine dining in inconsistent. The shopping is best in Gold Coast or Lincoln Park. The buses aren't the best, typically being late or filled with too much people, the traffic is bad, and the city is pretty dirty in many areas. The city has a sad fashion scene and lacks personality. No idea how anyone could ever want to live here! Read Less
Went to Chicago and had fun like never before! 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 19, 2021) FYI, all the experiences I had were just in downtown Chicago, none of them were in the suburbs (Highland Park, Lake Forest, south or any suburb, etc). Also giving up time to watch Azumanga Daioh and The Future Diary anime in English dubs just to write this review out.

This is on
...Read More e of the best cities in this country. Chicago is quite similar to NYC, but smaller than both NYC and LA, and the difference being the people here, compared to the people from both NYC and LA is that the people here are very Midwestern with their attitude, friendliness, hospitality, and are accommodating, but I've had experiences with big weirdos here and there. People in their high school and teen years even. I've been very happy with my visit and I'll never forget the experiences in Ohio Street Beach, Oak St. Beach, the visit to the Sears Tower and even the times I walked alongside the DuSable Bridge near the Trump Tower Hotel. Giordano's Pizza is well worth your money and worth eating - I ate a Giordano's pizza myself with the extra thin crust cheese pizza. Crime is bad but not as bad as many people make it out to be. I was personally safe even at 1-2 AM when strolling throughout the streets (I kid you not, this really happened EVEN AFTER I WAS STONED ON WEED and watching anime in the hotel room I stayed in). Even had the gull to sneak on to the Ohio Street Beach at 1:30 AM AT NIGHT TIME. Very surprisingly, I never had issues with anyone in this city during my visit.

I only stayed here in Chicago for 2 days as I didn't have enough time and money to make out for visiting places and doing everything that this city has to offer. And yes, weed is fully legal in the state of Illinois entirely as of October 2021 when writing this review (also got weed in Colorado, especially in Denver, I've been in Denver too and enjoyed it before I came to Chicago 2 months later). I bought my weed at Sunnyside dispensary near 435 Clark St in downtown Chicago (I bought weed at Euflora Recreational Dispensary near the Target store in downtown Denver as well).

Visiting from Leawood, in Kansas City.

Good luck to anyone visiting here. Please just stay, also mindful of traffic as I heard it was really bad and the drivers are aggressive - they really are, especially after 4-5 PM rush hour traffic. Read Less
City in a garden 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( May 09, 2020) Chicago is a city that at first glance seems unwelcoming. If one hears of the crime, the winter, the wind, the history of corruption, the neighborhood segregation, and the cost of living it's easy to dismiss as a place to live. However, Chicago is a magical place that will be you ...Read More r happy home if given a chance. Winters and summers reveal two different cities as for part of the year parks, lake fronts, warm nights, and sidewalk seating characterize your life. The city has plays, movies, music, and festivals in the parks all summer. There are parades in each neighborhood that reveal who that community is as you can join religious, ethnic, or national celebrations you can join. In the winter bright lights replace the late summer sun and life that was previously on the streets and in the parks is now in restaurants, bars, museums, and ice rinks. Life continues just as vibrantly, but now indoors. The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) turns on their heating lamps allowing its travelers warmth and shelter from the wind.

The city is one that treasures its diversity and is working to overcome the segregation that plagues it. Each neighborhood has its own communal identity and if you're willing you can connect and be accepted into. From the Mexican community in La Villita to the hipsters of Wicker Park, from the upper crust of the Loop to the first generation South Asian population of West Ridge each place has its own identity. The thing that connects them is their willingness to participate in their communities and in others to heal and improve the city. Though they are segregated I have watched and realized they do not exist in the vacuum -- violence in one area sees out cry and protest from the others. There is grassroots community activism and mobilization has neighborhoods build themselves up through volunteers and local programs is perhaps a side effect of needing to step in to take care of one's own during the years that corrupt government would not.

The north side of the city is safe and typically more affluent than the south or west sides thus it is more expensive and more crowded. We live in West Ride. The school system is one that is challenging to navigate and I have had to fight to get my kids into schools outside of the neighborhood as our local schools had pretty bad stats. Our high schooler takes a CTA train and bus to get to and from school every day which is about and hour both ways. Our elementary and middle schoolers have 45 minutes on the school bus. There are good grocery stores within walking distance from our apartment and if we need anything else we take CTA.

