Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities F

There are not many amenities close to this location.
Coffee (3) F
Millstone Cafe
Coffee Shop
Entertainment (3) F
Buckeye Museum
Food and Drink (12) F
Fitness (0) F
Groceries (4) F
Micky's Mini Mart
Grocery Store
Parks (336) A+
Buckeye Town Park
Earl Edgar Park
Sunset Vista Park
Shops (14) F
See more Buckeye amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 0.2% take public transportation in Buckeye.
Public Transit Stops (2)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Buckeye commute data

cost of living B+

The cost of living in Buckeye is 112/100 - which is 12% higher than Arizona.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Buckeye cost of living data

crime A-

Buckeye crime rates are 1,017 per 100k, which is 54% lower than Arizona
Property Crime
833 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
184 crimes per 100k
See more Buckeye crime data

employment A+

The median income in Buckeye is $79,156 - which is 54% higher than Arizona.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Buckeye employment data

health F

There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Health & Safety (15)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Buckeye Fire Medical-Rescue Station 701
Fire Station
Buckeye Valley Frie Station 324
Fire Station
Buckeye Police Department
Southwest Family Medicine
Buckeye Fire Medical-Rescue Station 706
Fire Station
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Buckeye health & safety data

housing A+

Buckeye home prices are $246,400 - which is 39% higher than Arizona
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3.1x (home price to income ratio)
See more Buckeye housing data

schools D+

The Buckeye graduation rate is 79% - which is 4% lower than Arizona
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (21) F
Buckeye Elementary School
Grace Fellowship Academy
The Odyssey Preparatory Academy
Bales Elementary School
Marionneaux Elementary School
Steven R. Jasinski Elementary School
Painted Desert Montessori Llc
Westpark Elementary School
High Schools (13) A+
The Buckeye Academy
Buckeye Union High School
West-Mec - Buckeye Union High School
E-Institute At Buckeye
Skyview High School
West-Mec - Youngker High School
Youngker High School
See more Buckeye education data

ratings B

Buckeye has an overall rating of 72% from 38 reviews.
User Reviews (4)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (34)
From AreaVibes
See more Buckeye user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Buckeye, AZ
( 38 Ratings )

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Buckeye Reviews

Write a review about Buckeye Tell people what you like or don't like about Buckeye…
Up and Coming! 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 31, 2023) Buckeye has seen tremendous growth in the past 10 years. Verrado, AZ in particular is a fantastic area to live, new restaurants, health facilities with two new hospitals coming, grocery stores, Costco, pet hospitals, auto mechanics, quaint cafes and coffee shops, and soon to come ...Read More a huge entertainment complex in the west valley at the 10 fwy and Verrado Way. Come check it out! Read Less
Utilities are outrageously expensive 1 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 23, 2019) Buckeye attracts new residents with relatively cheap new homes, and a seemingly low crime rate.

Unfortunately the majority of the city employees don't actually live in Buckeye, and they have zero interest in keeping the costs low for residents. There is a culture of fraud, waste
...Read More , and abuse. Read Less
Safe City NEIGHBORLY 3.5 rating By WARDEN ( Sep 03, 2015) Only Negative I find in Buckeye is I have a wonderful neighbor who's suffering hard times and I come to realize that Buckeye Water Utility doesnt do any extensions or work out plans so once I've seen this it makes me wonder if Buckeye is for anyone who might fall on hard times wh ...Read More ich can happen to any of us! Never heard of such a Utility company, even with dealing with the manager. Go figure! So outside of that well and whatever it is they spray the crops with, its a wonderful town most of the people are really nice and the folks that works at the local businesses are pretty nice. Read Less
Buckeye Arizona a Collision of Old and New 4 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 17, 2015) When I moved to Buckeye, Arizona nearly twenty years ago, I found quiet farming community. There was evidence of a town that had once thrived, but had been largely forgotten, as various disasters had struck and children moved to Phoenix to begin different careers. The past severa ...Read More l years have seen a great revitalization moving Buckeye into the modern age amidst booming growth. Most of the original town remains unchanged, but growth has taken place around it. Much of the culture remains. It has retained a rural feel, but with modern conveniences. Houses sprang up seemingly overnight. Commercial ventures followed suit. The more people means more shoppers. Many major retailers have established locations in Buckeye satisfying all the basic needs of its residents. There are dental and medical facilities, including a hospital.

Buckeye boasts many advantages. Crime is lower than the state's average. Housing prices remain very reasonable. There is dining at most of the major chain fast food establishments and a few restaurants. The biggest drawback is the lack of local employment. This creates a necessity to make a rather long drive into Phoenix, which is approximately 50 miles away.

Buckeye is a quiet family orientated town. Individuals looking to find a bustling nightlife will need to find it elsewhere. This is not to say that it does not offer its share of entertainment. Western culture permeates the town with frequent rodeos, roping competitions and a celebration of Buckeye's history in parades. History is something Buckeye is fiercely proud of. It is reflective in the various events held throughout the year and in the museum that honors the town. Read Less
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Safe City NEIGHBORLY 3.5 rating By WARDEN ( Sep 03, 2015) Only Negative I find in Buckeye is I have a wonderful neighbor who's suffering hard times and I come to realize that Buckeye Water Utility doesnt do any extensions or work out plans so once I've seen this it makes me wonder if Buckeye is for anyone who might fall on hard times wh ...Read More ich can happen to any of us! Never heard of such a Utility company, even with dealing with the manager. Go figure! So outside of that well and whatever it is they spray the crops with, its a wonderful town most of the people are really nice and the folks that works at the local businesses are pretty nice. Read Less
Buckeye Arizona a Collision of Old and New 4 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 17, 2015) When I moved to Buckeye, Arizona nearly twenty years ago, I found quiet farming community. There was evidence of a town that had once thrived, but had been largely forgotten, as various disasters had struck and children moved to Phoenix to begin different careers. The past severa ...Read More l years have seen a great revitalization moving Buckeye into the modern age amidst booming growth. Most of the original town remains unchanged, but growth has taken place around it. Much of the culture remains. It has retained a rural feel, but with modern conveniences. Houses sprang up seemingly overnight. Commercial ventures followed suit. The more people means more shoppers. Many major retailers have established locations in Buckeye satisfying all the basic needs of its residents. There are dental and medical facilities, including a hospital.

Buckeye boasts many advantages. Crime is lower than the state's average. Housing prices remain very reasonable. There is dining at most of the major chain fast food establishments and a few restaurants. The biggest drawback is the lack of local employment. This creates a necessity to make a rather long drive into Phoenix, which is approximately 50 miles away.

Buckeye is a quiet family orientated town. Individuals looking to find a bustling nightlife will need to find it elsewhere. This is not to say that it does not offer its share of entertainment. Western culture permeates the town with frequent rodeos, roping competitions and a celebration of Buckeye's history in parades. History is something Buckeye is fiercely proud of. It is reflective in the various events held throughout the year and in the museum that honors the town. Read Less

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Buckeye Awards

Compare Buckeye, AZ Livability


      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Buckeye? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.


      Buckeye Town Park
      Earl Edgar Park
      Sunset Vista Park


      Buckeye Museum

      Food & Drink

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Buckeye? Of all people who commute, 0.2% take public transportation in Buckeye.
      Drive to Work

      equal to the US average

      Take Public Transit

      5% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      2% lower than the US average

      F Health & Safety

      Is Buckeye a healthy and safe place to live? No, there are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,


      Abrazo Buckeye Emergency Center


      Walmart Pharmacy
