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Best Places To Live In Oregon 2025

Nearby Areas With A High Livability Score

Oregon: The Beaver State

Oregon residents have it all. They've got rugged ocean beaches on the north coast, miles and miles of dunes in the middle and balmy beaches in the southwestern portion of the state. They've got world-class urban amenities and small town charm so quaint you'll think they've found a magic way to set the calendar back 50 years. Oregon has remote desert outposts where wild horses still roam free, pristine mountain lakes surrounded by evergreens, lush temperate rain forests, fertile farmland, vibrant culinary, music, and arts scenes, and some of the best cool-season wine country in the Western Hemisphere.

Thanks to unique legislation that was enacted in the early 1970s by forward-thinking state and community leaders called the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), Oregon doesn't have a great deal of urban sprawl. For that reason, it's possible to drive for 10 minutes outside of any of its cities or towns and reach a rural environment rather than the endless tract homes and strip malls found in some other states. Green space is also abundant in urban areas. Portland's Forest Park, for instance, is among the largest urban forests in the country.

Because Oregon's economic climate favors independent businesses over franchises and chains, residents also experience top drawer shopping and dining. Coffee and microbrew enthusiasts will discover that they're never far away from a chance to slake their thirst with the beverage of their choice. If you're a fresh produce aficionado, you'll find farm stands and farmers' markets

The secret is out about Portland being among the best places to live in Oregon, and rents and home prices reflect that trend. Rentals are tough to come by in The City of Roses, and prices are climbing higher all the time. Home sales are following suit in Portland proper, but new residents still find good deals in outlying areas. The good news is that the entire Portland metro is well-served by mass transit, so even if you work downtown yet live in a suburb, you won't face an overwhelming commute.

Rent and home sales prices decline significantly in most parts of Oregon once you get out of the Portland metro. Certain parts of the state, however, such as Bend and Ashland, have been deemed as some of the best places to live in Oregon, and their rental and home prices reflect this honor. However, Oregon still has many undiscovered areas that offer an excellent quality of life.

Oregon is a large, diverse state that offers something for everyone. Although famous for its rain, Oregon's weather changes dramatically once you reach the east side of the Cascade Mountain Range. You'll find substantially more blue skies here, but you'll also find more snow during the winter. The area west of the Cascades gets occasional snow, plenty of rain, and is primarily sunny and warm from around the first week of July through the first week in October. All of Oregon enjoys a spectacular autumn.

With so many great places to live in Oregon, it can be difficult to narrow down the playing field. That's where we come in. We're here to provide you with the kind of inside information you need in order to find the best places to live in Oregon. Use our system to customize your search for the best cities and neighborhoods in Oregon by specifying your individual needs and preferences according to what's most important to you and your family.