I love this city and its people and its quirks. I go to Michigan Avenue and walk around like a tourist. I take full access of all the free days and discounts that museums, theaters, and concerts offer to Chicago residents and families. I love that I can go to the African grocery stores and get foods from my home country while having the amenities of this country. That's a great privilege to pass on to my kids. This is a city of hard knocks, hard work, and hard play. If you're willing it'll become your favorite place in the world. Read Less
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Went to Chicago and had fun like never before! 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 19, 2021) FYI, all the experiences I had were just in downtown Chicago, none of them were in the suburbs (Highland Park, Lake Forest, south or any suburb, etc). Also giving up time to watch Azumanga Daioh and The Future Diary anime in English dubs just to write this review out.

This is on
...Read More e of the best cities in this country. Chicago is quite similar to NYC, but smaller than both NYC and LA, and the difference being the people here, compared to the people from both NYC and LA is that the people here are very Midwestern with their attitude, friendliness, hospitality, and are accommodating, but I've had experiences with big weirdos here and there. People in their high school and teen years even. I've been very happy with my visit and I'll never forget the experiences in Ohio Street Beach, Oak St. Beach, the visit to the Sears Tower and even the times I walked alongside the DuSable Bridge near the Trump Tower Hotel. Giordano's Pizza is well worth your money and worth eating - I ate a Giordano's pizza myself with the extra thin crust cheese pizza. Crime is bad but not as bad as many people make it out to be. I was personally safe even at 1-2 AM when strolling throughout the streets (I kid you not, this really happened EVEN AFTER I WAS STONED ON WEED and watching anime in the hotel room I stayed in). Even had the gull to sneak on to the Ohio Street Beach at 1:30 AM AT NIGHT TIME. Very surprisingly, I never had issues with anyone in this city during my visit.

I only stayed here in Chicago for 2 days as I didn't have enough time and money to make out for visiting places and doing everything that this city has to offer. And yes, weed is fully legal in the state of Illinois entirely as of October 2021 when writing this review (also got weed in Colorado, especially in Denver, I've been in Denver too and enjoyed it before I came to Chicago 2 months later). I bought my weed at Sunnyside dispensary near 435 Clark St in downtown Chicago (I bought weed at Euflora Recreational Dispensary near the Target store in downtown Denver as well).

Visiting from Leawood, in Kansas City.

Good luck to anyone visiting here. Please just stay, also mindful of traffic as I heard it was really bad and the drivers are aggressive - they really are, especially after 4-5 PM rush hour traffic. Read Less
City in a garden 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( May 09, 2020) Chicago is a city that at first glance seems unwelcoming. If one hears of the crime, the winter, the wind, the history of corruption, the neighborhood segregation, and the cost of living it's easy to dismiss as a place to live. However, Chicago is a magical place that will be you ...Read More r happy home if given a chance. Winters and summers reveal two different cities as for part of the year parks, lake fronts, warm nights, and sidewalk seating characterize your life. The city has plays, movies, music, and festivals in the parks all summer. There are parades in each neighborhood that reveal who that community is as you can join religious, ethnic, or national celebrations you can join. In the winter bright lights replace the late summer sun and life that was previously on the streets and in the parks is now in restaurants, bars, museums, and ice rinks. Life continues just as vibrantly, but now indoors. The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) turns on their heating lamps allowing its travelers warmth and shelter from the wind.

The city is one that treasures its diversity and is working to overcome the segregation that plagues it. Each neighborhood has its own communal identity and if you're willing you can connect and be accepted into. From the Mexican community in La Villita to the hipsters of Wicker Park, from the upper crust of the Loop to the first generation South Asian population of West Ridge each place has its own identity. The thing that connects them is their willingness to participate in their communities and in others to heal and improve the city. Though they are segregated I have watched and realized they do not exist in the vacuum -- violence in one area sees out cry and protest from the others. There is grassroots community activism and mobilization has neighborhoods build themselves up through volunteers and local programs is perhaps a side effect of needing to step in to take care of one's own during the years that corrupt government would not.

