Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities F

There are not many amenities close to this location.
Coffee (13) F
Entertainment (16) F
Food and Drink (87) D-
Fitness (7) F
Groceries (37) C-
Parks (238) C-
Shops (59) F
See more Bakersfield amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 0.8% take public transportation in Bakersfield.
Public Transit Stops (48)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Bakersfield commute data

cost of living F

The cost of living in Bakersfield is 121/100 - which is 14% lower than California.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Bakersfield cost of living data

crime F

Bakersfield crime rates are 4,211 per 100k, which is 49% higher than California
Property Crime
3,329 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
882 crimes per 100k
See more Bakersfield crime data

employment C+

The median income in Bakersfield is $65,687 - which is 3% higher than California.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Bakersfield employment data

health D

There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Health & Safety (48)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Bakersfield health & safety data

housing A+

Bakersfield home prices are $258,700 - which is 37% lower than California
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
3.9x (home price to income ratio)
See more Bakersfield housing data

schools D-

The Bakersfield graduation rate is 76% - which is 5% lower than California
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (130) B-
High Schools (31) F
See more Bakersfield education data

ratings D-

Bakersfield has an overall rating of 53% from 44 reviews.
User Reviews (6)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (38)
From AreaVibes
See more Bakersfield user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Bakersfield, CA
( 44 Ratings )

Living in Bakersfield, CA

Bakersfield Area Facts

  • Bakersfield has a Livability Score of 57/100, which is considered below average
  • Bakersfield crime rates are 49% higher than the California average
  • Cost of living in Bakersfield is 14% lower than the California average
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Bakersfield Reviews

Write a review about Bakersfield Tell people what you like or don't like about Bakersfield…
No nightlife but affordable and safe 4 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 13, 2021) My title is relative to major cities in California. I lived in Bakersfield for 20 years. Its a great town if you don't care to party/have a nightlife and want a safer affordable home. The western part of town-- specifically the southwest-- is the best. It is also the most expensi ...Read More ve, but you can easily get a home in this area for around 300k. This always changes so don't quote me on the price x years from now. The more east you go in town, the worse it gets. It really falls off past the 99 freeway. Read Less
Some Pros .... Many Cons 2.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 26, 2021) So I’ve lived here for 2 years and it’s been ok. First of all, Bakersfield is HUGE! According to Google it’s 151sq miles. So people living in every corner of Bakersfield could have a completely different perspective on life here.
In general I will say that Bakersfield has
...Read More a lot of crime. Generally the East Side and downtown have the most crime. I live in a northern part of the east side, which is pretty safe, but almost daily I see police helicopters flying over head and shining spotlights. A coworker of mine was murdered last year, and I can say that’s the first time I’ve ever said that.
Hit and runs are very common here, hitting cars or people. Also, this city has some of the worst drivers I’ve ever seen. I am not even exaggerating that I see multiple people run red lights daily. It’s probably why there are so many hit and runs.
The rents here are way cheaper than the rest of California, that’s why I ended up here. A 3 bed apartment can range 800 to 2500 per month just depending on the area of town you live in.
There really aren’t many jobs unless you want to work in fast food, but good luck getting someone to call you for an interview. Management in general here is awful and it probably has a little to do with how uneducated the people are around here. The Bakersfield college has one of the lowest graduation rates I’ve ever seen.
It’s kind of sad.
The people here are not really friendly and many have conservative, stubborn and racist views.
Many people are in their own world where you don’t exist. So watch out for people who may not see you and hit you with their shopping cart in the store or with their car on the road. I haven’t had anyone hit me yet but I’ve had a few near misses and see SO MANY accidents.
Also the weather... the winter here is pretty mild and nice. 50-60 for the most part but nights can get in the 40s but I really like it. The summer is another story all together. First of all, summer here is from end of April to October. Most days are 100+ with many days near or at 110. Totally disgusting. And the air quality is some of the worst in the entire country. I have an air purifier going at all times and the filter is so gross. Every time I vacuum, the filter is loaded with debris. My AC unit filter is loaded with debris after a few weeks. So much stuff in the air. It is so gross. My sinuses have been going crazy since we’ve moved here.
Bakersfield is far from the ocean. Over 2 hours. There is a river here, but I cannot comment on that because I’ve never tried to check it out. If I want to see water, I just drive to the coast.
The stray dog population is pretty high. I know it’s bad in California in general, but it’s really bad here.
Bakersfield isn’t all bad. There are many specialty restaurants for any preference. Many vegan options with a few completely vegan restaurants, basque dining and every fast food you can think of. There are many grocery stores, including Sprouts and Lassens for health foods and many other chains like food max, albertsons and vons.
Downtown there are so many antique shops and in particular the old Woolworths is one to check out.
The house prices here are actually pretty good, even new construction. It’s still not the cheapest, but probably the cheapest place in California for a brand new house.
So live here if you need to, but do your research before settling into one area. But, if you have asthma or any other breathing difficulties, I would pass on Bakersfield. Read Less
Areavibes Forgot to Add Bakersfield to the 10 Worst Cities to Live List 1 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 31, 2019) I have lived in the Bakersfield area the past 20 years and I am originally from Tehachap,i so I am qualified to write an accurate review.

