Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (70) A+
Entertainment (37) B
Food and Drink (140) A+
Fitness (37) A+
Groceries (25) A+
Parks (199) A+
Shops (295) A+
See more Boulder amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 7.7% take public transportation in Boulder.
Public Transit Stops (623)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Boulder commute data

cost of living F

The cost of living in Boulder is 169/100 - which is 52% higher than Colorado.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Boulder cost of living data

crime D

Boulder crime rates are 3,414 per 100k, which is 2% higher than Colorado
Property Crime
3,058 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
357 crimes per 100k
See more Boulder crime data

employment A+

The median income in Boulder is $72,279 - which is 16% higher than Colorado.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Boulder employment data

health A+

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (74)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Boulder health & safety data

housing C+

Boulder home prices are $736,000 - which is 178% higher than Colorado
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
10.2x (home price to income ratio)
See more Boulder housing data

schools B+

The Boulder graduation rate is 95% - which is 9% higher than Colorado
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (31) F
High Schools (10) F
See more Boulder education data

ratings D

Boulder has an overall rating of 56% from 31 reviews.
User Reviews (5)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (26)
From AreaVibes
See more Boulder user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Boulder, CO
( 31 Ratings )

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Boulder Reviews

Write a review about Boulder Tell people what you like or don't like about Boulder…
Some places are exceedingly full of unpleasant snobby people! 1 rating By Anonymous ( Mar 18, 2021) Living in my small world for 6 years still paying rent which I can't stand. Lived in a catastrophe of a city. Moving out soon. ...Read More Read Less
Worst City Ever 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Feb 05, 2020) This is by far the worst city that I have ever lived in, and I once lived in Ft. Lauderdale. It's full of entitled, narcissistic, ignorant a**h***s. There is no sense of community, no shopping, no nightlife, and a few hills to look at. ...Read More Read Less
Less Than Awesome 2 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 24, 2019) I am a student here and love it here for the most part. However, the city of Boulder's government is horrendous. Parking tickets are issued every day on a regular occurrence, and for the dumbest reasons. I don't have a single friend who hasn't gotten one. The city provides no spa ...Read More ce to park for free anywhere. Seems pretty silly to need to pay in order to just park my car anywhere I go. The inflation on real estate is also unreal. Many of the houses here are pretty trash for the amount you pay to live here. Awesome place to visit. CU Boulder is an awesome school. But I certainly do not recommend living here. Read Less
Love it here but the local government is full of corruption and make s conduct. 4 rating By Truth ( May 12, 2016) Awesome place to visit or live but you can not trust the local government on any level. Even though its a medium small size town the police kill or murder others and get completely away with it just like any big city. Be careful have fun. ...Read More Read Less
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Less Than Awesome 2 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 24, 2019) I am a student here and love it here for the most part. However, the city of Boulder's government is horrendous. Parking tickets are issued every day on a regular occurrence, and for the dumbest reasons. I don't have a single friend who hasn't gotten one. The city provides no spa ...Read More ce to park for free anywhere. Seems pretty silly to need to pay in order to just park my car anywhere I go. The inflation on real estate is also unreal. Many of the houses here are pretty trash for the amount you pay to live here. Awesome place to visit. CU Boulder is an awesome school. But I certainly do not recommend living here. Read Less
Love it here but the local government is full of corruption and make s conduct. 4 rating By Truth ( May 12, 2016) Awesome place to visit or live but you can not trust the local government on any level. Even though its a medium small size town the police kill or murder others and get completely away with it just like any big city. Be careful have fun. ...Read More Read Less
Boulder, CO - It's More Than Just a Rock 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jul 06, 2010) I manage to get to Boulder, CO about twice a year with work. I have enjoyed every stay I have ever had there. It's hard not to, as the city is absolutely beautiful.

The city of Boulder, CO is just one of those places that is so entertwined with the natural surroundings. The buil
...Read More dings all reflect the beauty of the mountains in the colors and designs that are predominant. Even the homes in the area just seem to really fit.