The north side of the city is safe and typically more affluent than the south or west sides thus it is more expensive and more crowded. We live in West Ride. The school system is one that is challenging to navigate and I have had to fight to get my kids into schools outside of the neighborhood as our local schools had pretty bad stats. Our high schooler takes a CTA train and bus to get to and from school every day which is about and hour both ways. Our elementary and middle schoolers have 45 minutes on the school bus. There are good grocery stores within walking distance from our apartment and if we need anything else we take CTA.

I love this city and its people and its quirks. I go to Michigan Avenue and walk around like a tourist. I take full access of all the free days and discounts that museums, theaters, and concerts offer to Chicago residents and families. I love that I can go to the African grocery stores and get foods from my home country while having the amenities of this country. That's a great privilege to pass on to my kids. This is a city of hard knocks, hard work, and hard play. If you're willing it'll become your favorite place in the world. Read Less
Never Going Back 2 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 23, 2019) I've lived in Chicago most of my life, and I'm glad to say I don't live there anymore. It is a city full of corruption, and I want no part of it. I'm happier now that I've moved. There are nice attractions there, and over the summer, there are fun things to do downtown. Downtown ...Read More is really the only tourist attraction. There are good neighborhoods, but they're all up north, and very expensive. Anywhere south of 35th street, you'd better make sure your children are inside before the streetlights come on. Crime is high. Police are allegedly corrupt. Politicians are dishonest. Entire city is racially segregated.

Again, I'm glad I moved, and will never go back. Read Less
Chicago has the best and the worst of everything 2 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 22, 2018) I have lived in Seoul, Tokyo, New York and Los Angeles in addition to Chicago. It has everything you could want from a city - it has great food (New York has better high society, but Chicago has better casual dining in my opinion), tons of attractions, nightlife and events. The n ...Read More eighborhoods are actually neighborhoods and people do know each other, but the city is broken into two populations - and in my opinion, there is no better summer than the one in Chicago. With more than 400 street festivals and thousands of block parties, there is no better time to be in Chicago from mid May through mid September.Why would I give it two stars then?Crime is everywhere although violent crimes are typically contained to 6 wards. The schools are so bad that public school teachers put their children into private schools. A bankrupt (money and morals) government caused by decades of corruption, a deteriorating infrastructure with no money to repair, unfunded pension liabilities and then the normal city stuff -- congestion, homelessness, etc. and the winters are disgusting.Long story short- Chicago is a pretty Faberge Egg. All of the pretty and amazing things which make you say "oooh, amazing" but hollowed out from mismanagement. The city and state will need to undergo a financial restructuring much like Detroit. They are in better standing and won't crash Read Less
Good city for business 3.5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 13, 2018) As an immigrant from the Soviet Union, I can say this city is very nice. Everyone say move to Brighton Beach in New York City, but why when you have Ukrainian Village not too far from the Chicago Downtown. Food is also amazing, and there is great opportunity for business ...Read More Read Less
The most overrated city in the world 0.5 rating By grace123 ( Aug 23, 2016) Don't go to Chicago. Don't move there. People trick you and say that they all love this city. It's all fake. There is nothing here whatsoever. People think that they live in a vibrant international city. Pathetic and tragic. ...Read More Read Less
Waaayyyyy over hyped 1 rating By marv ( Aug 10, 2016) This place is anarchy run amoke. No police presence on the highways make it an autobond and the tollways make no sense whatsoverliterally nothing explaining the tollway system. Most are automated and only take coins. WTF we are in the 21st century Chicago catch up. so instead the ...Read More y have a guess what time you exactly went thru the toll booths and pay later system which i dont understand since there are cameras taking a picture of your license plate so why can't i just look up my balance i owe by my license plate. The city is deeply racially divided and it's obvious the city is poorly ran. Don't go save your money and sanity and visit St Louis or Kansas city. People are more polite and you don't have to deal with the bumper to bumper traffic and lawlessness that runs the city. Read Less
So much fun 4.5 rating By veezee ( Jan 17, 2016) Background: Lived in Chicago for a year while attending grad school

