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Best Places To Live In Atlanta, GA

Nearby Areas With A High Livability Score

Atlanta, GA: Growing Fast

During the last decade, Atlanta has become much more than sweet tea and Southern charm. Georgia's state capital has become one of the nation's fastest growing metropolitan areas. The 1994 Summer Olympics, riveting novels, and popular movies filmed in the area have helped to rekindle interest in the city of the South once burned to the ground by Union troops.

But much more than an interesting history and colorful culture draws new residents to the city of Atlanta. The city boasts one of the highest job growth rates in the U.S. Commerce is becoming a part of the culture with iconic locales like the CNN Center, the largest indoor aquarium in the western hemisphere, and the award-winning Alliance Theater. Yet despite all the construction, it still retains the title of "the city in the forest" and the Chattahoochee River still flows through the metro area.

More than a dozen fortune 500 companies such as Coca-Cola, Home Depot, Delta, along with technology and the entertainment business makes relocation to Atlanta attractive. The city features a variety of housing options,award winning restaurants, and a robust nightlife.

Summer in Atlanta can be hot and humid, but weekend getaways to the cool Blue Ridge Mountains and the coastal island beaches are within a half-day's drive. A few mountain getaways are little more than an hour away in North Georgia where you will find lush state parks, hiking, canoeing, and white water rafting. Winters are quite mild, but if you love skiing, some excellent slopes are within easy access in the mountains to the north.

With all the available amenities, still, the cost of living in Atlanta remains below the national average. The current average price of a single dwelling home is around $200,000 and the average monthly rental is about $1,000.

Atlanta is a sprawling city and consists of many suburban neighborhoods on the outskirts. The traffic into and out of the city often looks congested but the actual average commute time is just slightly more than 30 minutes. The neighborhoods, downtown, and the airport are well connected with MARTA (Metropolitan Area Transit Authority) trains.

Students in Atlanta have a choice of attending Charter schools. Middle school students can attend gender specific schools, and high school students can attend a number of specialty schools. Atlanta residents have several choices in quality higher education with campuses at Georgia Technical Institute, Emory University, Georgia State University, the Art Institute of Atlanta, and more.

If you are planning to relocate to Atlanta, choosing a neighborhood can be daunting. AreaVibes can give you a head start on locating the best place to live in Atlanta. We can help you customize your search list to include all the aspects of living (crime, education, employment, and more) that are important to you.