Amherstburg 67 Good
Amherstburg Livability #107 ranked city in Ontario#427 ranked city in CanadaRanks better than 98% of areas

Pros and Cons of Living in Amherstburg

  • Cost Of Living

    The overall cost of living in this area is much lower than average. This includes everyday goods and services, as well as housing, utilities and health care.

  • Crime

    With a lower than average crime rate per 100,000 people, this area could be considered a very safe place to live. Crime rates are based on both violent and property crimes.

  • Employment

    The combination of higher than average median home income, income per capita and low unemployment rates results in a score that is well above average in the employment category.

  • Housing

    This area has received high scores in the housing category. This could be due to a positive home affordability ratio, high appreciation rates or elevated home values.

  • Ratings

    Local residents have positive things to say about the proximity of restaurants, grocery stores, parks, public transit, friendliness of neighbors, sense of community and overall safety of the area.

  • Amenities

    A majority of amenities are not ideally situated within a reasonable walking distance, which may lead residents to rely on a vehicle or public transportation.

  • Commute

    Public transportation is not readily available in this area and the average commute time to work could also be longer than the national average.

  • Health & Safety

    Poor air quality and the inaccessibility of certain health related facilities like hospitals, clinics, doctors and pharmacies could have all contributed to the low score in this category.

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Compare Amherstburg, ON Livability


      Amherstburg transportation information

      Statistic Amherstburg Ontario National
      Workers who drive to work52.9%37.3%40.0%
      Workers who carpool2.8%3.2%3.0%
      Workers who take public transit0.4%8.2%7.1%
      Workers who bicycle0.3%0.7%0.8%
      Workers who walk1.6%2.9%3.2%
      Source: The Amherstburg, ON data and statistics displayed above are derived from Statistics Canada and updated for 2021 by Environics Analytics.