1. This city is a lot of fun; in the summer there's beaches to hang out on along Lake Michigan, concerts to attend, a vibrant nightlife, so much food to be sampled. I took up a few extra hobbies, asked a
...Read More friend if she did so much stuff when she lived in CA, and we came to the conclusion, that because of the harsh winter, people really want to LIVE LIFE when the weather is good. So they do. To the fullest!!!
2. I like that this is a big city, with some of the Midwestern friendliness. In the one year that I lived here, I made as many friends as I did in the 11 that I lived in Phoenix AZ. People are just more open to new people
3. If you are a sports person, this city is SO PROUD of their teams and has a pretty cool long rich history of sports
4. Public trans is pretty damn good. Taxis and ubers aren't outrageous. Everyone walks a lot. Many people commute by bike. You could live here without a vehicle.
5. I love the community feel. In the summer, it seemed that every weekend there was a different neighborhood festival, taste of Little Italy, Greek Festival in Greek town, Taste of Chicago, Pilson and the list goes on.
6. I'm not really the shopping type, but I've tagged along with a friend who is and she seems to love the magnificent mile.

1. Activity rich city, but everything costs $$$$$
2. the winters are COLD - Wind just cuts through everything but those huge down parkas
3. Crime - there's apparently a lot of it, although I myself didn't have any bad experiences.
4. Pay for parking out your nose Read Less
Great Food City 5 rating By lyners ( May 22, 2015) Just back from a trip to Chicago and loved the food! Took the Chicago Food Planet Food Tour and really enjoyed it. A great way to see Bucktown and Wicker Park. Don't miss - George's Hot Dogs (try the Chicago dog!!), Hot Chocolate, Piece - best pizza and ask for a Growler if yo ...Read More u are thirsty, The Purple Pig, The Violet Hour (best cocktails on the planet), Avec, Firecakes (great doughnuts) and all the restaurants with the word Goat in them. For more expensive options - Alinea (3 Michelin Stars but very $$$) and Chicago Cut Steakhouse. Don't miss the Architectural River Cruise. Throw in a ball game, a trip to the Art Institute of Chicago and The Field Museum and you will have had an incredible holiday!! Read Less
Jersey Shore to Chicago 4 rating By Colie ( Apr 09, 2013) I moved out to Chicago in 2008 and I started at Columbia College Chicago. I fell in love with the city immediately. A lot of beautiful buildings to look at and great parks to take long walks with friends. I lived in the dorms in the South Loop and I hated living there. My boyfrie ...Read More nd and I found a one bedroom apartment on the Northside of Chicago in Uptown and we started to fall in love with the city even more. The neighborhoods of Chicago have a lot more to offer than downtown. Downtown is catered to tourists and while you might some good local stomps on the side streets they are few and far between. I live close to the neighborhood Andersonville and Clark Ave is a strip of one store and one restaurant right after the other. Its perfect! There are many other neighborhood just like it and Lincoln Park is gorgeous. You can find great places to eat all over the place and wonderful bars. Also Chicago has great craft beer and even a local distillery called Koval. One downside to Chicago is the winter but for me I think if you can handle the winter then you have come to know the true character of Chicago. People in Chicago have a tendency to be a little nosy they are always watching what you are doing or inquiring about very personal matters. But I am also a private, introverted person so this may not bother others as much as me. I have been hear almost 5 years now and I am tired of it. The winter was rough and I'm getting a little annoyed with public transportation being so slow. Also I am moving to LA and keep dreaming of sun and palm trees. I would recommend Chicago to people but it does take a certain person. Its a blue collar city compared to some other cities in the US so keep that in mind. Read Less
A native Chicagoan returns and can't wait to leave!! 1.5 rating By Swtchoc ( Feb 26, 2012) I was born and raised in Chicago and left when I was 21. I'd returned in 25 years to be with my family. It was the worst move I've ever made. So much have changed, which I'd expected. But, I found the majoirty of the people to be rude and self-centered. Don't get me wrong, I ...Read More 've met some really nice and personable people there, but the majority of the people I've met/worked with, left much to be desired. I've lived in various metro-cities and overseas. Chicago may be great for some people, but it is not for me.
Living here is not living!! Read Less
Chicago, IL - Have a Taste! 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 23, 2011) I lived in Chicago for four years during college as a young adult. I moved there from a small town in Illinois and it was a huge change in the access to culture! When you live in Chicago, there is never a moment that needs to be dull. Fabulous food, easy city public transportatio ...Read More n, exciting music, and more activities are all available in the Windy City.