First, much of the city is uneducated. Of course we do have a 4 year university as well as a local junior college but the majority of people
...Read More do not have college degrees.

Bakersfield has a "bad side" of town and also a side that is "becoming" bad due to several factors. The east side of Bakersfield, the SE, Ouldale, as well as downtown Bakersfield are all areas riddled with crime. On most years we have about 100 murders, dozens of sexual assaults, and lots of violent and property crime. We also have many people who turn up missing, we find human body parts in our lakes, and so forth. Much of this is due to the fact that Bakersfield has a horrific drug and homeless problem. In fact, other cities put their homeless on the bus and ship them to Bakersfield!

The weather here is very poor. Sure, it is nice in the winter- usually. But unless you like 110 degrees, you ought to steer clear of this town! In addition to the bad weather is the poor air quality. Bakersfield has horrible air... some of the worst in the nation.

Housing costs are affordable, which is a big reason why people move here. However, our unemployment rate is going up thanks to the governor passing his questionable laws. As an example, many big oil companies are having to reduce their workforce or move to other states, such as Texas. And yes. Bakersfield has some nice restaurants but our city also has seen many closing their doors lately. We also have a high rate of restaurant closures due to failing health inspections.

To be honest, I'm not sure how Bakersfield did not make the list. They get higher grades for weather but people should take air quality into consideration as part of what makes up the weather. What good is a sunny day if you can't breathe outside?

Another major problem with our city has to do with the numerous road construction projects that are all going on simultaneously. Numerous accidents are occurring due to the city's negligence. The infrastructure is poor and the city is not accommodating to the growing population. Housing is scarce and some of the home rentals can be quite expensive... unless you live in a crime ridden area.... which is just about every area of town.

In sum, I can recap the city of Bakersfield in a little list for you. I hope that when I retire in 2022 I can move! People tend to get stuck here because the cost of living is low for Califirnia. That is a plus but we are trading that in for our health and sanity. The best thing about Bakersfield is the Buck Owen's Crystal Palace and Hodel's buffet. Anyjow... here is my list:

##  Bad Air.. worst in nation. Most everyone gets asthma or COPD

##  High Crime, murder rate

##  Lots of gangs... Bakersfield area is the cutoff between the northerners and the southerners

##  Crazy drivers/road projects everywhere

##  Bad, toxic water

##  Crime rate increasing as more and more move here from Los Angeles

##  Excess pollutants from agricultural spraying

##  High homeless rate now exploding as others bus their homeless to Bakersfield. We have a lot of hit and runs. Some of them are homeless who walk into the street without looking both ways.

##  Super hot summers; many temps over 110 in June, July, and August


##  Bedbugs in local theaters

##  Bakersfield high rate of dirty cops... steal drugs, shoot then ask questiins, etc. Just google it.

## High allergen area!

##  Kern County on San Andreas fault... One of the worlds worst earthquake faults

##  Highest number of prisons in any one area in nation... in 50 mile radius approx:
Kern Valley
North  Kern
Cal City
Wasco (2)
Lancaster prison (did I miss any?)

And finally.....


I hope this time next year I see Bakersfield on the list. If aresvibes really lioked at this city they'd realize it should be about a 57. And if you come to Bakersfield, be careful. With all the numerous road closures uou are apt to be involved in a traffic accident. Thank you! Read Less
Worst place ever 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 26, 2018) I hate this dirty and polluted garbage city. So many rude people here. Conservative, judgemental, uneducated, aggressive, and careless; just a few terms to describe the people here in little Texas. Save yourself by not coming here! ...Read More Read Less
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Areavibes Forgot to Add Bakersfield to the 10 Worst Cities to Live List 1 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 31, 2019) I have lived in the Bakersfield area the past 20 years and I am originally from Tehachap,i so I am qualified to write an accurate review.

First, much of the city is uneducated. Of course we do have a 4 year university as well as a local junior college but the majority of people
...Read More do not have college degrees.

Bakersfield has a "bad side" of town and also a side that is "becoming" bad due to several factors. The east side of Bakersfield, the SE, Ouldale, as well as downtown Bakersfield are all areas riddled with crime. On most years we have about 100 murders, dozens of sexual assaults, and lots of violent and property crime. We also have many people who turn up missing, we find human body parts in our lakes, and so forth. Much of this is due to the fact that Bakersfield has a horrific drug and homeless problem. In fact, other cities put their homeless on the bus and ship them to Bakersfield!

