Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities B+

There are some amenities close to this location.
Coffee (4) F
Charlie's Ice Cream Parlor
Coffee Shop
Inland Cafe
Coffee Shop
Country Cottage Cafe
Coffee Shop
Coffee Shop
Entertainment (5) A+
Crossroads Carnegie Art Center
Theatre Arts
Eltrym Theater
Adler House Museum
Baker Heritage Museum
Baker County Fairgrounds
Food and Drink (8) F
Main Event Sports Bar
Lefty's Taphouse
Barley Brown's Brewpub
Dairy Queen
Fast Food
Burger Bob's Drive-In
Fast Food
Taco Time
Fast Food
In & Out Hamburgers
Fast Food
Fast Food
Fitness (1) F
Baker Family YMCA
Groceries (3) F
Sweet Wife Bakery
Baker Food Co-op
Grocery Store
Little Susie's Meat Market & Deli
Parks (12) A+
Geiser Pollman Park
Baker County Fairgrounds
Sam-O Park
Cedar Acres Park
Shops (23) A+
Davis Computer
Betty's Books
Food Mart
Convenience Store
The Trailhead Baker City
No. 1911
J. Tabor Jewelers
The Flower Box
Dickison's Barber Shop
Clothes Outlet
A Diva Salon
The Sycamore Tree
Gift Shop
Courtesy Home Furnishings
The Last Resort Salon
Thatcher's Ace Hardware
Home Improvement
Dollar Tree
Discount Store
York's Covered Wagon Store
Convenience Store
10th Street Market
Convenience Store
Convenience Store
Country Store
Convenience Store
Food Mart
Convenience Store
Northwest Ag Supply
Home Improvement
See more Baker City amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 0.2% take public transportation in Baker City.
Public Transit Stops (0)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Baker City commute data

cost of living A+

The cost of living in Baker City is 97/100 - which is 13% lower than Oregon.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Baker City cost of living data

crime C+

Baker City crime rates are 1,194 per 100k, which is 59% lower than Oregon
Property Crime
1,126 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
68 crimes per 100k
See more Baker City crime data

employment D-

The median income in Baker City is $46,607 - which is 13% lower than Oregon.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Baker City employment data

health A+

There are some hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (4)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Mountain Valley Mental Health
Saint Alphonsus Medical Center - Baker City
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Baker City health & safety data

housing A+

Baker City home prices are $161,800 - which is 35% lower than Oregon
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3.5x (home price to income ratio)
See more Baker City housing data

schools B

The Baker City graduation rate is 84% - which is 1% lower than Oregon
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (6) C-
Baker Web Academy
South Baker Intermediate School
Brooklyn Primary School
Harvest Christian Academy
High Schools (5) A+
Eagle Cap Innovative Hs
Baker Early College
Baker Web Academy
Baker High School
Harvest Christian Academy
See more Baker City education data

ratings F

Baker City has an overall rating of 45% from 7 reviews.
User Reviews (2)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (5)
From AreaVibes
See more Baker City user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Baker City, OR
( 7 Ratings )