Food can quite possibly be one of the main reasons to visit this city if none other. The Taste of Chicago is a world-renowned festival for it's hundreds of vendors from throughout the city that come together in Grant Park for visitors to sample "tastes" of different specialties ranging from Chicago-style deep dish pizza to fried alligator or home-made Italian ice with fresh fruit. Restaurants hidden throughout the city such as Pancho Pistola's Mexican, Connie's Pizza, Portillo's, and Zephyr's Grill all possess excellent flavor and home-made food unique to the neighborhood's they hail from. Getting a hot and fresh free donut at Krispy Kreme was a frequent trip with my friends in college, or grabbing some Greek style fries at Submarine Tender's in the suburbs.

Music is one of the main aspects I loved so much about Chicago, too. You can hear any style of music in Chicago, live, and often free! Grant Park holds summer music festivals hosted by the city's tourism department. Summer music festivals include award winning music in jazz, blues, country, pop, and classical music. Concerts are hosted by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Lyric Opera reguarly all year long. Private clubs and bars host local bands sometimes weekly or even daily. Even getting on and off the EL throughout the city will allow you to hear musicians playing for donations on goodwill. No place will offer such wide opportunities of food and music like Chicago! Read Less
Fun city with lots to do and a great transportation system 5 rating By ThomasK ( Feb 17, 2011) I have lived in Chicago since 2006, and I love it. The train and bus system is great to have, and I walk so much more than I did when I lived in my previous city. The ability to take the train to work (I've used both Metra and CTA) is much better than the 45 mins I used to spend ...Read More in the car to start and end my work day. I spend my commute time reading now or surfing the internet.

Chicago has a wonderful lake front park and beach system. I live north of the city and can get to a bike trail and ride it all the way downtown. One of the beaches has been designated as a dog park as well, so my wife and I take our Dog to the Dog beach on the weekends. The area has been enclosed and on a weekend in the summer there might be a hundred dogs all running the beach and playing the swimming in the lake.

Did I mention walk able. I've lived in 3 different neighborhoods and have always had a grocery store, coffee shop, major drug store chain within 5 blocks of my place. It's also great to go out with friends or downtown and not have to worry about who is driving, etc, you just hop on the train or catch a cab and everyone stays safe.
In the summer there are festivals celebrating a variety of different things. Every neighborhood has its own festival in the summer it seems. There are plenty of art based exhibits and performances to check out. I do not think someone can say there is nothing to, there is always something to do here.

The only drawback for me is the winter and to be fair winter is not specific to Chicago only. You would think growing up in Michigan that I would be used to them, and I am, but I do not find them fun. Granted I don't have winter hobbies like skiing or snowboarding, maybe if I did I would look forward to winter. Another bonus of having a great public transit system, the train runs no matter what, you don't get stuck in traffic moving at 15 miles per hour during a snow storm. If it snows bad leave your car at home or at work and relax on your train ride enjoying the view of the snow covered city.

I've traveled to several of the other big cities in the US, and I have to say Chicago is one of the cleanest cities I've been in. the people are great as well. When we were moving here my wife and I could not get over how friendly everyone was. The people of Chicago are very welcoming and quick to offer help if you need directions or to offer suggestions of a good place to eat, and yes the food here is as great as they say it is, and there are a ton of options. Read Less
World-class city, exceptional for every life-stage! 4 rating By Nancy679 ( Feb 14, 2011) The past 15 years have taken me through many phases in this city, from tourist to student to newlywed professional to thirty-something mom, and I have found it exceptional in every stage. There are drawbacks, yes - big city living is not for everyone, especially if you don't lik ...Read More e noise, traffic or crowds and Chicago is no different when it comes to those - but for me, the advantages have always won out.

Living here is like experiencing the entire globe, within steps of your door. On foot, I can reach restaurants serving burgers, falafel, burritos or samosas, and yes, even Chicago-style pizza (Gino's is the best, by the way, but that's a never-ending discussion with fans of deep-dish). My child's classmates in Chicago Public Schools are also a beautiful mix of cultures- Chile, Philippines, Taiwan and more. We can affordably and easily jump on a bus or the famed el train to world-renowned institutions such as Shedd Aquarium, Wrigley Field, the Art Institute or the (always free) Lincoln Park Zoo. Being a resident and a library card holder means additional discounts and freebies (note to tourists... figure out who you know that lives here... most museums have resident discounts and a library card can get you free passes). Neighborhood festivals and the amazing Park District round out the array of affordable world-class experiences available.

