AreaVibes helps you find the best places to live in the United States and Canada. This is accomplished by creating a Livability Score out of 100 for any city, neighborhood, address or zip/postal code that you can think of. The Livability Score is created from a proprietary algorithm that evaluates multiple different data points for each location, including: amenities, commute, cost of living, crime rates, employment, health & safety, housing, schools and user ratings. The higher the score, the better the area (in our opinion).
When a search is completed and the score is assigned to a particular area, a list of other nearby neighborhoods and cities is also displayed based on their Livability Scores, creating a list of the best places to live. The list can then be further customized to include the various metrics that are most or least important to you. Once you’ve found that perfect place to live, AreaVibes will also help you find homes and rentals.
Not content with being merely comprehensive, at AreaVibes we believe in getting right under the hood. In addition to the Livability Score with supporting demographic data, AreaVibes also provides ratings and reviews from local residents who live in the area. This helps to contextualize the data beyond statistics and percentages, so that informed decisions can be made about each area.