The weather here is very poor. Sure, it is nice in the winter- usually. But unless you like 110 degrees, you ought to steer clear of this town! In addition to the bad weather is the poor air quality. Bakersfield has horrible air... some of the worst in the nation.

Housing costs are affordable, which is a big reason why people move here. However, our unemployment rate is going up thanks to the governor passing his questionable laws. As an example, many big oil companies are having to reduce their workforce or move to other states, such as Texas. And yes. Bakersfield has some nice restaurants but our city also has seen many closing their doors lately. We also have a high rate of restaurant closures due to failing health inspections.

To be honest, I'm not sure how Bakersfield did not make the list. They get higher grades for weather but people should take air quality into consideration as part of what makes up the weather. What good is a sunny day if you can't breathe outside?

Another major problem with our city has to do with the numerous road construction projects that are all going on simultaneously. Numerous accidents are occurring due to the city's negligence. The infrastructure is poor and the city is not accommodating to the growing population. Housing is scarce and some of the home rentals can be quite expensive... unless you live in a crime ridden area.... which is just about every area of town.

In sum, I can recap the city of Bakersfield in a little list for you. I hope that when I retire in 2022 I can move! People tend to get stuck here because the cost of living is low for Califirnia. That is a plus but we are trading that in for our health and sanity. The best thing about Bakersfield is the Buck Owen's Crystal Palace and Hodel's buffet. Anyjow... here is my list:

##  Bad Air.. worst in nation. Most everyone gets asthma or COPD

##  High Crime, murder rate

##  Lots of gangs... Bakersfield area is the cutoff between the northerners and the southerners

##  Crazy drivers/road projects everywhere

##  Bad, toxic water

##  Crime rate increasing as more and more move here from Los Angeles

##  Excess pollutants from agricultural spraying

##  High homeless rate now exploding as others bus their homeless to Bakersfield. We have a lot of hit and runs. Some of them are homeless who walk into the street without looking both ways.

##  Super hot summers; many temps over 110 in June, July, and August


##  Bedbugs in local theaters

##  Bakersfield high rate of dirty cops... steal drugs, shoot then ask questiins, etc. Just google it.

## High allergen area!

##  Kern County on San Andreas fault... One of the worlds worst earthquake faults

##  Highest number of prisons in any one area in nation... in 50 mile radius approx:
Kern Valley
North  Kern
Cal City
Wasco (2)
Lancaster prison (did I miss any?)

And finally.....


I hope this time next year I see Bakersfield on the list. If aresvibes really lioked at this city they'd realize it should be about a 57. And if you come to Bakersfield, be careful. With all the numerous road closures uou are apt to be involved in a traffic accident. Thank you! Read Less
Worst place ever 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 26, 2018) I hate this dirty and polluted garbage city. So many rude people here. Conservative, judgemental, uneducated, aggressive, and careless; just a few terms to describe the people here in little Texas. Save yourself by not coming here! ...Read More Read Less
Our family stay at Bakersfield California 4 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 25, 2011) I recently visited Bakersfield California, I was sent there on a business trip and decide to take my family along and make it a vacation, since we would be saving on one airplane ticket. The company had arranged the hotel, Marriot Bakersfield at the Convention Center. This was al ...Read More so major savings, since I only upgraded to a bigger suite to accommodate us all. We were picked up at the airport by a friendly Marriot driver who told us the ins and outs of Bakersfield.

So after 2 days of meetings and forums we were delighted to be in this city, the weather was perfect. We ventured to get some breakfast at Cope's Knotty Pine Café, where the only downside was the crowd. Once we were seated and served I had nothing bad on my plate, the food is out of this world. You must try their steak and eggs, or their biscuits and gravy.

After such delicious breakfast we went out for a walk, called Park at Riverwalk, has great trails for walking and riding your bikes, a very large lake, and I was impressed at how dog friendly this park was, it had doggy stations everywhere we looked.

Decided to window shop in Bakersfield. So after the girls made some candy purchases from Dewar's Candy and Ice cream parlor, might I add the chocolate soft ice cream hubby and I had was really rich and hit the spot. We went to downtown Bakersfield and Rosedale where we found little quaint boutiques offering high-end designer clothing.