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Baker City Reviews

Write a review about Baker City Tell people what you like or don't like about Baker City…
I've been living for 3 years in Baker City and I love it :) 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 31, 2022) I don't know if the influence of my good comments about Baker City is because I lived in a town where we struggled for 20 years to be able to get a good job and have a decent life. Since October 2019 has been very good for us here. My husband and I started working two weeks late ...Read More r that we move. I stared working in the elementary school. I liked the way the children are treated at the school. My daughter loved here, and I personally worked inside the institute. They have very good teachers, and I don't understand why some parents complain about the school. When they close the school because the Covid-19, know those parents complain that they wans to send their kids to school. I asked my children what they thought about the change in high school, they told me that everything was calmer here and that they liked it, they also told me that it was much simpler because I did not have to deal with so many problems that there were where we were before. They both graduate from High School and the are in on line-college.
We have three stores where we can buy our grocery. One of them we like a lot because the prices are low, but when we can buy certain items we only go to a closer city called La Grande; there we can buy others product because they have Walmart. We can take advantage and it was only like 45 minutes from here.
There is a small movie theater here and we love it because most of the time there are very few people. There are also several Chinese food restaurants, 2 Mexican food restaurants that are very tasty, and several American food restaurants that are not very popular, but the truth is that the food here is very good. when they do the meat.
In my experience, I have seen that most people are paying for their house. I could say that 99% of the people I know have their own house, but if there are rental options, maybe not many, like not in other cities, but especially in the summer. It opens up many opportunities to rent. You do have to have very good credit and not come to ask for help because people here don't like that.
it's very cold in winter and if you don't like it then you better not come because there are three months of a lot of snow and what's cold. Some people feels that they can't go out but the It is not true. if you are a person and you have a family that enjoys the snow. You are going to love it!! if not you are going to heated :(
but I personally give it a 9 for education, 10 for job opportunities, 5 because there are not many places to rent, and a 10 because the people here are very nice welcoming and are with you in difficult times. Read Less
As long as your one of the good ol boys..... 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 09, 2019) There is a REALITY about every town that the high and mighty vacationer/B&B owner wont tell you, so if you plan to actually live here and not just spend the weekend while skiing and then go back to your Portland condo, then read on.
If you don't mind drug addicts having a melt do
...Read More wn in the park, grocery store, or downtown side walk, and if you don't mind having your house broken into by the local teenagers and drug addicts, and if you don't mind sky high prices on EVERYTHING, and if you don't mind frigid winter temps 8 months out of the year and scorching heat the rest of the time then your likely going to love it in Baker City. If you have children make sure your first aid kit is easily accessible because unless your one of the problem your child will get beat up at the park, at school, and on the bike path.
The entertainment within 40 miles consists of a movie theater which is awesome, and a whole lot of BARS where you can easily locate most of the good ol boys in town. Shopping consists of a couple of grocery stores ALL owned by the same people so zero competition to keep prices even sort of in check. You can drive to Boise (100 miles) eat a nice lunch out, get groceries and supplies, pay tax on supplies and still come out ahead of shopping in town AND you dont have to deal with the barefoot and filthy other shoppers in town. There are trinket shops down town for tourists and a couple of "new" clothing stores which smell like the goodwill and do not have much variety or consistent inventory.
So if you decide to stay, and then have an issue of any kind with anything......keep in mind the good ol boy system is solidly in place in this town and even laws do not seem to change that. Very clickish, very difficult to get in, even the Y will notify the click of events which fill up in hours before the regular folks get a chance so if you like to participate or keep your kids busy make sure to get in the click or classes will be full before you even hear about them. We thought this would be a great place to raise children and tried for 5 years but after seeing our children consistantly be bullied and injured with zero assistance from school officials we are moving on. If you really want to know how the system works, ask how many school teachers children attend school outside the district where they live or teach or attend private school. You might be surprised. In the five years we have been here there have been 4 child suicides, 4 "accidental" child deaths, and an endless number of children placed into foster care. Its a very unfortunate place for children to wind up, use caution. Read Less
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Baker City Awards

Compare Baker City, OR Livability


      B+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Baker City? Yes, there are some amenities close to this location.


      Geiser Pollman Park
      Baker County Fairgrounds
      Sam-O Park
      Cedar Acres Park


      Crossroads Carnegie Art Center
      Eltrym Theater
      Adler House Museum
      Baker Heritage Museum
      Baker County Fairgrounds

      Food & Drink

      Main Event Sports Bar
      Lefty's Taphouse
      Barley Brown's Brewpub
      Dairy Queen
      Burger Bob's Drive-In
      Taco Time
      In & Out Hamburgers

      F Commute

      Is public transit available in Baker City? Of all people who commute, 0.2% take public transportation in Baker City.
      Drive to Work

      equal to the US average

      Take Public Transit

      5% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      2% higher than the US average

      C Health & Safety

      Is Baker City a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Saint Alphonsus Medical Center - Baker City