Sure, we deal with crazy weather extremes and traffic patterns and it can take you an hour to travel six miles and some people get a little nuts when it comes to sports teams, but this city has won my heart and I won't be leaving anytime soon. Read Less
So Much to do with too Little Time 4.5 rating By hollys ( Jan 18, 2011) Chicago, the windy city as it is named, has transformed into one of the most beautiful cities of our time! Having traveled their many times, my most recent trip left me in love! Chicago has worked very hard to make it a breathtaking trip with all the beautifully arranged trees ...Read More and plants lining the streets, the park in the center of a busy city with its relaxing undertones, the museums were wonderful as well. I was reminded of a mini NYC.

No trip to Chicago is complete without a tour of the architectural history from one of its many tour boats! Our tour guide was just great and the history Chicago has left me wanting to more! The waterfronts are so inviting, I was reminded me of San Antonio's Riverwalk. Chicago's shopping, just another great attribute of the windy city! With so many choices for dining it was extremely difficult to choose from. I loved my trip to Chicago! I truly enjoyed the ability to walk from my hotel to just about anywhere. When I wanted to see the museums we utilized public transportation which was easy to navigate. I look forward to my next trip to Chicago and would recommend going sometime in the spring, maybe even early May. Read Less
Chicago; A great place to leave! 1.5 rating By batman ( Dec 31, 2010) The museums are pretty good and so is most of the lakefront, but other than that, Chicago is a place to avoid. There are no more Discos or DJ clubs, no dance floors anywhere, and therefore, there is absolutely no more social dancing after high school graduation. The people in g ...Read More eneral here are very snobby, standoffish, and stuck up, they always keep to themselves, nobody ever says "hi" to anyone anywhere. The suburbs are way far worse, with even more snobs and in fact the outer suburbs, especially located in the collar county area (DuPage, Lake, McHenry, Will counties, etc) are even downright aggressive towards every single new person that passes through their community. Which I am sure is a tremendous shock to out-of-state visitors as normally the suburbs of any other city in the nation are usually warmer and more sociable places than the main city. Read Less
Chicago, Illinois - A Fantastic City To Visit In the Christmas Season 5 rating By AV Jon ( Nov 05, 2010) I was lucky enough to attend a conference in the city of Chicago in December / 2009. Normally, the conferences I attend are held in smaller cities where I'm lucky to find a local McDonalds. I enjoy the odd Big Mac as much as the next guy, but when I travel to a new city I'm looki ...Read More ng for some culture. So, I was please to know that I'd be heading to Chicago. I extended my stay 3 days past the conference to soak up Chicago as best I could and off I went...

The fist thing you notice about Chicago is that it really is a huge city. I stayed in The Palmer House Hilton (17 East Monroe Street) which is centrally located in Downtown Chicago. Rates are affordable at around $70/night from Priceline and they have a great open bar with a huge fireplace in the lobby. After a few cocktails I decided to head out in the city. The minute you step out the doors you know why they call it "The Windy City". Walking the streets can sometimes be an uphill battle, but it's worth it, especially in the winter where the streets are lit up like the Griswolds house on Christmas eve. It truly does give you that festive feeling.

For my first dinner (post conference) I headed to Table 52, which is Art Smith's restaurant, who also happens to be Oprah's chef, for those of you who care. My first impression is a good one. The restaurant is small, but has a nice little bar with an open kitchen and a stone pizza oven where the chef is pushing out flatbread pizza's that tempt me to reach over the bar and grab a taste. I sit down and the waiter mentions that Art Smith's famous fried chicken is available. I was a little surprised to see fried chicken on the menu, but I went for it and I'm glad I did - best I've ever had! Another nice touch was the free biscuits, I had about 5 of them. After dinner, I visited Macy's and did some Christmas shopping. I'm not a big shopper, but the shopping in Chicago is impressive.

Writing this review of Chicago, its hard to think of any negative aspects. My entire experience was a positive one and I can't wait to return to Chicago. Read Less
Chicago, IL - Fall In Love With The Windy City 5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 26, 2010) I lived in Chicago for three years, and though I have moved on, my heart still resides there. From Wrigley Field hot dogs to afternoons at the Navy Pier, Chicago has something for everyone. Such a diverse city will never leave you bored, because there are always great adventures ...Read More to be had and world class attractions to see.