At night we hit the town just hubby and I for a nice dinner date. At TL Maxwell's; we were not disappointed, very intimate, with great wine selection to go with our steaks. Read Less
Bakersfield, CA - Home of Black Gold and El Taquito 3.5 rating By Anonymous ( May 03, 2010) I have passed through and stayed in Bakersfield, CA countless times on trips between Northern California and Los Angeles. Although it has experienced the same explosive growth as other Central Valley communities over the last 20 years, Bakersfield seems to be different from the o ...Read More thers. Whereas the other communities are typically tied to agriculture, Bakersfield also has a great deal of wealth from the Kern County oil deposits.

Because of this, areas of the city are extremely stately with majestic trees and beautiful homes. On the other hand, Bakersfield has also been home to a major country music scene, having been home to both Buck Owens and Merle Haggard. Even with this strong music history, it offers a simple lifestyle. There are a few good restaurants in Bakersfield. If you find yourself near N Chester Ave, you've got to stop in at El Taquito. Delicious Tacos and reasonably priced!

Ultimately, though, Bakersfield's main attraction may very well be its proximity to much of what California has to offer. It is within a two hour drive of Los Angeles, Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park, the Mojave Spaceport, and the beaches of Ventura County. Because of this, it offers a combination of clean, simple smaller-town living with access to California's significant tourist assets. Read Less

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      Bakersfield, CA

      Bakersfield, CA City charter city, traces its locale in the United States, California. In the U.S, it stands as the 53rd most populated city. It is the administrative center of Kern County and the largest city in the state. Bakersfield, CA City, stands as the 9th most populated city in California. Bakersfield, CA City, is a home for energy and agricultural production. Kern County is a significant producer of oil and leading producers of agrarian products in the United States. The city harbors many industries, including mining, petroleum refining, mineral extraction, food processing natural gas, and cooperate offices. The Bakersfield sound country music genre originated from the city.

      While navigating through the Bakersfield, CA City, you cannot get stranded. There are numerous means of transport to help you explore the city. The city inhabitants navigate through a single highway with three exclusive freeways. These include State Route 99 taking you through Bakersfield North to South, State Route 58 explores through the SR 99 East, going through the South-east part of Bakersfield up to Bastow and Tehachapi mountains. And of course, State Route 178 is a short segment running through downtown to North East of Bakersfield, CA City. Interstate 5 takes a 7 miles away route past the city. While exploring the directions, you cannot forget the four-lane way known as Alfred Harrell Highway.

      With many transport options, you cannot miss the Golden Empire Transit. It serves the urban parts of the Bakersfield city. You can also access the Kern transit, which connects the city to other parts of Kern County communities. Bakersfield bus providers include Flixbus, Greyhound, Intercarlifonias, and TUFESA, to mention a few.

      When it comes to transport, the rail system is not an exception: the Bakersfield, CA City, runs by 2 first-class railroads, including BNSF and Union Pacific. The city's North uses its rail lines. In the southern part, they share the Union Pacific. The route goes through the Tehachapi route. Joaquin Valley Railroad controls most of the routes, and you can access passenger services through the San Joaquin route, an airfield transport at Meadows Airfield.

      Going through the Bakersfield, CA City art and culture will leave you yearning for more. Enjoy the ambiance of the oldest restaurants Basque, Noriega's, Wool Growers, Narducci's, Benji's, and the Pyrenees. The Kern County museum avails an array of regional artifacts. For instance, Black Gold indicates an oil experience. It displays the art of extracting oil in a hands-on approach. The Lori Brock Children's Discovery Museum depicts a modern method of the country music in Bakersfield. You can access a historical museum: Buena Vista featuring the marine fossils era. While exploring the city, you will meet friendly inhabitants who are ready to lead you through.

      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Bakersfield? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.


      Saunders Park
      Beale Park
      Centennial Park
      West Park
      Wayside Park
      Wayside Park
      Jastro Park
      Wilson Park


      Valley Plaza Stadium
      AMC Bakersfield 6
      Maya Cinemas Bakersfield 16
      Bakersfield Civic Auditorium
      Majestic Fox Theater
      Stars Theater
      Kern County Museum and Pioneer Village
      Kern County Museum Historical Reference Library

      Food & Drink

      Taco Bell
      Carl's Jr.
      Jack in the Box
      Taco Bell

      D+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Bakersfield? Of all people who commute, 0.8% take public transportation in Bakersfield.
      Drive to Work

      6% higher than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      4% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      2% lower than the US average

      D+ Health & Safety

      Is Bakersfield a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are some hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Adventist Health Bakersfield
      Kern Medical Center
      Bakersfield Heart Hospital
      Memorial Hospital
      Mercy Hospital Southwest
      Mercy Hospital Downtown


      CVS Pharmacy
      Rite Aid
      CVS Pharmacy
      Rite Aid
      Longs Drugs
      Thriftys Drug Store
      Longs Drugs


      Adventist Health Physicians Network Orthopedic Clinic – Chester