Considering the large size of Boulder, it's pretty easy to get around. The roads are clearly marked and traffic is relatively light. Considering that it's a college town, you don't see many "crazy teenagers" on the roads.

Boulder, CO seems to be a very health conscious city. There are bicycle lanes along many roads, and they are in constant use. It's nothing to see several bicyclists in all their safety gear riding beside traffic that in turn takes care to keep them safe. I also noticed that many of the restaurants I dined in offered healthy items on their menus.

Every hotel I have ever stayed in during my stays in Boulder has been clean and comfortable. The various restaurants are very good with a wide selection of cuisine, and the people are wonderfully friendly. Read Less

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Boulder Awards

Compare Boulder, CO Livability


      Boulder, CO

      Boulder, Colorado is known as a great place for smart people and as a picturesque city with a grand view of the Rocky Mountains. The city is also known for having great places to eat, an outstanding college and great vacation spots. Here is an overview of Boulder if you're considering moving to a new city.

      If you're looking for a cheap place to live, you should know that real estate prices in Boulder are higher than the national average; however, the beauty and charm of the city is well worth it for people with above-average incomes. When it comes to other expenses, such as food and utility bills, grocery costs are on par with the national average while utilities are slightly lower.

      Boulder is one of the best cities in the United States for outdoor recreation. The hiking and biking trails in the Rocky Mountains have to be seen to be appreciated. The region is also known for having a great deal more sunshine and good weather than most places in the nation. For sports fans, skiing and fishing in Boulder rival that of any other place on Earth. There are limitless opportunities to explore the outdoors and enjoy sporting activities in this city.

      Boulder is a reasonably large city of over 100 thousand people, and there are 39 schools for children in grades kindergarten through high school. The quality of the schools rate higher than the national average. If public transportation is important for your lifestyle, Boulder offers a system of buses and shuttles. There are also taxis and limousines if you're not up for driving your own vehicle at times. Boulder is especially well-suited for people who like to commute by bicycle because it offers an extensive network of scenic bike trails.

      As a highly regarded college town, Boulder boasts a lot of smart people who are also health-conscious. There is an extraordinarily high percentage of people who hold advanced degrees, and you will notice that most people are relatively fit compared to other populations around the nation. That doesn't mean that people don't like to eat in this city. Foodies will appreciate the farm-to-table restaurants that Boulder has to offer.

      If you're well-educated and health-conscious, Boulder is probably a perfect fit for you. The city hosts many sporting events such as Ironman competitions, marathons and other types of outdoor competitions. The town is also known for its ski resorts and snowboarding activities. If you also enjoy indoor activities, you can visit the Fiske Planetarium or enjoy a day at Lyons Classic Pinball. The National Center for Atmosphere Research also provides some fascinating activities for museum fans.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Boulder? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      East Mapleton Ball Fields
      Howard Hueston Park
      Child Play Area
      Bluff Park
      Christensen Park
      Sinton Park
      Elmer's Two Mile Park
      The Bounce Place


      Century Boulder
      The Dairy Center for the Arts
      Wonder Wonder
      Spruce Pool
      Mork & Mindy Show House
      Boulder Theater
      Folsom Field
      Muenzinger Auditorium

      Food & Drink

      Boulder Beer Company
      Fresh Thymes Marketplace
      Bluff Street Bar & Billiards
      Whole Foods Wine & Spirits
      Mediterranean Market
      A-OK Liquors
      Asian Food Market
      Panda Express

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Boulder? Of all people who commute, 7.7% take public transportation in Boulder.
      Drive to Work

      28% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      3% higher than the US average

      Walk to Work

      7% higher than the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Boulder a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Foothills Hospital


      CVS Pharmacy
      King Soopers


      Gunbarrel Family Medicine
      Ideal Dermatology/Skin
      Rocky Mountain Urgent Care & Family Medicine
      Healing Arts Chiropractic
      Boulder Valley Center for Dermatology
      North Boulder Physical Therapy
      North Boulder Physical Therapy
      PTI Orthotics