Many different cultures have blended in Chicago, which means living in this city can make you feel like you've lived overseas. And the excellent Chicago public transportation system allows you to get by without a car, which is good for the environment. The amazing architecture makes for great skyline views, so living in a high-rise Chicago apartment is exceptionally beautiful.

There are only a few drawbacks to living in Chicago. For one, the weather can be uncooperative; wind, rain, and snow are frequent visitors. Also, some areas in the inner-city can be dangerous, but this is common for cities the size of Chicago.

Overall, Chicago is a fun, vibrant place to live. The benefits and positive aspects of this city far outweigh the negative features. Read Less

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      Chicago, IL

      Chicago is one of the most highly populated cities in the US and is known not only as The Windy City but also as the Jewel of the Midwest. The city spans 237 square miles and is teaming with residents. It is one of the country’s most visited cities. It boasts a rich history, amazing food, theater, music, museums, and educational institutions. There are 552 parks in the city and well-known landmarks such as the Willis Tower (Sears Tower), the Magnificent Mile, and the Navy Pier.

      The cost of living in Chicago is significantly more expensive than the average city - even for the most frugal. This is partly because of the combined local and state sales tax, restaurant tax, and grocery sales tax. In addition to this, the city has the second-highest property tax in the United States. However, the cost of housing and rent in Chicago is not profoundly expensive.

      You won’t have to worry about getting around in this city. It is home to the second-largest public transportation system in the nation. There are 129 bus routes and eight ‘L’ train lines. A single bus ride can be purchased with cash. The Ventra Transit Card and the Unlimited Ride Pass are also options for traveling by bus or an ‘L’ train.

      You can hail taxis just about anywhere in the city. You can even e-hail and e-pay. ARRO AND CURB are CHICABS approved apps and are accepted by all taxis. Rideshares are also available with Uber and Lyft. Wendella Boats’ Shoreline Chicago Water Taxi and Shoreline Sightseeing’s Shoreline Water Taxi offer the perfect combination of sightseeing and transportation. Shuttles and limos are also if you are traveling with a group or prefer traveling in style.

      Chicago is remarkably unique, from its magnificent architecture to its industrial infrastructure. Chicago is home to amazing views of Lake Michigan's crystal blue waters and expanse of beaches. Of all the cities in the US, Chicago has the most bridges, 37 of which are movable bridges situated over the Chicago River. If you’re wondering why there are so many bridges, it’s because numerous river branches wind their way throughout the city.

      The city attractions are unbeatable. The many museums, parks, and botanical gardens are just the start. It is home to not one, but two zoos and a river runs that runs backward. This incredible city was the inspiration for the architecture of Batman’s fictional Gotham City. Hearty and delicious, the food is amazing. There is so much to enjoy and everything to love about this city. It’s no wonder so many people choose to visit and live in Chicago, IL.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Chicago? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Pritzker Park
      D'Angelo Park
      South Garden
      Printers Row Park
      North Garden
      Ferd Kramer Memorial Garden
      North President's Court
      Southbank Park


      Money Museum
      Weather Bell
      CIBC Theatre
      Symphony Center
      Studebaker Theater
      Auditorium Theatre
      Begin Route 66
      Paris Metro Entryway (Metra)

      Food & Drink

      Brando’s Speakeasy
      Native Foods
      Elephant & Castle - Chicago Adams St
      Brown Bag Seafood Co.

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Chicago? Of all people who commute, 26.2% take public transportation in Chicago.
      Drive to Work

      28% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      21% higher than the US average

      Walk to Work

      3% higher than the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Chicago a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Thorek Memorial Hospital
      La Rabida Children's Hospital
      Ascension Resurrection Medical Center
      Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital
      Ascension Saint Mary Hospital
      Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital
      Thorek Memorial Hospital Andersonville (formerly Methodist Hospital of Chicago)
      Loretto Hospital


      CVS Pharmacy
      Osco Drug
      Osco Drug


      AMITA Sage Medical Group
      Crystal Optical
      Athletico Physical Therapy
      Physicians Immediate Care
      Town & Country Pediatrics
      Dr. Kenneth Brocker
      Dr. Spencer & Dr. Blount-Odum
      Dr. Wanda Sygieda